Oasis (Larry Stylinson)

By TheManagement

38.5K 1K 216

How much can one kiss change a relationship? And how long can that relationship last? More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six

Oasis (Larry Stylinson)

6.3K 70 15
By TheManagement

Please enjoy this story :)

I will continue if i recive positive feedback.




I pull on my skinny jeans, throw a white t-shirt over my exposed torso, grab my phone off the stand by my bedside, and hop into my car. Things have been getting strange between Louis and I these past few days. Because I am a supreme idiot. Because I just have to ruin everything.

I drive straight to Niall’s place to hang out. When I arrive, Liam and Zayn are there as well.

“Where’s Lou?” asks Liam curiously.

“Wanted to stay home,” I mumble. I notice the boys exchange looks from the corner of my eye, but no one says anything as I plant my butt on the couch.

“So…” says Niall, “We ordered pizza.”

“I know,” I grumble. “There is sauce all over your face.” The lads laugh half-heartedly as Niall grabs a napkin to wipe his mouth. After the laughter dies down, we all sit there in silence for what feels like an eternity until Liam clears his throat.

“Why don’t we talk about the elephant in the room?”

“What elephant?” I reply moodily.

“You know,” Liam says intelligently. “But we don’t. We just know that Louis isn’t here and that you guys haven’t been talking and we want to know what happened.” When I don't respond he adds, “You two are practically attached at the hip, but it seems like lately…” he trails off.

“C’mon, Harry,” says Zayn. “This affects us too. We deserve to know what’s up.” I roll my eyes. This sure didn’t have anything to do with the rest of the lads.

“Fine,” I exclaim in a raised voice, getting angry for some reason. “Fine,” I repeat. “Do you want to know what happened? Do you? Really? Because I’ll tell you! I’m an idiot, that’s what happened!” I sit down in an angry huff.

“You’re going to need to be more specific, mate,” Niall comments bluntly. I sigh dramatically, sinking into the couch.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” The lads recognize the conversation as over, and Liam turns on the telly. We watch Sherlock Holmes in complete, utter, uncomfortable silence for the rest of the night.

I’m just a right joy to be around, aren’t I?


                I sit in front of the television in a daze. What the hellbutt happened? One second everything was normal, the next our relationship is completely ruined. Why didn’t he say anything? Why did he just… leave. Does he find me that awful to be around? Did I make him uncomfortable? It’s his fault anyway!

Even after Harry has left to do who the hell knows what, I can’t stop thinking about him. Being alone isn’t good, but I don’t want to hang out with the boys because I know they will interrogate me again. I wonder if they know. Did Harry tell them?

The sound of a lock turning and a doorknob twisting jerks me out of my thoughts. Oh god, it’s him.

I hear footsteps come into the small living room and stop. I can feel his eyes on the back of my head. For minutes the only sound comes from the television, and I can feel the tension build up inside me. I have so many questions for him that I can’t even seem to utter. Suddenly, he moves and I can hear him head towards his room.

Before he can make it I say, “Harry, we need to talk.”

“About what?” he mutters apprehensively. I bravely stand up and walk around the couch, straight up to his face. He backs away almost involuntarily.

“The other day, Harry,” I say.

“What?” he asks. I sigh, knowing very well that Harry knows what happened.

“Harry, you kissed me."

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