Love n' Music (A Harry Styles...

By 1Ddirectioner4ever1D

41.9K 694 41

What happens when you save one of One Direction's siblings from bullies? You meet the band of course! Melissa... More

Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 1
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 2
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 3
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 5
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 6
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 7
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 8
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 9
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 10
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 11
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 12
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 13
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 14
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 15
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 16
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 17
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 18
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 19
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 20
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 21
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 22
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 23
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 24
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 25
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 26
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 27
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 28
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 29
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 30
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 31
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 32
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 33
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 34
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 35
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 36
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 37
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 38
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 39
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 40
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 41
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 42
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 43
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 44
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 45
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 46
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 47
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 48
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 49
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 50
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 51
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 52
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 53
Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 54 The End

Love n' Music (A Harry Styles Love Story) Part 4

1.6K 24 2
By 1Ddirectioner4ever1D

Part 4                                              

Zayn's POV

I could tell by Harry's face and his dumbfounded look that he was already falling for Melissa. After all the introductions were out I suggested that Harry give Melissa a tour of the studio while me and the other lads go set up a little party in the back room. Harry just looked at me funny so I took that as a yes and the two groups split into our own directions.

                                               Melissa's POV

"Hey Harry why don't you show Melissa around the studio while the lads and I go set up a little party in the back room?" I hear Zayn say and Harry just looks surprised at the suggestion while Zayn replied with "I'll take that as a yes" and all the boys ran off with only me and Harry left standing. I was so happy that Zayn did that, this way I'll get extra time with Harry and hopefully figure out if he felt the spark too! "So Harry what's first on the tour list?" "Ummm...lets go see backstage first." He says rather wobbly and I decide to try to spark up conversation and say "Ok so ahh...Harry what's your favorite part about being in the band?" "The girls" he says automatically getting back to his normal self "Oh?" I say quizzically "Well yeah I could do whatever I want and end up with a girl." At that statement he smirks "Then why don't you have a girlfriend now?" "I'm just waiting for the right girl to come along." "I see" The rest of the walk was quite long and Harry and I kept talking about our lives, families, and so on and I had a great time with him. When we arrived backstage there wasn't much to do so we decided to sit down on the couch that was on the actual stage. I was totally fangirling inside and did my best to hide it. Then, Harry and I started talking again and that lasted about an hour. I think we really hit it off! Then all of a sudden Harry asks me if I would like to go see his dressing room and I of course say yes.

                                                    Harry's POV               

Mel and I could talk for hours if we had the time and I really like her! I hope that today won't be the last day we speak to each other. Suddenly, I hear myself ask "Would you like to come see my dressing room?" 

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