Harry Potter is actually Harr...

By Music_is_Hope

66K 1.6K 324

What if the boy who lived wasn't really Harry Potter but Harry Malfoy? Mr. Malloy shows up to the Dursley's... More

Rescued by the Malfoys: Harry POV
Potter is my twin? Draco POV:
1 - Malfoy?
2 - Hadar?
3 - Memories
4 - My Little Warbler
5 - Back To Hogwarts
6 - Revealment

Life being a Ravenclaw Harry POV:

15.1K 357 43
By Music_is_Hope


So far life has been good here in Ravenclaw. Our mother and father don't mind us being a Ravenclaw now, in fact, they are actually proud of us. So far we made some new friends like Luna Lovegood and Anthony Goldstein. Quite nice people. Professor Snape was shock when he heard that the Malfoys had twins instead of one child, when he contacted mine and Draco's parents to get proof, he couldn't believe his eyes when he found out. When he did, he came up apologizing for being mean to me all these years, he even tried to send me flowers. Luckily I managed to convince him that his apology was accepted. I also heard that next week is quidditch tryouts and that we will be having new transferred students coming. I'm quite curious about the transferred students because I heard rumors that they are professor Snapes daughter. We will just have to find out. I also did hear that they are not witches but they have magic, I went to the library to get some information and it said, "that some people can have hybrid kids, not half bloods. Sometimes it could be a mix between a vampire and a werewolf for example, no one ever had a hybrid child except for one, a mummy. The mummy got married to a wizard and had twin daughters. When the daughters were born, they were like a veela, extremely beautiful. It was heard that the queen did not accept wizard or witches. When the queen found out about it, she immediately told her daughter to get a divorce to the wizard, the mummy kept the children because the father requested her too, his job was dangerous and with his children around would make it worse. It was said that a couple years ago, the mermaid died but the children are still alive. They are supposed to be the next in line for the throne. The children are supposed to go to hogwarts when they become 14 years old. That means, they would get a chance to meet their father for the first time." I couldn't believe what the book said because they could have been a hybrid or some other creature. All I know is that they are girls, and that they would be staying at the school for the rest of their lives meaning, year 4-7. I hope they are in the Ravenclaw house! Meanwhile Draco seems to be enjoying the Ravenclaw house. He is more nice now since I've been in the family, including mom and dad. I managed to reach them that not all muggles were bad, just some of them are and they grew more comfortable that now, Draco no longer calls the muggle borns "mudbloods" he will just call them by their last names, if he knows them. So far life has been great!

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