Her(Raura Fanfiction)

By idekkanymore23

52.9K 1.8K 893

Laura Marano, that quiet girl, that girl that everyone think is a freak, the girl that they wonder what shes... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54:
Chapter 55

Chapter 24

766 27 25
By idekkanymore23

Riker's POV

Me and Laura are just laying down watching Wild, Laura's just making side comments everytime and its hilarious

The girl took a long sip of her water and the little bit that was left of it she poured it on herself

"OMG! Bro your dumb your really dumb" Laura screamed at the TV

I started laughing "Why?"

"Because who would take the last sip if their water to pour it at herself. Like what the fuck is wrong with her?"

The girl looked around and she was in the middle of nowhere. She was panting

"Yeah now you thirsty. Thtas what you get for being so dumb and stupid" Laura said

I was in tears

She built a tent, she licked it, wiped her hand on it and licked her hand

"Who gets stuck in the middle of nowhere? How did she even end up there" She asked

"Her car broke down" I said

"And she left her car?" She asks me

I nod

"Oh my god SHE IS SO STUPID" Laura said standing up

"Laura what would you do?" I asked laughing

"Oh I don't know NOT GET LOST" She yelled

I was to the point where I was about to pee on myself

"And probably not drink the little bit of water I have left and then POUR IT ON MYSELF. Like check where the fuck you are" She continued

"It didn't even touch her face" I said laughing

"I know right like it just slid through he hair thats how dirty it is" She said

"Oh my god"

"Like it would be good if it went on her face and she would've been refreshed but thats just dumb bro" Laura said sitting down again

"Oh god I love you"

She sighs "Yeah, I love me too!"

"Hey" I said pushing her

''Kidding, Kidding. I love you too" She says and pecks my lips

"Yeah so what you wanna do now?" I asked turning the TV off

"I honestly don't know" She says

"Wanna get some drinks?" I suggested

"Nah! I just remembered me and Delly gonna smoke and drink in the porch when she comes back from the grocery store with Ell" Laura said

"Delly? She's been here for the past hour" I told her

"She's what?" Laura asked as she gritted her teeth

"Yeah she's probably making out with Ell. Eh, but why you need to smoke today? Dont you do it like 3 times a week? And you already did three days yesterday" I told her

"Oh no we're doing hooka" She said

"Oh alright go ahead I'll probably join you guys with Ell later" I told her

She nodded and she left

End If POV


Laura's POV

I walked to Rydel's room to see her and Rat almost naked

"WOAH THERE" I yelled which made them stop

"Oh hey Laur" They both said normally

What the actual fuck? I would've slapped the shit out of her if she walked in me and Riker almost having sex

Oh well!

"Uh Delly you was supposed to meet me an HOUR AGO"

"Oh yeah! Sorry, go prepare the stuff I'll be right out" She said getting up and putting her shorts on

"Hey why about me?" Ratliff asked

"Go hang with Riker I don't know do something with your lives"

"Well what are you guys doing?" He asked

"Hooka" I answered

"Oh can we join you?" He asked

"Later" Rydel said putting her shirt on "Bye baby love you, see you"

And we left

"So what do you wanna talk about" She asked as we were walking to the porch (A/N: Do you guys remember when Kim walked in on Kourtney and Scott having sex in Keeping up with the Kardashians? Yeah they're porch is like that)

"Did you hear that Tyga called Kylie his fiancée?" I asked her

She gasped "No way! Really? He did???"

"Yup" I said nodding

We sat down and I poured some Vodka in our cups

"Yeah WOOH this is the Saturday of a lifetime" She cheered

"Yup!" I exclaimed

"Oh remember that video where you guys pranked the fans by Riker calling YOU his fiancée and posted it on instagram? They were freaking out" Rydel asked

"Oh yeah I have it in my phone" I said taking out my phone and putting the video

(Video #1)

(A/N:This is like a noones POV so...)

"Hey guys this is me Riker and my beautiful fiancée Laura Marano" Riker said pulling Laura into his lap

"Baby I thought you weren't gonna tell, now they know" Laura said smiling while looking at Riker

"I just couldn't wait I love you so much" Riker said

"Awe thats sweet I love you too"

And they kissed

(End Of Video #1)

The comments were something like:





GOD LOVES US!!! By any chance is there an invitation left for me?!?

But there were also negatives comment like:

Eww!! I'd rather die then see Riaura get married




I do NOT like to see how that child ends up, its gonna be something ugly

(End of comments)

"Yeah but then you guys cleared it up like two weeks later. After the rumors stared to get heated about you guys" Rydel said

"Yeah... Lets watch it"

"Lets do it"

I clicked in the video and we watched it

(Video #2)

"Guys we are not getting married it was just a joke" Riker said chuckling

"Yeah me and Riker are not ready for that big step" Laura said

"We just had to make this clear cuz the rumors were getting a little out of hand" Riker said

"But we do love eachother don't you guys forget that" Laura said hugging Riker

"I love you too baby"

And they kissed

(End Of Video #2)

"Awe you ended both videos with I love you's and then you kissed" Rydel said

I exhaled the smoke "Mmhmm... Which flavor did you get?"

"Raspberry" Rydel said

"Ahh yes" I said and inhaled a little more

"So can I ask you a question? Ima need your honest opinion" Rydel said

I just nodded

"Im thinking of having a baby with Ratliff" Rydel said

I coughed out the smoke and yelled "You what?"

"Would you keep it down?" She whispered

"Haven't you guys tried?" I asked ignoring her comment

"No I mean I don't know if he wants to" Rydel said unsure

"HE DOESN'T KNOW?" I yelled

"Hey do you want a microphone so the whole word knows?" Rydel said putting her hand like a microphone

I pushed it away and glared at her "Haha... but he needs to know"

"I can't tell him then ill sound too needy" She said

I say next to her and hugged her since we were across from eachother "Awe baby don't worry Ratliff doesn't care about that just tell him he won't overreact"

"Who won't overreact?" A voice behind us said

We both looks back to see Ratliff and Riker standing with a whiskey bottle behind us

"Uhhh.... Kris Jenner about... Tyga calling Kylie his fiancée" Rydel said panicking

I chuckled and went to where I was before

"Ohh yeah I heard about that any news that what he said wasn't a joke?" Riker said sitting down next to me

Ratliff sat next to Rydel

Rydel looked at me

I smiled innocently as she gave me the look to say something

I shrug

"Nope not that Ive heard" Rydel said still looking at me dirty

"Ohh alright! Babe pour me some vodka" Ratliff said

Rydel snapped out of it and poured Ratliff and Riker

Riker poured some whiskey in my cup

I smiled and nodded at him "So why'd you guys come so fast? Its only been 15 minutes"

Once I said that Riker put the bottle in the glass table which made a loud sound. Him and Ratliff look at eachother worriedly

"Uh... Why are you guys looking at eachother like that?" Rydel asked

They looked at Rydel nervously "Umm.. no reason heheh"

"Spill it" I said

They shook their heads really fast

Me and Rydel looked at eachother then our nails

"Well then I guess you wouldn't mind a week without making out" I said

"Yeah what a shame" Rydel said

We both sigh dramatically

"No, no, no, no, no we'll tell" They both said

Me and Rydel stopped looking at our nails and we looked at them "Pigs"

"Alright so Rydel remember how we had to go on your for 7 months when you were a senior in high school?" Riker asked

She nodded slowly

"Well your mom got a call from the school saying that you never passed high school so you have to do senior year again" Ratliff said

My eyes widen as Rydel spits out what she was drinking

"WHAT?!?" She yells

I snickered

"Im supposed to repeat a grade just cuz of tour?" She asked

"No, no, no. They also told mom since graduation is in 2 weeks then you have to do a project in 1 so the teachers can get your grade ready" Riker said

Rydel relaxed a bit and sighed "Okay that's not so bad.... Whats it about?"

"Sex" Riker says

"WHAT?!?" She yells

I couldn't hold it in. I bursted out laughing

Rydel gave me a death glare

I just shrugged and kept laughing

"What about sex?" She asked

Ratliff pulled out a paper which Im guessing Stormie gave him "You have to print out photos of the organs you need for sex, you have to get a condom and teach people how to use it, you have to answer 'what is sex?' 'what is a organism' And 'where do children come from?""

Rydel gulped t his last sentence

My laugh lowered down "Ooh I remember doing that"

"Yeah me too, I helped Ross" Riker said

"Then you have two people to help you" Ratliff said smiling

"Im not helping her" Riker said shaking his head

"Then you have one person to help you" Ratliff said

Rydel looked at Ratliff "What about you Ratliff?"

"Oh I don't like doing those kind of things. Like a kid, Im be ready for that its too much responsibility" Ratliff said picking his cup up

Rydel's eyes widen "I know right who would be stupid enough to have a kid at such a young age? HAHAHA"

She started laughing really loud and the boys looked at her weirdly, I just shake my head while inhaling more smoke

"Delly you alright there? You kinda Uhh... freaking us out here" Riker said

She stopped laughing "Oh me? Pshh... whaat Pshh yeah I just gotta talk to Laura real quick"

She pulled me inside as she left the boys speechless

"Laura what do I do I can't tell him now you heard him he's not ready for that type of relationship" Rydel whispered yelled

"You know the glass is soundproof right?" I asked her

"Oh in that case WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?" She yelled

"Look you know how boys are at first they're like 'Oh baby I'm not ready for so much responsibility' and the net second they're like 'Baby I love you so much lets fuck all day'" I said in a men's voice

She sighed as a tear slides down her cheek

"No, no, no dont cry baby I hate it when you cry" I said wiping her tears

"It's just that I really love Ratliff and I don't know of he feels the same way I mean he clearly said he doesn't want to have a baby with me" She said

"Hold on he never said with you, he just said he's not ready for that type of responsibility" I reminded her

She cried more "Still"

I hugged her "Please stop crying or Ima end up hurting Ratliff"

She chuckled "Yeah that'll be nice to see"

"Awe! Now lets go they're gonna start getting worried for us" I said

She stopped me "Can you tell them I didn't feel good so I went to bed? And tell Ratliff not to come to the room"

I nodded "Bye feel better"

She walked into her room

"Hey guys Rydel wasn't feeling it anymore so she hit it off" I said trying to sound unfortunate

"Really?!? Where is she? Is he okay? I need to see her" Ratliff said panicking

"Ellington she said she didn't want to be bothered" I told him

"But I'm her boyfriend" Ell said

"And Im her brother yet you don't see me panicking" Riker said rolling his eyes

He was running to the doors but I stopped him

I gasped "Ellington Lee Ratliff are you disobeying me? To the corner NOW"

He looked down "Yes Miss"

I sat next to Riker and grabbed my cup

He smiled at me "You're gonna make a great mother one day"

"I am aren't I?" I smiled chuckling



Is this chapter a little worth ya forgiving me for the last one?

I made Riaura and Rydellington smoke and drink even tho they don't(Hopefully)


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