Men of Honor~ Part 4 of Alexi...

By anikole

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Four months later it's May, time for Alex's birthday again, and she's out on tour with her brothers, and they... More

Prologue: Alex's Secret
Ch. 1: Hello Beautiful
Ch. 2: The Surprise Gifts
Ch. 3: A Little Fall of Rain
Ch. 4: The Secret's out of the bag...
Ch. 5: Pushing Me Away
Ch. 6: The Doctor visit...
Ch. 7: M&G and Carrying Alex?
Ch. 8: Don't Charge Me For The Crime
Ch. 9: Wrong Choice
Ch. 10: Be in the Way or A Burden
Ch. 11: love/miss you
Ch. 12: Big Sis for Real.....
Ch. 13: 1/3 Gets in trouble... w/o a prank first
Ch. 14: Back to work... again
Ch. 15: High/Lows/Exes
Ch. 16: black sheep?
Ch. 17: Snapped
Ch. 18: Peace/Love
Ch. 19: Who I Am
Ch. 20: F*ing Perfect
Ch. 21: Stay/Permanent Scar
Ch. 22: Shaking Off All of the Pain
Ch. 23: Finding the prefect wedding dress
Ch. 24: Say Yes to the Dress
Ch. 25: Sexy & We Know It
Ch. 26: bridesmaid dress shopping
Ch. 28: "I Do" :-D
Ch. 29: Party Time
Ch. 30: Just Dance with Me...
Ch. 31: I've Been Waiting For a Girl Like You
Ch. 32: flowers/garter
Ch. 33: Honeymoon/Sex
Ch. 35: Honeymoon

Ch. 34: The final Goodbye

1.6K 39 2
By anikole

AN: Hey everyone... here is the next chapter... one more and it's done... I have been down the past 24 hours because a friend is leaving and I don't know if I'll ever hear from that person again. Just 'snail mail' is the only way I'll hear back... but I don't think I'll hear back from ever once my friend leaves next week.

NOTHING WRONG happens in the next chapter... so don't have to have issues with reading it.


Chapter 34

When Alex opened her eyes in the morning her husband wasn’t beside her.  She sat up, covering up and she seen him standing by the mirror, with his pants on, no shirt, and was checking his hair, he heard her move and saw her in the mirror, and turned to smile, “Good morning wifey.”

“Good morning hubby,” she giggles and then yawns and stretches and inhales.  “Ouch.”

“You okay sweetie?” Derek said going to Alex’s side gently brushing her face.

“Just sore from last night.”

“I’m sorry,” he said, “But you were incredible.”

She smirked, “Thank you,” then blushes.

“Don’t blush baby,” he laughed, “I gave you those dancing hips.”

She giggles, “I just can't believe that, we’re married.”  She looks at her hand to see her rings together with her brother/sister ring next to it.  She frowned studying her brothers’ ring.

“What the matter darling?” Derek asked.

“I feel like… I need to depart with my ring.  My brother/sister ring.”  She looks over at the bed stand to see the necklaces of her brother and Derek’s.  “And Kevin’s locket.”  She looks down, “But I don’t think I can.”

“I have and idea,” he said.

She looks up, “What?”

“I have someone who can get you some nice display cases to store them in, we can keep at our house,” he said, smiling to see if she noticed his slip.

“What?  Display them, why when they are valuable.  They’re priceless to me.  I can’t do that.  I don’t want to stop wearing them?  But I feel like I need to move on with my life.”

“No, baby, I mean you know how when people have those glass dolls, they have special glass cases to store them in and put them somewhere where they can see them every day,” he said, “I know someone who can get you a couple nice ones so you can keep them without wearing them, but can see them every day!”

She looks at the ring and takes it off and grabs her locket and then hands them to him.  “Here,” she said softly letting a tear fall.

            He placed them in their suitcase and he held onto her, “I’m sorry your sad, Ali.”

She shakes her head.  “No, I need to move on.  I’m a Hough, I’m no longer a Jonas.  I can’t latch onto the past.”

“You’ll always be a Jonas,” he said, “You could even hyphenate your name.  I know how much your family means to you.”

She shakes her head, “No, I married you, I took your name, I’m now a Hough.”

“Ali, why are you being so stubborn,” he said, “I don’t want you cutting out your family.”

“I’m not going to.  Just that I don’t need them anymore.”

Derek took her wrists, and lightly brushed her tattoos, “Even if you don’t wear the jewelry, you’ll have them with you every day!”

She looks at her tattoos and sees the beautiful pattern that was done with her brothers JB logo and their names on her wrists.  She nods, “I know.”  She stands up and goes to the suitcase and without thinking she even slips her sister ring off her pinky and puts them with the rest of her jewelry.  She sighs and turns around.  “I’m going to get cleaned up before we have company and find out what the plan is for the honeymoon.”

He walked over, kissed her lips and smiled, “I love you Ali.”

She smiles, “I love you too.”

“Now go get ready, so we can start our life,” he smiled.

She grabs her clothes that she was going to wear and goes to the bathroom to get ready.


Derek heard a knock on the door and he went to answer it.  When he opened the door opened he was attacked by three rowdy Jonas brothers.

“HEY!” Joe said, “We came to deliver news and see our sister before you sweep her off.”

Nick was looking at the floor, “Yeah, before she loses her innocence!” he had to laugh.

Derek laughs, “Um, I won’t say anything then.”

“OH EWWW!” Kevin said, “WAY too much info.”

“Hey guys!!!” Alex said coming out of the bathroom dressed.

Nicks eyes glanced over her for a second, “Alex, your jewelry.”

“You took them off,” Kevin said, “That’s good.”

“It is?” Alex asked him.

“Of course,” he said, “Ali, I told you someday they’d need to, but it doesn’t mean we don't still love you.”

“Or that we’re angry with you,” Nick said.

“Speak for yourself Nick,” Joe said under his breath.

Alex got mixed messages.  Two were happy and one wasn’t about her jewelry.  “Okay,” she sighed and then goes up to Derek.  “So, where are we going on our honeymoon?  And you better tell me or I’m going to freak since you knew and told me that Derek knew and he wasn’t going to tell me which he didn’t even know.”

Kevin smiled, “We paid for you to go enjoy the Bahamas.”  With that he handed them a folder, with tickets hotel arrangements, everything.

Alex and Derek look through it.  “OMJ!  Seriously?” she asked with a squeak.

“Seriously,” Kevin said, “It’s all there.  Your plane leaves in two and half hours!”

“OMJ!” she said excited and hugs Kevin.  “Thank you!” 

“Your welcome,” he said.

Then she hugs Joe and Nick.

Derek smiles and looks at Alex.  “Ali, why don’t you go in the other room and visit to say your goodbyes while I pack our bags again okay?”

“Okay,” she said, kissing his cheek, taking Nick and Joe’s hands and Kevin following behind.

They go sit down on the couch as she has Nick and Joe on both sides and Kevin grabs a chair and brings it over to sit down.

“I’m gonna miss you guys,” she said gripping their hands tightly.

“We’ll miss you too Ali,” Nick told her.

“I will too,” Joe said.

She leans over and rests her head on Joe’s shoulder.  “Why is goodbyes so hard?”

He shrugs her off that she sits back up, “Easy, we finally got you back and now that you’re married, you’ve just dismissed us, turned our jewelry in for a wedding ring.  It’s like we don’t even matter anymore.  I dunno.  It’s probably just me.”

“Joe,” Kevin said as Alex looks at him.

“Dude, that was harsh,” Nick told him.

“Don’t dude me,” Joe said, “I promised Alex I wouldn’t hide my feelings anymore, that instead of being an ass and ignoring her that I would tell her.  I mean, yes I feel hurt and broken right now, but it’s just that I’m gonna miss her part, but I just, I don’t wanna lose her again.”

“Joe, you’re not losing me,” Alex turns to face him.  “You three, well four counting Tank, just gained a brother-in-law over night.  You don’t think I didn’t think about you guys when my jaw was getting healed, or when I was on the DWTS?  Or writing my kick ass album with Mitchel and David?”

“Of course you did,” he said, “I’m just afraid, this is different, this is more than an album or a hospital stay, this is a new life, with marriage, a house, a move, and babies someday. It’s just different.”

“I’m moving in with Derek, we’re not getting a house, and we want kids, but he’s got his career right now.  We want to enjoy our married life together.”

“Okay,” he said, “But that’s L.A. We’ll all be in Texas. We’re all gonna miss you so much.”

She looks at her arms.  “Derek reminded me that I don’t need my jewelry anymore because, you're right here too.”

Joe hugs her, “Just remember we’re only a phone call away okay?  I love you so much Alexis.”

Alex nods and hugs Joe back.  “I love you too Joe and I know that you're only a phone call away.”

“Baby,” Derek said, coming in, “We really need to get going, we have baggage check and things.  You know me; I just hate to be late.”

The boys hugged their sister as Derek went to carry down the luggage.

Alex had tears in her eyes, and made sure to whisper to Nick, “If you need me, call me.  Okay?”

He gently nodded, “Okay,” he said and kissed her cheek.

She faces Kevin.  “I hate this… I can’t…” she said trying not to cry.

            “Yes you can,” he said, “Your so strong Ali, and you’ll be back.”

She hugs him.  “I love you guys so much.”  She just cries.  It hit her that they were in her life and now it felt like she was never going to see them ever again.

“Ali,” Joe said, “You’ll be back, please don’t cry like this.  This is your honeymoon.  You are supposed to be happy.”

She lets go of Kevin and hugs Joe tight.  “I know Joey.  I just didn’t think that it would be this hard.”

“Oh Ali,” he said hugging her, “we’ll be here. You call me every day you can okay?”

She nods.

“No phone calls unless you really need to talk to us okay,” Nick told her.  “You are to enjoy your life with Derek alone.  If the paparazzi finds you, then let us know and we’ll send Rob or someone down for you okay?”

“Okay,” she said, “And take care of yourself Nick, AND DON’T!”

 “I’ll be very upset, I don’t wanna worry about you!  You got me?” She tried to laugh a bit through the tears.

Nick knew what she meant, remembering the conversation the day before. “Ten-four,” he smiled.

“Alex, could we walk you downstairs?” Joe asked.

“Of course,” she smiles, “Like that day two years ago.”

They all smiled and all walked out together, taking on last look at the room where her new life began.  She was a new woman, married and committed.  She couldn’t wait for her honeymoon.


AN: So what do you think? One more chapter and it's done and over with.....

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