Everything Changes

De Upallnight19

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Aria had a simple life, she had her friends, her brother, and her parents. At the time she thought life could... Mais

Author's note
Chapter 1: THE BEGINNING-Opening a closed door
Chapter 2: Slice Of Sass
Chapter 3: Mall and torture time
Chapter 4: Family time
Chapter 5: Bad Memories
Chapter 6: Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
Chapter 7: Is there something wrong?
Chapter 8: Make-up and torture time
Chapter 9: Thanks for the Memories
Chapter 11: Is this my own personal hell?
Chapter 12: Stop reading my texts JERK!
Chapter 13: today has already started out shitty, so why not?
Chapter 14: Who knew volleyballs could leave a mark?
Chapter 16: Ripped pants?
Chapter 17 I'd Rather Not & Time to be selfless
Chapter 18: Who knew he had a sweet side?
Chapter 19: You could be the moon and I'll be the sun
Chapter 20: Nothing more
Chapter 21: I didn't know she was THAT scary
Chapter 22: It seems my luck has run out
Chapter 23: Decisions and painful consequences
Chapter 24: Just leave me alone, Zack!
Chapter 25: Blushes with a side of cold pizza
Chapter 26: Bad Decisions, Good Intentions?
Chapter 27: Fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice shame on me.
Chapter 28: The Aftermath
Chapter 29: Forgiveness
Chapter 30: Everything Changes

Chapter 10: Misery Loves Company

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De Upallnight19

                                                     Ryders P.O.V

        When I'm about to open the beer in my hand, my body twitches as a pair of arms suddenly wrap around me. I look down to see Cindy Laurence looking up at me and biting her bottom lip. 

        "Lucky boy~ Alison finally let you out tonight? Did you come to play with the big girls?" She tried suggesting her boobs were bigger than Alison's by shaking them on my back. I snorted at that comment. Alison doesn't stop me from doing anything, but I guess Cindy thinks she's in a position to tease me. Time to fix that. 

     "I don't have to ask her permission, Cindy. I'm not your plaything." She growls playfully, trying to seem sexy. 

      She must not realize how bad her drunk sweats are at this point. I really hope she doesn't soak my shirt. 

     "You are always playing hard to get. How about I show you how fun being my plaything can be?" Now, Cindy wouldn't be saying this shit if Alison were around, since they are "Best Friends" and all. I'll never understand how they have a friendship. Cindy has been trying to get in my pants since day one! 

     "Uhh, yeah not tonight and not ever, Cindy. Why don't you go and find some brain dead dild to be your toy?" I grab her arms and civilly push her out of my comfort bubble. This is not a confrontation I wanted to make tonight... 

       Alison and I might not be dating and I can see whoever I want on the side, but one girl is enough for my mental energy. I turn to see an open mouth Cindy offended at my remark. I take my beer and try to walk away from her but she grabs onto my arm a bit too forcibly.

        "No one walks away from me like that! You ungrateful dog- I can have any guy I want for your information! I was just making out with one of the hottest guys in school!" My eyes went wide and snapped to her arm. A memory from my youth tried coming back up... Almost out of fear of confronting the memory, I swat away her hand. 

     "Don't ever think for one second that you can put your hands on me like that again. I don't care about some guy's sloppy seconds." I stare her down, masking my internal conflict with intimidation. I turn to leave and all I hear from her is this god-awful screeching noise.

        I needed this night to be better. Fast. I head for the back porch to get some peace and quiet. Just as I step out, enjoying the fresh air, I hear the sound of crying. For a moment I thought I saw my shadow, but when I further investigated, it turned out to be a girl. 

     Realizing that I've just walked in on someone crying, I froze. I would usually have no issue and be on my way, but part of me empathized with her. Strange, considering the types of girls here are mostly superficial and will take any excuse to cry. Just never alone... Something's pulling me toward her, something deep in my brain. 

     I clear my throat and make my steps easy for her to hear. Before I could speak, her hand moves away from her face and I recognized her immediately. It's the girl from the mall, and Andrew's sister, Aria. "Yo... are you okay?"

                                                        Aria's P.O.V

        "Yo... are you okay?" Was I okay? No, I feel like my heart has been shattered into a million pieces. I just can't understand why Zack would do that to me... After telling him everything I have been through and all the pain I am feeling. I thought he respected me as a 'crush' but I guess that's the meaning of a 'crush'. They come into your life and make you feel special one second and the next they leave you with this tight feeling in your chest. 

      Like you can't breathe and the more you think about it, the tighter the constriction around your chest feels and you're just left utterly crushed. I mean, look at me! I am hiding in Chris's backyard of the big party, crying my eyes out over a guy who doesn't seem to care about me, and now some stranger wants to talk to me!

        If I am completely honest with myself; I feel utterly stupid crying over a boy. Never thought I'd be that girl, too stupid to not see the signs. Now I can see that it's not always the case. I quickly wipe my face of any tear streaks and focus my eyes. 

      I am shocked to find out that it's none other than THE Ryder Bently, arriving at yet another embarrassing moment for me. This is just FREAKING great! "Y- eah... I'm fine! No need to worry about me! I just need a few minutes alone." I try to lie as my voice cracks.

        I don't think Ryder buys it as he just stands there instead of turning around and walking away like I expected he would. 

       "I was going to drink this to help me, but maybe you need it more than I do." He offered up the unopened beer in his hand. My runny nose sounded off as I tried to breathe in. I was trying to calm myself long enough to get through this moment. I shook my head and waved my hands. 

      "No, no, I'm fine! Really. Just..." I quickly used one hand to hold my head as I looked down, ashamed to show my contorting face. 

       "I need to be alone..." A soft sob escaped my throat and I hated it. Of course, the world would chew me up, just to spit me back out at this party. I was too excited for it. 

        "Aria?" I looked at him shocked. I didn't think he would know my name. Quickly grabbing onto any other topic, I ask, "How- do you know my name?"

        "Lucky guess." He slightly shrugged before looking out towards the backyard. "I know you said you needed to be alone, but I got my own little 'Cinderella sob story' problems going on. The only other place that's void of all the noise is in those woods at the edge of the property." I tilted my head, wondering what's ruining his night at the party. Ryder looked back at me and continued. 

      "I'd prefer to not go out there and stand like Slenderman after talking to you. So if you'll allow me, I'd like to occupy-" He moved to lean on the railing that lined the patio. "-this spot." If it wasn't for the mediocre lighting, I would swear he was making a smug smile. I couldn't help but speak my mind. 

         "But... that's my spot..." He looked down, clearly pretending to be surprised. "Oh! I'm sorry." He points to the space next to him. "Unlike someone, I'm willing to share." I clench my jaw.

        This was my spot first! No- I'm not going to let another boy walk over me. Even if it's one of the school's more famous rebels. Just as I'm about to say something, Ryder is looking away from me. He's just looking at his hands that seem to be mindlessly fumbling the beer. 

     I got a clear look at his eyes. He was here, but his mind was far away already. 'He's drowning too' I thought. I brushed off the thought and let out a heavy sigh. I know nothing about him aside from the rumors and here I was romanticizing him to be a 'tough guy with soft spots'. I moved to take the spot next to him. I wanted to know more. "I'll forgive you for being rude if you tell me what's ruining your night?"

        I saw the light come back to his eyes and he gave me a sly half-smile. "So it's a 'I'll show mine if you show me yours' kind of deal? Fine, but you go first." I jerk my head back in shock. 

       "N- no, that's not what I said-" He turned to rest his chin in his propped-up hand. "You were crying first. It's only right for you to start." I shook my head, letting a small smile slip. I couldn't believe I was letting him bully me into talking first. "You'll feel better.. I promise."

        I feel the lump coming back up my throat as I think of Zach. My eyes were all too quick to start back up the waterworks. "Okay," I say in a quivering breath. 

      "...okay. I've had the biggest crush on this guy since I was 10. And for whatever-the-fuck reason, he decided to randomly kiss me the other day out-of-nowhere and again tonight." My wrist pressed into my eyes, trying to keep myself somewhat composed. Damn Zach... This isn't who you are... I take a long moment and Ryder is completely quiet, surprisingly. 

      "Then 30 minutes later his tongue is down this chick's throat! I honestly just feel like a fool... To think that he would ever have feelings for me the way I have feelings for him." I grab the railing with one hand and use the other to wipe my eyes. "Why the hell am I telling this to an asshole of a stranger?"

        I wait for him to laugh at me but it never comes, instead, he just sets the still unopened beer on the rail in the space between us. "I seem to have that effect on girls as of late." His eyes seem to lose some focus. Edger to make him spill his details, I grab the beer and watch him refocus. 

      "Your turn." I tried to get a smile through my saddened state. He looked like a deer caught in headlights, but I wasn't going to let him know my drama without him spilling some beans. 

     "I have trouble forgetting the past." I wait for more but he says nothing more. I wanted details but I couldn't bring myself to press him. I might as well talk him up for anything else he'll share.

        "Why are you acting so nice to me? We are strangers and- no offense, you don't seem like the type to help 'damsels in distress'."

        He cocks his head to the side and stares at me with a mix of shock and amusement. Oh well, this is just great, I offended him to silence. Now I'll end tonight feeling jipped twice! Just as I'm about to defuse the tension by apologizing, Ryder stops me by waving his hand. 

     "No, you're right. I am not that type of guy; I'm the type that minds his own business but as far as I can tell..." He leans closer and acts like we weren't the only ones outside. " 'misery loves company', right?" He leans back and I can't help but agree. I needed someone to be sad with me, but not necessarily with me. I set the beer back on the rail, giving up my pursuit. I enjoy our silence for a couple of minutes, just letting my tears slip out every now and then.

        "That guy is a fucking idiot, Aria. I may not know everything but no one should have their heart played like that."

        I'm shocked because he seems nothing like what everyone says about him. Unless it's just some 'nice guy' act, I'm completely unsure. For right now though, it's just nice enough to talk to someone else other than Emma. 

     "Don't take this the wrong way but you are nothing like the rumors." He gets a big grin on his face unlike I've ever seen. "That's because you haven't gotten to see that side of me, sweetheart. If you're lucky, you will get to." He winks at me and I just gawk at him. I've heard other rumors about him sleeping around and was deeply shocked about his boldness. He did not break eye contact as he spoke. 

      "You might wanna close your mouth before you catch something with it." Instinctively, I shut my mouth, but I did manage to recover and find my voice. 

     "Well aren't we a cocky guy?" He gives me this breath-taking smile that honestly could let him get away with murder, but I steeled my heart and looked back at the big house party. 

     "I should probably go find my brother and see if we can go home... but dammit I don't want to see that douche bag!" Ryder was flabbergasted. 

     "Wait a second, you hate your brother?!" I blinked several times, trying to find out what he's talking about. "Absolutely not! No- never! I love my brother!" I narrow my eyes. Just speaking his name makes me sick enough to spit. 

      "It's Zach... The one I was talking about." I bit my lips shut. I wanted to keep it anonymous but cat's out of the bag now. I meekly meet his eyes and I can't read his expression. It almost seems rigid or strained. 

     Suddenly, his face morphs to something more readable and he calmly says, "How about instead, I go find Andrew and just let him know I'll drop you off at home real quick. After I explain to him about what happened between you and Zach-"

        "No!" I grab his wrist and knock over the beer on the rail. Surprised that I just grabbed him, I quickly withdrew my hand. 

     "I'm so sorry about that- but you can't tell a SOUL about what I told you, Ryder. Please. I can not deal with that type of drama right now." He looked slightly worried and just nodded his head. I needed something better than a nod. I stepped closer and looked him dead in the eyes. 

     "Promise me." My heartbeats were in my ears and I quickly realized how vulnerable I made myself, risking anyone else finding out about my foolishness. He tried speaking but was at a loss for words. How is a man of his title at a loss for words suddenly? Now of all times? I raised my fist up, extending my pinky."

        Pinky promise me you will never speak of this." He grimaced. "Why? No, that's so childish." My voice dropped an octave.

      "Ryder. I trusted you." I knew my face was pleading him to just agree. He rolled his eyes and scowled as he extended his pinky. 

     "Whatever..." Once we made the sacred pinky promise, I felt the uneasiness leave my shoulders in a huge wave. He started walking away from me. "Me and your brother know each other so it shouldn't take too long to get his approval for me to drive you home."

        'Maybe this is a sign' I thought after about 10 minutes of waiting. Maybe I shouldn't get in the car with a stranger, even if he said he knew Andrew... Another 5 minutes pass and I start to wonder if he changed his mind completely about taking me home. Ryder comes out of the back door before I could go over my options. 

     "You ready to go?" Hell yes, I'm ready to go! I don't say that and just nod. Just as I take a step towards the house, Ryder is walking towards the steps of the patio. Once he was walking on grass towards the side of the house, I realized that we weren't going through the house.

        Ryder led me to the car. He even opened the door for me. "Okay so- where do you live?" I put on my seat belt and get settled in the car before turning to him. I tell him where I live and he looks at me for a bit too long and I realize he has no clue where that is. 

      "Do you know where the park is that's by McDonald's and the bowling alley?" He nods his head. "Okay. Head in that direction and I will help you from there." Starting the engine, we drive off and head towards my house. I shoot Em a text letting her know where I am.

      "You know... it's weird having not ever talked to you and then you suddenly show up out of nowhere to help me." He's quiet for a while, to the point that I am not sure if he heard me or if he wasn't going to say anything. 

      "Actually, I showed up twice and helped you." He looked over and smiled and I looked at him confused.

        This is the first time I have ever gotten his help. "Did you forget that day at the mall; where I saved you from the overly eager employee?" Ha, I honestly had forgotten for a second that he helped me, but I didn't think he knew that. 

     "I didn't believe that you noticed that I needed help." He snorted and started to laugh. "Please. Anyone could see how uncomfortable you were with that guy. Oh, well except for that guy and your friend that you were with. Kinda funny, isn't it?"

        "Ha funny my ass! That guy wasn't going to let me walk out of there alive." To which I don't think I would have if Ryder hadn't helped me out back there. 

     "You would have been fine, just had to break a poor guy's heart. I think you would have been okay." Yeah because everyone likes breaking someone's heart." Speaking of broken hearts... I can't believe you like that jockey-ass prick." I felt the anger build up inside of me with him calling Zack a prick. Granted, he just did what he did, but he wasn't a prick! 

     "Zack is not a prick! He just...I don't know why he did what he did, but he isn't a prick!" He looks over at me and rolls his eyes. "If you say so... Didn't mean to offend you, just thought you would understand. Anyway, where do I go now?"

       "No, you didn't offend me... It's just- I have known him for years and hearing someone call him a prick is a first for me, sorry. Yeah just turn right at the light then take a left at the first entrance." He does as I say and then keeps driving till I point at which house is mine.

       "No need to say sorry, just... I guess we see him differently is all." He shrugs his shoulders, and I'm not mad anymore because I suppose I can understand that. 

      "Yeah well, thank you for the ride home... Umm- did you want to come in and get something to drink?" I had no idea why I offered, but I guess it's the polite thing to do.

       "No, this isn't my car and I should probably get back before my drunk buddies miss me. I'd hate for them to think the car was stolen again." I close the door and I hear him roll down his window.

      "Have a good night, beautiful." With that, he drives off, leaving me standing outside staring at the car until it disappears. I go into the kitchen to grab a drink before heading upstairs. Once I'm sitting on my bed, wondering what I should tell Emma, I start mentally preparing for all her questions she'll no doubt have about what happened at the party.

----- So what do you think of Ryder? Does he seem like an okay guy? Ryder at the top (; Anyway! Favorite and leave a comment and tell me what you think! Love you guys----

Xoxo Night <3

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