The Fighter (Ziall Horlik)AU...

By BriannaLynnC98

413K 17.2K 6K

When there's a problem in your way, use your fists. That's all Zayn Malik has known his whole life. He was fr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 16

11.5K 472 218
By BriannaLynnC98

Zayn's POV

Punch. Dodge. Block. Those three steps were the only thing my mind could think of as my opponent and I beat each other bloody. We were into the eighth round of the match and I was slowly loosing energy to continue to fight. Every muscle in my body was aching and my vision had blurred up casing me to see at least three of the same man trying to hit me.

The referee pulled me off the other man that I had cornered and pushed me back to my corner for a break. Mark let me spit my blood covered mouth pieces in his hand. Harry squirt water over me and got some in my mouth as well. Louis, who came out to help be my personal medical attention guy, wiped off my bloody face. I guess the three of them kind of became my crew. Harry came after Niall and I spent the night at his house last night, and Louis wanted an excuse to get out of Bradford for a day or two. I looked over my shoulder to the crowd to see Niall with a pained expression on his face as he rest his hand on his tiny baby bump.

"You see that? That's why you need to win. End this now because Niall is about to loose it if you get hit one more time." Mark told me loudly. I looked back at him and got one more drink of water before the bell rang and I got out of my corner to the center of the ring.

The whistle blew for the round to start and it ended just as fast when I swung my fist with the last of the strength I had, knocking the other man out. The crowd went absolutely wild counting down from ten to one as the match ended. I turned around and watched as Mark and Harry helped Niall into the ring. He ran over to me and I quickly held him into my battered body. Neither of us cared as long as we had each other.

"I love you." Niall mumbled to me before we were being crowed with news reporters and officials of the match that gave me a bronze boxing belt. My name was announced to the arena as the winner, causing cheers to erupt all around me. I looked at Niall as saw his blue eyes just looking at me closely like he was proud of me, but hated what I had just done.

"This makes you completely undefeated in three fights. You have twelve more fights scheduled after this one, how are you feeling?" One the reporters asked me. I nodded and looked over my shoulder to get Mark or Harry to get my mouth pieces out so I could talk. Niall ended up helping me out before a security guard pulled him back from me to go over to where Mark was. I made sure they were careful with Niall before answering the question that had been asked.

"I'm ready for them all." I said slightly slurred. More questions were asked to me, but my mind was still rattled from my fight. I actually didn't find it rude at all when I just walked away from the questioning people. People laughed at me and cheered one more time as I was helped out of the boxing ring. The other man was taken away by medics so I didn't have a chance to make peace with him yet, but I knew it would happen as soon as he was better.

I was escorted back to the locker room as Louis rushed to get a hot shower for me going and Harry and Mark helped to get my gloves off. Niall stayed standing there silently waiting to help me in anyway. I walked over to the running water after my shoes were taken off and let the water hit me. Everyone cleared the room, leaving just Niall and I.

"I want you, baby." I mumbled to him, feeling really out of it. He came over to me and looked at me closely. I ended up getting undressed by Niall so I could get my whole body relaxed. I looked at Niall and pulled his slightly wet shirt up to look at our baby. I let my shaking hand run over his one and a half month belly.

"I've got you, bug." I whispered to his belly. Niall leaned up and stoll a kiss from me. I smiled at him before leaning against the wall and just letting the hot water keep running of me. Niall got a few towels for me, then turned off the water.

My mind must have turned off for a few minutes because the next time I knew what was going on I was being examined by a doctor. He told me I didn't have a concussion and I just needed to rehydrate myself and get allot of rest. Niall helped me get dressed in some comfortable clothes.

"I want to go home, Niall." I mumbled. Niall nodded to me and started to get my crew to help me out of the locker room. I leaned on them as we walked, especially when we all got swamped outside the arena with thousands of paparazzi and people that I could only describe as fans. I had enough wits to get Niall in my arms and holding him and our baby close to me. At the moment, I didn't care what the press would say about me and Niall, I just wanted to keep my world safe.

"I'm going to be sick." Niall told me. That was all I took for me to ignore whatever fatigue I was feeling from my fight and pick him up in my arms. I pushed through the crowd to get to the car that was waiting. People moved out of my way the quicker I moved, so I broke into a run to get my babies in the car. I heard Niall gag a little bit just as I got him into the car.

"Give me a bag!" I yelled at Harry. He threw me the small duffle bag I had after throwing my stuff out of it. I gave it to Niall and he emptied his stomach into it. I rubbed his back and let him know I was here for him. Louis and Harry climbed in the back seat while Mark got in the passenger seat. Niall finished and took a deep breath. I took the bag from him and placed it on the floor of the car that was moving slowly.

"Is that better?" I asked, rubbing his stomach. He nodded, then we both cuddled together as best as we could. I closed my eyes, but I could still hear Harry flirting with Louis like a fucking teenage girl. Louis wasn't any better with the giggles and stupid compliments. I like to think Niall and I are past that stage in our relationship and were never there, but according to Mark we were always just love sick puppies.

We got to the hotel we were all staying at here in Yorkshire. There was a shit ton more paparazzi out there surrounding our car and the entry way to the cheep yet really nice hotel. Even the police officers couldn't get the crazy people taking pictures to move. I pulled Niall to me and Harry got Louis close to him. We gave each other a small nod like we were ready to protect the small boys before I jumped out of the car.

Niall let me carry him through the crowd of people, his hand rubbing into his stomach to keep himself calm. Harry was right behind me, pushing people back lightly to get away from the short brunette. The four of us got into the hotel finally, but we didn't stop moving as fast as we could until we were in the safety of the elevator.

"I guess the driver gets the bag of the fighter full of his boyfriends vomit." Harry chuckled to me. That caused us all to let out a breath of relief and smile a little bit. This whole situation was crazy to be in. I understand I just won a fight that had a ten thousand dollar price on it, but all of those people just wanted a picture of me. Maybe it was just for Harry because he's kind of famous. All I know is once Niall starts showing more and once it gets out that I'm a bisexual fighter, things are going to get harder.

"Get some rest, Zayn. We'll start training in the morning. Keep in mind your next fight is in five days." Harry told me before he walked Louis down the hall to his room. Harry actually helped me out a bit with this hotel thing. I was planning on fighting then going back to Bradford the same night because I can't afford to spend my money on a hotel or motel. He payed for this and I'm really grateful, but I did make him find a hotel that was cheep so he wasn't spending too much money even though he has more money than he knows what to do with. I've never been in a hotel so this was pretty cool to me. It's like a really big house with a bunch of bedrooms and a swimming pool and ice machines. Those are weird, but Niall seemed like it was normal so I pretended I wasn't fascinated by a machine that makes ice cubes all day. Like, that shit is cool.

Niall and I got back to our room where I stripped off all my clothes just down to my boxers and climbed into bed. My eyes slipped shut while I heard Niall doing stuff for him to get ready for bed as well. Soon, he got in next to me but startled me by placing a cloth full of ice on my throbbing face.

"It looks so painful. Just go to sleep and I'll take off the ice in a few minutes." He told me quietly. I sighed and let my hand find his little bump before letting how tired I really was come over my body.

Niall's POV

The morning after Zayn's fight I woke up in the hotel bed alone. I looked around for a minute before getting up to take my vitamins and pills to help me not have morning sickness as bad. Those actually work, but yesterday with that mob of people I couldn't really help but feel sick to my stomach.

Once all of that was done and I had gotten dressed, I found myself wandering down to the gym that was in the hotel. There I found Zayn already covered in sweat doing some type of exercise with a jump rope while Mark and Harry watching him. I walked into the smelly room and went to see what he was actually supposed to be doing.

"Keep going. You've done ten minutes, you can do ten more." Mark said encouragingly. Zayn groaned and looked up from the ground to see me. That caused him to begin to do his fast feet faster and the jump rope to move swiftly under his feet. His brown eyes stayed trained on me as the minutes ticked away. His face was brused and his eyes were a little swollen from his fight yesterday no matter how long I kept ice on his as he slept.

"Time. Push ups, give me one hundred." Mark told Zayn. Zayn obediently listened and hit the floor doing the fastest push ups I've ever seen anyone do. I rubbed my belly hoping our baby was as proud of the man in front of me as I was. The only response I got was a growling from my stomach. Harry laughed at the loud sound and came over to place his huge hand on the slight swell of my stomach.

"When Zayn is done with this set of push ups, we'll give him back to you so you both can eat together. Just do me a quick favor and sit on Zayn's back." Harry offered to me with a cheeky grin. I giggled and climbed on top of Zayn, catching a ride on his back.

"Careful, Fighter. You have precious cargo." Mark reminded Zayn as he continued to go at the same fast pace of push up like he didn't have one full grown man on him and a growing baby. I smiled at the name he seemed to be called my everyone now. He was no longer Zayn Malik, he was the fighter. He was also the love of my life even if I hate watching him get hit in that sport he's stupidly good at doing.

A/N: I'm back!!! Sorry for not updating, I was busy with my show and stuff. I'm going on fall break this week on Thursday and Friday, so I'll update those days allot more. I'm back and my shows went amazing!!! Tell me a story about yourself that will make me laugh!!!! Comment / Vote!
- Bri;)

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