Austin and Ally: "Romances an...

By ccpink8

63.4K 880 155

When Sonic Boom is moving locations, Ally and Mr. Dawson have to move to California. Austin, Trish, and Dez a... More

Ch. 1- Crushing
Ch. 2- Dating
Ch. 4- Big News
Ch. 5- The date
Ch. 6- Do I like him..?
Ch. 7- Letting them know
Ch. 8- Arcade
Ch. 9- Do you like me?
Ch. 10- Reading
Ch. 11- Does anyone care?
Ch. 12- Fundraising
Ch. 13- We have to fix this
Ch. 14- The real thing
Ch. 16- Cakes
Ch. 17- I give up
Ch. 18- The Hospital
Ch. 19- The Sleepover
Ch. 20- Goodbye Miami

Ch. 15- Arch Enemies

1.7K 24 3
By ccpink8

Dez P.O.V.

"Chuck" I said, running out of the store. I knew it was Chuck; it had to be! Chuck was my arch nemesis since grade school. It was the year 2004; after he spilled that glue bottle all over me, it all went downhill. I hate that guy so much!

"Ohhh, I remember that guy! He was always so mean! I was the only one sticking up for you." Austin said. They all followed me to Mini's. I knew he'd be there, because that's his favorite restaraunt.

"Chuck!" I said, pointing at him. "I know you stole my money"

"Wait, that's chuck?" Trish started laughing.

"Oh don't deny that little crush you have on me, trishipoo." He winked at her.

"SHE'S MINE CHUCK! AHHHHH!!!!!!!" I tackled him. Many people don't know this about me, but I get pretty jealous easily...

"Dez!" Ally said, and her, Trish, and Austin got me off of him.

"Yup, he's all mine" Trish said, and she kissed me.

"Just give us back the money!" Said Austin.

"Money? What m- Okay yeah I stole the money, but you're never gunna get it back! Mwa hahahaha!! MWA HAHAHAHA!!!!!!" Chuck laughed. "I'm so good at stealing money, banks are starting to go bankrupt."

"I'm so good at stealing money that... WAIT I DON'T STEAL MONEY!"

Chuck ran away, and he went far, far away. Probably to go cry to his mommy about how he can't get a girl half as good looking as Trish. We were all just standing there.

"Well, um, are we gunna get the money or...?" Ally asked.

"LET'S GET HIM!!!!" Me and Austin roared. The four of us tried to keep up with Chuck as he went along.

"Alright, alright. Do you really want the money?" Chuck asked, yanno, just to clarify. We all nodded our heads. "Well okay, Dezmond, I challenge you to a duel!"

"A duel?" Austin said, his voice cracking.

"Yes, a duel. Me and the redhead. Whoever wins get the money." He stopped to think. "Ah, I got it" He said to himself. "I challenge you to a bake off! We each have to bake a cake, and Trish will be the judge." He winked at her, and my mouth dropped open.

"Dez you're drooling" Trish said, closing my mouth.

"Oh thanks" I said, wiping the drool with my sleeve. "Chuck, I guess we'll just see who wins.." And off I ran to Acme to get all the baking supplies. This will be the death of me.

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