The Fighter (Ziall Horlik)AU...

By BriannaLynnC98

413K 17.2K 6K

When there's a problem in your way, use your fists. That's all Zayn Malik has known his whole life. He was fr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 13

10.9K 489 152
By BriannaLynnC98

Niall's POV

As quickly as my sleepy self could, I rolled off Zayn's couch and out of his arms before running to the bathroom. Hot tears streamed my face as my stomach emptied everything I hadn't eaten into the toilet. I hadn't even opened my eyes yet and I was getting sick already. I honestly hate the fact that I can't get over this stomach flu or whatever it is. It's been over a month now and I hate this.

I rinsed my mouth out with water a few times before going back to where Zayn was slowly getting up from the couch. He had a worried look on his face as he reached his hands out to me. All I did was gently push him back on the couch, then straddle his lap. My face buried into his neck as I let out a few tears as he wrapped his strong arms around me. His fingers rubbed small circles into my back, relaxing me from getting sick and hating it.

"I had no idea you were that sick, babe. Are you not feeling well just this morning?" Zayn asked me in a rough voice that was still slightly filled with sleep. I shook my head and pulled back to look him in the eyes. One of his hands moved to wipe my tears as he sat up more with me still on his lap.

"I'm not sick, my stomach just feels disgusting all morning for no reason, or even after I eat." I whimpered to Zayn as more tears rolled down my cheeks. He pulled my back down to lay so my stomach and chest were pressed tightly against his. A couple kisses were placed on my head in different places, but Zayn being this quiet made me know he was thinking about something.

"I think you should go to the doctor. I mean this in the kindest way possible, but your tummy kind of worries me too. It's not squishy like it should be." Zayn told me slowly. I nodded, understanding what he ment by that. I was worried about that too, but not too much because I've always had a tendency of gaining weight in my lower stomach. I moved my head to look at Zayn, but I still saw he was deep in his thoughts.

"I don't want anything to happen to you. You just became mine, I can't loose you." He whispered to me before kissing my lips gently. I kissed him back, loving the fact I could kiss him. With his lips on mine, I felt like there was nothing else I needed to worry about. I'll probably go to a doctor in a few days if this keeps up, but for now I have Zayn and that's all I could ask for. His lips take away worries and fears and replace them with comfort and reassurance.

"I have to go to the gym soon, but you can stay here and just rest a little or I can walk you home to rest up. I don't want you working sick." Zayn told quietly against my lips. There was this electronic feel between us that kind of made me forget my sick stomach. By the way Zayn's hot breath was hitting my lips made me know that he was feeling the same thing.

I pecked his lips a few more times while he let his hands travel up my shirt. We both pulled back and looked at each other, sharing a look of pure emotion and slight want. I gave him a nod before he gently pulled my shirt up over my head. The material dropped to the floor has Zayn's brown eyes looked over my bare torso. His hands ran from my chest to my slightly swollen stomach. The want left Zayn's eyes and was just replaced with his old look of worry. His hands ran over my fat stomach again.

"We're going to the doctor tomorrow." He told me firmly. I sighed and laid on his chest again because I just wanted him to hold me now. Unfortunately, my stomach had different ideas and I found myself running back to the bathroom. This time, Zayn came after me and rubbed my back as I threw up for the second time this morning.

Both Zayn and I stayed in the bathroom for an hour, with me throwing up four more times. He got water and hot tea for me before holding me from where I was curled up next to the toilet. I'm guessing Zayn called his coach to tell him he wasn't going in for training and by now Louis figured I wasn't going in for work. I just knew I was probably going to spend the day laying on the bathroom floor.

"Drink more water, love. I'm calling someone to come help you." Zayn told me soothingly. He propped a few towels under my head and wrapped me in some as blankets. I sipped water through a straw and let my eyes slip shut for a few minutes. I heard Zayn on the phone with someone.

I must have fallen asleep for a while because the next time I woke up was to Zayn picking me up and carrying me to his bed. He got me comfortable there, slipping one of his oversized shirts on me and getting me in some of his pajama bottoms. The whole time I watch his face and his hands and his eyes. His face was full of worry, his hands were soft and gentle and his eyes were full of something I could only describe as adoration.

"You'll be okay, right? Promise me?" Zayn asked me in a shaky voice. I nodded to him and pulled him down to lay on my chest. His head rest right over my heart and his hand ran over my stomach. But I knew he didn't think of doing that. It was something in him that was drawn to the movement like a magnet being drawn to its other half. I rest my hand there as well, liking that it soothed me from being so nauseated.

"My Niall." He whispered to me as he held me just a little tighter. My eyes closed again, but this time I didn't really fall back asleep. Instead I started thinking about what could be wrong with me. I wanted answers to why I was sick, but not sick at the same time. Thoughts of the flu or food poisoning ran through my head first. I decided it was probably the second. Maybe it was something I had eaten, but it didn't make sense to why I've been sick for so long now.

As the day turned into the night, Zayn soon had to leave for work. We bickered back and forth if he should call in sick or go in to work. In the end we settled for me staying in his flat with Louis to come over and watch over me while he went in to work for a few hours before leaving early. We shared a few kisses, despite the fact I am sick and he could get sick too. His hand rubbed over my stomach before he got dressed in some better clothes for work. I text Louis to come over and gave him where I was. He said he was bringing a few things for me and would be here soon.

"Is he almost here? I don't want to leave such a precious package here alone." Zayn said. I giggled at him and pushed him away from me because he's such a sap for being such a broken man. I loved it more than I should. He kissed my forehead and cuddled me on his bed a little longer until Louis was buzzing the door bell. Both of us went to answer the door to the small blue eyed man. Zayn kissed me once more before leaving the flat and heading off to work.

"So I brought you a few things." Louis said awkwardly. I gestured for him to go to the living room area. He set two plastic bags of stuff on the coffee table then pat the couch for me to sit next to him. I giggled and slowly made my way to him as he reached his hands to the first bag.

"I brought you some soup, crackers, a coloring book, crayons and some movies." He told me as he emptied the first bag. I giggled at the coloring book, but took it in my hands anyway. He set the few cans of soup and box of crackers on the table, then gave me the stack of movies that ranged from animation to horror.

"This next bag has more serious stuff in it. I have Tylenol, cold medicine, kleenex, and well..." Louis trailed off as he pulled out a box that I would never expect anyone to ever bring me in my entire life.

"Why did you bring a pregnancy test?" I asked him slowly, hoping he was the one loosing his mind and not me. He blushed before pulling out three more of the same box and handing them to me. I looked down at the pink and purple boxes as I felt my stomach flip with nausea. All I did was take a few deep breaths with my eyes closed as it passed me, then looked at Louis for answers.

"It's rare, but it's not impossible. I started thinking of what you told me about why you and Zayn stopped talking for so long, then put your timing of your symptoms together. This is all I could think of, but I'm not crazy. Just try these tests and if it's nothing then go to the doctor tomorrow to see what's really wrong. It's just... You're the only friend I've had in a while and I just want to take care of you and rule out any sickness possibilities to put my mind at ease." Louis said. I nodded to him and we both took the four boxes to the bathroom.

After we read over the instructions multiple times, Louis opened each test while I drank two glasses of water so I could take these. Louis pat me on the back before walking out of the bathroom for me to have my privacy.

My hands couldn't stop trembling as I took each test. I'm surprised I didn't just pee on the floor instead of on the little sticks. Once the was done, I put the caps on each stick then set them on the counter top before washing my hands and leaving the bathroom. Louis was sitting nervously on the couch when I walked into the room.

"Do you know if any doctors in the area specialize in this type of pregnancy? Like, I'm sure I'm not because that would be the end of the world for Zayn, but I just want to know so I can go check for sure." I asked the small man. He huffed as he sure hook his head.

"Best doctors are in Cheshire if you're looking for cheep. I looked it up for you just incase." Louis replied. After that, we just sat there in silence for three agonizing minutes. It was horrible because my thoughts kept getting filled with Zayn. I love to think about him, but at the moment I feel like if he knew I just took four pregnancy tests he wouldn't be happy.

Both Louis and I went to the bathroom to check on the tests once the results should have been processed. I grabbed his hand in mine and I looked over the tests that laid on the counter. Tears filled my eyes as I took in the sight. All four tests had a positive sign on the screen.

A/N: So I'm back and updating as much as I can. I was really tired today so the lack of motivation to write this is why this is so late. I'll be updating the next few days before disappearing again. My shows went great this week and next week I hope they can only get better!!! Who is your favorite actor/actress?!?!??! Comment / Vote!
- Bri;)

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