My Despicable Bully

By EmilyMahalia_

18.9K 535 66

*NEW & IMPROVED* He despised me for the right reasons, and the other loved me for the wrong reasons. The two... More

| Chapter 1 |
| Chapter 2 |
| Chapter 3 |
| Chapter 4 |
| Chapter 5 |
| Chapter 6 |
| Chapter 7 |
| Chapter 8 |
| Chapter 10 |
| Chapter 11 |
| Chapter 12 |
| Chapter 13 |
| Chapter 14 |
| Chapter 15 |
|Chapter 16|
|Chapter 17|
|Chapter 18|
| Chapter 19 |
| Chapter 20 |

| Chapter 9 |

887 34 9
By EmilyMahalia_

I got in Chresanto's car and put my dufflebag in the back.

Chres: Would you like to stop by Pollo Loco's and get something to eat?

Me: yeah sure.

We got there and entered.

Chres: what you want pretty girl?

I smiled and blushed.

Me: you always calling me that..

Chres: because that's what you are.

He smiled at me. Oh God, that million dollar smile of his.

We got to his house and he let me in. We went straight upstairs to his room. I dropped my dufflebag and plopped on his bed.

Chres: tired?

He laughed.

Me: and hungry. Give me my quesadilla!

I said as he reached into the bag and tossed it to me. He laid down beside me and ate his. He turned on the TV and searched for a movie.

Chres: what do you want to watch?

Me: ah, I dunno. How bout Beyond the Lights? It's my favorite movie.

In the middle of the movie, I got thirsty.

Me: Chres, I'm going downstairs to get some water.

Chres: k.

He said, paying more attention to the movie. I chuckled and exited the room. I walked into the kitchen and searched for a bottle of water. I found a pack near the microwave and grabbed a bottle. I turned around to face a lady who looked a lot like Chresanto.

Lady: um, hello. Are you Santos girlfriend?

Me: uh, not quite.

Lady: not quite? Oh, your Mahalia! Yes, he talks about you a whole lot. Your so pretty!

Me: oh thank you! He does?

Lady: yes, he always talks about how gorgeous you are and so interesting and lovely. He told me that he really really likes you but you're not sure yet.

I blush.

Me: yes ma'am.

Lady: okay. You too have fun. I'm going to the grocery store to get a few things.

And with that I ran back upstairs.

Me: hey fool. I meet your mom.

I said cheesing. He shot up.

Chres: damn. She told you how much I blab about you, didn't she?

Me: yes she did!

I said while climbing in the bed with him.

Me: but I think it's cute, that you think of me that way.

I say, smiling and looking into his eyes. He stared at me, his smile disappeared and he looked at my lips. He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed him back.

Jacob POV

It felt amazing to hold her in my arms. I want to be close to her again. In both ways. I needed to up the ante. I got up, grabbed my keys and rushed to her house.

I arrived at her house and rang the door bell. No answer. I rang it again. Still no answer. Where could she be? Well, one thing at a time right? I called Chyna over.

The door bell rang. I answered it. It was Chyna.

Chyna: Hey babe!

She said hugging me.

Me: ha, hey girl.

She came in and we went to my room. She sat on my bed.

Me: so how've you been?

Chyna: without you? I've been okay.

I chuckled.

Me: naw, you better off without me.

Chyna: you know I like you Jacob. And I know you like me. So what's up?

Me: can we not talk about this?

I said, getting annoyed.

Chyna: I wanna talk about this now.

She said, rubbing my thigh.

Me: Chy, don't do this.

She stood up and got very close to me, her body pressing against mine.

Me: Chy-

She cut me off and started kissing me. I pushed her away.

Me: Chy, stop!

Chyna: what the hell is going on Jacob? Why don't you wanna be with me?

Me: I'm thinking about things right now. I invited you to hang, not Netflix N' Chill.

She sat back on my bed with a furious look on her face.

Chyna: SO. How was your day?

I laughed.

Me: it was chill. You?

Chyna: I went to swirlz. The 3 girls were talking about there boyfriends and I DIDNT HAVE ONE TO TALK ABOUT.

I laughed at her.

Me: you so petty. Wait, 3? Who was the third?

Chyna: Mahalia.

My heart skipped a beat for a minute.

Me: ...She got a boyfriend?

Chyna: Her and Chresanto and item or whatever.

Me: where'd you go afterwards?

Chyna: the girls and I went shopping. She went to Chresanto's house. Why you asking so many Questions?

Maybe that's where she is. I won't allow this to continue. I fake yawned.

Me: alright Chy. I'm getting sleepy. I think I'm gonna crash.

Chyna: bye boring.

She said, walking downstairs and out my house. I waited till she was out of sight then raced outside, into my car, and on the way to Chresanto's house.

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