Trusting the Enemy

By Cerberous10

6K 243 9

[Torchwood fanfic] Fear was supposed to be behind The Outcast after the Timelords abandoned her in the 21st c... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Book 2

Chapter 10

236 10 0
By Cerberous10

            "Is there a reason that bloody lizard led us into the sewers?" Owen shouted as he glared down at the filthy water.

Murdar stopped walking and turned her flashlight back at him. "To get rid of us."

"You said to follow him." Jack spoke up from where he'd stopped at a split in the tunnels. "Well we did, now we're down here while Shylah could be dying!"

She glared at him. "Shouldn't you know where we're going? You live here you figure out how to get out!"

"Guys...?" Tosh interrupted the argument and pointed towards a tunnel. "Something down there just moved."

"Stay alert." Jack moved to the front, his gun ready to fire.

Murdar stood near the wall, twirling her knife in preparation for an attack, the red glow in the middle of the blade and on the handle stood out wickedly in the dark. Nothing moved as they watched the tunnel, though from the corner of her eye she swore a spiny web poked above the water to her left before disappearing again. Then the attack came from behind them as a large green-blue scaled Letifer Anguis erupted from the water, it wasn't as large as Serpens' height but it came very close as its dark black eyes glowered down at them, the webbing between its feet only made the claws look longer.

"Don't stand there, shoot it!" Jack shouted, firing his own gun.

Gunshots echoed off the walls loudly and the alien growled in response before using its powerful tail to knock them all to the ground. She winced at the impact and slowly started to get to her feet when a splatter of blood dropped to the ground beside her, turning her head she saw the wounded lizard staring down at her, the blue glow of her broken TARDIS reflected in its malevolent eyes. Murdar scooted back until she nearly slipped off the edge of the walkway and into the dirty water... she was trapped. Then another round of gunshots went off, distracting the beast as it went back for the others. She felt herself relax a bit before she jumped to her feet and ran down the tunnel it had come from, surely if she went that way it would take her to her friend.

More water washed up as a deep forest green and muddy brown-scaled alien broke surface and blocked her path. It acted intimidating but the monster was only up to her head in size, at five foot seven it didn't seem too scary compared to the others. Murdar held her knife threateningly before lunging forward, claws wrapped around her and she was shoved to the ground, for something so small it was strong. Sharp teeth pricked into her throat but she managed to free her arm before driving her blade into the ugly colored Letifer's throat. Blood ran out of the wound and her knife glowed a crimson red, a second later the creature fell to the side... dead. It was as she stood back up that she realized the fighting behind her had gone silent.

Murdar heard footsteps and got into a defensive position once more until the other three came into sight, mostly unharmed other than some bruising and small scrapes. She calmed her breathing before continuing to lead the way down the sewer, though she didn't know where they'd come out.

"You're going to get us all killed!" Jack shouted at her. "We need to stay together."

She turned around to glare at him. "What are you going to do? Make me? I do not work with Torchwood, you are not my leader."

"I can make you." He threatened.

"You can feel the tension." Owen smirked and walked past Jack. "Why don't you two actually just get it over with? Just kiss and make up like normal people!"

They both turned their murderous looks to him and Jack shoved into the lead. "Let's go."

Murdar smacked Owen with the flat of her blade. "I would never trust let alone have an intimate moment with a member of Torchwood."

"What if they were to show how much balls they had?" He gave her a look, which she ignored.

"That would be a miracle. At this moment I bet I have bigger balls than you." She picked up her pace but he still stayed beside her.

"Is that so? Care to prove it?"

"I hope you get killed." She growled, wiping a trickle of blood off her throat. "I hope all of you get killed... I'll even go back to Torchwood and finish Ianto off myself once all of you are killed by the Letifer Anguis."

"So bitter."

"Be quiet, all of you!" Jack ordered as he paused at the bottom of a maintenance ladder. "This should let us out a block away from the warehouse."

"Let's go then." Tosh followed Jack up the ladder.

Murdar felt Owen lightly shoved her back as he started to climb, a smirk on his face. She scowled and twisted his leg, forcing him to turn to the side to avoid falling, and she quickly climbed past him and out of the sewer. She looked at her jacket in the growing dawn light, it had just been washed and now it would take forever to get the blood out... her backpack hadn't faired much better in the fight. Behind her Owen came out, his new jacket was covered in dirt.

"Tosh, you're coming with me, we'll go in the main entrance like last time." Jack started talking as they went into a like jog. "Owen, you take the second level door with Outcast."

"I work alone." Murdar answered before running ahead of them.

"She'll blow the whole thing!" She heard Tosh exclaim, though she didn't hear a response.

She slowed to a walk as she reached the warehouse, skirting the edge of the building as she searched for an opening other than a door... her enemy would expect that. Instead she slipped in through a broken window and dropped to the ground, once she was sure nothing was going to start attacking her she pulled a metal disk from her back and strapped it to a band on her wrist, she would activate it later when the energy shield was needed.

The dark walls were easy to navigate as she made her way farther and farther into the building, following a blood trail that had dried on the ground. She was almost at the last door in the hallway, the door where the trail ended, when a robotic walk came from the other door. A moment later the door opened and a Cyberman walked out, turning to face her immediately.

"Delete, Time Lord threat." The Cyberman reached out for her and Murdar backed away.

A shout came from behind the door she'd been forced to abandon. "Outcast? Outcast run!"

"Shylah?" She slowed and glanced past the Cyberman chasing her, she had to get back there.

Electricity went through her body and Murdar gave a pained scream before falling to the ground, pain filling every inch of her body. The Cyberman grabbed her collar roughly and started dragging her back down the hall; she shuddered and felt one of her hearts stop while darkness hovered near the edge of her vision. She refused to give up now however and knocked the disk on the ground to trigger the energy shield, which knocked the Cyberman back, freeing her. Murdar stumbled to her feet before running to the door and breaking the lock, once she pushed open the door her eyes immediately landed on Shylah, who was now lying on the ground with a blood-soaked shirt sticking her.

"Shylah?" Murdar unbound her friend's wrists, noticing one was swollen and oddly angled. "Come on, I'll get you out."

"Yvonne..." Her friend pointed towards the doorway with her good hand. "You should've run."

She turned around to see the Cyberman walking back towards her before glancing back at her friend. "You didn't when I needed to be saved."

"We weren't both trapped in a corner." Shylah stood up beside her as Murdar held out the shield in defense.

"Stay behind me." Murdar ordered before running forwards, straight at the Cyberman Shylah had called Yvonne.

A tingling feeling went through her arm as the robot tried frying her again but she managed to shove the enemy away long enough for them to run past. She pushed Shylah ahead of her before turning to face the Cyberman again as she continued to retreat.

"Did Jack bring the others?" Shylah asked as they ran.

"Who said Torchwood was here?"

"I can hear them fighting."

Murdar frowned, not liking the enthusiasm in her friend's joy. "Yes they're here."

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