By pringMICKEYles

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"Could you please be my wife for real?" Love seems the sweetest but it is the slowest of all growths . No man... More



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By pringMICKEYles

"Caring is a part of love, but sharing and caring are the best things that lovers should have in their life"


School was still the same. But it became more painful to see my husband with his ex girlfriend got back and acted like I was no one to Jimin. I changed my seat with my friend who sat in front of the teacher's desk. I thought that way could make me focus in class even more rather than sitting in front of Jimin.

After class, we were all met at the cafe again. I mean me and all members of BTS except for Jimin. While we were inside the cafe, Jimin and Hyejin walked into the cafe and made their way towards our direction. I rolled my eyes and looked away from looking at both of them while Namjoon Oppa was looking at me at that moment. He wanted to make sure that I am okay. "Yah, Hyura. Move away. This is Jimin's friends and we are the ones who should hang out with them not you!" Hyejin said. I was taken aback by her words. Without even thinking of what I felt, she just came and simply asked me to go away. I sighed before standing up and about to walk away from the group but I stopped when Jin Oppa grabbed my hand. The rest of the members also stood up after that. "Sorry Hyejin. We are all for Hyura." Taehyung said and we all walked out from the cafe one by one. Suga Oppa was the last one to walk out as he walked lazily. Before he started walking, he stopped right in front of Jimin and said, "If you choose her, then you'll be losing us too." Suga Oppa said while pointing his finger to Hyejin who was standing right beside Jimin. And after that, he walked out to join us.

We all gathered in front of the school gate, deciding where to go and what to do. Seems like they were all not in the mood to hang out. "I want to get bubble tea for myself first before going home." I said. They were all nodding their heads but I knew, they were all tired and wanted to take their rest. "It's okay, I can just go alone. You guys have been very nice to me, and you guys better go home and take your rest." I said to them. Suga Oppa was the first one to agree with what I just said. As we all knew, he liked to sleep because for him, sleeping was a part of exercising. "I'll go with you." Jungkook offered himself to accompany me. After that, we went for separate ways as me and Jungkook will be going to the bubble tea shop while the rest of them will be going home. We were taking our seats at the bubble tea shop and Jungkook left to order for me while I was sitting there; waiting for him. He wanted me to sit as he was concerned that I had a baby. Jungkook came back while bringing the bubble tea that I wanted and one for him too. He took his seat in front of me. We were enjoying the bubble tea together but the mood was ruined when Jimin came with his girlfriend to our table. "Oppa, your wife is having someone else." She said to Jimin. Jimin looked at me; more to staring at me. "They are just drinking together." Jimin said. Hyejin looked disappointed with what Jimin just said and she pouted; showing that she was sulking. I rolled my eyes and just stared at my bubble tea cup; avoiding from looking at them.

Jungkook placed his hand onto mine on the table making me to look at him after that because I was very shocked of what he just did. I was pulling my hand slowly as I didn't want Jimin to misunderstand but Jungkook held my hand tightly after noticing that I wanted to pull my hand away from his. "Hyung, I promise to take care of her with all my heart. Since I am starting to have feelings for her." Jungkook said while looking straight into my eyes just like someone who was madly in love. Jimin looked at both of us for a few seconds before he started to walk away with Hyejin. They walked out of the bubble tea shop; leaving us having our drink alone. Jungkook pulled his hand away after Jimin left. "Sorry, Hyura. I wanted to make him think that you are happier without him." I nodded my head while drinking my bubble tea before we started to talk about something else. "So Hyura, do you have a partner to go to our prom party soon?" Jungkook asked. As he might already knew, I shook my head since I knew that Hyejin won't be letting Jimin to go with me and since I also knew that Jimin won't be going with me too. "I don't think I'm going." I said to Jungkook. He sighed before pointing his finger towards him. "Want to be my partner?" He asked. I quickly nodded my head while giving him a smile as I was extremely happy as it was the last prom party that I'll be going. "Sure but we'll go buy my dress first before going home?" I said. Jungkook nodded my head and he agreed to what I just said.

After finished drinking the bubble tea together, we both headed to a boutique in a mall to buy the dress for me. We went to the mall together and once again bumped into Jimin and Hyejin. Hyejin was pulling Jimin to the other way opposite to us. While Jungkook was bringing me to the boutique and we both didn't even care if they were there.

"Don't you think that the red dress is beautiful?" He asked me. I nodded my head but thinking I wanted to match with him and thought that the dark blue tuxedo looks good on him, I didn't want the red dress even though it was beautiful enough. "You'll look good in dark blue tuxedo. I want to match with you." I said and winked at him before walking away to choose another dress that suited my taste. I was looking at a very elegant dark blue dress with combination of silver glitters that looked very nice and great, I was extremely excited after seeing the dress. "Jungkook, I like this one a lot." I said and said to Jungkook whil dragging him towards the direction of where the dress located. He looked at the dress while smiling as he thought it was so nice. "It will definitely look good if you wear this." He said. And we made a decision to buy the dress instead.

After that, we both headed home. Jungkook volunteered to send me home since he was the one who hang out with me the whole day. And he even helped to save me from Hyejin and Jimin. We finally arrived at in front of my house. I thanked him before walking into my house. Before I opened the door, I turned around to see if Jungkook was away or not. He was still standing there; waiting for me to enter the house first. "Call me!" He shouted. That made me laugh and I continued walking into the house while smiling over what Jungkook just did. He was so cute and annoying but always cute! "Where's Jimin? He's still not back yet?" I mumbled and took my towel before walking into the bathroom to take my shower. I dried my hair after taking my shower using the hairdryer and just sat onto my bed and read my novel. A few moments later, Jimin was already home as I heard the front door clicking.

As fast as lightning, I acted like I was sleeping as I didn't want Jimin to meet me again after what he just did. As what I expected, he walked into my room after a few minutes. He sat on my bed right beside me. I was still pretending to sleep and he just sat there while patting my head and playing with my hair. He tucked my hair behind my ear before he said, "All I need is you to be patience. Everything will be over soon. I love you, always." He said before I heard his footsteps starting to walked away from me. I opened my eyes after hearing the door of my room was closed by him. "What?" I said to myself because I heard what he just said. I ignored what he just said and continued sleeping as I didn't want to waste my time.




I woke up early again and did my morning routine just like yesterday. Jimin was still sleeping upstairs while I was preparing the breakfast for him at the kitchen. I heard the door knocked by someone. I left the foods and walked towards the door and opened it. I smiled right after seeing Jungkook was standing right in front of the door. "Hey, are you done?" He asked. I shook my head and walked inside followed by him. "Nope, I'm preparing breakfast for Jimin." I said and Jungkook just noded his head befor walking to the kitchen with me. After I finished preparing the breakfast, I took the sticky note as usual and wrote something onto it. "Eat and don't starve." I wrote and placed it next to the plate. We both walked together towards the door's direction and hear Jimin was caughing upstairs. We both look upstairs and saw Jimin was standing in front of his room while looking at both of us.

"Hey Jungkook, you're here early." Jimin said with still wearing his pyjama before walking a few steps away from the door of his room. Jungkook was smiling before he placed his hands on my shoulders and pushed me slowly towards the door. He was still looking at Jimin until he pushed me out from the house and said, "Hyung, don't bother to get closer to Hyura after this. I'll never break her heart like you did." He said and we both walked out from the house. I was completely shocked with what Jungkook just said to Jimin before he went out from the house. We both walked together to school and he even walked me to my class. I entered my class and sat at the place that I sat yesterday. Since I came early, I had a lot of time to do revision on what teacher taught yesterday.

It took a really long time until Jimin arrived to our class. He took a glance at me before continued walking to his seat. After a few seconds, I felt a vibration from my bag. It was my phone that vibrated and I received a text from Jimin. I turned around and looked at him but he didn't look at anywhere except for his phone. I opened the text that I've received. "If I say anything when we meet, please don't get offended." That was what he sent to me through the text. I didn't reply him yet I just ignore the text that he sent as I was completely annoyed with him. I continued to focus in the class until it was the recess time. Jungkook was waiting for me as always outside of my class. He didn't come in as he was getting shy because there were still a lot of girls stayed in my class at that time.

I made a sign for Jungkook; asking him to wait for a while since I was cleaning my table and my place as it was so messy. But then, Hyejin walked towards me and stood in front of my table. She was in the class because she wanted to have a lunch with Jimin. "Wow this soon to be Jimin's ex-wife is so diligent huh." She said reffering to what I was doing. I didn't reply her even though I felt very hurt with the words 'ex-wife' that she mentioned earlier. I just didn't want to make the situation became worst. "Hey, are you ready to get divorced?" She asked while placing both of her hands onto my table and moved her face closer to mine. "Move." I said to him while looking directly into her eyes. She smirked before moving her head away but she was still standing there. "You must be very bitchy that Jimin don't even like you, right?" She said. I stood up before smiling at her and said, "Just being a bitch, not a slut like you." I said. Hyejin that just got mad by my words pushed me until I fall onto my chair and not even just that, she pulled my table until it hit me and I felt so hurt after that. It was extremely hurt and I heard few of my classmates screaming over my name.

"Hyura! You're bleeding!" They shouted. I couldn't control myself as I felt very hurt at that moment. Yet I still managed to shout Jungkook's name. "Yah Hyura!" Jungkook ran towards me and pushed Hyejin until she fall on the floor and helped me. I was still holding the pain that I was having at that moment and I swore, if anything happen to my baby, I'm not going to forgive that bitch. Jungkook was looking at me and at that moment, all the rest of BTS members also came. Jungkook carried me away and brought me to the hospital followed by Namjoon Oppa, Jin Oppa and the rest of BTS with us. Taehyung stayed inside the class as he was very mad at what Hyejin did to Hyura. Jimin who just entered the class fromthe toilet was looking at everyone who was looking at him. He ten ran towards Hyejin to help her to get up but after he saw blood at Hyura's place, he became speechless and looked at Taehyung who was holding himself from cursing at Hyejin. Before he walked out, he said, "If anything happen to her and her baby, I will kill you, Hyejin. I'm not joking around." Taehyung said and walked out from the class.

Jungkook's pov

I was wandering in front of the roomwhile waiting for the doctor who was checking Hyura to come out. The members were asking me to sit for a while as I seemed very worried and yes I am. After a long time of waiting, the doctor came out. She looked straight at me as she was the one who told us the good news that Hyura was pregnant before and she must be thinking that I am her husband still. "Doctor, how?" I said, not enough of wors but at lest she understood. "The world is too small, we met again." She said. That wasn't what I wanted to hear coming out from her mouth. "You're lucky to act faster. Hyura and the baby are both fine. Don't worry. She just need enough rest for now." Everyone there felt better after heard what the doctor just said. We felt very lucky.

"Thanks, doctor. Can we visit her now?" I asked and the doctor nodded her head. After that all six of us entered the room together. Hyura was lying on the bed and she looked very weak. Jin Hyung's eyes looked very teary after seeing Hyura. He walked to Hyura and took his seat on the chair next to Hyura while holding her hand. "Are you okay, Hyura? Does it hurt?" He asked wit his red eyes. He didn't cry, but his eyes were just watery and red a little bit. He was worried, we all are worried.

Hyura's pov

I cried after seeing how concerned they were towards what happened to me. I was very upset that Jimin wasn't at the hospital for me. I felt very disappointed in him and didn't want to see his face for real at that moment. "Oppa, I am okay, don't worry that much." I said to Jin Oppa as he was sitting there looking very sad. I looked at everyone else and smiled before saying. "Guys, I love you guys, always." I said and they came closer before they smiled. I called Jungkook and asked him to sit beside me. He replaced Jin Oppa and sat beside me.

"Jungkook, can you please help me?" I asked. Jungkook placed his hand onto mine. He hold my hand tightly before looking directly into my eyes. He nodded his head after I asked him to do me a favour. I didn't mean to trouble any of them anymore. It's enough that I ahd to trouble them for a few days already. I wanted them to be with Jimin again as his best friends. I held his hand and said, "I wanna go somewere else. Somewhere far to keep my mind in peace. To keep my baby healthy and to motivate me." I said to Jungkook. He turned his head and looked at the rest of the members while they nodded their heads; meaning that they were fine with my decision. "You can stay at my house in Busan, if you want." He said. What I mean by somewhere further was overseas. Suga Oppa who heard Jungkook's suggestion chuckled. "It's Busan, yours and Jimin's hometown. Jimin will be going there for sure." He continued. He was right. Jimin and Jungkook shared the same hometown. If I stayed in Korea, he will definitely can come if he knew everything. "For now, what's in my mind is France, or Greece, or maybe New Zealand? Anywhere you want to go." Namjoon Oppa suggested. I was nodding my heads at him and still thinking of where actually. I wanted to go for peace and holiday as well. But it would be only me, alone.

"Just please, keep it as a secret for now." I said. Jungkook said that he will bring me home to get my clothes to bring when Jimin wasn't at home after I got discharged from the hospital. I agreed to him and continued taking my rest and they were all taking turns to accompany me at the hospital. "Just where to find great friends like all of you." I said to myself while looking at each and one of them.




Jimin's pov

Two days since Hyura didn't come back. And my friends weren't coming to school also for two days already. I've been calling them and texted Hyura and also texted all of them, no one replied. I had no source to ask, but to just wait every day, ever minutes and every seconds; hoping that she'll be back. Yes I was very weak because didn't back up the one that I loved. I was so dumb and I'll stop being idiot. I wanted to end every single things and I wanted to take the risk, I'll protect her. "Hyura, I'm sorry. I'll end everything today." I said to myself.

I met Hyejin as usual but she looked very weird and happy while I was very upset and mad at her. "Hyejin, let's fucking end this." I shouted right in front of her face. She didn't reply anything but still laughing . I pulled her shirt before shouted once again. "I'll make sure, you'll pay for what happened between me and her." She was laughing and pulled my hand away from her. She walked closer to me before she whispered, "Didn't expect that you'll become that weak, Jimin. You chose to help me, and now, I don't even need you anymore. I've got what I want." She said and pat my head slowly. She looked at me while making her sympathy face while playing with my hair. After that, I pushed her hand away. I will never forgive what she did.

I walked to my house and saw Jungkook standing in front of the gate without even entering. My eyes were wandering wildly to find my wife, they were very close so Jungkook might be with her but seeing him standing there alone and the gate was still locked, she wasn't there. I walked towards Jungkook and stood in front of him. "Jungkook...are you alone? Where's Hyura?" I asked him. He didn't say anything but he handed me a note from her and walked away. He started to make his way away from my house but after reading the note given by him, Hyura wasnn't around. So I ran after Jungkook again. "Jungkook please tell me, where is she?" I begged at Jungkook for him to tell me. But he refused. "Jungkook please. I need to explain everything to her that Hyejin forced me to do that." I said while my eyes were getting watery and my voice was shaking as I felt very sad and very disappointed in myself. He stopped after hearing what I just said. I told him everything, from the first day that I went to the toilet until the day that she didn't come to school and I didn't know why.

I was shocked and happy after Jungkook told me that Hyura was pregnant and that made me wanted to see her even more. "She's at Paris, the city of love." Jungkook said and I quickly got myself ready to go to wherever the place that she was.

Hyura's pov

I just landed from Korea at Paris for the past few hours and yet I already missed Korean food. I bought a lot of things at the supermarket near to my homestay and I was thinking of making myself Korean foods in Paris. When I arrived at my homestay, I quickly took out my phone to text my friends as they were so excited to know everything that I did. "Guys, I just bought something to cook." I sent the text to our group chat. A group chat that they made only to know everything I did at Paris. "Stop! I'm leaving this group because I'm so jealous." Hoseok Oppa replied. I was chuckling after seeing what Hoseok Oppa just sent. And seeing everyone was typing right after that really made me to start missing them. "If I join you, I could take few pivtures of you." Taehyung said. I felt so sad that they didn't join me.

"Hyura, you wanna know something?" Namjoon Oppa asked. I replied with a curious emoji and he was typing. "Suga Hyung slept furing the principal speech." I wasn't shocked after reading what Namjoon Oppa just sent. Because Suga Oppa was always like that. "It's okay, we'll be joining her soon." Jin Oppa said. I was extremely delighted as they already told me, the moment I've reached here, they'll come right after that. After exerything at school they already settled. "Okay, text me when you are here." I replied and went to sleep.




I woke up early and prepare my morning breakfast with what I've bought last night. After having my very nice and delicious breakfast, I walked to see how was Paris at the morning. It was so cold but it didn't changed my mind from walking. I was sitting at the bench while checking my phone because my friends were texting me saying that they were packing their clothes at that moment. While sitting ther, two pairs of legs stopped right in front of me. "Hyura..."

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