TMNT-Dark side

By nebluelax_

103K 2.9K 934

Mikey is the happy-go-lucky one. Always laughing, smiling, pranking...heck, he'd be awarded the most smiles a... More

Introoooo :D
No one's POV
Guys, help ;-;
Random youtube video
Bad End 1
Good end 1
Bad End 2
Good End 2
Bad End 4
True End
Hai gaiz


1.7K 55 16
By nebluelax_

Disclaimer:I do not own TMNT :) enjoy the story~ HUUUGE THANKS TO Sunnystrikes and @pikachukite for the help and the ideas ^_^ you guys are awesome! (Go follow them, they're really nice and cool people)

A/N:Yes, I just noticed this emotion thing is like inside out. I've even got joy. Well...telepathy ftw 👍

The maze walls were gone, revealing a wide space, mist hung in the air, the haze so thick I could hardly see anything. (A/N:Lol this is my country rn. Haze for days. School please get cancelled..)

"Anger!" A small and hoarse voice suddenly cries out. A voice startlingly similar to Donnie's (annoying) know-it-all tone mumbled "That was a very unwise, now any enemies in the surrounding area will-"

"Sadness!" Anger's eyes light up, and he hobbled over to a bright blue version of Mikey. tears ran down his cheeks as the smaller turtle was tackled by the bright red one. a purple Mikey with a large hole in his shell and Donnie following behind.

"Anger! What happened to you? You're...You're fading like Wisdom..." Sadness sniffs. "Don't worry buddy, I'm not leaving you alone, since you obviously can't survive without me," Anger smiles for the first time and gently punches Sadness as he is about to protest.

The interaction reminds me a little about how Raph and Mikey would act. "Leo! Thank goodness! Wisdom is way too annoying!" Donnie complains. "I guess it's true when they say that if you met yourself in another dimension, you'd despise you..." The Purple Mikey grumbles.

"Excuse me? You're the one making annoying comments every time! If anything I should be annoyed at you and not the other way round!" "oh shut up! I have a hole in my stomach and.i have to deal with you!" As the two continue bickering, I hear a giggle and a groan.

A bright yellow Mikey bounces into the space, followed by a exhausted looking Raph, who looked ready to strangle the Mikey alive. "Leo, Donnie, thank god...I'm so done talking about pink fluffy unicorns..."

"GUYS! GUESS WHAT!" The Mikey yells, causing the other Mikey's to stare at him and Wisdom to facepalm, muttering something about idiots who don't know how to shut up.

"I passed out! It was weird! I think I saw grandma-"
"We don't have a grandma, idiot..."
"Then Raph woke me up and my arm was nearly gone!" The yellow emotion -probably Joy- gestures to an empty space where his arm was supposed to be, waving his good hand around for emphasis.

"I felt horrible for some time but for some reason I'm feeling slightly better! So Raph and I had a great time talking about unicorns and how we would ride a rainbow and find a pot of sparkles after we joined back together!" Joy cheerfully proclaimed.

"I didn't say anything like that!" Raph yells. "Why couldn't he just stay unconscious?" He mutters. "Welcome to my world," Anger says.

"Anyways, we're all here, so the only ones left are Determination and April, right?" Donnie asks. "Not anymore," April smiles as she appears from the mist, carrying a bright Orange Mikey.

"Gee Determination, for the most determined of us, you've got some nerve to be later than anyone else," anger scoffs. "It's called being Fashionably late," Joy jokes.

Determination looks up from April's back, eyes slightly glazed, looking sleepy. "Well, we got here, thanks to April." April smiles, Wisdom and Joy running over to help Determination off her back.

"So all these are Mikey's emotions, huh?" Raph says, staring as the five emotions greet each other. "Yeah. Just when we thought one Mikey wasn't enough," I smile. "Well technically they're five parts of Mikey, so it's not exactly five of him, it's just him split into-" "We get it."

"Well, it's good that we're all safe. So, did the emotions with you tell you how they got separated?" I ask. Everyone nods. "The darkness is taking over Mikey's mind, that's why the emotions got kicked out of Mikey's mind and separated. They're fading because the darkness is trying to get rid of them and destroy them slowly," April explains.

"But why isn't Sadness disappearing? Joy and Determination also did mention something about how them fading being slowed down a little. It's true isn't it? Now they're not fading as fast as they did at first." Donnie points out.

I had to admit, it was true. And I was just as clueless.

April ponders for a few moments. "I'm guessing it's because Sadness has been in Mikey the longest, and is the strongest, so he's not disappearing as quickly. Although I'm not sure at all about them fading slower. It's good, but unusual..."

"Whatever it is, let's make the most of it and quickly get the emotions to reunite. The faster the better. We can't waste anymore time." I say. The rest nod in agreement.

Judging by the emotion's reactions to seeing each other again, they're glad to be back together, despite the fact that they said they didn't get along and I would have expected them to fight by now.

Maybe it'll be easier to reunite them than I thought.

Then the air turns cold. The haze grows thicker, almost suffocating. Shivers run down my spine. Something's here.

I draw my katanas. The rest get their weapons out. "Not bad...I thought you would have gotten lost, or give up on the emotions and just leave them in the maze.." That voice. It's the same voice of the thing that welcomed us into the maze.

"Guys, get behind us. We'll protect you." April says. "We can protect ourselves much better than-" anger gets cut off by Joy. "Listen to them, Anger." His voice deadly serious. Anger hesitates but grabs Sadness and joins the rest behind us.

Even Anger knows not to mess with Joy when he's serious.

"Oh well. Now that I know not to underestimate you...At least i'll have fun playing with you until you beg for mercy."

"Stop being such a coward! Get out and fight us!" Raph yells. The voice chuckles as if amused by Raph's outburst, and says mockingly "Ah, I'm sorry. How could I be so rude? First things first..."

A huge cage descends from above. I dive down, trying to push the Mikeys' out of the way, but even then I know that i would be too late. The cage lands on top of the Mikeys', trapping them. Shackles appear, chaining them down. Sadness bursts out crying and Anger hugs him, comforting him. Raph growls.

"All right, now that they're out of the way..."

"Let them go!" Raph yells. "Oh, I'm sorry, I can't do that. They'll just get in the way..." The voice says. Anger seeps through my veins, drowning any sense of logic or calmness I had. This thing... The way it spoke, so calmly, as if it couldn't be bothered by us trying to kill it. As if it knew we couldn't do it.

...Those are the type of people I hate the most. I use my katanas and strike the bars. The Mikeys' inside yelp in pain. "Oh, I forgot to mention...these emotions are of no use to me...I'll just kill them off slowly and painfully. Try to break them out of their cage, and they get electrocuted at an even higher voltage..."

"Dammit..." Raph growls. My eyes widen in shock as the Mikeys' start spasming in the cage, screaming, smoke coming out from their shackles and their body.

It's a horrifying sight.

"Stop this! It's insane!" April yells. The voice laughs. "There's nothing you can do to stop it...besides, insane is such a mean and unpleasant word...don't you know it's not nice to go around hurting people by saying such things?"

"Stop fooling around! I've had enough of your stupid games! If you want to fight, stop being such a coward and come out already!" Donnie yells. Donnie's usually level-headed, and hardly loses his cool. The fact that he's, livid...

No one says a word. "I'll never let you take my brother. Never. You can beat me until I'm broken and bruised, but I will still fight. You're never going to take over Mikey and I'll do anything to stop you even if it means I'll die trying. Such a coward, trying to stall us, making us play your stupid games and then trying to avoid conflict with us by annoying us until we can't think clearly enough to fight you with our anger clouding our judgement. You're scared, Admit it. You're scared of us defeating you. And you're doing everything you can to make sure we don't fight you. If that isn't cowardice, then I don't know what is."


The voice laughs hysterically. He's amused by this. Of course. "Oh wow, such a heartwarming speech." It laughs. "You just had to go push my buttons didn't you?" Mikey emerges from the mist, a dark aura surrounding him, smirking like he had something up his sleeve. "Well, now you've got what you wanted... I'll play your game..."

"Just try not to die, okay?"

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