The Love for Baseball (The Sa...

By AnuheaLove

95.7K 1.5K 777

Elizabeth's mother died just a year ago and her father Bill already found another woman to marry. Now they ar... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Second Book update :-)

Chapter 9

5.3K 95 69
By AnuheaLove

I woke up to my alarm clock. I groaned and rolled over lifting my head to look at the clock. I saw that it was 7:30 in the morning. I rubbed my eyes and let out a big yawn. Today was the day we verse the idiot Phillips and his team. I quickly went to the bathroom and started to brush my teeth. I decided to skip a shower this morning since I knew I would be sweating today. After I brushed my teeth, I went to my closet to pick out an outfit. I settled on jeans shorts and a baseball tee. I grabbed socks and my black P.F. Flyers then bolted to the dining room to eat breakfast. I bumped into a sleepy Scotty on the way as he was going to the bathroom.

"Mornin' Scotty," I greeted him. He looked up with sleepy eyes and nodded in response as he made his way to the bathroom.

I just continued my way down the hall smelling bacon. I was excited for breakfast because I was really hungry. I saw Susan finishing up the dishes. I quickly went next to her to help.

"My dad went to work already?"

"Yes. He's also going to be home late," she responded washing the last dish. She passed it to me as I nodded in response.

"So how was your date?" She held a curious gaze as she eyed me.

"It was great. I had a lot of fun. He's really a sweet guy. I really like him."

"I'm so glad you are happy, Elizabeth."

"Thank you, Susan," I said smiling kindly at her.

"Good mornin' mom, Liz," I heard Scotty say from the dining room.

Susan and I made our way to the dining room and sat down. We all ate breakfast in comfortable silence. I was devouring my bacon as I heard the doorbell ring. Scotty already bolted out of his seat. It had to be Benny. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 8:30. The game was at 9am at Phillips field. I quickly finished my last piece of bacon.

"Do you want me to do the dishes before I leave?" I asked Susan.

"No dear, you can go. Have a fun day," she replied smiling. I kindly smiled back at her and went to the front door. As I was tying my shoes, I was greeted by a voice that made me have butterflies in my stomach.

"Good morning beautiful."

I looked up to a smiling Benny as he gazed down at me. I smiled at him in response and then got back up grabbing my bat and mitt. We both walked outside the house as Scotty was there with Ham waiting for us. We started making our way to Phillips field. I was nervous as I was walking and I think Benny noticed it.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit nervous. I mean I wanna beat those idiots," I replied laughing slightly.

"We're gonna beat em'," he said confidently. I just looked up at him and smiled as he looked down at me with a reassuring smile.

We got there to be greeted by the rest of the guys. We saw Phillips and his guys all coming on their bikes. As I looked at Phillips, he was already staring at me with a cocky smirk. I really don't like that guy. I looked away from Phillips as I heard a squeaky voice which made me cringe.

"Hi, Benny. I can't wait to watch you play," she said as she grabbed him and pushed her body against his.

"Let me go, Lucy. Only my girlfriend can touch me like that," he let go of her and grabbed me pulling me to his chest.

"You two are dating? I told you to stay away from him." She said looking at me with evil eyes. 

She was about to grab me but Benny quickly grabbed her arms and shook his head no. She looked at me with a really nasty look. I just gave her the same look back. We eyed each other for a while until she walked away completely defeated.

"I really don't like that girl. One word of no thank you and she hates me. To make it worse, I'm dating her crush," I said looking at her retreating body.

"Are you regretting saying yes to being my girlfriend?" I heard the sadness in his voice. When I looked up he had a sad look in his eyes.

"No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I was just saying, I don't want her to take you from me. I mean she is prettier than me after all."

"You are the prettiest girl I have ever met, Ellie. I would never leave you for her or actually for anyone. I really do like you."

"Benny, you and I are still so young. What if this is just a teenage love story?"

"Well then let's make this teenage love story happen for a long time then," he said smiling at me.

I looked at him and smiled back. He always knew how to make me smile with just little words. Those words he just said may mean something little for him but for me, it meant something bigger. 

"So you losers ready to play or not?" I looked up to Phillips staring at all of us with disgust.

"Yeah, let's just get this over with since you know for sure we're gonna kick your ass," Benny said.

"Whatever you say, Rodriguez."

We ended up winning the game in the end. I was the one to pitch and let me tell you I took Phillips out and he wasn't happy about it at all. After the game, Phillips came up to all of us saying that we cheated because we had a girl on our team. I told him a witty response which caused him to get mad and come at me ready to give me a punch. Benny grabbed his hand in time and punched him in the face. Since Benny was now taken by me, it looked like Lucy finally understood to stay away. She started going for Phillips asking him if he was okay from the punch. She also began flirting with him. But really he looked annoyed by her. All the guys must find her flirting to be annoying. With our win, all of us decided to go to the carnival. This would be mine and Benny's date and I was pretty excited.

"So I'll meet you two back out here at 6 and we can head to the carnival to meet the rest of the guys," Benny told me and Scotty.

"Okay see ya in a bit," Scotty said and ran into the house.

"I'll see ya, Benny," I said smiling and letting go his hands to go into the house. But he pulled me back to him and gave me a hug. I hugged back enjoying the warmth he was giving me. I felt a kiss on my head and then felt his breath on my ear.

"I can't wait for tonight," he said in a low whisper which gave me butterflies.

"Me too. I also can't wait to kick your ass at those carnival games," I said cheekily. He just laughed in response and let me go.

"I'll see ya in a bit, Smalls," he said jokingly. I just stuck my tongue out at him and proceeded to the house.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was 4:00. I decided to nap a bit so I had energy for tonight. When I woke up, it was 5:00. After I took a quick shower, I looked into my closet and choose to wear a blue plaid dress. I decided to leave my hair down in its natural waves. I put peach pink lipstick on and grabbed my black satchel. I stuffed my wallet and house keys in there and grabbed my all black converse and headed to the front. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 5:45. Benny would be here in 15 minutes. I went to wait in the living room and saw Scotty sitting there also waiting.

"Are you excited about tonight?" Scotty asked.

"Yeah, I guess. I mean this is the first time ever since my mom died that I went to a carnival."

"I'm sorry," Scotty said sadly.

"It's okay. I'm glad I'm spending it with my friends."

He smiled at my response and we then waiting in complete silence. I saw that it was 5:55 and decided to wait outside for Benny. When it was 6, I saw Benny walking out of his house crossing the street to us. We meet him in the middle and headed towards the carnival. Benny and I were walking holding hands as Scotty was on Benny's other side talking. When we got to the carnival, we saw the other boys waiting.

"Tonight's on me," Benny quickly said making everyone burst with happiness. as he purchased the ticket handing it to everyone.

"Ahhh man I forgot, I have Big Chief. The best," Bertram said quickly.

"What's that?" Scotty asked cluelessly.

The guys started dissing him telling him that he doesn't know anything and probably doesn't even know who Babe Ruth was. Everyone was just laughing except for me and Benny. Benny comforted Scotty rubbing his shoulder.

"It's chewing tobacco, Scotty," Ham said.

"What do you do with it?" Scotty asked still confused. Ham eyes went wide.

"You're killing me smalls," he exclaimed loudly and grabbed a piece shoving it in his mouth, "you chew it."

Ham and Bertram started passing it around to everyone. When it got to me, I declined it and passed it to Benny to which he also declined. The boys booed me. I was a little disappointed that Scotty took one. I wanted to tell him to spit it out and that it was bad for him but he would probably be mad for embarrassing him. I'll let him and the others face the consequences of what happens. We all decided to go on the Trabant and I was pretty nervous because this ride made me dizzy. I handed the guy the ticket and went to an open spot. Benny joined in next to me.

"Do you think the guys are you gonna be okay? You know with what they have in their mouth?" I asked.

"Let this be a lesson for them to not chew tobacco again," Benny said.

"I'm surprised you didn't join them."

"Well, I wanna have a night with my girlfriend too ya know. Not do something absolutely stupid like chew tobacco," he said laughing. I just laughed back and the ride started

Everything was going well until everything got fast and I started to feel in dizzy. All of a sudden, I saw that all the other guys were sick. In the end, they all threw up and ended up going home. It was only me and Benny at the carnival. We played games to which he beat me all in so far. The last game was the water gun game and so we decided to verse to each other. I ended up beating him so I gave him the stuffed bear I won since he gave me everything else that he won. We ended the night going on the Ferris wheel which was beautiful. As we stood at my front door, we were just staring at each other.

"I had a lot of fun tonight, Benny. Thank you so much."

"You're welcome and I'm glad you had fun. I can't wait to do this again," he said smiling.

He slowly started leaning in towards my face as I did the same. When our lips touched, it felt better than any home runs I've gotten. It felt right. That night I was in bed just thinking about the kiss that felt so right. Benny made me feel right. He made me feel happy, something I didn't feel in a long time. I'm falling so hard for this boy and I don't think I can stop.

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