The Dragon Slayer

By KaylinCanon

22.6K 678 70

When Kk is saved by Natsu she decides to join Fairy Tail to get away from the horrid life she lived. She is a... More

Welcome to the Guild
To Defeat the Other Guild
Galuna Island
Training Session
The Tower of Heavan
The Battle of Fairy Tail
Note (again)
Oracion Seis
Wendy's Arrival
What Happened Before
Gildart's Arrival
The First Trial
Grimore Heart
The Battle Aganist Hades
Seven Year Slumber
Help Me!!!!!
Cover one
Cover two
Cover three
Cover four
Cover five
Cover six
Cover seven

S-Class Start

268 8 0
By KaylinCanon

I walked through the back onto the stage. "What are you doing here?" Gildarts asked walking over to me. "I'm an S-class wizard genius." His face turned into shock. "You, a S-class wizard? But you're so-" "Young? I know, better than you I presume?" I cut him off. He just gave a look of confusion and guilt then walked away. 

I took my spot behind Erza and the curtain opened. "Welcome everyone to the ceremony of the S-Class trails!" Gramps roared. "This year the participants will compete on Tenoru island. These trials will test your mind, heart, and body."

"And this years participants are...

Natsu Dragneel

Gray Fullbuster

Juvia Lockster






In one weeks time you will meet at the port of Hargeon with your partner and the trials will begin." Gramps explained.

"Now a word from our winner last year, Kk." There was applause and I walked to the front of the stage.

"He isn't kidding, it takes a lot more than you think to be an S-Class wizard. It's not just about strength, but intelligence and power. Know your own limitations then change them. We all have weakness's and hold a dark past but that makes us stronger. And S-Class is just a title so it doesn't matter if you have it or not."

A slow clap then applause. I went back to my spot behind Erza. "And just know that if you want that title you are going to have to get past these guys." Rejections were heard throughout the audience.

"We all had to go through this trial it's only fair you do too." Gildarts chimed in. "Yeah, you guys are lucky, at least you know the location this year." I looked over at Gramps and he gave me an unsure smiled while scratching the back of his head. "You have one week."

I hopped off the stage and was greeted by Wendy and Lisanna with a simultaneous, "You never told me you were an S-Class wizard!" I chuckled and scratched the back of my head sheepishly. "Guess it never came up.


"Alright let's discuss the trials." Gramps pulled out a map with trails mapped out. "There will be one serenity route, two dual routes, and three S-Class routes. Erza in one, Mirajane, and Kk and Gildarts together."

"Woah you really don't want someone to pass." I said with a chuckle. Gramps just shrugged. We went on with the meeting then parted ways. As I walked home with Galia, I thought back to my trial.

Everyone was gathering in the guild hall and waiting for something. I look around and find the pink pyro. I wade through the crowd and tapped Natsu on the back. "What's going on?" I asked. "Gramps is about to announce the S-Class trials." "Okay?" I said momentarily confused. He recited some speech then listed the names.






I stood there in shock. I was among those who could be labeled as one of the strongest. I have only been in Fairy Tail for 7 months.

"You may pick a partner and train with them throughout the week. And this year will be different. You must find the location on your own." There were groans throughout the guild. "That is all."

I spent the rest of the week training and planning my strategy. I sat at the bar with Mira trying to get her to spill the location. "Hey, so what do you think about the S-Class trials?" "I think they will be amazing this year, especially with you participating." "Really that's flattering. So what's the masters plans." "Well the master is leaving the day before and- wait I-" "Bye Mira!" I shouted as I ran out of the guild.

The night before the trials I followed the master to an island where he checked into a hotel. I found my way home and the next morning followed my route back to the old man. "Great job Kk you actually found me." "It wasn't that difficult." I smiled as I heard more people run up behind me. Mest and his partner ran up followed by Cana. Macao eventually found his way but Wakaba never showed. I was obviously partnered with Galia but I didn't really know the other partners personally.

Gramps explained the rules of a tournament which will eliminate two participants then one more to reveal the S-Class wizard. We were paired up and the battles began. I was against Macao and it was an easy fight. I would absorb his attacks and hit him with my own. Mest won his battle and we moved on.

Next we had to choose two S-Class wizards to fight. The person with the most wins would be the winner. The S-Class wizards were supposed to go easy on us. I won the coin toss and got to choose first.




"I guess I get Mystogan."

I was up first and I looked at Laxus readying a strategy. He attacked first throwing a lightning arrow my way which I quickly dodged. I ran towards him in shadow form and jumped up hitting him with a galactic talon. He grabbed my leg sending electricity through my leg which did nothing. I used my other leg to hit him and he let me go. I jumped back and planted my feet ready to charge. I run straight for him fists alight and try to connect with his face. He dodges and grabs me flinging me over his head. I recover and shoot a bundle of elements at him. He breaks it with his lightning and throws another attack at me. I roll out of the way and unleash long range attacks at him in rapid succession only stopping to roll out of the way of his attacks. I start to run forward in a zig zag motion and graze my hand across the ground sending magic energy through it to trap Laxus' legs in rock. He stares down trying to move and I charge at him fist raised. His hands lift to block as I'm an inch away from his face... Then the gong sounds.

Mest's fight wasn't that good. Mira threw him around like a rag doll and he lost pretty fast. My next match was with Erza. She requipped to her heaven wheel armor. I ran at her and she sent her circle of swords at me. I jumped above them and then used one of the swords to jump again and twist in a downward spiral at Erza she blocked my fist but I let my open and grab the sword swinging under and kicking her. I flipped back and launched a wave of fire at her. She had requipped to her fire empress armor. She unleashed her own fire attack and I absorbed it. She unleashed it again and I shot a jet stream of water at her. She requipped to her water armor and I charged and she swung at me gazing my cheek. I grab the sword and use it to flip over burning it in the process. It was unusable so she switched to her Black wing armor. I ran at her tracing the ground creating my own Earth sword. We locked swords and I smiled as I squeezed the tip Into her hands releasing her grip on the sword. It flew away and I used an electric fist on her bare abdomen.

I spare you the rest of the details but I eventually won, kinda, believe what you want to believe. Mest didn't stand a chance against Mystogan. So I won and we went to the guild to have a huge party. It was a lot of fun, too bad this year won't be.

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