Opposites (Pearl X Amethyst)

By -ThoughtIKnew-

16K 456 188

A Pearl X Amethyst fanfiction. Steven Universe belongs to Rebecca Sugar and/or any of the other creators of t... More

Chapter One: Fighting
Chapter Two: Maybe
Chapter Three: Friends
Chapter Four: Take Your Shot
Chapter Five: Sleeping Over
Chapter Seven: Embarrassment
Chapter Eight: Today Is The Day
Chapter Nine: Sadness
Chapter Ten: Sinking
Chapter Eleven: The Date
Chapter Twelve: The Note
Chapter Thirteen: An Enemy Turned Into A Friend
Chapter Fourteen: Meaning

Chapter Six: The Duet

972 32 11
By -ThoughtIKnew-

Amethyst's POV:

My father was lying on the ground and he had blood coming out of his mouth. Rose was standing above him and staring down at him, she turned around to face Pearl and I. "He was going to hurt you if I didn't hurt him." She said firmly and picked my father up by his collar. "You better be going." She said to him and threw him out the door. Rose shut the door behind her and smiled at us. I looked over at Pearl, who had her mouth open. "I have never seen you do that before." Pearl said to Rose and Rose laughed. "There are a lot of things you have never seen me do before." I looked at Rose and she put her hand on my shoulder. "If he ever touches you again, tell me, I will take care of it." I nodded my head and followed Pearl as she was going upstairs. "Goodnight!" She yelled and I waved as I was going up the stairs.

Pearl and I were now in her room. Pearl sat down on her bed and I sat down next to her. "I have never seen my mom hurt anybody before." Pearl said and looked at me. "I see people get hurt everyday." I said and looked at Pearl. "You look tired, you need sleep." Before she could say anything, I got up from off of the bed. "Lay down." I said in a firm, but gentle tone. She did as I told her and she laid down. I brought one of her blankets over her and before I knew it she closed her eyes. Smiling, I got into the bed with her, trying my best not to move her too much. I was laying next to her and it felt...nice. What felt even nicer was that a pair of pale long arms wrapped around me. It made me smile. "Goodnight Pearl." I whispered, not expecting to get an answer back. "Goodnight Amethyst." I heard a voice say and I knew who it was. Maybe Pearl wasn't so bad after all.

~The Next Morning~

Pearl's POV:

I woke up and started to rub my eyes. My body felt stiff, so I stetched out my body, hearing a few popping noises from my bones. Amethyst was still sleeping next to me and snoring a bit. I smiled at her and decided to go take a shower.

I took off all of my clothes and stepped into the shower. I turned the shower knob so that the water was warm. Water cascaded down my body as I found my vanilla scented body wash. After I was done washing my body, I found my shampoo, squirted some in my hands, and began to wash my hair. I began to sing, just like I did every other time I took a shower. "You'll do it for him and you would do it again! You'll do it for her that is to say you'll do it for him!"

Amethyst's POV:

I woke up because I heard a noise. It sounded like singing. "Pearl?" I whispered to myself. I noticed a piece of paper laying on the nightstand next to me. It looked like a song. I got up from off of the bed and put my ear against the bathroom door. "Keep your stance wide. Keep your body lowered. As your moving forward balance is the key! Right foot! Left foot! Now go even faster, and as your moving backwards keep your eyes on me!" She finished and I looked and I looked at the lyrics. This song was a duet. I figured since there was nobody else around, that I would sing the second part. "Keep my stance wide! Keep my body lowered! As moving foward balance is my key! Right foot! Left foot!" I sang and walked into the bathroom and sat on the sink. Pearl began to sing again. "Everything you have, everything you are you've got to give on the battlefield. When everything is chaos, and you have nothing but the way you feel. Your strategy and a sword! You just think about the life you'll have together after the war. And then you'd do it for her, that's how you know you can win. You'd do it for her, that is to say you'll do it for him! Deep down you know you weren't built for fighting, but that doesn't mean your not prepared to try! What they don't know, is your real advantage. When you live for someone you're prepared to die!" I noticed that my part was coming up and cleared my throat. "Deep down I know that I am just a defect!" I finished and the next part is when Pearl and I both sing. "But I know that I can draw my sword and fight!" Pearl and I sang in unison. Next it was my part. "With my short existence! I can make a difference! I can be there for him! I can be his knight! I can do it for him!" I finished and we both sang next. "You'd do it for her!" We both finished. "You'd do it for her and now you say." My part was the last line in the song. "I'll do it for you." That wasn't what the script said, but I added it in to make sure Pearl knew I thought it was a good song.

Pearl began to giggle and I heard the water turn off. I got up off of the sink in a hurry and tried to open the door. The door handle was metal and had condensation all over it. It made my hand slippery, so I couldn't open the door. Then I head the shower curtain open. I squeezed my eyes shut and heard a yelp from behind me. "Amethyst!" I turned around to face Pearl, only to see she was naked. "Get out of here!" She yelled and covered herself up with a towel. My face felt hot and I saw Pearl was blushing. "I'm sorry!" I yelled and dried the doorhandle off with my shirt and ran out of the bathroom embarrassed.

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