By pringMICKEYles

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"Could you please be my wife for real?" Love seems the sweetest but it is the slowest of all growths . No man... More



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By pringMICKEYles

"Love is not about your heart beating so fast, it's about how you actually feel to that person. The real feeling and more specifically, a strange feeling"




Jimin's pov

"Guys, I need to go to the toilet." I said and they all said yes and continued to talk to each other. I left the cafe and walked towards the toilet but to go to the toilet, I had to walk across our classroom first. As I walked in front of my class, I saw two girls were standing at Hyura's seat. It didn't make sense if they were our classmates as everyone was having their lunch at that moment. I walked closer to the door; more to hiding behind it as I wanted to see who they were. My eyes became wider as I saw Hyejin putting something inside Hyura's bag. "Yah Lee Hyejin! What the fuck are you doing?" I shouted and Hyejin with her friend startled as they heard me shouting at them. But after that they remained cool as they were smirking at me. I walked into the class and stood in front of Hyejin. "Get the fuck out of here!" I said to her. She replied me with chuckling over what I just said.

"Park Jimin...long time no see." She said while grabbing the collar of my uniform. She pulled my tie; making me to become closer to her. I looked away from looking her face. "Let go." I said and pulled back my tie and grabbed Hyura's bag to see what she put inside it. A few second after that, I saw a pack of white thing placed inside the bag between her books. I took it out from the bag to see what that was. I was extremely shocked after realising that was something dangerous that will put Hyura into harm. "Drugs? Are you crazy?" I shouted right in front of her face while throwing the small pack of drugs to her face. Her friend picked it up and kept it into her pocket right after that. She walked closer to me before she said, "Yes! I am crazy. I need you to fucking get back with me." She said more to shouting. I laughed sarcastically at her after hearing her nonsense words. I was just getting better with Hyura and now she wanted me to be with her again? A big no from me!

"Stop disturbing me and stop fucking disturb Hyura!" I said to her; still trying to hold my anger from making the situation become worst. I never laid my fingers on girls and I didn't want to do that at all. "Sure, I won't disturb Hyura." She said and walked closer to me. A few steps closer were taken by her until she finally stopped right in front of me while placing her hand on my chest and played with my tie. "But to not to disturb you, I can't" She said before she moved her face and placed it onto my chest. After she moved her head, there was a lipstick stain on my uniform. "You have to do a favour for me, or I'll make something that could make Hyura suffer." She continued. My eyes widen as I heard that. She wanted to hurt Hyura. I was stuck in between love and hatred. I was stuck in between choosing to protect with being with my wife or protecting her by getting away from her.

She walked out from the class but I stopped her, as I needed to make a decision so that she won't continue her plans upon my wife. "What do you actually want?" I asked slowly. She turned around and faced me with a smile before walking towards me while her friend was waiting for her at the teacher's desk in front of the classroom. "Leave her and be with me. Don't worry, it won't take a long time, but you better not to try to tell her anything." She said. She asked me to stay with her at the back of the class until Hyura came.




Hyura's pov

We were at the shopping mall as we planned. I felt relieved as they were there, together with me. I didn't feel like eating anything but seeing them all being happy, I didn't want to become the one who spoilt the mood at that moment. We took our seat at one of the restaurant there. Everyone was deciding what they wanted t eat while me and Suga Oppa were still sitting there without deciding what we wanted to eat yet. "Okay let's eat a lot today. Hyura, you should eat." Jin Oppa said and Jungkook was agreeing to what Jin Oppa said. I forced myself to smile and just nodded my head to make them feel better. "Yah, Hyura. If you don't like the idea, we better go home and take a nap." Suga Oppa said. Everyone was chuckling over what he just said. I admitted that it was kind of funny but I wasn't in the mood to be happy like them. I knew that they did that to make me feel better and to make me feel less sad. Everyone was laughing yet I was still forcing myself to smile until Namjoon Oppa said something to me. "Hyura, can we go somewhere for a while." He said. Everyone was looking at us but they just asked me to go with Namjoon Oppa. As we walked a few steps away, I heard Jin's loud voice said, "Yah I seriously have no idea how to make her happy again." I smiled a little after knowing that they were doing that for me. Their effort what I was looking forward to. While we walked together, Namjoon Oppa didn't say anything yet he just walked until we were out of the mall and sat at the bench outside the mall.

"If just by crying can make you feel at least a little bit better, then cry." He said all of sudden while he was still standing right in front of me meanwhile I was sitting on the bench. I was still holding my tears from falling since I didn't want to cry because of him ever again. I didn't want to waste my time but I need some time to think. Namjoon Oppa then took his seat beside me while facing me. "If by doing something can make you feel better, then hit me please, Hyura." He said; more to beg. He wanted to see me better than what I felt at that moment. I turned my face to look at him. A drop of tears falls onto my cheeks. I cried, my ego couldn't hold it anymore. "Why am I falling in love with someone that kept on hurting me?" I said while my right hand was hitting Namjoon Oppa's chest. He then grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug. I cried while he was hugging me. "Listen, Hyura. Even what is the reason why he did that, you have to be strong. You have to show to him that you are not affected by what he just did. And love needs sacrifices. If you sacrifice this time, you'll get stronger next time." He said. After that he broke the hug and helped me with wiping my tears.

"Look, Hyura. We are always here by your side. I know we're his best friends. But what type of friends are us when we agree with the wrong thing that he did? I'll try to talk to him okay? But right now, you have to smile. Time heals everything, remember that, always." Namjoon Oppa said. Talking to him was just like me entering a counselling session with the counsellors. I gave him a weak smile before wiping the tears myself and we both walked into the mall right after that just to join them again. "Hey guys." I said while taking my seat again. They were looking at me with their sweet and handsome smiles.

"Hey Hyura. I've ordered a handsome chicken chop for you. If you don't want that, you can have my good looking French fries if you want." Jin Oppa said. I smiled after hearing what he just said. "And the swag watermelon juice, I give it to you instead of having it for me." Suga Oppa said making me chuckled over their hilarious behaviours. Yeah we all knew that Jin Oppa with his praises over himself and Suga Oppa with his behaviour saying that he was exercising but when we asked what kind of exercise he was doing, he will say 'moving my fingers'. "Thanks guys. You guys are the best!" I said while making a thumb up sign to them. They were making some noises until everyone in the restaurant was looking at us. But everyone was smiling as they were BTS. While we were eating, I felt a little bit uneasy and not feeling well. Jungkook who was sitting next to me asked me if I am okay or not, when he touched my hand, he said, "Hyura, are you okay. You're temperature is a little bit high." He said. I nodded my head before I felt like throwing up. "Excuse me, I'm going to the washroom." I said to them. "Jungkook, could you please get me some sweets. I feel like throwing up." I said to Jungkook and we both stood up as I wanted to go to the washroom while Jungkook was going to buy me some sweets.

I walked to the washroom and threw up before starting to felt dizzy. I couldn't walk anymore so I decided to wait for Jungkook while sitting on the bench in front of the toilet before everything became blurry and turned black after that.

Jungkook' pov

I walked to the restaurant again after buying the sweets to Hyura and she was still not there. So I decided to take my seat first while waiting for her. Few minutes passed; there was still no sign of Hyura coming to the restaurant yet. "Hyung, I'll go to check on Hyura." I said and stood up before they were saying okay to me. I walked towards the washroom nearest to the restaurant and saw Hyura was kind of sleeping on the bench in front of the washroom. "Oh shit, that's not what Hyura likes to do." I said to myself as I knew Hyura won't be lying on the bench publicly like that. Perhaps...she...fainted? I quickly ran towards her and looked at her lying with her pale face. "Yah Hyura, wake up." I touch his cheeks and slap it slowly to wake her up but unfortunately she didn't. I quickly took out my phone and dialled Namjoon Hyung's number.

"Hyung, she fainted." I said and Namjoon Hyung was very shocked as he heard what I just said. A few seconds of waiting, A footsteps of someone running can be heard. I turned around and saw Namjoon Hyung was running towards us. "Let's take her to the hospital first." Namjoon Hyung said and I quickly carried her out from the shopping mall. We didn't tell the other members yet because they might felt worried and panicked if they heard about that, especially Hoseok Hyung and Jin Hyung. Namjoon Hyung drove the car and brought us to the nearest hospital. While we were inside the car, I called Suga Hyung to inform them. "Hyung, can you guys take a grab and come to the hospital right after that?" I said. Suga Hyung sounded shock but he remained calm. "Why hospital all of sudden? Are you okay Jungkook?" He asked. I heard Hoseok Hyung was asking why at the back. I knew, he must be panicked. "It's not me, Hyung. Hyura fainted so we took her to the hospital first. Hoping that you guys will come later." I said. Suga Hyung said okay and he said that they will come right away after finished eating. They were all still eating, yes from the moment we arrived at the restaurant.

We finally arrived at the hospital after a few minutes. Luckily, Hyura was already woke up from fainted while we were on our way to the hospital. But she said that she was still felt dizzy. I brought her to meet the doctor while Namjoon Hyung will be waiting for them at the lobby of the hospital. We were called to enter the doctor's room so we both entered the room together. Hyura took her seat on the chair first as I helped her by pulling the chair for her. After that I took my seat right beside her. "Can you please wait here for a while?" The doctor said to me before she brought Hyura into another room to check. I was just sitting there while waiting for both of them to come back again. After a few minutes of waiting, they were both coming back to where she asked me to wait. She took her seat on her chair in front of both of us and looked through his book before looking at both of us. "It's actually too early to say this. And we also still not confirm with what I actually want to say." I looked at her seriously as I wanted to know what Hyura was having. Was she sick all the time before? "Looking through all the symptoms that she's having, according to what I've checked and what I've been told by her." The doctor paused while looking at both of us. She was giving a very serious look which was making both of us to become more curious. "She's having a baby." She continued with a smile.

We both were looking at each other before the doctor started to stand up and offered her hand to shake. "Congratulations Mr. Jungkook, you'll become a father soon." She said while shaking her hand with me. I was still standing there; speechless. My eyes were busy looking at Hyura who was trying her best to stop herself from laughing while she thought it was something funny. We both walked out from the doctor's room and headed towards the lobby where Namjoon Hyung was waiting for us. "Do I look that old to be known as a husband?" I suddenly said. Hyura was laughing hysterically as she was holding her laugh for so long. While we were laughing and I was still confused, Namjoon Hyung and the rest of members were walking towards us. Hoseok Hyung and Jin Hyung were the ones who lead the way as they were too worried and panicked. Hoseok Hyung hit me right after he stood right in front of me.

"Why didn't you call me first?" Hoseok Hyung was still hitting me. We all laughed after hearing him pissed like that. "Okay, that doesn't matter anymore" He continued before turning to face Hyura right after that. "Hyura, what is wrong with you? If you are sick, you should've told us earlier." He asked Hyura right after that. Hyura's face was extremely red as she was blushing because she was very shy to tell everyone. I smiled after seeing her cutest reaction I've ever seen. They were all getting curious as Hyura didn't say a word yet. But after that, she finally said, "I guess I'm having...a baby." She said. Everyone was damn shocked after hearing that. They were all making some noises in front of the hospital while I was the only one who acted cool even though being called as Mr. Jungkook also known as a father to be. I chuckled after bringing up the moment where the doctor was so confident to say that I'm her husband. "You and Jiminnie..." Taehyung Hyung said while pointing his finger towards Hyura which making her to blush even more. "Stop it, Taehyung. I'll kill you. Not kidding." She said. Everyone laughed after hearing that. At least, she was better after knowing that news.

"I'm going to be that cool uncle." Taehyung Hyung said.

"I'm the most handsome one." Jin Hyung continued and Suga Hyung also said, "I'm going to be the one that the baby will come to sleep with." We were all looking at Suga Hyung while Namjoon Hyung was face palming himself. Hyura was looking at the tree of them and finally said, "I'm not going to let my baby to meet you guys. Sorry not sorry." She said while laughing. Me, Namjoon Hyung and Hoseok Hyung were laughing because they were just got rejected by Hyura herself. We were all walking together and spent some more times at the mall and continued where we left. We were playing games together and I could see, Hyura was the happiest there.

Hyura's pov

We were having so much fun. We were all walking while laughing as we were fun talking and laughing over Jin Oppa's hilarious dad jokes. After that, they sent me to my house back. I was looking at Jimin's car that was parked at the porch. They stopped in front of the house. "Take care of yourself okay, Hyura. Anything just call us." Namjoon Oppa said to me while every eyes were on me. I nodded my head; agreeing to what he said. "But please, don't tell anything to Jimin." I said before I got off from the car. They were all agreed to keep what happened to me and to keep the news as secrets. I walked out from the car and waved to them as they were going home.

I closed the front door slowly; just in case Jimin was sleeping. I didn't want to wake him up as I didn't want to see his face at all. But then I was startled after hearing his voice saying, "Where did you go? Do you think that you own the school? Do you think this is a hotel? Skipping classes, going nowhere and come back home late. You're getting on my nerves, Hyura." He said. I rolled my eyes as I heard what he just said. I turned my body to look at Jimin who was facing the television and was sitting on the couch at the living room. "Why would you care, Jimin?" I said to him and walked towards the stairs. But I was stopped by Jimin. He stood up and walked towards me. He was standing right in front of me and stared deeply into my eyes. "I don't even care. I was about to lock the door. You came back on time. That's it." He said and smirked before turning his head away; avoiding himself from looking at me while he folded his hands on his chest. I chuckled before looking for something inside my bag. I took it out before showing it to him right in front of his face. "Just lock the door, I have my own keys." I said; leaving him standing there without saying anything. He was still standing there while his eyes were following my movements. I was walking upstairs but stopped in front of the room's door. "And yes this is not a hotel. So, if you don't like me living here, I'll leave." I said and entered the room before smashing the door loudly.

I took my shower first and heard the sound of the door clicking. I knew, he entered the room. After a few moments, I walked out from the bathroom and took my pyjama and wore it inside the toilet. After finished getting ready, I walked towards the bed where Jimin was sitting on and took my hand phone before walking towards the direction of the door. "Where are you going?" Jimin asked. I ignored him and still opened the door. I was about to walked out from the room. "I asked where are you going?" He said; raising his voice to me. That was very unusual for him to do that and it hurt me even more. He was hurting me even more even with one word coming out from his mouth. "Just keep in your mind. Yes we are living under the same roof, but act like I don't exist in this house." I said and took my step out of the room. He didn't say anything after that. My eyes became watery after I said that while I was walking to the guest room next to our room. The feeling never changed, but I had to do that as I need to forget everything related to him. I wanted to make myself happy with my own world.




It was early in the morning. The sun rays weren't like usual. I sighed and woke up earlier than before. I didn't want to bump into Jimin in the house that was why I woke up earlier that I used to. I took my shower and ironed both of our uniforms. I knew, I didn't want to do that. But since I was still his wife, I had to. Kyra wasn't in the house, same goes to the other maids. So I had to do almost everything by myself. I prepared breakfast for myself and Jimin first before going out for school. I took a sticky note and wrote, "Just eat, I didn't put poison. Even if I did, just eat it." I stick the sticky note right beside the plate of the sandwich that I made. I walked out of the house with a wide smile as I saw Jungkook was waiting for me outside of the house.

I greeted him before both of us walked together to school.

Jimin's pov

Two persons that I really knew were walking together. I was looking at both of them through the window from my room. I had nothing to do anymore but I was very thankful that there was a person helped to watch over Hyura when I can't. I felt sorry when I saw my uniform was already ironed by her. I took my shower and got myself ready for school and walked downstairs to have my breakfast. "She thinks of me in everything she's doing." I said to myself when I saw the breakfast that she prepared. I looked at the sticky note that she wrote and made me felt even worst by her words.

While I was walking alone on my way to school, someone tapped on my shoulder before waking beside me with hand around my shoulder. "Hey Hyung. I don't know that you are still want to talk to me." I said to him. He replied with a smile before he started to speak. I knew, Namjoon Hyung was a person with wise words. He will definitely give me great words and advices or perhaps will scold me for what I've done. "You know what you are doing is wrong, right?" He said. I nodded my head while putting my hands inside my pockets. "But Hyung, Listen—"

"Jimin, I don't want to know anything also I have nothing to say. But one thing that I want you to know is how pure her love is for you. And I know you love her too." He said and left me behind. I knew it. I knew that they will blame me for everything that happened. It was all because I didn't get a chance to tell them the truth and I had no choice. I am so sorry. 

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