In Safe Hands 2: In My Arms (...

By AuthorUprising36

50.4K 3.2K 2.8K

~Sequel to In Safe Hands~ They thought it was over. Yugi and Yami were together and were safe. For good. But... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Shameless Self Advert: NEW FANFIC

Chapter 37

676 42 30
By AuthorUprising36

Yugi woke up the next morning following his conversation with Atem that they had on the phone that night before. He and Yami could not wait until they were on that trip.

The feeling of excitement was so strong, even Vivian could feel it!

Yami couldn't wait to hit all the sights. He heard Italy as a whole was one of the most beautiful places one could go to.

Yugi was excited to see all of his highschool friends again. It had been so long, and with his new hectic and busy schedule, he hadn't been able to update with them too often.

He hoped they were alright. He was sure they were, but that feeling of worry was always there. It was something that just kinda developed since he began worrying about all of his patients he tended to on a daily basis.

Thank god today was a day that both he and Yami took off. Or else, they wouldn't be able to go!

The morning started off with a ton of dog kisses from an excited Puppy and Yugi laughed, sitting up and cuddling the dog close. Yami had only just woken up with the dog, right beside Yugi.

"Aw, Vivy~!" Yugi laughed, hugging her tightly, "Good morning!"

"Too bad Vivian can't come to Italy and Rome with us..." Yami playfully poked, sticking out his bottom lip and crossing his arm like a 6 year old.

"Yeah, but sadly they have a strict 'no pet policy' on the plane and in the airport." Yugi giggled, pressing gently against Yami.

"Oh well." Yami ruffled his puppy's ears, Vivian barking happily in response.

Yami grinned.

"So, would my lovely lord like some lovely breakfast?" He laughed.

Yugi nodded, getting out of bed and stretching, yawning as he did so.

"I certainly would!" He giggled.


"2 bathing suits for each of us...8 shirts...8 pairs of you think we'll need shorts?"

Yugi paced the bedroom, marking various items as they packed. It was noon and the air port was a minimum of 2 hours away, giving them only 4 hours to get what they needed to done.

"Probably. But not too many pairs. It can get chilly in the winter." Yami motioned to the long sleeves he wore, "But just to be safe, we can pack them."

Yugi nodded and checked those off the list as well.

"2 pairs of shorts." He said.

Yami walked into the closet and grabbed 2 pairs of shorts for the both of them.

Vivian scampered beside him, going between his feet and running excitedly around. She always made Yugi smile with the way she was never let down about anything at any time. It inspired him in a way. She was always happy.

If a dog can be happy, it can't be too hard for a person to be happy, right?

Yami chuckled and playfully nudged her with his foot and she rolled over, barking happily in response.

"Silly girl!" Yami laughed, walking back out with the shorts he needed and folding them neatly to put in their giant suitcase.

Yugi grinned slightly and looked back down at the clip board and checked the shorts off the list and went on down the line.

"Now, do you want to bring any jewelry or anything with you on the trip? Because I won't mind packing it, but all I'm really gonna worry about are these engagement rings."

Yami shook his head, sitting beside the suitcase on their bed.

"Nope, I do not believe I have any pieces of gold or silver in mind of being worn on this trip..." He took a moment to recall all he had before he shook his head once more, "Nope. Nothing."

Yugi nodded, "Now on to toiletries. Toothbrushes?"

"Yep." Yami said in return.

"Hairbrushes and combs?"

Yami nodded.

"Hairspray and Gel?"

"Uh huh."

"Shampoo, Conditioner, and Body Wash or Soap or whatever you wanna call it?"

Yami laughed at him statement and nodded his head once more.

"Toothpaste? Mouthwash?"

"Right here in the suitcase."

"Deodorant?" Yugi looked up and over at Yami, giving him a look.

He knew Yami had a streak of forgetting to put on his deodorant for work and it bothered Yugi. He knew how much he sweated in operation, so why didn't he remember to at least bring deodorant in his check up bag?

Yami leaned back and held his hands up defensively.

"What??? I started wearing it every single day!" He said, laughing, "I promise! I swear it! I am not lying!"

Yugi laughed and shook his head slowly, marking deodorant off of the list as well.

"Razors and shaving cream, mister 'I'm starting to grow a mustache'." Yugi gave Yami another playful look.

"Hey. You are starting to have your own facial hair, baby panda." Yami pointed, "You aren't completely flawless! I mean, look at you!"

Yugi's jaw dropped teasingly.

"Are you saying that I am... I am fat???" Yugi rested a hand on his chest, "Yami!!!"

Yami jumped up and ran over.

"No, no no no!" He shook his head, smiling slightly, "You are awesomely awesome the way you are!"

"You never denied that I wasn't fat!" Yugi looked at him.

"...Hey, there is a ton more of you to love!" Yami chuckled at his words.

"Yami!!!" Yugi playfully punched him in the arm.

"I'm Joking!!!" Yami laughed, scooping Yugi into his arms, "I am totally joking and you are just fine the way you air! It's this Yugi I fell in love with. Not some skinny twig or some big round blob. I fell in love with a healthy body Yugi."

Yugi giggled as he twirled around, nuzzling him as he went.

Vivian ran around his feet, barking and following playfully, making circling around Yami's ankles and feet. Yami looked down at her and suddenly became unsteady.

"W-Whoa!" Yami laughed, falling with Yugi still in his arms.

The two of them end up in a tangle on the floor and Vivian playfully barked, jumping on them as they tried to untangle, both of them having laughing fits.

Yami looking up, Vivian pressing her paws into his cheeks and making his lips purse together and his voice slightly slurred in a way that certainly made Yugi laugh all over again.

"V-Vivian!" Yami laughed, "W-Why did you get in our way???"

Vivian barked loudly and happily in his face in response and Yami chuckled, sitting up and ruffling her fur again.

"Oh Vivian." Yugi sat up as well, watching as Yami and Vivian cuddled beside him, "What are we going to do with you?"

Yami looked back at him.

"That is the only thing about getting a puppy as crazed as Vivian!" He laughed, turned and holding Vivian as she gently gnawed on his fingers, "We will never know what we will truly have to do with a dog of her type!"

Yugi nodded and giggled, rolling closer to Yami and Vivian jumped onto his chest, showering Yugi with slobbery puppy dog kisses and paws that went all over his face in affection.

Yami chuckled.

"Ya know, now I'm wondering if a kid will ever truly be this crazy!" He laughed.

"Knowing he or she would have a father like you, possibly!" Yugi gently elbowed him.

"Hey!" Yami chuckled, "Is that a bad thing or what?"

"Or what!" Yugi giggled, "That isn't a bad thing! It's a good thing!"

Yami pulled him in and playfully rolled his eyes.

"Perhaps after Italy we can start looking for a little child of our own. It's nearly Christmas and I can't wait any longer. It's my favorite holiday." Yami nuzzled him gently, "Perhaps a child could be a good Christmas gift to the entire family? It would give Vivian someone to play with while we're both at work and such..."

Yugi kissed him gently and briefly.

"...sounds good to me." Yugi grinned and nuzzled into him, forgetting about the packing objective and laying in his Mou Hitori's arms in an embrace Yugi would never trade anything for.

"Sounds absolutely fantastic, daddy."

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