The Sword Thief

By TheOwlAndTheWorm

77.5K 1.7K 188

Garrett's a master thief. Matilda's your classic tomboy-princess. Garrett craves adventure. Matilda wishes de... More

The Sword Thief
Princess Matilda
Hidden rooms and lonely goodbyes
Let's high jack a horse!
The king, nightmares, and bears, oh my!
The fight
Great. Were all gonna die
May the quest begin!
matti's memory locket
I threw up biscuits for love?
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
The End

Chapter 19

2.2K 55 6
By TheOwlAndTheWorm

Still in Matilda's P.O.V.

I don’t get very far when I hear the sound of footsteps following me. Not feeling like turning around I keep walking till the person catches up. 

“You okay?” Garrett asks falling into step with me. I shrug not sure how I’m feeling.

“Common, you can’t just go through something like that and not feel anything.” He sighs stopping me and turning me around to face him.

“Are.You.Okay?” He inquires shaking me slightly.

“I can understand you!”

“Arrrreeee. Yoooouuuu. Okaaaayyyy?” He repeats shaking me so hard my head bobbles back and forth.

“Yeh-y-hus!” I reply giggling once he's done.

“Good.” He decides, grabbing my hand and pulling me to lay down in the grass with him. We watch the stars in silence for a while, and I realize I actually am okay. I don’t feel the urge to cry, father finally knows where I am, and I no longer need to disguise myself. Just thinking about that makes me fidget with anticipation.

“Something have you excited?” He says turning his head to face my direction

“Just happy.” I reply now fixated in finding the big dipper. 

“Is that so?” He murmurs in my ear pulling me closer.  

“Hey, now how am I supposed to find the big dipper?” I whine smacking his chest.

“Here.” He offers using the hand I hit him with to point at the stars. But I'm no longer interested in the stars and I involuntarily tune out of his chatter, I look around the area we're laying in. Still bored I turn to look at him, and notice a tiny little scar that runs through both his lips.

“How’d you get that?” I asks involuntarily fingering the scar with my fore finger. 

“Long story.”

“I have time.”

“Mmm I’d rather not tell.” He says turning so that our foreheads are now touching.

“Awww common what’d my bad boy do that’s soooo baaadd.”

Your bad boy…” he mumbles leaning towards me locking our lips together. It starts sweet and cautious as if asking me if this is okay. And once my consent is made it soon turns into a more desperate kiss, as if he needs to kiss me, needs to feel me near him, has to touch me. We both pull away gasping and grinning like mad.

“You still never told me about the scar.” I remind him snuggling in closer and poking his chest.

“And here I was thinking you’d forgotten all about that.” He chuckles leaning back in. And that’s how we fall asleep, wrapped in one another’s arms covered by the starry blanket gleaming above us.

Garrett's P.O.V.

 “Oooohhh looks like Garebear and Matticake had a busy night.” are the first words I wake up to.

“Shut up James.” I mumble without even glancing to see who it is. I hate waking up early. If I could I’d sleep till seven, eat, then go back to bed and life would be perfect.

“Oh common! I suggest you wake up before Matti’s Dad comes out here and skins your hide.” He says complaining and kicking dirt at my side. Groaning I roll over to land on something…soft.

“oowwww.” The something that sounds a lot like Matilda mumbles beneath me. My eyes snap open, and to my surprise it is Matilda!

“Mornin’ sunshine.” I say kissing her forehead.

“Get off me.” She grumbles shoving me off of her and getting her self up from the ground. Her hair sticks up in all different directions and I imagine my hair looks somewhat the same.

“Matti! Everyone in the castle is looking for you! I suggest you hurry your sorry butt and get into the castle!” Olivia screams from the window above us.

“Shoot” She says to herself then sprints for the castle. As soon as she’s gone I turn to face James.

“So what’s happening with you and Olivia?” I inquire, watching, as James face immediately turns stressed out.

“Don’t remind me.” He groans planting himself back on the ground.

“Common! You’re a prince for goodness sake! ”

“She’d still say no.” he mumbles.

“Yeah right, she’s poor she’d do it for the money if it came down to it.”

“Thanks, that makes me feel tons better.” He says punching my shoulder with all his frustration.

“Sorry.” I mumble rubbing the sore spot.

“Well I was kind of planning to ask her today…” he says running a hand through his hair.

“Kind of?” You can’t kind of  think of proposing to someone if you’re royal. Everyone in the kingdom normally knows every detail about the proposal even before it happens. They know where it’s going to happen, when, what the place looks like, what the ring looks like, and all kinds of details. The only one ever clueless is the future fiancé.

“Well I haven’t told anyone, I was just planning to. . ., I guess, kind of, should I catch her off guard?”

“Why are you asking me that?! Like I know what to do.”

“Well what am I supposed to do! Does it have to be romantic? Or do you think she’d prefer it out of the blue?”

I give him a blank look.

“Your on your own man.” I say getting up to pat his back and leaving him to wallow in his sorrow.

Olivia's P.O.V. 

I have no idea why but I’m mad once I see Matilda. She stumbles in huffing from her sprint here and looks panicked. I involuntarily glare at her.

“What?” she asks taken aback by the look I’m giving her.

“Nothing.” I mumble suddenly uncontrollably grouchy.

She eyes me wearily.

“Well come on were not safe yet! You need to get changed!” I huff grabbing her arm and hauling her upstairs.

While waiting for her to primp up I pace around the room trying to figure out why I’m mad.

Oh. Yeah.

She’s THE princess Matilda and she never even bothered to tell me. Realizing this I let out a frustrated yell and stomp my foot.

“What’s your problem?” she asks from the bathroom.

“You.” I simply reply.

“Excuse me?” she says stepping out of the bathroom in mid brush raising an eyebrow.

“You heard me.”

She closes her eyes and looks like she’s trying not to lose her temper.

“Why are you mad?” she asks going back to brushing her hair.

“Why do you think?” I say just to tick her off more.

“I don’t know that’s why I asked.”

We glare at each other for a few more seconds.

“How come you never decided to tell me you’re a princesses?”

“Wasn’t important.” She says starting to put on a new dress.

“Oh I think it was plenty important.” I say, tying the sash around her dress for her.

“Hmm I guess it just slipped my mind then.”

“You. Lied.” I say pulling the sash as hard as I can on each word.

“No, not lying. You just never a-” she finishes mid sentence because I pull the sash to hard. 

“And your not even going to apologize?” I ask getting feeling tears start to prick my eyes.  Why on earth am I crying?

“Apologize for what! I never lied! I was never mean to you! I was your friend, and I never insulted your little minion Grace! If anyone should be apologizing it should be you for being mad at me in the first place!” She screams finally losing her temper.

“Friends don’t keep giant secrets like IM A PRINCESS from other friends! Friends don’t secretly despise other friend’s friends! And just because you didn’t flat out deny being a princess doesn’t mean you didn’t lie! We’ve spent all our time here looking for a stupid sword you won’t even tell us about and you’ve disguised your self and pretended to be a commoner for almost a month now! You should be apologizing!” I yell the tears finally breaking free.

“Yeah, well, I’m not.”

And with that I take off blindly running for the stairs. I don’t care where I’m going just anywhere that doesn’t have to do with royalty. Opening the large castle doors, I stumble out on the yard trying my best to breathe. My sobs are choking me and I’m getting dizzier with each step. Farther down the lawn I notice a red head depressingly picking at grass. At first it reminds me of Matilda and I’m about to turn away, when the head turns to look at me.

My cheeks redden as I realize he’s looking at my tear streaked, delusional, face. He gets up and starts to make his way over to where I’m standing. Plopping down on the ground I watch as he comes over. His read hair is actually more on the red side with natural highlights of orange in places. His hair curls upward in all different directions just a little above his ears. The sun glistens off the hair just above his eyebrows missing them by just a fraction of a centimeter.

            Daring to look, I attempt to take a quick glance at his light brown eyes, but as soon as they lock with mine, I can’t find the strength to move them.

 “What’s wrong?” James asks sitting pretty darn close to me. Now I have a new problem.

 “I don’t know but my heart won’t stop beating.” I reply frustrated, slowly massaging the skin above my heart willing it to stop.

“What?,” I snap noticing a smirk slowly spreading across his face.

“Nothing.” He replies, obviously trying not to laugh.

“Nothing my rear. What!?”

“Nothing, just maybe your hearts having a little episode right now cause I’m sitting next to you.” He smirks glancing my way.

“Pft. Yeah right.”

“Oh really?” He says a sly smile spreading across his face as he leans in closer towards me.

“Stop! You’re going to make it explode! Back up!” I shriek shoving him away and it instantly slows.

“Whoa.” I breathe perplexed by what just happened. Still absorbed by the show my heart just put on I don't notice that  Paul has come back to being just as close as before.

“What’d I tell ya?” he whispers in my ear making my heart go right back to its erratic pace.

I gasp as I feel his mouth brush against my cheek. He pulls me closer so that I’m sitting on his lap, and his lips are making their way to mine, when I think… I just might have fainted. 


HAHA! it was getting good right! XD tehe! we'll just have to wait for the next chapter! :P MUHAHAHAHA

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