His Baby ~ j.g

By KinkyJB

17.3K 567 15

'You're going to fall in love so many times before you find the one you'll be with forever. So think of it th... More

Chapter 1 - The start
Chapter 2 - hidden relationships
Chapter 3 - problem
Chapter 4 - The locket
Chapter 5 - Getting along
Chapter 6 - Break ups
Chapter 7 - This weekend
Chapter 8 - Apologies to kisses
Chapter 9 - sister justin time
Chapter 10 - mistake
Chapter 11 - parties
Chapter 12 - the day before
Chapter 13 - birthday
Chapter 15 - together
Chapter 16 - no school
Chapter 17 - Broken
Chapter 18 - ready
Chapter 19 - nothing but love
Chapter 20 - bad influence
Chapter 21 - stuck in between
Chapter 22 - alone
Chapter 23 - us
Chapter 24 - gifts
Chapter 25 - just frieands
Chapter 26 - kaitlin
Chapter 27 - moving
Chapter 28 - right & wrong
Chaper 29 - taken
Chapter 30 - thoughts
Chapter 31 - happy moments
Chapter 32 - sorrow
Chapter 33 - decorating
Chapter 34 - where she is
Chapter 35 - couldn't find her
Chapter 36 - little secret
Chapter 37 - seeing the family
Chapter 38 - away for a while
Chapter 39 - Reunited
Chapter 40 - seeing him again
Chapter 41 - wrong turn
Chapter 42 - leaving
Chapter 43 - alone
Chapter 44 - Talking it out
Chapter 45 - another one
Chapter 46 - leaving? Again?
Chapter 47 - forgiving once again
Chapter 48 - His proposal
Chaper 49 - Telling things
Chapter 50 - Going Away

Chapter 14 - Sam I Am

379 11 0
By KinkyJB

Sunday -- September 2nd
Cameron Jeffries

I woke up on the floor, not even the floor of my own house.

Where am I?... I asked myself

I looked over to my right and seen Sammy passed out on the floor next to me. "Sam" I shook his shoulder gently "Sammy, wake up" he stirred in his sleep

"Hm" he moaned

"Wake up, where are we?" Sam shot up from the floor, looking around

"We've gotta go" he got up and grabbed my wrist, dragging me outside

"What happened?"

"Nothing, we just need to get away from here. I need to get you home" Sam pulled me by my arm down the road and away from that house


Sam and I walked into my house quietly, everyone was sleeping so we snuck up into my room. I opened the door and sat on the bed.

"What happened?" I asked getting frustrated

"You know how we stayed out way past your curfew, we got so wasted last night at this party and lost control" Sam rubbed his face with his hands

"I'm going to be in so much trouble when my brother gets up" I lazily laughed "but I have to admit, that was the best birthday I've ever had"

My phone went off, I picked it up to see what was going on. I had gotten a picture message from an unknown number, I unlocked my phone to see what the picture was. I covered my mouth "Sam, look" I showed him the picture

It was of us kissing at the party last night, but we were really going at it. "Oh god" Sam groaned

"What if my brother see's this?" I panicked

"I have a plan for if he does, but I'm pretty sure he won't"

I laid back in my bed, closing my eyes for a minute. Sammy sat in my desk chair, leaning back.

"Come get in my bed with me" I moved over and pat the spot next to me.

When Sam laid down, I turned over to my side and closed my eyes.

No one

Gilinsky had just woke up and was still worried about Cameron. She left last night and didn't come back, but he didn't know she was in her room already. He tried calling her once again, but still received no answer.

I really hope she's okay... Gilinsky thought

Everyone else was beginning to wake up, still asking about Cameron. They decided that they were going out to look for her. Hailey walked upstairs to Cameron's room to grab her shoes, once she opened the door, a wave of relieve took over. Hailey walked back downstairs to inform everyone before they left.

"Hey, Cameron's upstairs in her room" everyone ran up to see if she really was there

Opening the door, they found Cameron and Sammy sleeping in her bed, wrapped in one another's arms.

"What was she doing with Sammy?" Johnson asked

"Well she seemed to warm up to him quickly" Hailey shrugged

"It happens" Johnson shrugged

He walked over to the side of the bed, gently shaking Cameron's arm "ceejay"

"What" she groaned

"Get up"

"No, I'm tiered"

"If you don't get up, I'm telling Natalie that you didn't come home last night" Johnson threatened

"Fuck! What do you want and make it quick, I have a headache" Cameron sat up in her bed with her eyes closed

"Where did you go last night?"

"I went to a park, remember? I was angry at everything" Cameron laid back down

"Then why didn't you come home and why is Sam here?"

"Because I passed out and he brought me back at like five this morning. He was too tired to walk home so I let him stay here" she shut her eyes trying to ease her headache

"Next time, call me so I know that you're alright. You had us all scared to death" Johnson spoke up

Cameron didn't say a word, everyone left the room. The only people left in their was ceejay and Sam.

"Nice save" Sam mumbled


Cameron Jeffries

I opened my eyes slowly, adjusting to the light. My heading was gone, to say I was glad about that was beyond what I really felt. I felt Sam's arms tighten around my waist as I moved around.

"You feel better?" I asked

"A lot better" he smiled "what time is it?"

I looked at my phone "3:49"

"Wow, we slept for a long time"

"Yea, we should do it again tonight" I smiled "I haven't felt this type of rush, since I broke up with Cameron"

"What that mean?" Sam asked

"Cameron didn't like when I partied and stayed out late"

"Sounds like a square to me" Sam chuckled

"Nevermind, I just want you to stay here with me. I might actually get into some deep shit if I do that again" I sighed


Sammy and I stayed in bed, watching movies together. It was a quiet Sunday, I enjoyed sam's company. Although I did find it weird that he actually stayed after only knowing me for a day.

"Ugh, fuck!" I groaned "I don't wanna go to school tomorrow"

I crawled into my bed and laid my face into my pillow. Grabbing my phone, I called Justin.


"Justin did you move into your new home yet?" I asked

Sam left about an hour ago.


"Where do you live? When do I get to see your house? Is it b-"

"Woah, woah there Cameron, slow down. Like I said, tomorrow you'll find out about everything okay?"

"Ugh, okay. Well I gotta go shower, I'll text you when I get out"

"Okay, bye cammy"

"Bye" I hung up my phone and set it on my bed.

I walked over to my dresser, gabbing a tank top and boy short panties.

Tomorrow is going to be rough...


Sorry for any errors, I like where this story's going I just don't know if people like it, or is it just me.

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