Kissed By The Baddest Bidder...

By Elli-Dawn

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The Bidders Coming Home To Finding The MC Battered And Bruised
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MC Finding The Bidders Dancing
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The Bidders Discovering MC Is An Idol
The Bidders And The Skateboard
Interview With The Bidders#1
The KBTBB Guys Using Tumblr
The Bidders Taking Care Of A Pet
Drunken Disaster- Soryu

Soryu With His Family At The Zoo

2.8K 85 4
By Elli-Dawn

"Daaaadddy, I'm tired!" Soryu's daughter Nami whined, clutching onto the material covering his legs.

Walking alongside them you giggled. Surrounded by wildlife and the hot sun above, you all traversed through the zoo. It was decided after watching a documentary dealing on animals a few days prior that you would all make a trip out to see some real life-sized animals up close. However, due to the heat, little Nami had already grown tired.

Soryu stopped in his tracks. Sighing a little he knelt down, "Want me to carry you?"

Nami's face immediately lit up at his words and she was now smiling brightly," Yes, please!" She eagerly nodded.

"Alright." With ease Soryu picked up her tiny frame and placed her on his broad shoulders. You couldn't help but think how cute they looked together at that moment, Soryu really gave off that proud father feeling.

"Yaaay! I can see everything! I'm shooo tall!" Nami excitedly cried out. Although she was perhaps a little too excited as she didn't pay attention to what she was doing and pushed her weight against Soryu's head.

"Ooof... Hey, watch it or I might drop you." Soryu cringed from having his head pounded on but even so there was still a smile on his face.

"You two are so cute." You lighty giggled, unable to wipe the smile from your face. You couldn't deny you were at your happiest when being out with the two people you loved most in the world.

"I was sure she would go to you. To think she chose me...I didn't expect that." Soryu sounded a little surprised but at the same time he couldn't deny how happy it made him to be looked up to by his daughter.

"That's because she loves you, silly." You grinned and he slightly jumped as if those words shocked him, but then you saw the faint blush on his cheeks, as he looked up at his daughter whom leaned over him from above, with a small smile.

"Hey, daddy, mummy, where are the dragons?"

You both gasped at her question and was struck speechless, "Huh?!"

"I wanna see the dragons! Draaagons!" Nami excitedly yelled out over and over. It was as if all her energy had returned at once and with an even greater force.

"There is no dragons here." Soryu calmly responded and Nami's face dropped.

"No dragons? ...But you are the boss of dragons, right? Can't you summon one?" With her big, round eyes, Nami leaned over to look at her father's face.

Soryu was slightly taken aback by her statment and looked at you for help but all you did was smile innocently while shrugging your shoulders.

Soryu looked back up at Nami, "I can't summon dragons. I'm not-"

"Shh, don't tell her yet." Shaking your head, you stopped Soryu before he could tell her.

Soryu glanced at you with a look of helplessness, "Then what am I supposed to do?" He asked, nearly at his wit ends with the current situation.

You smiled and looked up at your daughter, "Honey, Daddy can't summon dragons here because it's too hot for them in this weather. He leads the ice dragons and they don't like the heat." You made up a white lie on the spot with ease, the smile still present on your face.

Soryu, though, flinched and was flabbergasted by what he just heard, he thought it was absolutely ridiculous and no one would ever believe such a thing.

But Nami, closely listening to your every word, started to nod her head, "You are right. That's a shame." She sighed. Soryu was even more surprised Nami believed it but then remembered  her age and realized he still had a lot to learn; he was grateful you were there to help him out.

Nami had finally calmed down for awhile as the three of you continued to travel through the zoo until something had caught her eye.

"Dragon!!" Nami shouted excitedly and once again pushed her weight against Soryu's head.

Soryu grunted from the sudden pressure, "Hey...!" And then realizing what she just said he looked around wildly, "Dragon?!"

"There, daddy!" Nami eagerly pointed over his head to what looked to be a booth. Several booths had been set up within the zoo due to it being the holidays.

"Oh, she must be talking about the dragon plush." You pointed towards one of the rewards situated in the shooting gallery.

"Can I have that one? Please Daddy?" Nami tugged on his ears as she begged him.

Soryu, looking a little disgruntled, pulled Nami from his shoulders and set her down, "You want that one? No problem." Being a mobster he was skilled with a gun, that reward would be his in no time.

The three of you walked up to the booth. A man whom was running the booth greeted you.

"Hello, welcome. Will you be playing a round?"

"That's right. I want that dragon when I win." Soryu pointed at the huge dragon plush that rested on the counter.

The man started to laugh, a wry smile playing on his lips, "Sure. That's if you can win."

"Piece of cake." A confident Soryu placed the money for the game in the mans hand and was given a rifle.

"To win the dragon you need a perfect score. Good luck."

Just as the game was about to start, Nami tugged on her father's clothes and looked up at him with her big, round, hopeful eyes, "I know you can do it, daddy! I believe in you!" At that moment, Soryu felt so touched by her words. It was only a simple game but she treated it like a life or death situation; the trust she placed within him filled him with joy.

With a smile, Soryu leaned down and ruffled her hair, "Just watch, I'll win you that dragon." Nami smiled brightly in response and threw a fist in the air as she cheered happily.

"I'm ready." Soryu gave the signal and the game was under way.

The targets proved to be no match as Soryu knocked down each one with ease. Getting a bit flustered by Soryu's incredible gun skills the man pressed a switch and the targets started to move. However, this didn't faze Soryu in the slightest as he kept knocking them all down one after the other.

"Game and match." Soryu smiled proudly at all his fallen targets. The man, though, was in total shock and could hardly form a sentence, never did he think Soryu would be able to take out every single target and with such ease.

"I'll be taking the dragon." Soryu said, grabbing the dragon. The man, still in shock, slowly nodded his head, watching the three of you walk off with the dragon in tow.

"Yaaay! Thank you, daddy! You got me a dragon. You are the best!" Nami was brimming with happiness as she snuggled her new, fluffy plush dragon.

Nami suddenly grabbed hold of his leg, "I love you, daddy." Her voice slightly muffled from his clothing.

Soryu froze on the spot, struck speechless by her sudden confession, no matter how many times he heard it, he never got use to it. Being loved by his daughter and by you was the best feeling in the world.

"Hehehe, she really loves you. I don't think she will let that dragon go for a long time." You smiled happily as you watched your daughter clinging to your husbands leg.

"You might be right. Heh... I really am lucky to have such a wonderful family." Soryu's face relaxed into one of contentment. He turned to you with a loving gaze, "Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this family." And slowly he leaned in and stole a quick but sweet kiss from you. It was the perfect day out at the zoo and a day you wouldn't soon forget.

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