The Arranged Marriage


1.5K 127 29

As I walk down the aisle I begin to think about my options. This marriage was arranged by my father when I wa... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 1

179 8 2

I slam his body against the back seat of his car. Its been like this for decades, I meet some pathetic human on the streets, promise a night of pleasure, but in the end I'm the only one who walks away satisfied, with the body left alone drained of its life source...blood.

I return from my thoughts and kiss down the strangers neck where I will steal his life. But before I do I reward myself with his hands running all over my body. I moan as his hands run over each and every curve he comes across. He kisses me passionately on my lips and I return the favor. I move my hands up his shirt and run my fingers over his toned body. For a guy on the streets at midnight he was a good one to bad I had to end it. I remove my lips from his and reveal my fangs to him striking some fear into his body before I dive to his neck and suck out every last pure drop of blood.

I wait until his body becomes limp in my arms then I replace my naked torso with my black shirt. I get off of the body and leave him in the back seat while I walk away feeling satisfied not even knowing his name. I begin to walk home welcoming each gust of cold wind, the heels on my feet are killing me and I can't wait to be home for once. My memory of home is not the best, all I remember is my mother dying by my side while my father couldn't be bothered to see her. He always came up with some ridiculous excuse not to see her. I lost all respect inside for him, but when I saw him I made sure to put on a pretty face for if I didn't I'd be beaten until unconscious.

I am brought back to reality when I reach the castle. I approach the doors and order the guards to let me in. They oblige and the doors open immediately revealing and old Victorian interior. I love the elegance the place gives me just like the vampires are, elegant but ruthless. I walk down the corridors and when I pass by my fathers chambers I am sure to be extra quiet not to wake him. My room is only a little farther away from his and when I reach it I open the doors and I'm greeted with a creamy beige color with a queen sized bed and a chandelier hanging above it. To my right there is a dresser and a setup for makeup, not that I need any. All vampires are given the gift of beauty, but royal vampires are the most beautiful of all. To my left is a walk in closet with everything I could ask for, and next to the closet is the bathroom with a huge tub and shower. I must say being royalty has its perks.

I close the door to my bedroom and enter the bathroom, I strip down until I'm bare, turn on the shower and step in when it becomes warm. I wash my long brown hair with shampoo and then with conditioner. I pick up the bar of soap and run it roughly over my body making sure to get rid of the human scent still fresh on my pale skin. After I'm done I turn off the shower and step out grabbing a towel in the process. I wrap the towel around my body and walk over to the dresser to grab a pair of shorts and a shirt. I then wrap the towel around my hair to dry it better. A couple minutes pass and I'm exhausted from the day. I hang up the towel turn off all the lights and climb into my warm bed, falling into a deep sleep with no dreams or nightmare's.


Hey everyone this is my very first book I'm writing on wattpad. I hope you like it as much as I love writing it so far. Please no copyright. So anyway enjoy...

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