
By sammimajoros

148 3 3

In an alternate version of 1800s London, the government is corrupt and the poor are pushed down. Taxes, kidna... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 4

10 0 0
By sammimajoros

"I honestly can't believe you!" Marie's eyes flashed and her cheeks were painted red in anger. Micah just looked at her coolly and turned away, feeling the sharp heat of her gaze burning into him. She was never the most pleasant to be around when she was upset.

"After everything you go and sleep with her? A prostitute of all people!" Hot tears left streaks down her face. She was trying to hold in her tears. She always tried to be brave.

She took a deep breath and looked at Micah, her voice was soft. "Why, Micah? Can you please just say something?"

Micah moved from where he was leaning against the wall and turned toward her. Her green eyes were pleading and her brown hair fell over her shoulders in curls. It was so familiar to see her standing in the entry way of Micah's family home. They had so often hugged in greeting and kissed goodbye in this hallway, though there was little chance of that happening tonight.

"Come on, Marie" Micah ran his hand through his bleach blond hair "What do you want me to say? You know me. You know what we have."

"Do I?" Marie snapped angrily "I knew you had problems Micah but not like this. You let me believe you actually loved me. I thought you were a good person. I thought we were together. I would have never done anything like this to you."

"We are together, Marie. I do care about you." His voice sounded fake even to his own ears. He shot her a smile and flashed his blue eyes so few could resist.

"Then you can't do things like this!" Marie yelled.

"I can do what I want!" Micah snarled. "You're just a peasant girl! You have no say over what I do! You obviously forgot who I am!"

Marie turned away, too angry to speak.

Micah sighed and looked around. Surely the servants would have heard the yelling and would be dying to catch a glimpse of the drama.

"It's not like your any better." Micah said, ice in his voice "I saw you with that boy. What's his name? Pierre?"

"Peter. He works for my father, were only friends and you know that!"

Micah felt sick to his stomach and he thought of all the times he'd seen them together. He was a good looking guy, part of the lower class just like her, her father already wanted them to get married, and he knew that. There was no reason why she should choose Micah... well maybe one.

"Don't pretend, Marie. We both know why you're still with me. The money. Your poor family has so little my life must look like a paradise huh? I bet it feels good to get all those nice things and get to pretend to be better than you are."

Marie stared at Micah in a shocked silence. "You know that's not true." The hurt was clear in her voice and the tears were falling more steadily now. "Why would you say that? You know I would never do that!" Her eyes flashed "Don't try to make this out to be my problem! You did this! Only you!"

"We always knew how this would end!" Micah's voice was rough as he stepped toward her. "You're the poor little peasant girl and I'm high class with a powerful family. We're too different. Your people could never be with mine. You know how you are. Nothing but greedy cheats and thieves."

Marie was no longer crying as she stepped toward Micah and stared him in the eyes. She was so defiant, never could back down, he had always loved that about her.

"Your one to talk. Can't you see how broken your society is." Her voice was hard and cold and her gaze was steady "You're on the city guard, a job your dad got for you. I've seen how you work. I've seen the poor people you've beat for now reason. I've seen the rich criminals you let get away. And you call us cheats!"

She stormed toward the door and rested her hand on the doorknob.

"I can't do this." She turned and looked at Micah, her voice calm "I can't. I loved you. I did. But this? I can't. Your poison. You're broken in a way I can never hope to fix. This is goodbye, Micah. I'm done"

She looked at him with those eyes and Micah knew that he should say something but no words came. It wasn't that he didn't love her. This life, his father, it was all too much and this could never happen. He had a life to lead, a reputation to uphold and she was not part of it. But still as he watched her leave it hurt in a way it shouldn't. He was an idiot, a fool. But those were all words without a voice to say them.

Marie turned away and walked out the door, her boots sounding across the cobblestone. Panic and love came too late as Micah ran to the door and called into the night. "Wait! Marie!"

Micah leaned against the door frame and rested his head in his hands. He stood in silence for a few moments until a silky voice cut through the air.

"Well. You're quite the charmer aren't you?"

Micah's head snapped up and he peered into the darkness, searching the shadows for the owner of the voice. He didn't need to look long for a cloaked figure soon emerged.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Micah's voice was sharp as he called to the figure. He wasn't really in the mood to deal with nosy passerby.

The hooded figure laughed and pushed back the hood revealing a pretty girl with black hair and blue eyes. She just smiled as Micah stared at her in confusion.

"You lack tact but I'm sure you'll have some use. Just remind me not to let you handle any diplomatic matters" She said with a smirk.

"Listen, I don't know what you want but you have 5 seconds to get off my property" Micah snarled.

"Relax, Micah" The girl said, walking forward "I'm just messing with you. Rich boys like you are always so fun to play with"

"How do you know my name?" Micah asked, his curiosity rising. This obviously wasn't some random peasant who stumbled in off the street. Micah could not help the strange feeling in the pit of his stomach. Something was weird about all of this.

Tash ignored his question and continued walking forward. "I heard you had a something I'm interested in. A small gold clockwork piece your grandfather gave you. And don't lie to me, I've already spoken to your sister."

"You know Isabelle?" Micah asked, his confusion growing with every unanswered question.

"Oh yes" Tash shot him a winning smile "We had quite the conversation and got along very well"

Micah just stared at this strange woman. Why couldn't she just give him a straight answer?

"My name is Tash. Perhaps you don't know me but that's no matter. If you have a few moments to spare, I believe we have a lot to discuss."

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