Little Do You Know: Jaspar (b...

By fvckyoutube

20.3K 736 292

Caspar looks at himself as a failure. A failure that's in love with his roommate Joe. He is convinced that Jo... More

0.1 » Tickle Fight
0.2 » Near-Death Experience
0.3 » FIFA & Pizza
0.4 » Caspar's Great Idea
0.5 » The Start Of A Very Long Car Ride
0.6 » Truth Or Dare
0.7 » Joe's Nightmare
0.8 » Singing
0.9 » Day One
1.0 » Dance Break
1.1 » Jaspar's Nighttime Adventure
1.2 » Research
1.3 » Caspar's Break Down
1.4 » Zalfie Fight
1.5 » Matching Hoodies
1.6 » Jaspar's Couch Q&A
1.7 » Water Fight
1.8 » Possible Concussion
2.0 » Short-Term Memory Loss
2.1 » Project I'm Straight
2.2 » Just One Line
2.3 » Feeling All Alone
2.4 » Taking Care Of A Druken Caspar Lee
2.5 » Breaking Into My Own House
2.6 » The Worst Day
2.7 » Goodbye
2.8 » He's Not Breathing

1.9 » Last Day

615 28 8
By fvckyoutube

Joe's POV

[Day Six of Inverness]

I run from the living room to the kitchen. I sit on one of the stools and place my head on the table. My face is hot and the tears are falling. I feel a hand on my back. After a few seconds, the hand doesn't feel welcoming. It's a set-up. False sense of security.

"It's all your fault, Joe. Caspar is dead because of you!" Zoe yells at me. I jerk my head towards her, and I see her clench her fist. No tears on her face, just pure anger.

"It should have been you."

"I'm sorry!" I scream and sit up. I'm in a bed with a blonde head of hair on my lap. It was all a dream? Thank God. I take my phone off the table next to me and check the time. 4:37 am. I groan, and set my phone on the table. I lay my head on the pillow.

These dreams have been killing me. They always got the best of me. Only Zoe noticed, because she has dealt with them for most of her life. Caspar started noticing how I acted after I had a bad dream, but I always lied. I don't know if he ever believed me.

Then, I feel moving on my lap and hear mumbling. Caspar. His mumbling is incoherent and he's rolling all over the place, but he's still perfect. He will never not be perfect to me.

"I'm sorry. I love you," I hear him say. I don't know if those were his exact words, but it seemed pretty close to me. I feel Caspar lace our fingers together. Is he awake, or is he doing this in his sleep? A few seconds later, he frees his hand from mine.

"I'm s-s-straight," I hear him say, and I feel a pain in my chest. We almost kissed. He acts gay with me all the time. Me and Zoe collected some evidence of him liking him. Wait- why am I reading into this dream so much? It's just a dream. He doesn't even know what he's saying. He's asleep.

I need to get a grip on myself.


"Joe, I think we should go back to London tonight," Alfie says to me as we watch Scream Queens with Caspar and Zoe. As usual, me and Caspar we're cuddling (innocently, friends cuddle all the time) and Zoe and Alfie are snapchatting and/or vlogging.

"If that's what you want, I'm fine with it," I reply, messing with Caspar's hair. Today, he didn't put it in a quiff. He is suffering from a head injury. I can understand him not wanting to get all dolled up.

"Good, because we already talked about it. We just needed your approval. We already packed our bags. All we need is for you guys to pack," Zoe says sweetly, snapping a picture of herself. She smiles in delight. I'm guessing she took a good photo.

I roll my eyes at the fact that everyone else was onboard except me.

"Come on, Caspar. Let's pack," I say, poking Caspar's cheek. He grins and takes my hand and leads me to our room. I start throwing pieces of clothes that look like they'd fit me into my bag.

My phone dings from across the room. Caspar looks at me and I nod. He takes my phone off of the desk and tosses it to me. I smile at him, and check to see who texted me. Zoe.

zoe: hey broseph :) i'm wondering if you and casp are almost done packing.

"Hey Caspar? Are you almost done packing?" I ask him. He looks around the room before answering me.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure," he replies, tossing a few things into bags.

me: yeah we almost done. why?

zoe: me alfie niomi and marcus are waiting for you guys in the car. you guys want the way back again?

me: yeah hold on we're almost done.

zoe: alright :))

"I'm done packing," I announce to Caspar. "The others are waiting in the car." Caspar giggles before answering me.

"Of course they are. I'm done, too. I'm going to go put my big bags in the car before I get my backpacks," Caspar says, taking his huge bags. Hey, that's actually a good idea.

"So am I," I say to Casp, taking my bags.

After me and Caspar put all of our bags in the car, we have to go back into the room because Caspar forgot his charger. Typical blonde.

"Joe?" Caspar asks me as we are standing in the middle of the room. I'm making sure I didn't forget anything. Caspar's probably making sure he still has food in his backpack.

"Yes Caspar?" I reply, turning around to face him. He doesn't look too well. There is droplets of sweat on his forehead and his face is pale.

"I don't feel too well," he says, then he falls to the ground. Oh shit! I run over to him and shake him to see if that'll revive him.

"Caspar? Caspar?" I say to him, smacking his cheeks. What am I supposed to do? Get a washcloth! That will work. I run into our en suite bathroom and get a cold washcloth.

"Joe?" Caspar mutters as I try to revive him. I smile at the fact that he spoke. Soon after saying my name, he opens his eyes. A huge sense of relief comes over me. He's alright.

"Casp, you alright? You fainted and I had to revive you," I explain to Caspar as me and him sit on the carpet floor.

"Come here," he says and I hug him tightly. My head in his chest, his arms around me. This is a perfect moment. Even if it's only going to last a second, I'm happy.

When we break our hug, I stare into his eyes. His beautiful, blue eyes. His mouth curves into a smile and he slowly starts leaning in. I lean to him and shut my eyes. Soon after, I feel his soft lips pressed against mine. I swear, sparks are flying.

I try not to smile too hard, so the kiss isn't broken. I feel his hand on the back of my neck. I place my hands on his chest. Slowly, the kiss breaks. Once our lips are no longer touching, Caspar stands up with a huge grin on his face.

"Let's go back to London, now," he says, helping me up.

Caspar slept the entire car ride back home. I slept for about 3/4 of it. When I wasn't sleeping, I was thinking. Thinking about this kiss, Caspar fainting, Caspar's grin, just Caspar in general. It was all so weird and sudden. It took me a moment to process the fact that I kissed Caspar Lee. Or more so, Caspar Lee kissed me.

a/n YOU ARE WELCOME EVERYONE! YOU ARE WELCOME!!! anyway; if you didn't notice I made Joe a little bit awkward in this chapter:))) vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter.

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