The Crossbreed Vampire Hunter...

By alliphantomhive

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Vampire Knight x Various Animes OC Insert - "Take care of him, for me Yuki. Make him happy. Happier than I c... More

Chapter 1: Cross Academy
Chapter 2: Morning Zero!
Chapter 3: Regret.
Chapter 4: Loneliness
Chapter 5: Hard to get.
Chapter 6: Nights.
Chapter 7: Confrontation.
Chapter 8 : Nightmares
Chapter 9 : Sunrise

Prolouge: How It All Started.

4.3K 113 25
By alliphantomhive

Let me tell you a story, it is about a Vampire and her lover.

Once upon a time, there was a Hunter and his love, a crossbreed of a Vampire and a Demon.
~Hunter's POV~
More and more Level Es come up trying to kill me for my 'special hunter' blood.

I slashed one of them across the chest creating a deep wound.

His blood gushed out as the some Level Es turned to him and ran to him and started to suck him dry.

I feel bad for them, they had a good life as a human before they encountered a Pureblood Vampire that twisted their whole destiny turning them into blood-sucking beasts

I killed off the remaining Level Es and walked into an abandoned building.

"La la la, please someone set me free from this prison.."

I heard beautiful singing and followed the direction where it came from.

"Please, someone.."

I saw a beautiful brunette lady on a balcony singing a song about needing someone to set her free.


Oops, I knocked down a table lamp..

She turned around and stared at me her mouth slightly agape.

"W-who are you and how did you get here?" She asked me stuttering slightly.

"The name's Kaien Cross, I was sent here by the Vampire Hunting Council to hunt down Level Es." I said taking off my mocha-coloured hat and tipped it and bowed at the same time.

"O-oh." She muttered her fringe covering her azure-coloured eyes.

"Are you imprisoned here?" I asked referring to the song she sang earlier.

"W-well by someone no, by my own choice yes.." She replied quietly blushing remembering the song she sang.

Her eyes flashed crimson red for a second and turned back to her normal azure blue colour.

"Oh, so you're a Vampire." I said looking at her.

"Y-yes, please don't kill me!" She pleaded looking very scared of me as she shut her eyes, waiting for her death.

I chuckled causing her to open her eyes wide.

"I'm not here to kill you miss, I'm here to execute those Level Es which have been killing many innocent people and I've happened to finish our battle here." I told her smiling slightly.

"A-ah okay.." She said softly standing properly.

"Y-yes.. Mr. Cross.. I've imprisoned myself here for as long as I can remember and hid my scent from the other Vampires.." She told me softly hiding her hands behind her back as she answered my question from earlier.

"May I ask why? If you don't mind I mean." I questioned her curious why such a strong-looking yet fragile acting Vampire would imprison herself here.

"N-no I don't mind.. You see, I'm a very rare type of a Vampire.. My family line comes from the Draculas' and the royal line of Demons. Well, I am half Demon and half Vampire.. My 'sacred' blood is very precious.. And now many Vampires are after me. As for my feline features, I inherited them from my Demon side." She confessed turning around to stare at the moon.

How did I not notice those twitching ears and tail?

"I see.. Isn't your hunger more blood-thirst more 'extreme' than other Vampires as you're one of the Draculas'?" I asked trying to confirm my suspicion from the books I've read in the Vampire Hunting Council's library.

"A-ah about that.. Our thirst is not what you call 'extreme', but we're only thirsty when we're down on energy or when we really need blood. And we don't drink human blood.. We drink Supernatural blood. Most of the time we drink our own or kind's blood." The Vampire said confirming my suspicions were not true.

"Ah, I see.. May I ask your name?" I asked not wanting to call her the 'Vampire' or 'she'.

"Y-yes, my name is Ailanna Dracula. Please call me Ai if you wish." She replied smiling showing her fangs.

"You're a shy one aren't you 'love'?" I asked smirking as I used her nickname, 'Ai' in english.

"W-well.." Ai trailed off looking away as she blushed immensely causing me to chuckle.

I think this is off to a good friendship..
Their love was forbidden as the Hunter was supposed to hunt his love's kind.
~Time-skip into 2 years later..~
-Ai Dracula's POV-

"Love, I'm here!" Kaien said happily as he shouted loudly from the entrance of my home.

"Kaien, you're so loud.." I muttered rubbing my temples.

Kaien and I have been friends for two years now, he's been visiting me ever since that day.

Oh well, he's such a nice friend but I'm starting to have doubts about that..

I think I like him..

No Ai! Don't think that! You are not allowed to be with him!

"Hey love, are you okay?" Kaien asked me snapping me out of my thoughts.

"A-ah yes.." I replied blushing and sheepishly rubbed my left hand on my shoulder.

"Well if thats so, I would like to tell you something." Kaien said looking and sounded serious.

I stood up properly and nodded curious to know what he has to say.

"W-well love, you see.. I really like you.." Kaien stuttered and stared at the floor embarrassed.

His face had turned a very dark pink and a mix of red causing me to giggle.

"Aww Kaien you're blushing!" I exclaimed trying to calm myself down from laughing.

"H-hey! This is supposed to go for you to tell me of you like me back!" He yelled-shouted waving his arms around like a madman while his blush turned even darker, if possible.

"W-well yes Kaien, I like you too." I replied hugging Kaien.

I hid my blush from hugging Kaien so that he will not see it.

"Hey, can I try something?" He asked me causing me to nod softly.

Kaien cupped my face with my left hand and leaned in, closing his eyes in the process.

I stayed still and closed my eyes blushing hardly.

Our lips connected in a few seconds and we stood there embracing each other as we kissed.

I hope this relationship lasts.
But not all Vampire are blood-sucking beasts, like the Hunter's love for example.

The often met secretly at night until one day, they did the forbidden act.
[Ai Dracula's POV]

"Congratulations miss Dracula, you're pregnant!" The doctor exclaimed not knowing I'm a Vampire and thought I'm just a mere human.

"W-what?" I questioned my voice sounding shaky.

No, this can't be possible!

I can't let Kaien know..

Our child would be killed in the end..

No.. No..

"Thank you Doctor." I said putting a fake smile and got off the chair I was sitting on.

"Take care honey!" The doctor called at me as I left the clinic.

I think I should avoid Kaien..

I returned home and saw Kaien sleeping on my bed snoring softly.

I giggled on accident causing him to wake up.

"Hey love, how was the check-up?" He asked as he kissed my cheek.

"It was fine." I replied putting on a fake smile.

Kaien looked hesitant about my smile but ignored it.

"I have a mission now, I just came by to say goodbye." Kaien said and kissed me.

I closed my eyes and kissed back, savouring it as it might as well be my last kiss with him.. For now.

"Okay, love you!" I said trying to sound as cheery as possible.

"Love you too love." He said and hugged me once more and grabbed his bag from my bed and left.

I better start packing up..

Soon I had my necessary items packed and write a letter quickly.

Well the reason was fake..

Dearest Kaien, my love..

I'm sorry, I have to leave.. The other Vampires found me and are taking me away tomorrow.

I'm planning on moving away for awhile until they forget about me then I'll come back.

We'll see each other again, someday.

Your love,
Ai Dracula.

Tears quickly welled up in my eyes and dripped onto the note.

I quickly applied some red lipstick and kissed the note making a kiss stain on the paper.

I looked around my room once more as it would be awhile before I could come back..

I saw a picture of me and Kaien kissing on my bedside table..

Happy memories..

I quickly took it along with the frame attached to it and slipped it into my bag.

Goodbye Kaien..

I quickly fled from home, then teleported to my family's home in hell.

"Welcome home Ai, we missed you." Father said as he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"How are you sweetie?" Mother asked me as I gave her a hug.

I gave them a broken smile, and said some words I meant halfheartedly,

"It's good to be back."

The Vampire soon realised she was pregnant with her lover's child. She avoided him in hopes of him leaving what they've started. She sadly watched her lover search for her at night while she wept quietly as she hid in the shadows.
[Kaien Cross's POV]

Ai, my love..

Why did you have to go?

We could had ran away together..

Start a family just for us..

I would gladly leave my job just for you..

You promised you wouldn't leave me, leave us..

Heck, I would let you turn me into a Vampire for me to be with you..

Ai, my love..

Please come back..

I wrote in my journal, quickly scribbling down poems about me missing Ai dearly..

I need a way to somehow pass time from being here, in Ai's room seeing all our happy memories taken in pictures..

Eh? A missing picture?

I noticed a picture missing on Ai's bedside table.

Did she bring it with her..?

I hope she did..

I looked at the clock and noticed that it was quite dark outside..

What? 9pm already?

I've been weeping about Ai for more than four hours..

I walked outside and sat under a Sakura tree and thought of ways possible places she could go.

Back to her Vampire home..?

No, it would be too obvious.

Another country?

Possible, but I have a feeling she would not do that.

Back to her parents' in hell?

Possible, but how the hell do I get in the Demon dimension?

I sighed and walked into a nearby forest, remembering the picnic we had here a week weeks back.

Happy memories..

What would I do without you?

I've grown very attached to Ai over the few years of us being together, making me very weak without her.

I'll search for you love, even if it takes me forever.

Promise me Ai, we'll see each other again.


I turned around and saw a cat, its fur being the same colour of Ai's hair as well as its eyes were the same shade of azure blue like Ai's eyes.

My heart clenched at the sight.

"Meow.." It purred as it stroked its ears.

"Meow!" It said and quickly ran away but looked back at me then continued running..

Ai, I miss you..

{3rd POV}

What Kaien didn't notice, the cat, was Ai.. His love.

She has the ability to transform into a cat as she is a cat demon.

{A/N: Classy right? ;P }

Ai being a cat at night was only the way for her to visit him.

Ai quickly went back to her room in the Demon realm and switched back into a person.

She cried everyday missing Kaien.

The Hunter was devastated. He searched for his love everyday. Until one stormy night, he saw a huge surprise.
{Ai Dracula's POV}

It's been five months since I've left Kaien..

Since I'm a demon and a Vampire, the pregnancies are faster.

I've just given birth to a beautiful baby girl, and named her Kaila.

Kai from Kaien and La from Ailanna.

Kaila will surely be a beautiful woman in the future..

"Ai, I need you to escape from here! The Vampires has figured out that you're here!"

I turned around and saw Father yelling at me to escape.

This is the perfect chance to see Kaien again..

I nodded and quickly stuffed some of my clothes and Kaila's necessary items in a random bag in my room, changed Kaila's clothes and diaper then yelled a loud 'Thank you' and a. ' Goodbye for now' and then teleported to the front door of Kaien's house.

Oh, it's raining..

Kaila started to cry and reach out for me.

I took out Kaila's full feeding bottle and gave it to her as she stopped crying.

It's now of never..

I knocked on the door thrice.




Kaien opened the door with a sleepy face causing me to giggle.

His eyes snapped open at my giggle and his eyes widened at me.

"Ai?" He asked, reaching his hands out to me to see if I was real.

I gave Kaien a small smile and nodded,

"Yes Kaien, it's me.. I missed you."

Kaien hugged me tightly as if I was going to disappear while tears suddenly streamed down my cheeks.

"Why aren't you hugging me back? Don't you miss me?" Kaien asked as he wiped the tears away from my face.

Kaila let out a small cry, answering Kaien's question.

His eyes widened and motioned if he could hold her and I nodded handing Kaila over to her.

"She's beautiful.." Kaien muttered as he stared down at her smiling while making funny faces.

"Love, is she ours?" He questioned me.

I smiled widely in response then told him her name, "Her name is Kaila."

"Why Kalia?" Kaien asked as Kaila grabbed one of his hands and sucked on it.

Oh yeah, I forgot. Since Kaila is part Supernatural, she grows faster than normal humans.

"Well Kai from Kaien and La from Ailanna." I replied and walked into Kaien's house and set my bag down.

"What a beautiful name.." Kaien said as he continued to play with Kaila.

"Baby, are you hungry?" I asked my baby as I walked over to her and Kaien.

Kaila shook her head 'no' and reached out her chubby hand to Kaien's face and pinched it, hard.

"Ow!" Kaien exclaimed while holding his cheek and Kaila with the other hand.

I laughed at my loves, seeing them happy is enough.

I felt a pinch at my side and sighed.

My time is running out..

I guess maybe I could stay for maybe one more night..

"Kaien, I need to talk to you later.. When Kaila's asleep." I told Kaien not seeing his response and walked into his kitchen and started making dinner.

"Dinner smells good.." Kaien said as he put Kaila on a chair beside the kitchen counter and hugged my waist then kissed by neck.

"Well does Takoyaki sound good?" I asked as I detached his hands from my waist to grab some flour.

"Yes, love!" He accidentally screamed, startling Kaila.

"Baby, are you okay?" I asked walking up to her.

Kaila nodded and pointed an accusing finger at Kaien then started babbling while pointing at him.

"I suppose she's angry at you Kaien.." I giggled as Kaien cried dramatically and hugged Kaila.

"I'm sorry my baby! Daddy didn't mean it!" He wailed making Kaila look at me with a confused face.

I smiled at her and continued making dinner.


But all good things come to an end.


The Vampire soon left her family in an emergency, leaving the Hunter in charge of Kaila.

She missed her first words, first steps, her first laughs and her first activities as well.

The Hunter allowed his love to make him into a Vampire before she left due to the reason of her leaving.


The Hunter raised his daughter until she was five, he couldn't take it anymore.

The pain seeing his daughter grow up looking and acting like his love, it killed him inside.

So the day came when Hunter abandoned her.


-3rd POV-

"Father, where are we going?" The five-year old Kaila asked as she held her father's hand while they walked to a park, farther than their usual park from home.

The park was empty.

"We're going to a new park, and I'm bringing you there to play." Kaien answered as he stopped and bent down, brushing some hair out of his daughter's face.

"Be careful okay?" He asked as he gave her a broken smile at her.

"Yes father!" The little girl chirped as she ran to the swings.

Kaien smiled slightly and walked to a nearby field of Dandelion flowers.

"Kaila, come here for a second!" Kaien called his precious child.

"Yes father?" The child asked as she came running to him.

"Look at this!" He said cheerily, and blew softly on the flower causing many Dandelion seeds to fly around Kaila.

"Pretty.." Kaila muttered as she stared in amazement.

Kaien continued to blow more seeds around Kaila as she sat on the ground smiling and laughing happily.

Once Kaila look deeply occupied in the flying Dandelion seeds flying around her, Kaien gave Kaila a broken smile and covered his scent using his Vampire powers then ran off, leaving Kaila in the patch of Dandelion seeds.


The child was abandoned by her father, the only she had.

She walked around the park, searching for her father.

Unfortunately, she couldn't find him. The young girl sat under a Sakura tree and started crying.

Someone approached her. She noticed it was her father's good friend as well as her uncle, Yagari Toga.


-3rd POV-

The young girl cried under a Sakura tree, unable to find her father.

"Kaila? Is that you?" A man said as he approached her.

The crying child looked up to see her uncle, Yagari Toga.

"Uncle Yagari?" She asked her voice still shaky from crying.

"Yeah it's me.." He answered as he hugged Kaila to calm her down.

Even though Yagari is a mean person on the outside, he's only a softie to Kaila.

"Calm down.. Tell me what happened.." Yagari said as he put her on his lap brushing some of her hair away off her face.

"Father.. He abandoned me.." Kaila confessed while she started to cry again.

That made Yagari snap.

"That idiot.." Yagari muttered under his breath.

Yagari was so caught up in cursing Kaien, he didn't notice that Kaila had fell asleep.

He looked down to see Kaila snoring softly causing Yagari to smile at her.

Yagari put Kaila softly on the ground leaning her on the tree behind them and stood up then took Kaila in his arms again.

Even if I have to adopt you, I will..


From that night forward, Yagari had adopted Kaila.

He kept her a secret from Kaien as well.

Kaien missed his family everyday.

But the story is not over yet..

What happens when Yagari and Kaila goes to Cross Academy on a mission, a school Kaien made for Vampires and humans to co-exist?

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