SLVR (A RWBY Fanfic)[On Hold]

By dauntlessnephilim_

7.3K 168 98

Beacon Academy, a school designed to train Hunters and Huntresses alike, is located in the kingdom of Vale. W... More

Sebastian Anthony
Beacon Academy Pt. 1
Beacon Academy Pt. 2
The First Step pt. 1
The First Step pt. 2
The Emerald Forest pt. 1
The Emerald Forest pt. 1
Petals and Roses
The Badge and the Burden pt. 1
The Badge and the Burden pt. 2

Jaunedice pt. 1 (But With Harry)

437 11 12
By dauntlessnephilim_

Toby smashed his mace down towards Rachel, which she shielded herself from. Sparks flew as their weapons collided. Rachel's hair had a faint blue outline, along with her rapier. She slammed her weapon into the ground, large ice crystals making their way towards Toby. The ice moulded around his legs before he could even move, and he growled. Rachel ran forward, rapier at the ready. She jumped and Toby grinned. When she was only a few feet above him, he swung his mace with all his might and it slammed into Rachel's stomach, sending her through the air and into the wall.

The lights of the room turned on and Glynda Goodwich winced. "Miss Pierre, are you alright?" There was silence for a moment before a loud groan filled the air. I would've chuckled if not for my worry. I don't know if the groan was a sign of being alright, or being not alright.

Professor Goodwich turned around. "Sebastian, could you please take her to the infirmary?" I nodded and walked over to Rachel, helping her up slowly. She smiled weakly at me and I guided her to the infirmary.


"Hey! Stop that!"

I looked up from my tray of absolutely nothing and saw Toby pulling on Harry's fox ears. He and the rest of team TEAL were laughing as Harry struggled against Toby's grip. My hands curled into fists and I was about to stand up when a soft hand grabbed mine. I turned my head and saw Vienna looking at me, a sad but understanding look on her face. She shook her head slightly, and I scoffed, but did nothing. From my peripheral vision, I saw Toby let go and say, "See, I told you they were real!" His teammates just laughed as Harry grumbled and sat down next to Mary.

"Harry, are you alright?" She asked quietly and he mumbled something. Mary sighed and grabbed his face, mumbling something about...guppies? Harry smiled slightly, but he still looked pained.

"Oh, look! Another one!" I felt something pull on my tail and I hissed, standing up quickly and turning around, finding myself face to face with Toby. He laughed as he reached for my cat ears. "Are these real, too?"

I hissed at him again and he laughed even harder. "Ooh, looks like Kitty's angry!"

Narrowing my eyes, I slammed my fist on the table hitting a fork in the process. The fork flew into my hand and I quickly grabbed the back of his head and put the fork against one of Toby's eyes. They widened slightly and I grinned. "Man, it must be embarrassing, having your teammates and," I paused and looked around, "pretty much the whole school watching." I slammed the fork into the table. "But, since I'm a nice guy, I'll leave you with a warning. Leave my friends and I alone." I released him and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"You better watch your back, Kitty Kat. Or you'll be sorry."

"Goodbye, Toby." I said, sitting down at the table nonchalantly, as if nothing happened. Vienna, Luke, and team NGMH were staring at me like I had four ears, which I technically do, but that's not the point. The point is, I just stood up against the biggest asshole in the school.


"Crap. That was-"


The Jacobson twins laughed along with Vienna and Luke, but Harry just sat there. Mary raised her eyebrows in sadness. "Harry," she said,"are you alright?"

He didn't answer and continued to pick at his lasagna with his fork. Then, he perked up as if he had just heard Mary. "Huh? Oh! Yeah, I'm fine, see?" He gave us a thumbs up and a huge fake smile.

"Harry, he's a bully." Vienna said, and the Jacobson twins stood up suddenly.

"Oh! I know!" Nicole exclaimed.

"We'll break his legs!" Gabrielle exclaimed after his sister.

"No one is breaking anyone's legs!" Luke said, making the twins frown and sit back down. I chuckled slightly and Harry sighed. Mary also sighed.

"Am I going to have to do the guppy thing again?" She said, louder than she ever has spoken before, and everyone stared at her with wide eyes. She shrunk under our stare. "Um..."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Guys, Toby is just messing around! It's not like-" He was cut off when the doors of the cafeteria swung opened and slammed into the walls. There stood Rachel, an embarrassed grin on her face and her pink hair wild.

"Oops." When everyone continued to stare, she glared. "Oi! Keep eating!"the cafeteria erupted into noise as everyone went back to talking and eating. Rachel limped over to our table an sat down, a grin on her face. "So, what's up?"

I caught Harry's eyes. Do not tell her, his eyes said plainly, and I nodded. "So! How are you feeling?"

Rachel smiled. "Better. Still in agonising pain, but better." When no one did anything, she narrowed her eyes. "Okay, what's up?"



The twins stared at each other and must've had a silent argument that Gabrielle won, because Nicole pouted. Our of the corner of my eyes, I saw Harry's eyes widened. "No!" He exclaimed, making everyone jump. "Do not tell her!"

"Don't tell who what?" Rachel said, raising a pink eyebrow. There was silence for a moment before Mary sighed.

"Am I going to have to tell her? Because I will!" When no one answered, she sighed. "Toby is being an assmunch to Harry."

As soon as those words left her mouth, Rachel stood up, her face contorted in anger. "I'm going to kill him, bring him-" she stopped when Luke grabbed her shoulders, dragging her down slowly. She scoffed but did nothing. She pointed an accusing finger at Luke and Harry. "I'm resisting now, because I like you guys, but next time it happens, there will be no resisting." Harry sighed in relief.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, Sebastian, are you going to eat that taco? 'Cause if not, handeth it over."


Word count: 1065

wwhat did you think of the chapter? wwas it vvery boring? Cause it wwas for me.

HmMm. ThAt WaS mY aTtEmPt At HoMeStUcK lAnGuAgE.

H0w is it?

Anyways, I got the chapter up on my normal schedule, which is good.

Don't forget to vote/comment, leave positive feedback, and keep reading!

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