Life of Tony Perry's sister

By XIdobelieveinfairies

74.2K 1.5K 223

My life hasn't been perfect, I tend to tell my stories to fans that think that my brother along with his band... More

Life of Tony Perry's sister
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chaper 8
Chapter Nine
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
sneak peak :3
Chapter 13
Capter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
looking for two new characters
Closed for new characters
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Not A Update :/
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27

chapter 2

4.2K 94 10
By XIdobelieveinfairies

I felt my bed had dipped a little, I looked to see Tony sitting on my bed next to me. “Hey.” I nodded as I left tony wipe my cheeks, “You okay panda?” I nodded again, “Lair than why were you crying.” I heard Stephanie’s voice say as I felt tears roll down my cheeks. “Steph go down stairs and wait.” She stomped her foot, “No! I can be here too.” She said in her ‘I can do what I want voice.’ I was Jamie behind her, “I really think you should go down stairs.” He told her as she groaned going down stairs.

“Now tell me what’s wrong Andy.” I looked at him, “I just remembered when I almost killed my self…If Mike wasn’t there, you wouldn’t have to ignore me all the time or forget me.” I sobbed as I saw Tony shocked. “Andrea I wouldn’t forget about you or ignore you,” He said pushing my hair away from my face, “Well you used to all the time, and when steph is over you always forget I live here too.” I said softly as he kissed my head, “Andrea Panda Lexus Perry I will never be like that again I promise you.” All I could do is nod as I kept crying.

He hugged me, than laid with me in my bed, “Do you want me to stay here?” I shrugged, “No, not if you have plans turtle.” He shook his head, “Not really we were just going over to her place for ‘alone time’ but we don’t need it.” I looked at him, “It’s okay turtle you have plans, go…” he kissed my head as he headed downstairs as I grabbed my Ninja turtles blanket covering myself falling asleep slowly.

I opened my eyes slowly as I saw turtle shut my door, “tone why are you still here?” he smiled at me, “I’m spending time with my sister.” “The guys were coming over,” Tony chuckled at me, “No I told them I was going to be home, and I will kiss up to Steph later. I still don’t get why she doesn’t believe your my sister.” I giggled, “Mike and I were joking about that earlier.”  “so that’s why you guys were laughing?” I nodded, “We didn’t make fun of Steph to the extreme.”

“I’m sorry for everything I’ve done.” Tony said as he flopped on the opposite side of my bed, “It’s fine tony I forgive you.” I cuddled into my brother in a sisterly way falling asleep once again.

I saw my sister fall asleep cuddled into me as I looked at my phone,

Steph: Having fun with your ‘sister’

Me: you know she really is my sister right? Everyone including our fans know that…

Steph: Unless you can prove it I won’t’ believe it!
 Me: Fine I will Steph but don’t come crying to me when your embarrassed.

Steph: Whatever Tony.

I stopped texting her as I took a picture of my sister sleeping curled up next to me, as I cuddled up to her.

I put it as my background not wanting to post it yet. I put my phone on the floor as I put my arms around my sister protectively, falling asleep myself. I woke more like jumped out of the bed awake Andrea left her phone plugged into the stereo. She did the same as she unplugged it, “Hey mom…Yeah want us to bring the others? Alright mom love you.”

She looked at me, “Mom wants us at the house for a Barbeque, she wants to see the boys as well.” I laughed, “Well go get your hair straightened out and we will go. She ran into the bathroom while I went down stairs to grab a water. Andrea ran down the stairs excited, “Let’s go and call Stephanie and tell her that you are bringing her over to meet mom for the first time.” She giggled as she smiled a little evilly.

I laughed at her, “Yes, boss.” I said as she rolled her eyes smiling at me. “Well let’s get this show on the road brah!” I groaned, “Now you watch too much Dog The Bounty Hunter.” She hit my shoulder giggling, “Don’t dis the dog.” She told me as I rolled my eyes, “Jedi Tony.” I smiled and looked at her, “Yes princess Andrea.” I giggled at him, “Were is our ship? Do the damned droids have it again?” “Sadly no, Obi one Jamie took it for a spin.” We both laughed as we got to Vic and Mikes.


“Hey Kellin!” I said as he walked in with Vic, “Going over to Tony’s wanna come with?” I nodded, “Yeah Frenchi is working right now so I mine as well.” “Wait is Tony actually going to be home this time?” We all laughed, “Yeah, Kellin he is spending time with Andrea.” He laughed as we walked outside to see Jamie roll up in his car. I laughed, “Let’s get in Hime’s car.” I said as I hopped in the front seat. “Hey?” Jamie said as I chuckled, “We are going to Tony’s house” He looked at me, “Tony told me to meet him and Andy here.”

I got out of the car, “No need to go anywere.” I said, “why?” “Tony and Andrea are coming over.” I smiled as I sat on the trunk of Vic’s car. As I watched Tony’s car pull up, “Hey guys!” Andy said as she got out of the car, “Hey Panda, why are you here?” She giggled, “Mom called earlier waking me saying she is having a Barbeque.” I jumped up, “YES!” I shouted as everyone laughed, “Take two cars. I call Kellin and Vic because Tony is getting Stephanie. We are going to prove to her that we are brother and sister.” I chuckled at her smiling. “I’ll go with Tony.” She nodded along with Tony.

I got into his truck, as we drove to Stephanie’s house. She walked outside after throwing a fit she finally got in the back. “You do know this is the first time I’m going to meet your mom right?” Steph said as I chuckled, “Good she is an amazing cook and an amazing parent to Andrea and Tony.” She groaned, “Not you too Mike.” I looked at her, “Your kidding me right? Are you purposely denying that they are siblings so you can tear them apart because if you are that’s a real bitch move.” I said as I turned around again not paying attention to her explanation.

I looked at my phone, seeing that Tony texted me while we were stopped,

Tony: Thanks bro…She still doesn’t believe it though it’s starting to piss me off a little.

Me: Me too Tone me too…

I started singing Pick Up The Phone by Falling In Reverse,

‘Pick up the phone,


Kellin, Vic, and Jamie all applauded, “Thanks guys,” I said blushing like crazy, “Well we are here.” I ran out of the car and went inside, “MOMMY!” I screamed as I hugged her, she giggled at me “Hello to you Andrea.” I giggled, “I missed you!” she kissed my head, “I missed you too Panda.” I giggled as Stephanie and Tony walked in, “TONY COME HERE IT’S OUR MAMMA SHE WANTS YOU!” I yelled as everyone chuckled at me, “Did you take-“ “Yes mother, your son was very helpful and brought it with us this morning and gave it to me.”

She patted my head as Tony finally got over here, “I heard you gave your sister her medican with out her fighting you…what is your secret?” He laughed, “Uh…I don’t know she just got excited when I told her that I agreed to get tats done, than I grabbed them from her room when we got them I just gave one to her.” “Wait, your telling me that she really is your sister? That you weren’t just pulling my leg.” Steph said in front of our mom.

My mom looked at her like she had two heads, “why would he do that, he is serious when it comes to his little sister.” Mom said side hugging me, I nodded; “it’s true it’s true.” I told her as I smiled, “Welp I better go say hello to my fatha.” “Now Jedi Tony were is darth fatha?” mom shook her head at me, as she answered, “At the grill like usual.” I smiled “DARTH FATHA!” I screamed as I ran to the grill. He looked at me as I hugged him, “How are you dad?” He chuckled, “Great now my little girl is here.”

“Yuup so are my brothers.” He laughed, “I know I already talked to them except Tony, were is her anyway?” I rolled my eyes, “With Stephanie, hehe it’s her first time meeting you guys.” I giggled as I skipped over to Mike, he took out my phone handing it to Kellin, “NO MIKE PLEASE ANYTHING BUT THE BLACK HOLE OF DOOM!” he laughed as Tony and Stephanie came out. “Michael Christopher Fuentes put me down!” he laughed. “Seriously Mike, my tattoos!” he put me down, “Sorry I forgot.”

“It’s fine but you can put Stephanie in my traditional spot.” He laughed as he smiled at Tony who got wide eyes, “Babe I gotta go get something from my old room I’ll be right back.” He ran in the house and up the stairs, Mike, Vic, Kellin and I looked at one another laughing our asses off. Mike ran scooping up Stephanie who is screaming her head off, as Tony looked outside he groaned as mike threw her in the water. Vic, Kellin, Mike and I all started laughing our asses off.

When we got Stephanie some of my clothes to wear, we all sat down and ate, “Uno Memento.” I called to my mom as I looked in the mirror, scratching my arms, I sat on the floor waiting for the cutting urge to go away. Stupid  memories, I thought as I saw Tony come in, “Everything okay? Mom said you been up here since after dinner?” I groaned, “Just having an Urge to cut…” I said softly so I thought he couldn’t hear me.

“Well it’s a good thing I came up,” He added as he sat next to me, HE put his arms around me as he kissed my head, “Sis you always have me if you feel the urge, you also have the guys downstairs,” I nodded and hugged him, “It’s just so tempting around Stephanie, she can be so mean to me..” I said, “I know and I’m sorry Andy.” I just nodded.

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