The Book of Lost Stories

By EA3112

900 47 57

This book is a collection of short stories formed from the mind of a teenage girl (a.k.a me). It consists of... More

Twice as Innocent*
Mystery Boy
The Shadow*
Missing Cookie Dough and Smiling Orphans
The Bummer of Being a Presidents Daughter
A Soundless Battle ~ Not Another Fairy Tale
A Soundless Battle ~ Twice as Shattered
Murder of My Beloved
The Reunion
Deaths Impact
The Unseen
Animal War
Can't Handle The Beauty
Writing Contest
What Do You Think?
Living in the Country
The Mystery in The Big Apple
Finishing Up
Alternative Ending: Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge

Aisha Bint Abu Abkr

29 2 4
By EA3112

    Aisha was a very smart woman and had an excellent memory. She grew up in a very Islamic environment. She also spent more than ten years of her life with the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) as his wife. So she had a lot of knowledge on Qur'an, hadith, poetry, and medicine.

     Aisha had her own copy of the Qur'an. She wrote down suras in the order they were revealed. Once,  scholar came to her from a land afar  to compare his Qur'an with hers. She was also a Hafiz. 

    Aisha is the narrator of over two thousand hadiths. Whenever there was a disagreement with a hadith, they would always go to her  to end their dispute on the subject. 

    Aisha was very generous, and was always conscious of others people feelings and needs. She was also very poetic. Therefore she liked to use words that held deep meanings. 

    Aisha knew a lot about medicine as well. She was very involved in the battles that were fought. Taking care of the brave men who were wounded in battle. She was also with the Prophet during his final days. Because of her knowledge, she was known as the scholar of all scholars.  

     Once, after a battle, Aisha was left behind. A companion found her and offered to escort her back. When everyone saw them walking past when they had finally got back to Medina, the began to spread horrifying rumors about them. Allah revealed Ayas eleven through twenty-one of Sura An-Noor. Clearing Aisha's name himself. 

   After the death of her husband, Aisha lived to take care of the community and please Allah.  She took in children and taught them. She established a school in Medina for orphans and those who were poor. 

    Overall Aisha was a kind person at heart. She devoted her life to please Allah, and help in any way she could. 

A/N: So, what do you guys think? This is actually a real person. Aisha is a woman role model in Islam. I hope you guys enjoyed it. More will be coming soon. Promise :D



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