Beyond The Soul: Kai

By Theodore21

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The World...has being lost. Thanks to world-spread contamination, the earth has been polluted and ravaged. Ma... More

Chapter 1: The Lone Heart
Chapter 2: Open Wounds
Chapter 3: To Reclaim The Lost Light
Chapter 4: The Tournament Begins
Chapter 5: The City on the Sea
Chapter 6: The Fragile Youth
Chapter 7: A New Bond
Chapter 8: Innocent Strength...and Pure Resolve
Chapter 9: A Heartless Fate
Chapter 10: Strength of Heart
Chapter 11: New Feelings
Chapter 12: Worries And Fears
Chapter 13: Heartfelt Ties
Chapter 14: The Origins Of Us - Part 1
Chapter 15: The Origins of Us - Part 2
Chapter 16: The World of...Yesterday
Chapter 17: Past Shadows
Chapter 18: Divine Union
Chapter 19: Humanity's Bliss
Chapter 20: A Promise to be Fulfilled
Chapter 21: Honest Goal, Conflicting Drive
Chapter 22: One's Pain, is Another's Sorrow
Chapter 23: Cryptic Clues, Certain Prediction
Chapter 24: A Cold land...and Warm Emotion
Chapter 25: Lurking Suspicions
Chapter 26: Meeting...and Departing
Chapter 27: Tears of a Loved One
Chapter 28: The Fated Awakening
Chapter 29: Divine Fury
Chapter 30: A Story and a Last Request
Chapter 31: True Feelings
Chapter 32: The Call of Another
Chapter 33: A Curious Offer and Question
Chapter 34: A Demon's True Nature
Final Chapter: The Power of Unity


34.3K 384 57
By Theodore21

The story begins on planet Earth during the 22nd century. During the century and the next, the people discovered a new energy source they call Neutronis, a special kind of energy that is more powerful than fusion energy. The new energy allowed the people to prosper and flourish.

At the year 2160 a scientist under the name of Albert Cirrus invented Sentinels. Sentinels are ready grown bio-organic people, with special abilities and powers. Sentinels are new-born beings so they can mentally be shaped in any image. People used sentinels as protection, chores, and even fighting in sports and competitions.

Albert Cirrus and his family quickly gained fame and fortune for this miraculous invention. The citizens of Earth seemed to enjoy the life of prosperity; however, little did they know their world was dying. The energy called Neutronis was drawing its power from the very life force of the Earth; the more people used it the more the land suffered.

 The citizens became worried as the land and wildlife slowly decayed around them. They began crying out to stop the usage of Neutronis energy but it wasn't as easy as that. Greed and ego gripped many of the people, Neutronis energy made life easy for them, so not many were willing to let go of this precious enhancement to their lives. The world split itself into two factions; the Guardians who tried to rid the world of the energy and the enforcers who tried to keep the Neutronis energy for themselves.

The guardians (who refused to use the sentinels) vastly outnumbered the enforcers but the enforcers employed sentinels using them as living weapons to keep their enemy at bay; however, in their ignorance the deterioration of the world only accelerated.

Since Sentinels ran on Neutronis energy the Cirrus family were blamed for these wars. On the year 2310 the Cirrus family were tasked with creating a new safe energy source before it was too late as countries began sinking into the sea, and the lands were becoming rotten. Pretty soon the people evacuated to wherever they could making the strife only worse.

The year was 2350, and things were becoming desperate; over half of the world was now uninhabitable and rotten. Just under half the world's population had died and the rest were now crammed into whatever living land was left.

With the land dying no food could be grown, the water became polluted, and even the air slowly turned poisonous. The fights however still continued, now the sentinels began fighting on behalf of their owners to try and earn supremacy over the people but the sentinels powered by Neutronis only further added to the damage to the world.

 In a last resort bid, the world's remaining leaders or royalty gathered together for a top secret meeting to discuss the situation. The world was now no longer suited for human life and beyond saving so they were forced to launch a project called the Exodus.

Their plan was to take whatever land was salvageable and suspend it high into the air away from the contamination. The most current Cirrus family member, Hubert Cirrus, had invented a stable and safe form of Neutronis energy called Alpha energy, this would help support life above the surface.

Their first act was to forbid the use of Neutronis energy to ordinary citizens only allowing themselves and high-ranking officers to use them. This lead to the mass destruction and confiscation of sentinels among the citizens to try and save whatever land was left.

Just a little before the year 2400 plan exodus had finally started to become a reality. Alpha energy had been advanced enough to point where it could support life such as cleaner the air, drinkable water, and stable living conditions; however, time was running out.

 Only 5 large lands were left as the world continued dying around them.  Using Neutronis energy, they formed five energy sphere, which becoming cores would elevate the five countries into the sky but that would only kill off whatever land was left.

Using the newly formed alpha energy they created special pillars at the middle of each land which would not only cancel out the harmful effects of the Neutronis core, but would support life on the surface. With this Phase 1 of plan exodus came into effect.

No-one knew actually knew of the true result of plan Exodus. They didn't know, not even Hubert Cirrus, how successful the plan would be. So they performed a test. They took the worst land out of the surviving five and placed a neutronis core at the centre and an alpha energy pillar at the top. They also attached  four great chains at each corner of the land to prevent the land from flying away. With uneasy thoughts and heavy hearts their triggered the core and pillar and to their utter delight the plan was a complete success as the land hovered over the land.

In great haste they implanted a core and pillar at the other four lands, also attached by chains to see if they worked...which they did.With all fives lands successfully floating, they gathered every citizen onto the lands, detached their only link to the surface...and then the five lands began rising away from the dying land below to start their new life in the sky.

The year is 200 AE (After Earth) in the newly named Skyland among the five remnants of the land below. The five countries were named, Ventus city, Aqua City, Terra, Solemn town and Nova Aerris.

 Ventus city is one big column with the rich living at the top while the poor slaved away at the bottom. Although financially divided it was the most balanced country in terms of resources and advancement.

 Aqua city, named after its vast water supplies and small pockets of villages above great seas and lakes.

 The third was called Terra, which is the poorest in terms of wealth, but is the most sustainable with flourishing wildlife and land.

The fourth, called Solemn town looks like how Earth used to look before it became polluted. However, how Solemn town looks like this is a mystery.

The final city, which lies at the centre of the four countries is called Nova Aerris. A highly advanced and profitable country. Nova Aerris is where the world's new rulers and Elites reside. Since it is closed off to the other cities the actually working of Nova Aerris is unknown. The only remaining tie to the world below lies in the sentinels. Thanks to the newly formed Alpha energy Sentinels could be safely made without causing harm to the world.

Sentinels essentially being bio-weapons carry a unique power or ability. Some are just physically strong, some for house work, some may have an elemental power. Every person above the age of fourteen is allowed to choose a single sentinel to take and train to their hearts content.

To prepare the young people, they are sent to school before and after they have united with a sentinel to study and learn. Sentinels are essentially new born people, with no emotion or behaviour at first, so the children are most essientially taught how they act and teach their sentinel.

Second, There they train, they co-ordinate and grow with their sentinels in the hopes to participate in the annual sentinel skyland competition.  An event organized by the rulers of Skyland where the winners would be awarded a chance to live at the utopia of Nova Aerris.

The story now moves to the financially divided Ventus city.  Here in this city lies a boy, the heir to the Cirrus bloodline. The boy of nearly thirteen,whose parents passed away, is walking his way to a pair of glass doors. He often went through these doors to the place where he would remember happier times from his past. Tomorrow, he would pick his own sentinel.

Most kids of fourteen, some thirteen, in this city are allowed their first sentinel, and since sentinels are for life choosing the right one is critical. He attends school regularly but often comes here during the breaks. As he walked through the doors, little did he know that the sentinel he soon would pick may change the fate of Skyland...and the world below

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