That Girl You All Forgot

By JumpTheStars

319 36 18

She was right. April was right. When she said that he stared at me like I was the centre of his universe, I d... More

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November 4, 2015

14 1 0
By JumpTheStars

So my bestie hates/loves me. She asked me a question on the bus yesterday after school. Now I may get some of it wrong, but don't judge. This is what she basically said:

"If you had to choose between them (KC and Adrian) who would it be? You don't have to tell me."

So I thought about it, and I got the answer as she got off the bus, and I told her, and she said don't tell me. Write in your book. Or don't.

So I'm going to. I'll tell you my decision. And why. But first, I think I'll you some arguments I had in my head. You know, KC/Adrian arguments? Yeah, let's go.

So I first off, talking to KC. I text him almost everyday, and we talk about, like, everything. Cuz we know who we like, and we talk about that, and about the fights and drama at school, the name calling, our friends and more. Also, he's helping me write the script. And I know, if we stopped being you know, that close, he might stop talking to me. But I told my self that Adrian seems like the kind of person that would talk to me a lot. And check in on me. And if I was having a bad day, he would try to make me laugh. And he would try to get me to stop talking crap about myself. So basically, all they things KC did. So I did get an answer to that argument. And April was telling me something while I thought about this, so I'm sorry girl, but I wasn't listening. ☺️

Next argument. KC cares too much about his reputation. He's a very popular guy, but cares too much about what he does, and what he does. I was talking to him, and he said that he wanted to go to Halloween Haunt, and Canada's Wonderland, which was ending the next day. I told him to ask someone, but he told me that doesn't look good for him "reputation." So I "joked" about it. Told him, since now you decide what's cool and what's not, when will I not be cool? But I was genuinely upset! Who freaking cares?!?! I'm not a cool person, and he talks to me. And he's not awkward at all. And I'm too awkward to not have an awkward, ummmm, guy. And Adrian is very awkward. Well in a good way. He's popular too (he's popular with the mainstream though. Although a lot of gifted guys know him) but he doesn't care. April said he was super awkward at camp, and one day last year he came up to her and he was lonely and that they were besties. See? Good, cute awkward! So again, that one answered. Also, I told this to April, and she said that if she could get me to stop swearing, that she could get him to stop caring. Then she said "hey that rhymed!" Yeah, barely heard that part too. But she could probably do it.

Another argument. Who I would like to hug in the hall. Or have walk up behind me at my locker and cheesy stuff like that. And I feel like April and KC would go that together. She would go out of the class first, and because his locker is passed hers, and hers is closer to the class, he would walk by and kiss her cheek, then go to his locker. Or on his way to class, goes behind, kisses her, and waits to go in together. Right? And cuz my locker is close to his room, and he has to walk by it to get to his, Adrian might work better. He would put his stuff in his locker really quick, get his jacket, and walk up behind me and put his hands over my eyes, say guess who, and wait for me. Then we would walk over to April and KC, who are actually closer to his locker. Then, if I got cold outside, I would get to wear his jacket that he always wears (it's like a hockey jacket or something) and yeah. I just don't see anything cute happening with KC. Just awkward encounters. Which is what happens with Adrian right now.

Ok, now onto another one. The thing is, I know almost everything about KC, cuz we talk, like, everyday. But with Adrian, we only smile at each other in the hall, look at each other and catch each other, said a few words to each other, but other than that, umm not much. But I really like him. And I think I know too much about KC to learn more. I want to learn new things every week, or even everyday, about the guy I like. Wouldn't that be adorable?

So I set up a situation. Well 2 actually.

First 1-

It's the valentines dance. Even though I'm supposed to go with April to that, apparently it goes a little different.

So what happens is I get asked by both of them. KC just comes up to me and ask if I want to go to the Valentines dance, and I told him that if I did want to, tomorrow are the dance I would come up to him. And if I didn't, I would probably avoid him. And this was at first recess. At lunch recess, I open my  locker and a note is there. I go to April, and we decide to read it. It's a riddle, and the answer was the baseball field. So she thinks it's Adrian, and so do I. So I go there, and under the far baseball field dugout is another note. And I'm supposed to go to the bleachers at the back... Alone. So I do, and Adrian is sitting there, looking all cute and awkward, and asks me to the dance. And I said the same thing to him as I did to KC. And (can I just say they and was my 1000th word in this chapter) I end up going with Adrian.

Next situation.

I have to tell Adrian I like him. Or KC. And I can't tell both, or neither, cuz April dared me to do this and she's a butt. So I had a long, over thinking period, and I choose. So I google "cute ways to tell your crush you like him", and then I get a really cute idea. So on Monday, cuz it was the weekend, at a sleepover I got dared to do with, and I go to Adrian and tell him. With a cute thingie, but I don't know what it is. And he says he likes me too. So I have to tell KC that I don't like him. So, this was Aprils idea, I ask him for advice. On another guy. And he goes "what?!?" So I tell him, and it turns out we haven't liked each other for about a month, and he's liked April. So they get together, and him and I are besties, and Adrian and I go on dates.

So if you didn't get this yet, I think I would choose Adrian. *sighs dramatically* if I were to choose one, it's him. My mom would like him better, cuz she doesn't like KC. And I have to actually figure out a way to tell Adrian. For a dare. Cuz I sent that message to him on DM, and after 2 hours, he didn't see it, so I deleted it.

Ok. So it's been a long chapter. And I'm done. I've figured it out. I made 1 argument and both those situations while writing. This wasn't all from before. Thanks for listening. 😘

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