Be Mine a Drake & Nicki Minaj...

By TLCThaBae

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Be Mine a Drake & Nicki Minaj love story
Chapter 1: Summer Plans
Need help!!!
Chapter 2: Hot football player
Chapter 3: TGIF! ;)
Chapter 4: Party time
Chapter 5: party time part 2
Chapter 6: keep it on the low
Chapter 7: bad news on my first day out
Chapter 8: surprise surprise
Chapter 9: big night
Chapter 11: WE MADE IT!!
Chapter 12: Graduation party gone wrong
Chapter 13: Graduation party gone wrong pt 2
Chapter 14: am i in love? (Drakes POV)
Chapter 15: Talk at the pool
Chapter 16: Date night
Chapter 17: Date Night part 2
Chapter 18: What to do now? (Nickis POV)
Chapter 19: I love you
Chapter 20: Trust Me
Chapter 21: 1 thing down 1 to go
Chapter 22: She aint you (Treys POV)
Chapter 23: Time passed
Chapter 24: Chillin,Messing around
Chapter 25: Oh No he didn't!
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29: Just a few days
Chapter 30: i fucking hate you
Chapter 31:Choose 1
Chapter 32: Birth
Chapter 33
Chapter 34: Surprise!

Chapter 10: i never knew this would happen

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By TLCThaBae

Daniel: hey nic can i talk to you for a second

Nicki: sure,what is it

Daniel: wait, lets go some where more private

Nicki: ok?

Nicki didnt know what was going on but she just went on with it. they went to a empty class room at the school. nicki hoped this wasnt one off trey's "i want you back" sceems again. but something told her it wasnt because the expresscion on his looked like he needed to say something important.

Daniel: so nicki um......* rubbing his neck*


Daniel: nicki I've been wondering....

Nicki: yes daniel * angus to know*

Shit nigga let it out he said to himself

Daniel:i was wondering if you wanted to go on a date saturday. you know to catch up and stuff. like movie or the beach ( oh now he think he slick if you know what i mean)

Nicki: sure i would like that.

Daniel: hows does noon sound

Nicki: great see you then

Daniel felt good now that he got that off his chest but there was alittle more that he wanted to say.

Nicki's POV

I knew never Daniel would ask me on a date. i thought i was in the friend zone. but I guess not. I went over to drake and told him goodbye and left.

~ At Home ~

I walked in the front door all smiling and shit and momma started to suspect something.

Momma Carol: why are you so happy.

Nicki: guess who asked me on a date?!!

Momma carol was happy that nicki has finally found someone in such a short time. When nicki told her mom about her big break up carol was shocked. She never knew trey would do something like that to her.

Momma: who?

Nicki: remember Daniel? From elementary school?

Momma Carol: * gasps* that handsome little boy you used to play with?

Nicki: * nods her head signaling that's a yes*

Momma carol: omg baby that's great

Nicki: the date is Saturday

Momma carol: im happy for you.


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