The Anime Lover's Must Read:...

By PandaOuji

47.2K 321 98

Anime one-shots are love~! *edit: these are anime i've watched years ago, the list needs some major updating... More

The Anime Lover's Must Read: One-Shot Collection
Butterfly Suicide ~A Shino One-Shot~
Read My Lips ~Sai One-Shot~
You're Such A Pervert! ~Luppi One-Shot~
Speak Out ~Sasori One-Shot~
Freeloader! ~Renji One-Shot~
You Klutz... ~Modern Sasuke One-Shot~
Once Upon A December ~Sasori One-Shot~
Hearts At War ~Gaara One-Shot~
Apparently ~Roxas One-Shot~
Caught You! ~Gaara One-Shot~
Over-Protective ~Hitsugaya One-Shot~
Favors ~Hisagi/Kensei One-Shot~
I'll Protect You! ~Roxas One-Shot~
Coward Mont Blanc ~Sasuke One-Shot~
Give Me Sweets ~Sebastian Michaelis One-Shot Prize~

Jealous? ~Roxas One-Shot~

1.7K 4 1
By PandaOuji

"Hey, Axel, look at the sunset," Mallorix demanded lightly, pointing out toward the setting sun with her stick of Seasalt Ice cream. The sky was mixed with an array of beautiful colorations, ranging from a soft seashell pink to a deep fiery red. The red color made her smile, tightening her hold on her best friend's hand a little. "Isn't it pretty?"

"You could say that..." Axel murmured, taking the popsicle stick out of his pursed lips. He was looking out at the horizon intently, emerald eyes reflecting the multi-colored light. She smiled softly at him and leaned against his side, closing her eyes and beginning to feel a little drowsy. She had the right to feel so; they had just finished the most tiring assignment of collecting hearts Mallorix had ever been through. "Hey, don't fall asleep, Mal!"

"I can't help it, I'm tired..." Mallorix complained, propping open one eye in slight annoyance. "Aren't you sleepy at all, Axel?"

"Nah," He sighed. "I'm used to chaotic missions like that one. But whatever, right? Get some sleep, you're probably exhausted."

"I thought you just told me to stay awake?"

"I changed my mind," He told her, reaching down so he could peck her on the forehead. "I'll carry you home, okay?"

"Axel..." She murmured as she began to close her eyes. "Thanks..."

"Don't mention it. You're my girl," He tapped his temple and she smiled. "Got it memorized?"

"Yeah, it's memorized," She muttered before letting her dreams carry her off into another world.

~~~>-< ~~~

She remembered times like that; when she truly believed that she and Axel were destined to be together. She had to admit that did happen to have quite the crush on the fiery assassin, but that all disappeared when the newest members of the Organization appeared. The first one that came was a boy by the name of Roxas, the next a girl by the name of Xion. The two of them were as sweet and friendly as can be, a comfortable relief from all the tension that the other Organization members emitted.

It only took about three missions too completely and utter fall in love with the new blond-haired member, and only one more to figure out that Roxas returned the feelings. It was truly perfect, an amazing, unstoppable love. There was only one problem, or rather two:

1) Roxas was prone to jealousy.

2) Axel loved to exploit that flaw.

And there lied the problem.

"Ah, hey, Roxas, Mallorix!" Axel had said one day after coming back from another successful mission.

"Hello, Axel!" The two had said together, giving rather large grins.

Axel sat down on the edge of the clock tower next to Mallorix. Roxas sat on her other side, turning on the defense. Axel noticed as Roxas tensed up, taking advantage of the situation. He looked at Mallorix with false alarm, raising a hand up to her face.

"What's this?" He exclaimed, and Mallorix looked between him and his hand, confused. "It looks like you still have some ice cream on your cheek." He rubbed his thumb over what was believed to be on her face, and a small pink blush formed on her cheeks. Roxas gritted his teeth, wrapping an arm around the girl and pulling her close. Axel just smirked and laid back in triumph.

Although Axel did understand that Mallorix was now in love with someone else, he didn't waste time having fun by making Roxas jealous. Whether he would just irk the boy through small little gestures or comments, it was clear that it did affect Roxas. Mallorix didn't mind the squabbles, she found it quite humorous. And, in the end, it only showed that Roxas cared about her and didn't want to lose her.

What she didn't expect was that Axel had a plan in mind--an ultimate plan-- to win back Mallorix's heart and, at the same time, make Roxas almost explode from jealousy. Axel smiled to himself as he re-read the plan in his head, he was sure that it would work! And, starting tomorrow, he would put into action!

~~~>-< ~~~

"Axel," Xion's voice sounded unsure and a little nervous. "You sure you know what you're doing?"

"Absolutely positive." Was his response, and she could only hear the smug smirk that was coated inside his voice. "This plan is surefire! No pun intended there..." He added after some thought, but Xion still laughed at that anyway. She stopped laughing however, when another branch jabbed her in the side.

"Hey, Axel..." She asked a little cautiously, only to be answered by his preoccupied 'hm?'. "Care to explain why we're inside the bushes?"

"As an assassin, you must know how to disguise yourself!" He told her triumphantly, but ended up being smacked by a branch due to his movement. After moving the branch from his face and snapping it in two as he wasn't look forward to being hit by it again, he continued on. "Besides, Roxas and Mallorix were assigned a mission in the park, and I couldn't think of anywhere else to hide."

"You mean to sit that a rooftop wouldn't have hidden us just as well --if not better-- than this?" Xion deadpanned, trying to push protruding branches out of the way so they wouldn't keep whacking her in the forehead. "If this is all you can come up with, I'm surprised you're considered the best assassin we have in the Organization..."

"Shush! They're coming...!" Axel crudely hushed her and held a finger up to his lips. Xion just sighed quietly and shook her head pitifully before refocusing her attention to the two people that had strolled into view. Mallorix and Roxas were laughing at something that was probably mentioned before, out of ear shot. They were smiling at each other widely, happy to be in each other's company.

Axel did understand that Mallorix had moved on from him, and he didn't hold anything against her or Roxas, but that didn't mean he didn't enjoy messing with them a little bit. It was a habit of his, a very fun pastime. He would range his tactics from just wrapping an arm around Mallorix's waist or even going as far as to peck her on the cheek or forehead. It was all in the name of fun; even though Axel couldn't help but retain his feelings for her.

And he knew that there was a slim chance in him actually succeeding in winning the girl back, but it was worth a shot. And so, he had thought of a plan to take back the girl's heart. Sadly for Xion, the plan involved her having to help him out. She had reluctantly agreed, yet was being to regret doing so when Axel ordered her to hide in the bushes with him. Despite initial hesitation that surfaced in her mind, she followed his orders and did as she was told. Now, being stabbed repeatedly by annoying branches, she figured that she had made a stupid choice in going along with the strange plan.

They watched Mallorix and Roxas for some time, until the sun had set and night had fallen over them. Xion was asleep, leaves coating her black hair. Axel's eyes were still trained on the two that were settled on the bench. They hadn't moved at all, at least not for the last ten minutes or so. He squinted with his emerald eyes, trying to see what the two were up too, but instead found himself dumb-founded as he figured out that the two were asleep.

Muttering to himself, he sluggishly crawled out from the bushes. Walking over to the two, his left eye twitched as rubbed his temples. So much for the master plan... As he looked down at the two, though, he grinned. Maybehisplan didn't work but that didn't mean the other wouldn't! Face lighting up at the idea of this, he placed a hand on Roxas's shoulder.

"Wake up, Roxas," He commanded in a whisper as he shook the blond-haired boy slightly, doing his best not to stir the girl next to him. "Wake up."

After about several minutes of this, Roxas came too, eyes opening to reveal the ocean blue coloring. He looked over at Axel, half-asleep, half-awake, yet clearly confused.


"Wake up! Now's your chance with Mallorix!"

Roxas's eyes lit up, suddenly completely aroused from his earlier slumber. He lifted his head from her shoulder gently, doing his best not to wake her with his movements. Axel grinned at him, emerald eyes twinkling. Roxas shifted his head a little to look at the girl who was dozing peacefully on his shoulder. He thanked Axel again mutedly, before shooing him away with one hand. Axel frowned a little at this but agreed to the term of leaving forcibly.

As soon as he was out of sight, Roxas turned back to Mallorix. He nudged her slightly, trying to wake her up without really being rough. In about a minute of this action, the girl finally grumbled something illegible and opened her eyes a little. Lifting her head off of Roxas's shoulder, she looked at him, confused.

"Is something wrong, Roxas?" She asked him, voice still dripping with the disorientation of awaking from a comfortable nap.

"U-uh... umm..." Roxas searched for something to say, cursing in his head that he didn't think of what to say. "Do you like me?!"

"Ne?" She stared at him blankly, trying to comprehend what he had just said. Then, after a moment of thought, she smiled at him softly. "Of course, silly! Why wouldn't I?"

Roxas seemed taken back by this, for he had switched his gaze from her face to stare down at his hands. "Well, you kind of seem like you still like Axel..."


"I'm not jealous!"

She laughed merrily at this, and Roxas looked back up at her. Then, in one fluid motion, he placed her lips atop hers softly. Mallorix was speechless, not expecting the action at all. And, with flaming cheeks, she looked at him when he pulled back, his eyes fluttering as if still savoring the moment.


The two turned and gaped at the bushes, watching as a certain Organization member stumbled out. Xion stood there, dazed and half-asleep, but fire was in her eyes. She noticed them and waved before running off, shouting something along the lines of 'killing a certain red-haired assassin.'

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