It Needs to Be you(Lesbian St...

By AliciaBloMieLudick

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Chapter 1 - Welcome to the new age
Chapter 3 - Some lies should be told
Chapter 4 - Did that just happen?
Chapter 5 - Make it stop
Chapter 6- Only the bad girls like the taste of tar
Chapter 7 - Neon colors to welcome you to reality
Chapter 8 - Some we will win some we will lose
Chapter 9 - I keep dreading this day
Chapter 10 - We are beautiful
Chapter 11 - Kiss and tell
Chapter 12 - Love

Chapter 2 -Dear John

7.8K 186 27
By AliciaBloMieLudick

Authors Message

Hey guys so her is the newest chapter.
This is copyrighted and I have put everything I have into all of my writing.
I hope all of you appreciate it and enjoy it most of all.
And thank you for reading and commenting on this book whether it be 20 reads or thousands all of it matters to me ever single person.

Enough soppy this back to our story.


Zoey P.O.V

Another and another medical journal. At least I love this. I love being this person with direction in life. I knew what I wanted and what my mom wanted for me.

I can’t believe it’s been two years since her death. I always thought it silly when people would say ‘I still feel like they are here with me’ I mean it is not really accurate is it? Logically I mean. Of course there has been nothing more true and more note worthy. I feel her love around me pushing me through my doubts.

I hear somebody knock at my front door and quickly jump off from my seat. Those journals are seriously driving me crazy. Good thing is my mind stays on track. My mind stays on track with the important things.”Yeah I’m coming relax.”I say opening the door. SHIT. Maybe I forgot one thing.

“Can you please explain to me why I haven’t seen you in a week?” She asks walking inside my apartment looking pissed.

She has all the reason to be really. How the hell could I forgot about her? Have I been drowning myself with too much work? No matter it’s not a excuse and definitely not one to voice.

Can I explain why I haven’t contacted my girlfriend in a week?

“No.”I say seeing her stare at me in disbelief

“No? That is all you have to say? Do you realize how worried I was? I thought maybe something had happened to you so I drove passed the hospital and checked. Funny I didn’t want to seem like a clingy girlfriend trying to hunt you down so I just asked at the hospital because I was afraid of your well being. No way my loving loyal girlfriend would just up and abandon me like that. Where were you bum? What did I do wrong?!” She asks her hands fiddling with each other.

Last time I saw her hands fiddling like that was the day she asked me out. Other than that I never saw her nervous around me. Like she is now. I should’ve called.

“I don’t have an excuse. I got caught up in this”I point to all the medical journals on my desk “I should have called. I’m sorry bum. You did nothing wrong ,how could I ever be mad at you. Between your beautiful smile and your loving personality there is no way anger could creep inside of me.”I say taking her small petite hands in mine seeing a faint smile playing on her lips.

“I am still mad. “She says slowly walking closer to me pouting her pink lips.

Never in history has there ever been anybody who would not find this incredibly cute. Maybe it is the way she walks with confidence or the way that her voice makes my skin crawl with desire.

“Never again.”I whisper opening my arms to her. Her arms snake around my waist and I hold her tightly smiling at our perfection.

“I know I just came here and made a scene but I don’t really want to keep you from your studies,I could go?”She asks sweetly .Something I have learned in my 20 years of life is that you should never , ever take pretty girls for granted.

“Actually I was thinking dinner. You want to go eat somewhere. I could feed you?”I ask my thumb stroking her jaw as her eyes light up

“You mean feed me like a monkey?”She says sarcastically smiling at me

“No, no more like a queen. “I say sound cheesy. Certain she will call me on it.

I see her face become animated as she shakes her head and giggles more and more. Yep thought so.  

“Not that funny…” I say grabbing my sweater from the rack.

“You coming? ” I ask as she skips to me grabbing my grab entwining my hand in hers making me grin.

Eva- Somebody who entered my life when I needed it the most. Her bubbly self took away every single glimmer of negativity. She made me smile again and forget. The first week we saw each other I could get enough of her. We would spend days laying on the grass listening to music talking about almost everything. I would find myself falling for this beautiful girl who saw the world in a way I forgot how. Eva is just the type of person you feel privileged to be around the type that makes you feel special.

“Baby what are you thinking about?”She asks kissing my arm

“The girl I am falling for.”I say winking

She touches my chest softly planting a kiss there exactly where my heart is my snuggles up to my arm as I start the car.

Lasey P.O.V

I am thinking about a song. Still thinking about her as well. I should stop obsessing. It’s clear I should refrain from any contact with Eva. This must be some sick karmic joke. The one person I actually make an effort to get to know turns out to be my ex girlfriends newest squeeze.

So this song seems appropriate. Somewhat dark as well. I remember playing it to myself over and over again after the break up. So It’s called Dear John.
See Dear John fit like a glove.

My dad always told me about the letter they used to send their girlfriends in the army when they were away .Pages and pages of ‘I miss you ‘s’ and ‘I love you ‘s’ ,pages of heartache so deep if felt impossible to write about.

Back then when ever somebody got a letter from his girlfriend and in this letter she would break up with him all of the guys used to call it a Dear John letter. It’s silly I guess but it stuck. He told me about how all of the guys had there Dear John letter and luckily my mom never wrote one of those. I agree.

These Dear John letters where break up letters. Then I started think about that crazy romantic tragic movie Dear John with Channing Tatum. I loved that movie. After she broke up with me this song came on the radio. Dear John by Taylor Swift.

This one sentence that felt like somebody punched me in the stomach. How sad is it that it only took a few sentences of one little song for me to break down completely.

Well, maybe it’s me and my blind optimism to blame. Or maybe it’s you and your sick need to give love and take it away. And you’ll add my name to your long list of traitors who don’t understand.  And I’ll look back and regret I ignored when they said run as fast as you can.

 It felt like she sang those lyrics for me. My own private Dear John letter I will never get to send to Zoey.

I hate not being able to tear my obsessive brain away from the girl with that stupid grin on her face,The girl I still two years later clearly see lying next to me. Promising me the world and then tossing me aside.

I would’ve moved on a long time ago if I could have just figure out the one question that stalks me everyday .

What did I do wrong?

Beep Beep

Miss Lane please remember your tutoring session with some of your fellow class mates tomorrow at 8H00 don’t be late .
Professor Adams.

Also next week Monday class will be taught by Professor Evans.


I really thought I could stay in my room forever and the world would just forget about me. I guess after a week I should climb out of my cave.

I should stop being so pathetic about now. I can be strong. That is one thing I learned. I should’ve known by now things were only going to get stranger.

Walking into the coffee shop I quickly scan the room making sure there are no traces of Eva or her girlfriend. Please to see the place mostly empty I slide into one of the booths taking out my book I have to do this semester and continue where we ended in class.

“Miss could I get you any coffee?” The waitress asks kindly

“She will have a coffee with three sugars.” I hear someone say and soon after see Eva sit cross from me.

“Morning Lasey I guess we had the same idea. I can’t believe we have to go to class at 8 in the morning. Mister Adams is too hard core on us.”

Just ignore it maybe it will go away. It being Eva. She must be crazy or something she hardly knows me but thinks we are friends all of the sudden. It’s been a real nightmare.

“Lasey? Hello anybody in there?” She asks her face lit up with happiness

“I have to go.” I say grabbing my coffee and putting a five dollar bill on the table.

“Hey wait up why are you ignoring me?” I hear she says as she jogs to my side

“I’m not.” I say flatly rolling my eyes at her persistence

“Lasey does this have something to do with Zoey?” She asks “You didn’t seem too fond of her. Did she do something to upset you?”

“Yes..No..Let’s just drop it.”I say shaking my head

“Just tell me at least. I mean that is the least you could do after ditching me for a week.”She says standing infront of me with her hands on her hips


“You wouldn’t..”

“Lasey is that you?!”I somebody yell and see a figure running towards me oh my. No way.

“Sam?” I ask unsure if this older women could really be Samantha Evans. From her shoes to her blazer she seems professional. Not like I remember her either. I guess everybody has changed except me.

“It really is you wow what a great surprise.” She says hugging me instantly .A friendly hug. The way you would hug your family after not seeing them for a while.

“Um Lasey?” I heard Eva say looking at us confused

“Oh shit sorry. Sam this is Eva and Eva this is Sam my um friend.”I say awkwardly seeing Sam grin at me

“Yeah I’m guessing ex girlfriend right?”Eva say seeing us both nods at the same time

“Anyway what are you doing here? Aren’t you suppose to be giving lectures at Harvard?” I ask grateful for the information you can find out on facebook . Literary almost everything

“Yeah I still am but I am transferring to Stanford next year so I thought is might be cool to come here a few times and get used to it.”She says

“Wait you’re a professor now?” I ask stunned. Last I remember her wanting to publish a fictional book.

“Yes I need a day job besides after the book tour I pretty much was just loafing at home eating cheerios.”

“Wait your Sam Evans? As in She wears the moon on her ring finger ?”Eva asks Sam

“You read my book?” Sam says seeming surprised

“I read it like five times. It was so emotional when the main character dumps her girlfriend because she didn’t want to stand in the way of true love.” Eva say gushing over it as I stand there dumbstruck hearing all the events as memories and looking up at Sam who is completely aware of my presence as she smiles to me every now and then.

“So how is Zoey doing?” Sam asks and I see Evas eyes turn even more into shock

“Oh she is just great even though her classes are keeping her extremely busy. Oh well you know what they say coffee is the miracle cure for anything!” She exclaims

And people never say that.

I didn’t need to look at Sam to know she was having a mini heart attack when her minds starts realizing this situation. I see her frown at me deeply tapping me on the shoulder and rising her shoulders in question. Questions to be answered later of course when Eva wasn’t ranting about how cute her dimples as when she eats chocolate pudding. I see Sam look at her watch ,a frown still of her face.

“It was very nice to meet you Eva and please tell Zoey I said hello. We will have to arrange dinner or something.” Sam says shaking her hand

Shaking her head they exchange details. Now she has to be involved with Sam aswell ?

“Lase can you walk with me real quick?” Sam says

“Okay well I’ll see you later then?” Eva asks ”Right?”

“Fine. See you later” I say giving up the fight rolling my eyes as I turn around to Sam

She raises her one eyebrow giving me a questionable look.

“First question.”She says opening her car door for me to get into ”Does she know?”

“No.” I say smiling innocently “I haven’t really got around to telling her .Neither has Zoey.”

I guess the best option is just to tell Sam the truth. At least to have one friend to give me some sort of advice. From my ex, at least it hasn’t being the weirdest part of this weak.

“Second, How the hell do you get yourself into these situations?” She says laughing dryly

I will tell you how I get myself into situations like these situations. I am the prime target for the universe to just push me into situations and see me squirm. Of all the people in all the world. This would only happen to me.

“Not on purpose I promise you.” I start with and continue by telling her all of it. From the girl that doesn’t know how to spell Adams to the tucked in confession that Zoey still smell the same as always and of course that I Lasey Lane got drunk.

“Damn and I thought my life was interesting. How about we grab some food tonight and talk about it?” She asks

“Um Sam I don’t think that is s..”

“I have a girlfriend Lase. I am very much in love I just want to go out as friends.” She says

“I didn’t mean.. Okay I will see you tonight then?” I ask feeling dumb for automatically assuming that she was making a move on me. I am not very surprised that Sam has a girlfriend though. She deserves to be happy.

“I’ll pick you up at seven. I have to get going they are waiting for me in the staff room.”She says unlocking her doors

I smile and thank her for driving me to class and jump out waving her off.

I can’t believe she is here. That she is a professor now. I wonder how it would’ve been like if we had stayed together? I know I would have had more stability.

“So your ex is back in town? How is that like?” Eva asks not really listening to any of the tutoring I am trying to do

“Eva coming to a tutor class at 8 in the morning means you want to improve your grades. Why aren’t you paying attention?”I ask trying to avoid question of Sam

“I know but its so strange right .What she said about Harvard and moving here. What if its destiny?”She gushes in excitement .

“She has a girlfriend and it wouldn’t work.” I say flatly

“Why wouldn’t it work though. Say she didn’t have a girlfriend?”

“No, I love her as a friend. It’s complicated really and there is just too much history there. “I say hoping I ended the conversation.

“She seemed too care a lot about you.” She says winking at me

“We are going to dinner tonight to catch up.”I say instantly regretting that I said it.

The next hour I was completely bombarded with question and with ‘advice’ I soon gave up and talked to here about all of it. At least still leaving the nameless one nameless still. After the lesson we walked out of the building and I saw Zoey parked in front of us waiting for Eva. I watched her smiling and being silly staring at Eva. I knew she saw me. She didn’t want to look again I guess. She hates me that much.

Waving Eva off I turn and walk to my dormitory.

Sam is back in my life, and so is Zoey .I’m guessing this is a recipe for disaster.

Zoey P.O.V

“You look cute today.” I say seeing her twirl around in a circle and smile brightly

“Just for you baby. I missed you so much today. Did you work hard?”She asks sitting next to me now kissing my hands.

That is also something I love. She did this the first month we started dating. We would be having an argument or we would just be being silly and she would kiss my hands softly and then nothing else mattered. I just kept thinking how adorable and sexy she was and how I will do anything in my power to keep her this optimistic with the world.

“I did, always do but I know everyday is going to end great.”I say

“Oh why is that?”

“Because I get to see my favourite person in the world and kiss her and that’s all.”I say cutting myself off before I become too corny

“No ,no go on.” She insists jumping on my lap

“And you are my favourite part of the day Eva.” I say seeing her cheeks turn pink .She hugs me kissing my neck softly

“And you definitely are mine. Oh yeah I have gossip I forgot to tell you!” She beams jumping up from my lap

“So you know my friend Lasey right?”She asks and sadly I just nod “Well her ex is here for the weekend. And I think she knows you aswell. How strange right.”She says

Sam?Why would Sam be here?It doesn’t make sense last month when I called her she told me that she and Rachel(Her fiancé) were settled in at Harvard and pursuing there careers there together?

“Sam?”I ask

“Yeah and apparently Lasey told me that they are going out to dinner tonight.” Eva says thrilled to share her gossip with me

So Sam and Lasey are having dinner together and Rachel is back in Harvard? Lasey is stealing Sam away from Rachel I am betting. How could she do this when she knew how much shit we went through. I won’t pretend to know what she is thinking. I don’t want to, but I have to talk her out of it.

“Sam also said that we should go out some night in the weekend she wants to catch up with you too.”Eva says and I nod standing up and grabbing my coat.

“Babe where are you going?” She asks

“Just going to buy that Italian bread you like so much be back now.”I say in a hurry and walk outside getting into my car.

Before I knew it I was inside Lasey’s dormitory knocking at her door feeling anger fill my vains. How the hell could she do this. Again.

“I’m coming.”She says

I wait there until the door swings open and a girl stands in the door way someone I hardly recognize. Its Lasey dressed up in a black dress and red lips stick paired with red shoes. Wow.

I see her face change to shock when she realizes it’s me at her door. She quickly straightens her dress and starts blushing in embarrassment. She probably thought it was the maid or whatever. She closes her door behind her and looks at me questionably.

“Umm yeah sorry for just showing up I just have to talk to you about Sam. I know she is back and I know what you are doing and I am just going to asks you to stop it before it is too late. Sam really loves Rachel and it would be unfair of you too come between them considering you had your chance with Sam.” I say turning to leave

“Wait so you actually thought Sam is here because I want her back? That I am actually that desperate to go after somebody who is in a relationship? That is how low you think of me? That is how much you hate me?” She asks breathing hard her face turned a shade of red .Whether it be anger or sadness or a bit of both I think I had the wrong idea of what is going on

“That’s what it sounded like. I didn’t mean to jump to conclusions. “I say putting my hand up apologizing and turning around again

“Sam is going to work here next year. She came to get comfortable. Once a month she has to give lectures here to become attentive with the way Stanford works as opposed to Harvard. I don’t know why she is moving.” Lasey says

“Okay then. ”I say from a lack of anything else to say

“Is that all you came here for? Is that all you came here for Zoey? To treat me like a cheater.”She says now walking towards me

“Look whatever okay I jumped to conclusions. “I say

“Get out.” Lasey whispers looking at me like I never saw her look at anybody

“My pleasure.”I say walking towards the elevator.

Standing in the elevator I see her face turn to sadness as she shakes her head at me. Some part of me wanted to tell her everything was going to be alright ,a very small part. It wanted me to tell her that I don’t hate her. That she saved me and I threw her away because it was too painful.

I don’t hate you Zoey I am just no good. I wanted to yell and kick and scream for her to run before her innocence gets flooded with my damaged soul.

I got away didn’t I?

Did I?

Authors Note

Hey guys hope you are enjoying the University years
Vote and comment on your favourite things about this book and also about
what you think is going to happened.

How many of you actually like Eva ?Would love to know**

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