
By Heaven1Leigh

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What if Harry had a sister. What if she was his twin. What if she encountered with Voldemort too and got the... More

Paradise- Coldplay
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Twelve

817 46 5
By Heaven1Leigh

It had been several weeks since Draco and I had that heart to heart conversation. It was now October and it was now getting cold in the castle. I got up and got dressed in my robes. I got up an hour before I was supposed to so I was the only one awake. I walked down to the common room and sat in front of the fireplace. I looked at the burnt wood and thought of the recent information that Hagrid had told me. I always thought of this when I had time. My God-Father was scared? Why was he scared?

If anything I should be the scared one because I grew up in a household that didn't show me magic but had it. I should be the scared one for not knowing how my parents actually died and there may be someone out there still trying to kill me! I should be the scared one. Not him! I had realized I had been crying after minutes of sniffling and a wet face.

I heard someone start to walk down the corridor to the common room as I quickly dried my face. Sydney, Joy, and Kris came downstairs. I didn't dare tell them about the girl in the bathroom and what she had told me to do. I didn't even tell Draco, but I should've. When It was time for class I went alone. I didn't want Joy to think anything was wrong and ruin her always happy mood.

I didn't even dare tell Harry about my godfather. I didn't even tell him about Draco, why would I tell him about a godfather. I rolled my eyes. I didn't know if I was sad about this or just so angry I cried. Frustrated, angry, alone. Walking to class I caught myself thinking about it once more and felt a tear strand out of my eye. I whipped it off. I don't even think anybody noticed though. Good thing too. I hate when people ask me what's wrong, I hate attention. I was almost to class when I heard someone say my name and Harry's.

"Yes, I know it's quite amazing that Nova and Harry Potter both got seekers for their home teams," Sir 'headless' Nick said passing me.

I don't really care at all about Quiddich right now. It wasn't time for me to hear that. Then someone tapped me on the shoulder, I turned around to see Draco.

"Hey," I said trying to run away from him to walk to class, he walked beside me and tried his best to keep up to my pace.

"How are you today?" He said running after me.

"Better," I let off a short laugh. He looked to me and grabbed my arm to stop me.

"Why are you walking so fast?" He asked as I shrugged. I knew exactly why I was. I was trying to get away from her. I wasn't afraid, but I wasn't ready for her to make an appearance. Draco wouldn't understand.

I really cared for Draco and I wasn't going to give him up just because some girl thinks I should. No, he's my boyfriend and I'm not going to give up on him.

That's when I heard her. Her laugh. I looked back toward the laughter as she pushed someone down. That someone who Draco tried to warn me about. Draco tended his grip on my arm.

"D-Draco, please," I begged looking at Joy get kicked in the stomach.

"I-I have to-"

"You could get expelled," he said," if you fight you could get expelled."

"Then I won't fight!" I screamed as I ran over and pushed them all away. Joy lied there crying her face was turning purple. Her robes had blood stains on them. I shook my head at the group then to the girl.

"Are you doing this to spite me? A girl who is always happy, does no wrong!" I screamed.

She rolled her eyes.

"Answer me, pug-face!" I screamed as she widened her eyes to me.

"What did you just call me?" She asked. I thought of the first thing that came in to my head. I had heard Harry refer to her as that a lot, but I didn't care to remember her actual name.

"Pug-face," I sneered," leave Joy alone, it's me you want anyways. Might as well just try and hurt me. Not someone whom you just wish to take your anger out on. That's including Longbottom!"

She rolled her eyes as I tried to run off to the girls laudatory. I was quickly stopped by Draco grabbing my wrist and pulling me back.

"Nova, be careful," He said whispering it in my ear.

"I will, I need to go get her cleaned up now," I said as she sobbed. I grabbed her and ran to the nearest lavatory. I sat her next to the sinks as I quickly grabbed a towel and watered it to clean her cuts and bruises.

Her sobbing was unbearable, it made me want to topple over and cry. I bit my lip and kept myself steady.

"Nova," she made out as I looked to her. "Why did this happen?"

I looked to Joy, she was just a baby, we all were. She was one of the sweetest things in the world and I didn't understand why someone would want to hurt her. She looked to me and sighed.

"They're bullies," I said softly as I cleaned a cut. She winced and let out a cry.

I was almost done cleaning Joy's wounds when I heard her gasp.

"Come on I don't have too much longer, don't wuss on me now," I laughed. Then I herd a gentle voice that didn't belong to Joy.

"Hello," the voice said. I shrugged.

"Hi?" I said looking back to see a ghost.

"Who a-are you?"I asked.

"Myrtle, but people call me Moaning Myrtle," she said,"Why is she crying? Are you hurting her?"

"No! Well, unintentionally," I said looking down. I threw away the towel that was covered in blood to look to Myrtle.

"Was it a boy? Did a boy do this to you?" She said whipping off my hands.

"It's gonna be fine, maybe you could get that Harry Potter, I hear he's strong! And very handsome too!" She said smiling at me.

"Yuck, That's my brother,"I said laughing. "She could do better then him."

"Then y-you must b-be Nova,"She said," wow that boy must be very stupid, you're a scary girl, you stopped he-who-must-not-be-named."

"It wasn't a boy,"I said softly and helping Joy off the sinks.

"Then who was it?" She asked. Joy looked to me but I didn't know pug-faces name.

"I actually don't know her name, my brother seems to call her Pug-face, so that's what I call her most of the time," I said as Macey snorted.

"I see the similarities," she laughed.

"Do you mind if we stay here a while Myrtle? To get her back to her happy self?" I asked pinching Joy's cheek.

"Not at all," she said and flew into a stall. I guess into a toilet because when I called back for her, she was gone.

"Nova?" Joy said softly

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Pansy Parkinson is her name," she giggled," she is pug-faced... But why did she hurt me?"

"Some people are evil and only love to see people hurt. Then there are people like you that smile and help the world and the people who are evil hate that. They hate that because they know they will never have what you do, you have joy that radiates off you and goes on to other people you see," I said fixing her hair. "I'm happy to call you my friend because you always radiate happiness in my life."

"What happened between you and Parkinson?" She asked,"don't act like I didn't hear 'it's me you want anyways. Might as well just try and hurt me. Not someone whom you just wish to take your anger out on.' What did you mean by that?"

"She told me to stay away from Draco, I didn't heed her warning. I thought that may had been the reason why she was picking on you, but she's never seen us together. Why would she have a reason to do it now?"

"I don't care what she does to me, you stay with Draco, you're both happy, I can see how happy you are with him. You fall asleep smiling and wake up earlier. Draco is not your typical Slytherin boy, he's being nicer to some people."

I smiled to myself. I know I had said this a lot but I was happy she was my friend. She was a great person and I would always be here for her. I hugged her tightly as she winced in pain. The cuts and bruises weren't bad enough for her to go to the infirmary for.

"Well let's get going, we're going to be late for class!"

After I was done cleaning up Joy and talking to Myrtle I went to my classes doorway to wait for everyone else to go to the next class.  Joy made her way to her seat as I did mine and we waited for the lesson to start.


Once class was over I found Ron and Harry. They were talking about how Harry and I were the first first-year on the house team in a century.

"Quite amazing huh? My brother, the seeker!" I said making Ron and Harry jump.

"Bloody hell," Ron said turning around,"But it's pretty impressive for you too."

"Not really I mean, I could do something more impressive than that by next week." I said jokingly. As I said that Harry walked off as if he was mad at me. "Whats his deal?" I asked Ron, he shrugged.

"H-Harry, why are you mad?" I asked as I messed up his hair a little.

"Y-You like Malfoy? Don't you?"he asked.

"Harry, yes I do like Malfoy. Why are you asking now?" I asked making him look at me.

"I don't think he's right for you-"

"And there will be girls that I won't think will be right for you."

"But why Malfoy?" he asked.

"Harry, I can't explain love," I said," Draco and I just clicked. He makes me happy Harry, he makes sure I'm okay and safe. He's really charming Harry."

"I still don't like Malfoy," he mumbled as he played with his thumbs.

"I know you would, but please. Just be nice," I said with my puppy face. I gave him pleading eyes. I know he could say no to that.

"Sure," he said as he got up." What happened to Macey? I noticed the cuts and bruises."

"She got beat up for being too happy," I sighed,"I took her to the lavatories after she was and cleaned her all up, she's better now."

"Good," he said as I sighed.

"I still can't believe someone would do that to her. She's a sweetheart, she didn't do anything wrong-"

"We didn't do anything wrong," Harry said as I knew what he was talking about. Mom and dad. We just existed and our parents died. Right in front of us. I sighed.

"Well, we need to head back to the common room," Ron said as he gestured to his rat, Scabbers.

"Scabbers is getting hungry," he laughed.

"Is that Scabbers or you talking, Ron," I laughed as we said our goodbyes. I walked back to the common room alone.

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