The Crossbreed Vampire Hunter...

By alliphantomhive

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Vampire Knight x Various Animes OC Insert - "Take care of him, for me Yuki. Make him happy. Happier than I c... More

Prolouge: How It All Started.
Chapter 2: Morning Zero!
Chapter 3: Regret.
Chapter 4: Loneliness
Chapter 5: Hard to get.
Chapter 6: Nights.
Chapter 7: Confrontation.
Chapter 8 : Nightmares
Chapter 9 : Sunrise

Chapter 1: Cross Academy

3K 113 125
By alliphantomhive

A/N: The whole plot of this story belongs to me, I just used the characters of Vampire Knight. They belong to the rightful owner, Matsuri Hino.

-Yagari Toga's residence, Kaila Yagari's POV-

Ahh, so bored..

My ears flatten in boredom while my tail twitches constantly.

Did I say ears and tail?

Why yes I did. My mother is a Demon/Vampire Neko.

I guess I inherited the Neko trait too.

"Kaila?" Daddy calls me, making me snap my head up from the table.

I accidentally bumped into a shelf..


I rubbed my head and walk over to daddy.

"What is it daddy?" I asked my ears and tail twitching.

"Well, we've received a mission from the army and the Vamp. Council." He started off making me jump excitedly as my feline features are twitching.

"Calm down kitty.." daddy says as he pets my ears in attempt to calm me down.

I purr leaning into his touch.

"Okay, the mission from the Vamp. Council was to watch over those blood-sucking leeches in Cross Academy. From the army, in order to protect the school and students more securely, every school will be assigned a few soldiers. Luckily, you got Cross Academy and you're alone for guarding the school." Daddy said as my tail twitched excitedly.

I hugged daddy in thanks as well as in excitement.

"For the Vamp. mission, I was assigned with you." Daddy said chuckling from my excited attitude.

"Wait, isn't Cross Academy the school Father built?" I asked sadly as my excited attitude faded away as my ears flattened and my tail flopped down.

Daddy sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Well yes, but we're the best Vampire Hunters out there as well as you are the best soldier and commander in the army." Daddy said sadly as he pets my ears trying to cheer me up.

"Well at least I'm with you!" I said cheerily trying to change the topic and lighten the atmosphere.

Daddy nodded and stood up making me look at him in confusion.

"Daddy where are you going?" I asked sadly as my ears slowly went down to flatten itself.

Daddy chuckled making me look at him confused again.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to pack our stuff. We're leaving tomorrow anyways." He replied walking away to my room.





{The next day, Cross Academy arrival.}

[Kaila's POV]

"Kaila? Honey, wake up.. We're here." Someone says trying to wake me from my slumber.

I yawn and open my eyes seeing it's daddy who woke me up.

"Huh? We're here?" I asked stretching slightly.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention, my feline features come out when I'm excited or when I wish.

My features disappear if I wish it to be gone.

Daddy nodded as he got out of our car and took out our luggage from the trunk.

I carried my backpack over my shoulder and helped daddy carry one of his suitcases.

"Hey daddy, do you think father will recognise me?" I asked worriedly.

Daddy shrugged and replied, "I'm not quite sure as you have dyed your hair teal blue and is no longer ash blonde like him."

I sniffed around and felt a familiar presence,
"Dad, I feel there is a familiar presence in this academy.." I trailed off as daddy glared at the tall gates.

I shrugged in response and daddy and I walked into the academy.

~~~Timeskip to infront of Kaien's office~~~

"Well it's now or never Kaila." Daddy said as I made my hand into a fist to knock on the door.

I nodded hesitantly and reached out to the door and knocked.




"Come in!" A cheery voice said from the inside.

Daddy then opened the door and held it out for me letting me go in first, he entering soon after.

Father's eyes widened at me and daddy.

"K-Kaila..?" Father said in disbelief.


The door opened with a loud 'bang' as it hit the wall as two students barged in.

"Y-you called us father?" One of the students, a girl said panting.

My eyes widened at her calling my father like that.


I turned to look at the other student, a male.

He turned to me and his eyes widened as well as daddy's and my eyes.


"K-kaila?" He said as he slowly walked over to me his silver coloured bangs covering his eyebrows.

I smiled softly at him and I held my arms out with a 'come here' motion.

In a split second, Zero had engulfed me in a tight embrace and small tears came out of his eyes.

"I-I thought you were dead..?" I whispered softly while patting Zero's back.

"H-he adopted me as he felt bad for me after the incident.." Zero whispered back knowing my situation with father.

Zero then cut off our hug and put his hand under my chin lifting it up making me look at him.

"I missed you." He said in a gentle and broken voice then kissed me.

His kisses were always full of love and emotion, now it's desperation, love and longing..

My eyes fluttered close as I kissed back putting my arms around his neck.

I mean like damn, I'm quite tall for my age. But Zero is like a giant compared to my height!

Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little..

Daddy coughed awkwardly making me and Zero disconnect and look away from each other, blushing with embarrassment.

Father stared at me wide-eyed and gawked with his mouth hanging open.

The female student, looked hurt and betrayed as well as jealously clouding over her eyes.

Zero wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

Daddy chuckled causing father to look at him questionably.

"So, this is where you've been all this time.." Daddy started breaking the awkward tension as he glared daggers at father.

"Care to tell me why you abandoned your own daughter your own flesh and blood, and raise another girl who is around your real daughter's age?" He said in a strict and angry voice.

"Real d-daughter?!" The female student exclaimed her arms flailing around.

Ugh, she's annoying..

"I would also like to know why you abandoned me." I stated bluntly making sure no emotions came out.

Father sighed and looked out the window.

"When did you have her?" I asked pointing at the female student as Zero rubbed my back soothingly, calming me down.

"I adopted her the day the next day I abandoned you, Kaila." Father replied, his voice full of regret.

I started laugh in a mad yet desperate way, "The next day you abandoned me? So all those five years raising me was for nothing? You should have left me on the streets ever since mother left." I said bitterly.

Father gasped at my harsh words and started to protest, "No! It wasn't like that! I had to leave you.." He trailed off.

I chuckled once again with more bitterness.

"For what? You know I could defend myself with lessons from daddy." I said pointing at daddy Toga when I mentioned 'daddy'.

"Y-yes but.." Father tried to reason once more.

"So I'm just a huge burden to you and mother?" I concluded harshly remembering the day mother left me with father.

"No! You're not a burden Kaila!" Father protested once more.

"I'm just a nuisance to you and mother. Just admit it." I muttered bluntly.

"You're not, stop saying that!" He shouted panicking.

"So I'm just an accident?" I scoffed.

Father suddenly stopped and stayed silent.

"So it is true, I'm just an accident." I said bitterly with a sad face and looked away.

"Kaila, it's not like that.." Father said walking up to me.

Zero rubbed my head trying to comfort me when all of a sudden, my feline features came out.


The female student looked surprised while Zero chuckled and rubbed my ears making me purr as my tail twitched excitedly.

"Nya~" I said happily forgetting about the situation I was in.

Zero stopped rubbing me causing me to pout at him.

Zero motioned me to deal with father first.

I sighed.

"Kaila, please listen me.." Father said with a longing voice.

"I will listen, but I'm not willing forgiving you. Also, I need you to answer all my questions." I agreed.

Father gave me and daddy a regretful smile and gestured us to sit down.

I sat in front of father's desk with Zero behind my chair, petting my ears.

"Can you please start off why you left me?" I tried to ask politely, trying to managing my anger mentally.

"Well, I couldn't keep you anymore since you grow up looking and acting like your mother.." Father started as daddy glared at him with the explanation.

Pathetic reason..

"I thought family stays together..?" I said sadly remembering a promise father and I made when I was little.

Father nodded sadly, his expression regretful.

"How long have you been with Zero?" Father asked smiling sadly as he glanced over to Zero and I.

"A year before the incident with that woman."

Zero said bitterly.

Daddy chuckled at Zero and stood up from his seat and whispered something to Zero causing him to blush madly and turn away.

"Daddy, what did you say?" I asked curiously.

Daddy put a finger to his lips and said "Shh."

Father looked jealous and continued, distracting us.

"I'm sorry I had to leave you Kaila.." He said as he reaching out a hand to me.

I slapped his hand away and glared at him, "Why did you take in that girl?" I said harshly pointing at the female student.

The girl gasped as she showed fear and shock.

"I took her in ever since a friend, Kaname Kuran saved her and asked if I could take her in.." He confessed bashfully.

I scoffed, "Asked if you could take her in? Heck, so if he asked you to give me away, would you?" I asked bluntly.

Father stayed silent causing me to assume it was a 'yes'.

"Could you show us our rooms please? We'll continue this tomorrow." I asked looking down, my bangs covering my eyes.

"Ah, y-yes. Yuki darling, could you show them to their dorms?" Father asked cheerily as if he forgot about our current situation.

I flinched, he never called me 'darling' when I was still with him..

Zero shook his head glaring at me for a second making me roll my eyes.

Oh here we go again..

"I don't trust Kaila with Yuki, knowing Kaila she most probably might try to kill Yuki once we leave this room." He said bluntly as I smirked.

"Why yes, you know me too well dear Zero." I commented as I kissed his cheek making Yuki flinch.

Zero rolled his eyes and he took hold my hand a we walked out of the office.

--Timeskip to outside the boys' Sun Dorms--

I looked around seeing that this does not look like the 'female' dorms.

"Zero, are we going to the wrong place?" I asked as I took hold of Zero's arm.

"No, you're going to sleep in my room, with me."

"W-what?" I asked as I blushed madly.

"You heard me." Zero said as he smirked.

We reached the main door of the dorms with a huge sign that said, "NO FEMALE STUDENTS EXCEPT FOR THE DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE."

"Z-Zero? I'm not part of the committee." I stammered as my cheeks turned into a darker shade of red, if possible.

"No, you're going to be a part of it since you know the Night Class's secret." Zero stated as he suddenly swooped me into his arms carrying me bridal style.

"Z-Zero?" I asked blushing lightly.

Zero ignored me and started walking to a hallway while carrying me, the way to his room I assume.

Once we entered Zero's room, he dropped me onto his bed and sat on top of me.

"Zero?" I asked looking up at him.

"Do you know how much I've missed you?" Zero started as he looked down, his bangs covering his eyes.

I looked at him softly and noticed that he was crying.

I reached up and wiped away some tears and said something making him widen his eyes, "Zero, I know. Don't you know I love you?"

Zero looked at me and smiled genuinely then bent down and kissed me once more.

"I love you too Kaila."


-3rd POV-

What Kaila didn't know, Zero had fell in love with Yuki as well.

How will this turn out?

How will Kaila's problem with Kaien be fixed?


Until next time dear readers.

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