The Arranged Marriage


1.5K 127 29

As I walk down the aisle I begin to think about my options. This marriage was arranged by my father when I wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 7

73 7 1

     When I wake up I get out of bed and strip out of my pajamas and head towards the shower. I turn it on and get right in welcoming the cold water. After a moment it turns warm and I begin to wash my body and hair while shaving my legs. When I'm satisfied I get out and wrap the towel around me, walking over to my bag. I pull out a pair of black skinny jeans and a dark green T-shirt, and pull a brown leather jacket over it. I then complete the outfit with some brown ankle boots.

     I grab my bag and quickly descend the stairs eager to get to the next castle. I knock on the office of the Grand Duke of Germany and I am met with his approval of entrance. I open the door and when he see's me his eyes go wide.

     "Sorry to bother you but I'm leaving now," I say to him.

     He nods his head, "Yes, well...have a nice trip, and I hope that you find your mate," he replies.

     I am dumbfounded by his words, just yesterday he tried to get with me and I could've had him killed. I just nod my head and leave his office without another word. I approach the castle doors and they are opened by the guards I say goodbye, and they do the same. I walk out into the bright morning ready to search for my mate. I reach the end of the dirt road from where I came and take out my map, following it's directions to the French castle.

     I begin to run so that I may get there with enough time to search for my mate. Vampires have an amazingly enhanced speed compared to a humans. We are as fast, if not, faster than the Lycans, or werewolves, as they are called now. I get to the castle in record timing at 10:37am, I approach the steel doors of the castle and one of the guards asks why I'm here.

     "I'm here in search of my mate," I tell him. "I was also hopping to stay here for the night while I look," I say and he leads me inside, over to the door of an office. The guard knocks on the door and there is a response on the other side.

     "Come in," says the deep husky voice. The guard opens the door and fills in the Grand Duke of France of my information.

     "So your here to stay then," he says to me and I look up at him. I take in his appearance, there is a slight stubble on his jawline and instead of wearing a suit like the rest of the men do he is wearing a simple white shirt and blue jeans. I was quite surprised to say the least, but it was nice knowing that we could all be simple.

     "Yes sir, only for the night if it's alright," I ask him.

     "Of course, it's always nice to have company in my presence," he assures me. "My guard will take you to your room my lady," he says. He opens the door to his office and the guard is standing there waiting.

     "Éric, please take our guest here up to her room," he tells him.

     "Of course sir," he replies and takes my hand. I am led to a room on the second floor of the castle with double doors. The guard let's go of my hand and uses it to open the two doors. I am greeted with a light blue color like the sky and a massive king sized bed. To my left is a bathroom and a closet, while on my left is a huge window with a seat on it.

     I turn to the guard, "It's amazing Éric, thank you," I say to him.

     "Is there anything else I can get you while you stay here?" He asks, and I nod my head no. He then turns on his heel and leaves me alone in the room.

     I set my things down on the bed and walk out of my room, I begin to explore the castle not wasting any more time. I start in the south wing of the castle but nothing turns up, this is the same for the rest of the places I could look for him. I am so disappointed, I can't believe I would even think I would find my mate before the wedding. I reach for the vase close to me and chuck it across the room, I need I drink, I think to myself. I run up to my room and change into a sexy black dress that hugs my curves, I put in minimal amounts of makeup to bring out my best features and when I'm done I grab my black leather clutch and head out.

     I arrive at the doors of the castle and they are opened without question as to my appearance. I walk out into the cold autumn night, I didn't even know how long I've been looking for him until I stepped outside. I walk down the street until I come across a club next to no where. I walk in and all eyes turn on me, it was actually really annoying.

     "Please don't stop on my account," I say to everyone and they cheer going back to doing whatever. I head to the bar and ask for the strongest drink they have, it's not like it would affect me anyway. The bartender nods his head and gets to work.

     "Strong drink for such a little lady," I hear a man say beside me.

     "Yeah well I'm here to have fun, and I'm not wasting any time," I reply to him.

     "I could give you a round of fun if you like," he says to me. My drink arrives and I chug it down.

     "I might just have to take you up on that offer," I say to him. He smiles and reaches out a hand, I gladly take it and let him lead me to his parked car.

     He opens the passenger door for me and I step in while he runs to the other side and gets in. He starts to turn on the car but I stop him.

     "No, I want to do it in the parking lot," I say to him and he smiles once more before sliding his fingers to the back of my neck pulling me to meet his lips. The kiss is rough and in one swift movement I am pulled across the center console. I gasp at the quick movement allowing his tongue entrance, he is quick to take the opportunity. His tongue roams my mouth and mine does the same. I lift up his shirt feeling his abs, while he lifts up my dress to reveal my large breasts. He then takes the whole thing off itself so that I am exposed to him. I take off his shirt and kiss down his neck where I will kill him. He runs his hands down my sides telling me I'm sexy. I smile against his neck and allow my teeth to elongate before I bite down hard, draining him completely. He wont turn since all of the blood is gone. I release my teeth from his neck and watch as the glow in his eyes disappear.


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