Freaks of Salem

Por SarahSwartz

522 1 0

EDITING Siblings Kate and Isaac are new to Salem, Massachusetts. The locals believe that there are freaks liv... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 2

32 0 0
Por SarahSwartz

Devin pulled up in front of Frosttown High. Students hurried in or stood at their cars, talking to their friends. Devin was dressed in uniform for work, going straight to the station after he dropped the kids off.

Isaac and Kate sat still in their seats.

Devin noticed this and spoke up. "Okay, I can't do this right now. If I'm late for work on my first day because of you. Look I need to make a good first impression."

Isaac turned to him. "You're the sheriff. Aren't you in charge?"

"I am of my unit. But I do have a boss. So please don't sit around. I need to get to work."

Isaac and Kate grabbed their bookbags and opened up the car doors, saying a quick goodbye to Devin.

They stood in place as their Dad drove away. Staring at the High School, knowing it did have some freaky feel to it.

They walked up the path to the school entrance. Someone suddenly bumped into Isaac, causing Isaac to stumble but stayed on his feet.

"Hey. Watch were you're going, freak." It was a boy. Possibly a senior. He was really attractive.

The boy laughed and walked into the school with his friends.

"What a douchepants." Isaac mumbled under his breath.

"I see you've met Eric Wells." A male voice said from behind them. They turned to see a boy about their age. "Don't worry. He does that to every newbie."

The siblings just stared at him.

"I'm Jackson." He extended his hand for them to shake.

"Isaac." He shook his hand.

"Kate." She shook his hand.

"Look, I see you've gotten a rude welcome. But don't worry. This place is better than you think."

They saw a beautiful girl walk up to Jackson and he put his arm around her waist.

"These newbies?" She asked him.

"Yes. Alicia, this is Isaac and Kate. Isaac, Kate, this is my girlfriend, Alicia."

"That's a nice name." Kate said.

"Thank you. It's a family name. It's my Mom's name, my grandma's and all before."


"I see Eric gave you a warm welcome." She said to both of them.

"How many people saw that?" Isaac asked, scratching behind his ear.

Alicia shrugged. "I don't know. Everytime Eric walks into the school, people stop and stare. So a lot."

"Oh god." Kate said.

Alicia nodded. "Oh god is right. I can't believe I use to date that douche."

Kate chuckled along with Isaac. "You really dated him?" Kate asked.

"Yeah. Only for a month though." She said and then changed the subject. "I just know you and I will be great friends."


"Wait." Jackson said. "You have to meet the whole gang. We're the ones you want to hang out with. So, don't get caught up in Eric's group."

"Trust me. We won't." Isaac said and then looked down at Kate. "Right Kate?"

"Oh, trust me. I already hate his guts."

Jackson snapped, he had an idea. "How about I and Alicia lead you to the main office to get your schedules and we'll show you around?"

"That sounds great!" Alicia said for the siblings. "I hope we have classes together."

Alicia and Jackson helped them reach their way to the school and to the main office where a lady handed them both their schedules. They walked out of the office and stood by the wall with Alicia and Jackson. The couple grabbing the siblings schedules. Jackson looked at Isaac's and Alicia looked at Kate's. They smiled and then switched before handing them back.

"We have almost every class together." Alicia told Kate. "And Isaac, we have 4 classes together. And we are all in the same lunch.

"Almost every class with Isaac and 5 with Kate." Jackson said.

"At least now you'll know someone in class." Alicia cheered. "We are all going to be best friends." Alicia grabbed Kate's arm. "We have first period together." Kate quickly glanced at her schedule and followed her. "We have English first." She turned to the boys. "You coming or what?"

They all had the class together. When they got in, Kate and Isaac ignored everyone's gaze and sat in the back with Alicia and Jackson.

Two teens, a boy and girl, walked into the room and headed in their direction.

"Happy Monday!" The boy cheered.

"Scott, Monday is far from happy." Jackson said as he got up and gave his friend a fist bump and a bro hug. "Kate, Isaac, this is Scott." He said before pointing to the girl. "And that's Meghan."

"Newbies. Nice." Said Scott with a nod. "Eric give you the warm welcome yet?"

"Oh yeah." Isaac said, nodding.

The bell rang and everyone sat down. The group in the corner of the room.

"Good morning." The teacher, Ms Harris said. "Now, before starting today's lesson, I want to introduce you all to our new students." She was about to point at them when someone walks into the room. She crosses her arms and gives the person an annoyed face. "Better late than never."

Isaac and Kate looked at the person. Eric Wells.

"He's in this class?" Isaac said, leaning over to Jackson.

"Yeah." Jackson quickly replied.

"Yeah. I don't care." Eric replied and walked to his desk in the second row, on his way he gave Isaac a death stare before sitting down, placing his bag on the floor beside him.

"Well then." Ms Harris continued. "Now please welcome our new students. Isaac and Katelyn McDerrmott."

All the students turned their gazes to Isaac and Kate. They sunk down in to their seats, embarrassed.

"You want to say anything to the class?" Ms Harris said.

Kate slowly raised her hand.


"Uh... I go by Kate."

Ms Harris nodded. "Hopefully all of you will give both Kate and Isaac a warm welcome throughout the day.

They sunk further into their seats, banging their heads on the desks. Eric turning and chuckled with a smirk at them, along with one of his friends.

"They were pretty rude." Kate said as she walked with everyone through the lunch line. Grabbing a slice of pizza and putting it on her tray.

"They're just getting use to you." Alicia said, grabbing a slice of pizza too.

"Yeah," Started Scott. "They're not use to new students."

"What do you mean?" Isaac asked as they made their way to an empty table, sitting down together.

"Didn't you see the town sign?" Asked Meghan.

"The one that read Frosttown?" Isaac wanted to know.

"Freakstown." Said Jackson. "Why do you think it said that?"

"Because some immature teenagers need to get a life." Isaac said.

"Not even close." Scott said and took a big bite of pizza.

Jackson leaned on the table. "We call it that because weird things go on in this town."

"What do you mean?" Kate asked.

"It means that this town is full of freaks and weirdos." Said Jackson. "We all agreed that there are supernaturals living in this town. We don't know who they are. But they could be anyone."

Isaac laughed. "That's just a bunch of hocus pocus."

"It's true." Scott said. "And with Halloween coming up, we have to keep our eyes opened."

"Yeah." Meghan said. "That's why no one moves here. Most people are afraid so we don't get many newbies around here. You guys are the first in three years."

"You guys are full of it." Isaac said and took a sip of his chocolate milk.

"It's all true." Scott began. "Listen to this. About ten years ago, a murder happened in this town. Not far from here. A young boy and his mother where killed in their home. And the freaky part is, it was on Halloween night."

"Okay. It's just a murder. What does that prove?" Kate said.

Scott continued. "There where no signs of a live murderer. The victims had a small hole on their necks. Everyone thinks it was a vampire, or a werewolf. Maybe even a wendigo. But here's the best part. The boy is said to still haunt the house. No one knows why though."

"Vampires? Werewolves? Ghosts? Wendigos?" Isaac chuckled. "There's no such thing."

They all looked above Isaac and sighed.

"What?" Isaac said and turned around.

"Welcome to Freakstown. Enjoy your stay." Eric said, two boys standing on either side of him. Eric pushed Isaac's head down on the table. Laughing. "Enjoy your meal." He laughed and walked away. But not before giving Kate a wink.

"What a creep." Kate said as she turned around.

"He wasn't always like this." Alicia stated. "Who knew he would turn into such a buttmuncher."

"Well, I still don't believe anything goes on in this town." Isaac said as he lifted his head from the table, rubbing his temple.

"Think what you want, but sooner or later you're going to find out." Jackson said. "Just wait and see. Everything will occur on Halloween."

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