Let Me Save Your Heart.

By EmMcGuinessParker

11.7K 340 90

Nikki George's brother was in worldwide famous band, The Wanted. You would think she has a great life, but yo... More

Let Me Save Your Heart - Prologue.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 1.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 2.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 3.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 4.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 5.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 6.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 7.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 8.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 9.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 10.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 11.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 12.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 13.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 14.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 15.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 16.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 18.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 19.
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 20
Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 21
Author's Note -

Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 17.

348 9 14
By EmMcGuinessParker


"Nikki?" Tom asked as I was sat on the sofa beside him, eating the massive box of chocolates which Jay had bought for me a couple of days ago; it's all I've been eating recently and it's all people have been buying for me as well.

"Yes Parker?" I laughed once I'd eaten the bit of chocolate.

"Are you and Max ever going to sort your argument out?" he sighed, stealing one of my chocolates from the box.

"Maybe, maybe not, depends on if he's going to stop selling stories about me to the papers, just to force me to break up with Nathan." I replied.

"And what about Zayn?" Tom asked as he took another chocolate from the box; he was a greedy pig sometimes and needed to stop stealing things from me.

"Oi, Jay bought these for me, not for you. And Zayn is just as bad as Max, only he posts the things on Twitter and all your fans see them, then I'm the one that gets sent the hate and is constantly called a liar." I replied.

"Sharing is caring you know. Look, you and Nathan love each other, right?" Tom smiled at me.

"I don't share, not even with you Parker." I laughed at him and then added, "it's taken me this long to actually tell Nathan that I love him; he's the best thing to happen to me in a long time and I really don't want to lose him."

"I'm pretty sure you're never going to lose him. It's taken him this long to get you, I don't think he'll be letting you go in a hurry." Tom smiled at me.

"I know. I just worry that Max and Zayn are going to ruin everything because I don't know what they're next story they're going to tell people is, and I worry that Nathan is going to hate me for that and he'll realise he can do so much better than me." I replied as I looked down at the paper lying on the table, me and Nathan plastered all over the front of it.

The headline reading 'Is it love or is it a cover up?'

The storyline being about mine and Jake's relationship before I got with Nathan; my private life being put out there for the whole world to see.

Just because my brother and, someone that he doesn't even like, want to bring me down to nothing and make my life miserable.

Everyone judging me, even though they didn't even know me or what I'd been through. They were judging me on what my brother and some twat I once considered a friend had told them.

Even people on the streets look at me like they know me, when all they know is the worst side of me because they only read the paper and don't bother to actually ask me.

"It's been two months, what's the worst that they can do?" Tom asked, obviously not knowing what my brother was capable of sometimes.

"Guess we'll just have to wait and see, everyone already knows how I ended up pregnant. The only other thing left for him to tell people is about the abuse I got at home; and that would only make people feel sorry for me." I chuckled, trying to make a joke out of it because I really didn't see how he was going to use that to make people hate me.

But this was Max we're talking about here, so anything is possible with him.

"Look, why don't we do a Twitcam? You, me and Nath, let people ask what they want to ask and they can get to know the real you?" Tom suggested.

"You'd do that for me?" I replied with a slight smile on my face.

"Of course I would. I know the real you, it's time that others got to know you as well, then they can make their decision on you." Tom smiled in response.

"That sounds good to me." I said as I went back to eating my chocolate and watching the Jeremy Kyle episode which Tom had put so he could catch up with it; that was the only reason he came round here, was to watch it with me. It was like a daily thing we did when he wasn't busy.

Good old Tom.


"Hello guys!" Nathan beamed as he waved at the people who were watching.

"Hey everyone!" Tom pretty much shouted into the camera, I couldn't help but laugh at him and neither cound Nathan, it was pretty amusing.

"So, we're here to clear up some stories which have been going around recently about my girlfriend here, Nikki...." Nathan stated.

"We understand that a lot of you have been reading Max's stories in the papers for the past two months, so we thought it was time you got Nikki's side of the story." Tom added with a smile on his face.

"Because, although some of what you've read may be true, other parts of it are complete lies." Nathan said as he moved over towards me, wrapping his arm around my waist and placing a kiss on my cheek.

I was sat there with a nervous smile on my face as I watched the number of viewers rapidly increasing; probably not even knowing what it was about. They just wanted to see Tom and Nathan and hear their voices for a bit; I'm sure they don't really care about me or what I've got to say.

They'll still believe what Max and Zayn say about me, even though Zayn is just posting what Max tells him to. It's not even like he knows if it's true or not, he just assumes it is.

"Hi Max, nice of you to watch." I said sarcastically as I waved at the camera just to be annoying, I could see that he was watching because he had already asked four questions and seemed to be annoyed that he wasn't getting an answer from me; he was going to be even more annoyed that I was being sarcastic to him.

"Hello Max. Anyway, first question is from @IAmMaxGeorge, and they ask 'Nikki, is what Max said about you and your ex-boyfriend true?'" Tom said looking at me.

"Yes, what Max said about us is true, he's the father of my baby and we were in love. But, what Max didn't tell you, is he's the reason we split up in the first place because he doesn't like me being happy." I replied.

"Erm, @WeLoveTW want to know 'when you first moved in Nathan, did you intend on falling in love?' Well, did you intend on falling in love with our sweet, innocent baby Nath?" Tom laughed at me.

"Ha, well, erm, if I said no, would you believe me?" I joked since I wasn't really sure what to say; Nathan knew the answer because we've spoken about this before and I've told him the truth. I don't see that I need to tell everyone that, especially people who hate me right now.

"Yeah. She's always loved me, I mean, who wouldn't love me? I'm Nathan Sykes?" Nathan joked as he pointed at himself with a smug look on his face.

"Big-headed much..." I laughed.

"You love it though." he grinned like an idiot.

"Oh yeah, says who?" I questioned.

"Me, because you love me, and I know you do." Nathan smiled, giving me a quick kiss before looking back towards the camera with the biggest grin ever on his face.

"I do love you." I grinned.

"And I love you too." Nathan smiled again as he moved closer to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulled me towards him.

"Aw. They're so cute, it makes you want to be sick. @Ellie_TheWanted says 'aw, such a cute couple, why do people hate them?' Erm, @TW123456 says 'you're so perfect together, I should have given you a chance before' and we've got @HeyDereTW who says 'sorry for ever doubting you Nikki. You clearly make Nath happy.' So, are people taking back what they said about Nikki here?" Tom asked once he had finished reading some of the comments people had been making.

"Just for the record, she makes me very happy and you all should have realised that before. Anyway, ask some more questions?" Nathan smiled.

"Nathan makes me happy as well; and, despite what people have been saying about me, I'm not with him for his money and I'm not using him for his fame. If I was really like that, then I would have got with him a long time ago, rather than two months ago. Yes Max, I see you dropping snide remarks in there every so often..." I smiled in response as I lifted my feet up from the floor, kicking Tom out of the way so I could put them on the sofa.

Tom landed on the floor with a slight bump and, if looks could kill, then I would be dead with the stare that he just gave to me.

But it was too good an opportunity to miss. And I was one funny girl when I wanted to be.

"While Nikki just makes me miserable all the time." Tom pouted at me.

"That's what I do best. Love you Parker." I chuckled.

"Anywhere, let's see what other questions we've got here then. Erm, @JayTheWanted wants to know when he's next going to see you?" Nathan laughed as he read out Jay's comment.

"Shall we say, never? That sounds good to me, sorry James." I joked, knowing how annoyed he got when I called him James. He would always hit me whenever I called him that, but I would just do it on purpose to be annoying to make him leave me alone when he wouldn't shut up.

I was such an awful person to him sometimes, wondered why he even put up with me.

"Poor old Jay. He must be heart-broken now." Tom replied with a smirk.

"Let's see. Ah, here's a good question. @Aj_ asks 'what are you going to name the baby?'..." Nathan smiled.

"Well, if it's a girl then it's going to be called Sophie Mai, but if it's a boy, then it's going to be called Ryan Luke..." I answered.

"And @ilovethewanted wants to know if Nath is going to be the adopted father?" Tom asked as he scrolled through the people who were posting things; I couldn't help but there was the odd person who still hated me and wanted me to leave Nathan, while the majority of people seemed to have changed their opinion about me all together now and wanted me to stay with Nathan.

"I haven't really thought about it. Nathan is just going to help me with everything, being a single parent isn't as easy as some people make it out to be. Just having friends helping me is going to make it easier." I replied.

"We're always going to be here to help you." Tom grinned.

"Shame that my brother doesn't feel the same way. It would be nice to know that my baby could be brought up actually knowing who its Uncle is, and I could really do with family support right now, rather than the family put-downs." I sighed as I moved off the sofa and went into the kitchen; not wanting to let people see me crying because of Max.

After two months of everything, you would think that he'd had enough by now and would just allow me to actually be happy with my life; rather than attempting to bring me down all the time and ruin everything I've tried to build up.

I placed my hands on the side and just let the tears fall, as I felt a pair of hands wrap themselves around my waist and a chin resting on my shoulder; I knew that it was Nathan and I didn't even need to turn around.

"I left Tom to entertain the fans, he seems to be doing a good job." Nathan said with a slight chuckle.

"Well, you didn't have to leave, you could have carried on, I'm fine." I half-smiled.

"Don't even bother lying to me Nik, I know you're not fine. Don't let Max or Zayn bring you down, it's what they want and you're just letting them win. We're happy and that's all that matters to me." Natnan said, placing a kiss on my cheek as he turned me around and wiped the tears away from my cheeks.

He was always there for me and he was always trying to make me feel better, even if it didn't always work and wasn't always the best way to deal with the situation, but at least he actually tried.

At least he wanted me to be happy and wasn't trying to ruin me all the time.

It was nice to know that a few people actually cared about me and I wasn't just some toy for them to mess with when they got bored with me.

"I've had enough though Nathan, I don't know how much more of this I can take. The lies. The jokes. The constant comments. It just isn't fair anymore!" I cried onto Nathan's shoulder as he hugged me tightly, gently rubbing my back in an attempt to calm me down.

"Look, I'm not going anywhere and it doesn't matter what your brother says or does to us. Please, just don't think like that and don't let them come between us. I love you Nikki." Nathan pretty much begged with me now, knowing the direction in which this conversation was now heading and what was coming next.

"It's for the best Nath. Then we can both just get on with our lives, not having to worry about any of this happening..." I said through the tears.

"Please, don't do this Nikki, not after everything we've been through. We've got this far, why now?" Nathan sighed.

"Because I don't want to keep on fighting. I can't keep on fighting. I'm sorry..." I replied and then walked out of the kitchen, leaving Nathan stood there, totally speechless at what had just happened; I wiped the tears away from my eyes as I disappeared into my bedroom, closing the door behind me.

I know I'd let Max and Zayn win by doing this, but it was the best.

At least one of us would be happy...

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