Misbehavin'- Only One on My M...

By SNB_Kavi

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Is Avi Kaplan a cheater? What will happen when he finds himself in trouble with Kirstie while he and his girl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 14

1.1K 43 30
By SNB_Kavi

A/N: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! The comments that where left on chapter 13 where SO inspirational! I wasn't feeling all that confident about 13. Sometimes after typing so much, you look back and it feels like you've written nothing at all... But to hear what you's really like seeing, reminds me that I'm at least headed in the right direction, and helps me better plan the following ones! Thanks Again!!

Kirstie's POV:

We've been given a slight break from PTX related work. The producers are in the final stages of polishing and finalizing our new album. Which may or may not require us to occasionally pop into the recording studio for some last minute changes. This means that for the next few weeks, the five of us are really focusing on our personal lives before we are literally thrown into a crazy press frenzy when the album finally drops. This is all perfect timing for Avi and I. 

The other day, Avi spoke with my landlord who (desperate to rent out his vacant spaces) was surprisingly quick processing his application and getting back to him to talk about money. After all was said and done: payments made, checks cleared, dotted lines signed, hands shook... Avi was handed a key. Here we stand, in the middle of a room, almost identical to my living room, staring at the white walls with goofy grins on our faces.

"How does it feel, Mr Kaplan?" I say, holding a pretend microphone to his face.

"It feels great Ms. Maldonado!" He said. He lifted me off of the ground and spun a few times (his favorite move to use on me). We rocked back and forth embraced in a hug, "It feels really good," he whispered. Something was new, fresh about Avi lately. I'd like to be able to take credit for some of his new found happiness. Nonetheless, his joy fills my heart. I am so happy for him.

Avi's POV:

Kirstie offered to help me move, of course. But I definitely didn't want to find out how Amber would react to her presence... judging by the way she reacted when I mentioned her name last... I went ahead and hired movers with a van. Amber had been nice enough to move all of my stuff into the living room. When we arrived I knocked, even though I had a key, this wasn't my place anymore. 

She came to the door and let us in. There was a guy there. Didn't know who he was, I'd never seen him before, didn't bother to ask. He could be her new boyfriend. Don't know, Don't care. Amber didn't bother to introduce him, she did however make a point to laugh loudly at the things he said, and was sort of on the flirty side with him. If she wants me to think she's happier without me, then I glad to see her that way. I'm happier myself, I want her to be happy too...

The workers closed up the van outside. There was an awkward silence in the room as I stood there sliding the key off of it's ring. I placed it in her hand then turned an closed the door behind me. I was free. That was the last shackle, and it has finally broken. New girlfriend, new apartment, new album, new start, new Avi.

The movers brought the last of the furniture into my new place. I always liked to do something nice for workers who come into my home, so I ordered a few extra pizza's for them to take for lunch. I really appreciated their help. Of course I had considered asking Kevin, or the guys to help move. I remembered that if they new I was moving that there would be more questions about why. I really wanted to ease into this whole 'Kit and I are a couple' thing. Speaking of Kit, she was in the kitchen, putting my dishes and silverware away. She had been a HUGE help! I handed her a credit card and sent her Bed Bath & Beyond, and told her not to come back with anything pink... She helped me buy a new bed, and a few things for the living room. There's a lot I still needed, but we figured we'd spend most of our time at her place anyway.

I was glad to know that my love was only one staircase away from me if I needed her, or if she needed me.

KIrstie's POV:

Avi parked the car outside of Scott and Mitch's house. And we just sat there... stalling... Neither of us said anything but we were both VERY nervous about todays meeting. It was a meeting like any other. We are in between projects and we usually try to regroup and physically get together at least one time before we start the next big thing. Esther and Darien (Our Co-Managers/ Cutest couple ever) wanted to get together to run through the game plan for press meetings and such. This was also a time where we  could voice any ideas, questions or concerns about basically anything before moving forward.

Scott was the only person who really knows about me and Avi's relationship. He did catch us in our 'morning after' mode, which was pretty embarrassing. He said it himself, he's expecting answers. The both of us know that he'll find  way to put us on the spot; in true Scott Hoying fashion, by claiming 'greater good of the group'. He means well. We need to do this anyway. We fully intend to. I feel nauseous... which may or may not have something to do with my nerves...

2 hours later

"Great!" Esther said clicking her pen, "We're all set! Good talk everyone." Avi and I happened to sit pretty far apart in the room today. We weren't trying to do that but it happened, and it made us uncomfortable. We tried hard not to stare at one another lovingly (We're still honeymooning).

"Awesome, anybody got anything else they wanna talk about?" Scott asked, "Anything at all?" he looked right at me... and didn't break eye-contact. I tried not to glare too hard, as I'm sure my face is already beet red. I opened my mouth to speak when Avi beat me to it.

"Yea actually, uh! I need to say something." he said rubbing the back of his neck. Everyone turned to look at him. I pitied him, but was relieved that he was stepping up. "Well! Amber and I broke up."

"Really?" Esther asked... maybe a little too eager.

"Yea... We did." he looked down at his feet.

"Aww man, I'm sorry to hear that." Darien patted his shoulder. I think almost everyone in the room knew that he and Amber wasn't going to work out, so no one was too surprised.

"Oh! No, it's all good. Actually everything's great!" His face lit up. "I just moved into a new apartment."

"Oh congrats!" Mitch said. I followed Avi's gaze. He and Scott where exchanging raised eyebrows, I wanted to kick Scott!

"Thanks! and uh, there's one more thing." He said, I wish he would just say it, I'm so nervous I feel faint. "I have a girlfriend now. A new one!" C'mon Avi spit it out!

"Oh wow, already? I mean do we know her?" It was Kevin's turn to chime in.

Avi's POV:

"uh, yea you do know he-"

"WE HAD SEX!" Bravo Kirstin... The room went dead silent. She quickly covered her mouth with her hands. She shrunk in her seat and mouthed the word "sorry" to me. The silence was broken by a loud billowing laugh coming from Mitchell.

"HAHAHAHAH OH MY GOD YES!" he was tickled, "YES! THIS IS PERFECT!" Scott jabbed him once to shut him up.

"What I meant was," she said clearing her throat. "After years of friendship... Avi and I have decided to start dating each other." The room bursts into laughter at her sad attempt to save her rear. 

"OK, OK EVERYONE!" Esther hushed the room. "I'm very happy for you two, congrats" she started, "I'm just letting you know that I am not gonna interfere here... How you plan to tell the fans and such has gotta be up to you... So no one else go spilling their business out there!" she glared as Scott and Mitch, "I do however expect that our work stays professional?" she poked me with her pen.

"Yea, yea.." I shooed her away, "We'll be careful we promise."

"Why are you two sitting so far apart?" Mitch asked pushing Kirstie up off of her seat, "Go get your man, boo!" After much loud teasing she reluctantly came over to me and sat on my lap earning a few 'oohh's' and 'aawws.' I tickled her a bit a placed a small kiss on her neck.

"Eeew, this is weird..." Kevin said bluntly

"Yea, I take back what I said..." Mitch covered his eyes,

"Yea this is much weirder than I thought" Scott said, "Just stop touching each other... seriously..."

We knew this was an adjustment, for everyone. We also knew they would come around soon! The car ride home was more comfortable silence. I noticed Kirstie closing her eyes a bit, and leaning against the window. "Ya ok, babe?"

"mmhmm!" she hummed. We parked and she got out of the car and went up the steps like a zombie... Was she sick today? We went back to her place. As soon as she opened the door she ran all the way through the apartment and into the bathroom, where I could hear her vomiting. She didn't want me to come near her, although I wanted to maybe help her... She finished, standing up to brush her teeth, and then shuffled out into the living room. She plopped down next to me and weakly laid her head on my shoulder. 

"You sick, doll?" I said, wiping sweaty bits of hair from her forehead. 

"I don't know. I don't really feel sick but I've been throwing up lately."


"Yea" she closed her eyes. "Last night, and this morning." I wasn't here this morning, I've been trying to actually stay in my own apartment. 

"Maybe something you've eaten?"

"Yea, maybe."

I thought hard. We've eaten just about every meal together for the last three day. I feel fine. I shrugged it off, unfolding a blanket to throw over us. Kissing her forehead, I let myself drift off to sleep with her.

A/N: Aww Snap! 

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