The boy from across the street

By sabreeze122

382 17 0

Alyssa Rose thinks she has everything planed out for her future. That is until she met him. She knows his sec... More

The boy from across the street
chapter 2
lpchapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
hey gyuys
chapter 16
hey guys
chapter 17
chapter 18
sorry guys
Chapter 19
chapter 20

chapter 21

3 0 0
By sabreeze122

We were all walking to what was vladamirs castle. I heard footsteps coming up next to me .

Harry: hey love how are you doing?
Alyssa: I'm great this nature walk is so amazing .
Harry could sense the sarcasm in my voice, he grinned at me and put his arm around me .
Harry: so do you know what your going to say to Vladimir exactly?

Alyssa: no in just going to rip off his head .
Liam: that's the stupid vladmir can't die . Anyone who is anyone can't kill him not even the original vampires.
Alyssa: well then I'll just talk to him and maybe this could all workout.
Just then Justin comes out and interrupts us.
Justin: your so stupid Vlad doesn't care for you cute little conversation he wants you dead and the idiot that has his arm around you dead too.
Harry: hey watch it lad that's no way to treat a lady.
Alyssa: its okay harry Justin's right

Lucy: guys hush do you hear that
Lucy stopped us and we all stood still listening . I heard rustling and then a crack of a branch as if someone or something was following us.

zayn shouted as he pointed behind us an arrow came and shot him straight in the heart and he dissinagrated into thin air.
HARRY: ZAYNN!!!!soon arrows stared coming from different directions I dodged like five of them then I felt a pain in my left shoulder one of the arrows had grazed me. I felt weak and couldn't see well everything started turning blurry.
Justin: ALYSSA!!
Harry turned over to see justin trying to heal Alyssa he saw an arrow coming straight for his head. He caught before it even got close enough to hit justin.
Harry: take her somewhere safe
Justin: but where?
Harry:follow my boys mate they lead the way
Lucy and shay followed Justin as he picked Alyssa up and Louis and niall lead the way to safety. Liam and harry followed after and tried to defend off any incoming attacks.

Justin: are we almost out of these damn woods yet

Alyssa: justin is that you
Alyssa opens her eyes but not all the way.
Justin: its okay lyssa were almost out just relax.
Alyssa starts to noticed that justin was carrying her and harry and liam were fighting off attacks behind him
An arrow went straight through his leg and he collapsed on the ground. Alyssa jumped out of Justin's arms running straight to the source of the flying arrows dodging and blocking every arrow coming her way.
I couldnt hear Justin's voice anymore I got to the spruce of the arrow and its was a a tall man he was wearing all camp to blend in with the trees. But I could smell him , he points his weapon at me.
Man: stop right there you creature.
His voice sounded shaky and scared.
Alyssa: oh please don't shoot me.mister in to young to die .
I grinned and walked closer to him grabbing his weapon and putting it down. He stared at me hypnotized , I put my hands through his blonde hair and got in his face.
Alyssa: I could kiss your kissable lips.
Man: why would you do that?
Alyssa because your so cute and I'd love to kiss you right before you die.
I smirked at him and everything went black

Justins POV

I ran as fast as I could to get Alyssa from hurting that hunter. Something hit me so hard in the face and it was the smell of blood. I follwed the scent hoping it wasn't what I thought it was. I saw drops of blood as I followed it I saw this guy with blonde hair blue eyes what looked like a lip ring and Alyssa laying in his arms with a dagger stuck in her chest.
Man: oh I'm sorry is this your girlfriend.
I wanted to Rip the damn smirk off his face so badly but something stopped me from making a move.
I turned and felt Harry's hand on my shoulder the rest of the group showed up behind him, I guess Lucy healed him.
Harry: wow mate aren't you the good little hunter you are.
Harry: what is your name you prick
Man: hahhaaha prick? Like that insults me . what was she your girlfriend too?,wow what a slut.
Harry: calm yourself lad he is just trying to get a rise out of us because as soon as you get near him he will take the posion daggger from his back pocket and kil you.
Man: well aren't you very clever. You know before your girlfriend came up here trying to attack me I didn't want to kill her but I had no choice. She went crazy and when I say crazy I mean eyes black and fangs out. She's turning fast and neither one of you are helping her out. So I'm Here to solve the problem. Oh and by the way my name is Luke and I'm a vampire hunter. He grinned at us and ran off ,except the thing is he ran like he was an immortal too.
Justin: A hunter who is a vampire that's kinda of weird.
Alyssa: Justin uhhh jusssstin
Harry: hey be careful love we need to get that out of you.
Alyssa: don't touch me harry , justin .
Alyssa came toward me she collapsed in my arms and smiled at me her hand was on my cheek she tried to speak but I couldn't make it out.
We finally made it out of the woods and stayed in this big mansion.
Niall:welcome to our house we should be safe Herr vladmirs goons don't know about this place and we have a field around it to keep hunter off.we go inside and Lucy takes me to a room to lay alysssa down.
Alyssa: justin don't leave me please
Lucy: oky lussa in order to take this out your going to have to be completely still. Justin your going to have to help me pull this out .on the count of three,one,two,three!

Alyssa screamed bloody murder.we got the dagger out luckily Lucy was able to heal her.
Lucy:,alright now I healed you put some poison is still in there it will go away but you need to be careful okay lyssa.
Lucy walks out and I'm left there by the beside holding Alyssa's hand.
Justin: are you okay now feeling better.
Alyssa: better now that your with me.
She sat up and got in my face an kissed me.I kissed her back and fell on the bed with her.
Alyssa: jussstin I I I I love you.
I didn't know what to do or say we broke up and this was happening. I got up and started walking out.
Alyssa: Typical this is why we aren't together.
Justin: no Alyssa the reason we aren't together is because we don't belong together we never did . I regret showing up at your house that day if I didn't we wouldn't be in this mess.
I walked out down to the bathroom washed myself off . I can't believe I just said that to her.I am so in love with her but she just fustrates me so much. I can't deal with it anymore. I don't want alyssa to be my problem anymore . END OF POV

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