I Fell For A Gang Member [EDI...

By SimplyAmber96

1.6M 28.4K 4.1K

When Marco Millet, Kennedy High's bad boy, shows interest in Bailey Hartlem, an inconspicuous school nerd, th... More

Chapter 1 (Rewritten)
Chapter 2 (Rewritten)
Chapter 3 (Rewritten)
Chapter 4 (Rewritten)
Chapter 5 (Rewritten)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 19

31.6K 538 46
By SimplyAmber96

Chapter 19

Am I Forgetting Something?

It was getting close to the back to school dance. It would be in two days. I shopped with Kassia and found a dress. She had convinced Scott to take her. Spencer and Hannah were going. I was excited about it, but Marco didn't seem so happy. I was going to drag him whether or not he wanted to go.

I was saying good-bye to Marco in the school parking lot. His arms wrapped around my waist.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I told him.

"Okay." He leaned down and gave me a kiss.

"Marco, let's go!" Someone yelled. Marco broke away and looked up at Dustin. "I promised this guy, I don't want to be late."

"Where are you going?" I asked him.

"Dustin promised some guy a skate off. I don't really want to do it, but he's my friend."

"Well, good luck."

"Thanks." He gave me one last kiss, before walking off with Dustin.

Marco's P.O.V*

I drove myself, Chase, Eric, and Paul. The others drove with their girlfriends. They all have their drivers license, but they're parents don't trust them since they've been in trouble so much. I'm tired of driving them around.

I pulled into the parking lot close to the skate park. I found a parking spot and we all got out of the car. I grabbed my board and we headed into the skate park. There was a bigger crowd of people than usual and I saw our competition. They were a bunch of scrawny kids who looked like amateurs. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked. "A bunch of kids? D, you let a bunch of kids screw you over?"

"They challenged me."

"Well let's get this over with."

After a while, the competition was over and of course we won. The kids, who looked to be in 7th grade, were all frowning at us.

"Better luck next time." I mocked.

"We so had you!" A kid with long reddish hair said.

"You had nothing." Paul said.

"We'll get you back." A kid with curly blond hair promised.

"Whenever you're ready." Lance told them.

We left and I dropped the guys off at their homes. I didn't feel like going home, so I headed to Bailey's instead. Her dad may not like me, but I have to other people in the house who are on my side. I pulled into Bailey's driveway and parked the car. I stared at her house for a moment before getting out. It still surprises me that a girl like Bailey can actually love me. She has money, and a great home life. I guess I'm just a lucky guy.

I walked up to her front door and rang the doorbell. I waited for a few seconds and the door opened, revealing Mr. Hartlem. He frowned when he realized who I was. He really hates me.

"What do you want?" He asked me a little harshly.

"I'm here to see Bailey." I said with no emotion.

"She's not here right now."

"But her car...."

"She went with a friend." I sighed.

"Who's at the door, dad?" I heard Bailey ask. If that's not Bailey, it must be some alien since she's not home. "Marco. Hey, come in." She grabbed my hand and pulled me in.

I sat with Bailey upstairs as she finished up her homework. I flipped twirled a pencil around in my finger as I leaned back in Bailey's desk chair.

"How did it go? Did you win?" Bailey asked me.

"Of course we won. We were up against a bunch of middle schoolers. I still find it funny they thought they could beat us. Apparently they haven't given up yet."

"Well that's good. At least you guys didn't crush their dreams completely."

"I would I care about that?" Who cares if their dreams got crushed? It's not my problem.

"Because they're kids who need to dream about something. What dream do you have?"

"I don't have a dream. I'm just living my life as I go along. I'm not reaching for anything."

"You have to have a dream."

"I don't." I used to wish I could be a master artists or the best fighter, but after my dad died all of that changed.

I noticed Bailey was quiet and looked over to see what her problem was. She was laid on the floor staring at me, tapping her pencil against her chin.

"What?" I asked her.

"What were you thinking about just then?"

"Just when? I wasn't thinking about anything."

"Yes you were. You were thinking about your dream weren't you? What is it?"

"I told you I don't have one."

"Don't lie to me, my love."

I smiled at her when she said that. "Well, my love... I was thinking that I'd always wanted to be an artist or a great fighter."

"And why isn't that your dream now?"

"Because now my dad is gone. He was my motivation for everything. I only fight if I have to, and I only sketch when I feel like it. After he died, everything changed for me."

"But you can find new motivation. I've seen your sketches and they're amazing. I hate that you just dropped that dream. I've never seen you fight, but I'm sure you're good at that too. You need something to reach for. If you don't, what's the point of living?"

"You're my point of living." She blushed and smiled.

My cell rang and I looked at the caller ID. It was my mom calling from the house. I answered though I wanted to stay with Bailey.

"What's up mom?"

"Where are you?"

"I'm at Bailey's, why?"

"Just come home."


"Come home."

"Is it another boyfriend?"

"Come home, now." The anger was now in her voice.

"Okay. Calm down, I'm on my way."

I hung up and put my phone in my pocket. I got up and put the pencil I was twirling, back on Bailey's desk.

"You're leaving already?" Bailey said.

"Yeah. I wish I could stay, but my mom is going all Hulk on me."

"Okay. See you tomorrow." I waved by and left.

I drove home wondering what could be so urgent. It's only 5:30, so it's not dinner time. She'd better not have another boyfriend after the last one. I pulled into my driveway and parked. I noticed a gold mini van. What kind of guy would drive a mini van to a date? Maybe he has kids. I don't want step siblings. I groaned and got out.

I unlocked the door and walked in. I shut the door behind me and turned to face the new guy. But it wasn't a new guy. It was Uncle Anton, Aunt Nancy, and my two cousins Heather and Sally.

"What..." I was lost for words.

"Marco!" Aunt Nancy exclaimed. She rushed over to me and took me into a hug. "It's been so long. Look how you've grown. How are you?"

"Hi Aunt Nancy. I'm good."

She released me and looked me in my eyes. "You called me Aunt Nancy. That's a relief. I thought I was going to have to keep reminding you."

"Of course not."

"Heather, Sally. Come meet your cousin."

Heather and Sally, slowly approached. They looked like they were about 7. I gave them a friendly smiled and bent down to their level.

"Hi. I'm your cousin Marco."

"I'm Sally." Sally had black hair like my uncle with pale blue eyes and freckles.

"I'm Heather." Heather had dark brown hair like Aunt Nancy and pale blue eyes.

"Well, it's nice to meet you." They both smiled. "Come on, let's let the adults talk and we'll go play." They each took one of my hands and we headed towards the backyard.

"He's so sweet." I heard Aunt Nancy say.

"Yeah right." Uncle Anton said, and I rolled my eyes.

Bailey's P.O.V*

After Marco left, I finished my homework and went downstairs for dinner. Our dinners had been a little quiet lately. My mom was still upset with my dad for the way he treated Marco. I don't talk to my dad much, so there was always and awkward silence between all of us. It'd probably go back to normal soon.

When I woke up the next morning, I felt like I was forgetting something. I don't know what, but I just felt it. I took a hot shower and got dressed, hoping it would come to me but it didn't. I ignored it and went downstairs to eat breakfast. After I ate, I left to go to school.

I got to school and went to my locker. I put my backpack away, and kept out the books I need. I shut my locker and headed upstairs. I saw Kassia, Spencer, and Hannah. I walked over to them.

"Hey guys." I greeted.

"Hey." They all greeted.

"Are you all excited about the dance tomorrow?"

"Definitely. They're having it kind of late since we've been in school for almost five weeks." Kassia said.

"Well at least they're having one." Spencer commented.

I heard arguing and we all turned to see Marco's gang. It looked like Dustin and Lacey were fighting, and the rest of them were trying to get them to stop.

"I wonder what happened." Hannah said.

"I'll be back." I told them. I walked over to the arguing group of friends and tapped Marco on the shoulder. He stopped arguing with them and turned to me. He smiled and grabbed my hand. He turned back to argue with them some more, but he finally gave up and told them he was leaving.

We walked over to Hannah, Spencer, and Kassia. They were still staring at Marco's friends arguing.

"What's that about?" Kassia asked Marco.

"Dustin was finally caught cheating. Serves him right. I can't tell you the reason. It's a group thing."


Marco turned his attention to me. "My Uncle's wife wants to meet you. You can meet my cousins too."

"Anton is married and has kids?"

"Yeah. She really wants to meet you. It couldn't wait because they leave tomorrow morning."

"Sure, I can manage that."

"Great. You can come over after school." He gave me a kiss. The bell rang and we all headed to our classes.

After school, I followed Marco home. I still feel tired, but he wants me to do this and so I will. We pulled into his driveway and got out. I walked hand-in-hand with Marco as we walked to the front door. He unlocked the door and we went inside. I saw Anton talking with a lady who had long, dark brown hair and blue eyes. There were two girls who looked about 7 and who looked exactly alike except for the hair color and one had freckles.

Marco walked me farther into the house. I gave them a small smile as we approached.

"Aunt Nancy, Heather, Sally, this is my girlfriend Bailey." Marco introduced.

"Hi. It's nice to meet you." I said.

"The pleasures mine. You're very pretty."

"Thank you."

The two little girls came up to us. They were smiling hugely at Marco. I'm guessing they really like Marco.

"Hi, I'm sally. And this is my sister Heather." Sally had black hair and pale blue eyes with freckles. Heather had dark brown hair and pale blue eyes. "Marco, can we go play outside with you again?"

"If you don't mind Bailey coming too." He said with a big smile. This is the nicest I've seen him be to a little kid.

"That's fine." Heather said.

Marco led me out to his backyard. It was as beautiful as the front yard. There were beautiful flowers and even a garden that was growing vegetables. Sally took Marco's hand and pulled us into the clear section of the yard. I watched them as Marco bent down and let Heather climb onto his back. He ran around with her on his back and she laughed the whole time. I smiled at them.

Marco's aunt called me in and I left Marco and the two girls outside playing. I sat at the kitchen table with Marco's aunt.

"I like you." She told me. "You're nice. And after everything my husband told me, Marco needs someone like you in his life."

"Thanks, but I don't think I'm doing anything for him. He's making all the decisions on his own."

"No he isn't. You give Marco reason to be good." I smiled. "I can tell you two are very involved."

"Yeah. We've actually gotten to the 'I love you' stage in our relationship."

"And you say you're not changing him." I simply shrugged, still not believing that I'm doing something for Marco.

Marco came in, out of breath. He smiled at me when he saw me. He came up behind me and he draped his arms over my shoulders and crossed them in the front. He placed his head next to mine and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"She's great isn't she?" He asked his aunt. I couldn't help but blush. I'll probably never get used to Marco's compliments.

"She's great."

"Wanna watch some TV?" He asked me.

"Sure, why not?"

Marco's P.O.V*

We were watching TV for a while with Aunt Nancy and Uncle Anton. Bailey had laid her head on my shoulder a while ago, but I didn't realize she'd gone to sleep.

"Bailey, wake up. Do you want me to take you home?" I tried to wake her.

"Just leave her, she's fine." Aunt Nancy told me.

"I'll take her upstairs to my room. The couch isn't very comfortable." I told them. "Bailey wake up."

"No, five more minutes." I chuckled and picked her up. She wasn't that heavy surprisingly. People usually weigh more than they look, but she weighs what she looks.

"Don't drop her." Uncle Anton warned.

"I would never drop her."

I carried Bailey upstairs to my room. I managed to move the blankets out the way and lay her down. I put the covers over her and made sure she was comfortable. She looked so cute when she sleeps. I kissed her on her forehead and was about to walk away, but I felt her grab me. I turned back around to face her.

"Don't leave." She said, hoarsely. "Please stay with me." I smiled and climbed under the covers with her. She cuddled into my chest and went back to sleep. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close. I'd take her home later. But not long after we'd gotten comfortable, I slipped off to sleep too.


I'm back in business!!!!! It was killing me not being able to upload. Tell me what you think.

Picture is of Marco at the competition ->

Please comment, vote, and/or fan. Thanks ;-D

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