Twilight Through Edward's Eyes

By edward-bella-forever

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Ever wondered what Edward was thinking through Twilight? Me too. Thats why i'm writing this story. It's what... More

First Sight
Open Book
Blood Type
Scary Stories/ Nightmare
Mind Over Matter
The Cullens

Port Angeles

969 19 6
By edward-bella-forever




Bella was just, sat watching the girls try on numerous amounts of dresses, I was sat accross the street in my car, it was crazy I know but I had to make sure she was ok. After a while I got bored of listening in to people's thoughts I decided to listen in to their conversation in the shop.

"Didn't you ever go with a boyfriend or something?" Jessica asked Bella.

"Really. I'be never had a boyfriend or anything close. I didn't go out much."

"Why not?"

"No one asked me."

"People ask you out here, and you tell them no." Jessica reminded Bella. "Well, except Tyler."

Bella was just as confused. "Excuse me? What did you say?" she gasped.

"Tyler told everyone he'a taking you to prom..."

"He said WHAT?" she choked out, she was really surprised.

"I told you it wasn't true." Angela murmered to Jessica. It fell silet for a couple of minuites.

"That's why Lauren doesn't like you," Jessica giggled racking through the numerous amounts of dresses.

"Do you think if I ran him over with my truck he would stop feeling so guilty about the accident? That he might give up on making amends and call it even?" Bella asked sarcastically.

"Maybe, if that's why he's doing this." Jess answered back. They continued in trying on dressed while Bella sat in chair by the window near the dressing room. After the shoes they weren't done and carried on looking at various different things.

After a while of trying on various different things Bella finally spoke, "Angela?"


"I like those." That wasn't what she was going to say.

"I think i'll get them- though they'll never match anything but the one dress."

"Oh go ahead- they're on sale. Um, Angela...Is it normal for the... Cullens to be out of school a lot?". She was asking about us?

"Yes, when the wheather is good they go backpacking all the time- even the doctor. They're all real outdoorsy ." Hearing our excuse from someone else, it sounded kind of lame.


When they were finished they finished early so Jessica and Angela went to the bay while Bella split off from them to go to a bookstore. I followed Bella to make sure she was ok. When she got to the bookstore she wasn't in there long but when she came out it was dark and she looked like she didn't know where she was going. She kept walking down different ally ways and streets to the point where it was hard for me to keep her in sight without being noticed. I stopped and decided to listen to her footsteps all of a sudden a group of thoughts came into my head near Bella was. A group of 4 men. Drunk.

They started to approach her, I noticed Bella had starts to speed up but she wasn't fast enough.

"Hey, there!" one of them called to her as they passed her, two of them stopped behind her and the other two passed her and stopped infront of her. they were trapping her.

"Hello," it was Bella's voice.

She obviously got out of the middle of the group as one of them shouted, "Hey, wait!"

I could tell that Bella was out of their sight now as they started moving, looking. But something was wrong, I could only hear two thoughts now, they'd split up. I started driving again following the direction of these two men, the ones following Bella, until the other two men's thoughts came into my head, but they were infront of her, trapping her again.

"There you are!" one of them shouted.

"Yeah, we just took a little detour." the two groups of men were talking to each other.

"Stay away from me," Bella warned as one of them started walking towards her.

"Don't be like that sugar" that's it I couldn't just sit here and wait, I had to do something, I started the engine again, I wasn't far way. I sped up and suddenly I was there, I sped around the corner. I almost hit one of them, and suddenly Bella jumped on front of the road. I fishtails and skidded to a stop, the passenger door open infront of her.

"Get in," I shouted, she didn't even think about it, she just jumped straight in. I started driving again straight away, I swerved so I was facing the men and sped away. "Put your seat belt on." I kept speeding away, she never asked who I was. She knew.

"Are you ok?" she asked, was she serious, am I ok?

"No." I replied. She stared at me as I kept driving, I knew we were far enough away now so I stopped the car. "Bella?"


"Are you alright?" I still didn't look at her.


"Distract me, please." I needed to get my mind away from those filthy scum bags before I turned the car around and ripped their faces off.

"I'm sorry what?" not helping.

"Just prattle about something unimportant until I calm down." I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose, I needed to calm down, I couldn't risk hurting Bella because I was angry at some drunk low life's!

"Um.... i'm going to run over Tyler Crowley tomorrow before school?"


"He's telling everyone that he's taking me to the prom-either he's insane or he's still trying to make up for almost killing me last... well, you remember it, and he thinks prom is somehow the correct way to do this.So I figure if I endanger his life, then we're even, and he can't keep trying to make amends. I don't need enemies and maybe Lauren would back off if he left me alone. I might have to total his Sentra, though. If he doesn't have a ride he can't take anyone to prom...."

"I heard about that" I was finally calming down.

"You did? If he's paralyzed from the neck down he can't go to prom either."

I sighed and opened my eyes.


"Not really"

"What's wrong?"

"Sometimes I have a problem with my temper Bella, but it wouldn't be helpful for me to turn around and hunt down those.... at least, that's what i'm trying to convince myself."

"Oh." we sat in silence for a while, I had nothing to say, I wasn't calm enough to talk and keep it pleasant. "Jessica and Angela will be worried, I was supposed to meet them."

I turned the engine back on and turned back around to the restaurant, when we got there there was a complete look of shock on her face. "How did you know where....?" she shook her head and let it go, how would I of explained that! I opened the door and started getting out, "What are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm taking you to dinner." I smiled at her and continued to get out an walked over to the sidewalk, she got out. Jessica and Angela were walking away the restaurant towards their car. "Go stop Jessica and Angela before i have to track them down, too. I don't think i could restrain myself if i ran into your other friends again."

"Jess! Angela!" she waved, when they saw her they hurried back over, when they realized who i was they looked shocked and hesitated a few feet away.

"Where have you been?" Jessica asked Bella suspiciously.

"I got lost. And then i ran into Edward."

"Would it be alright if i joined you?" I asked them, I couldn't leave Bella, i and to know she would be ok.

"Er...sure." Jessica barely eve spoke the words.

"Um, actually, Bella, we already ate while we were waiting-sorry."

"That's fine-I'm not hungry." She wasn't going to eat after everything she'd just been through?!

"I think you should eat something. Do you mind if i drive Bella home tonight? that way you wont have to wait while she eats." I asked Jessica.

"Uh, no problem, i guess..." she bit her lip and looked at Bella, i focused in on her thoughts, she wanted to know if that was what Bella wanted. Bella obviously knew what she was thinking and winked at her.

"Okay. See you tomorrow Bella...Edward." Angela said grabbing Jessica's hand and pulling her back towards the car, they waved and then they were gone.

"Honestly, i'm not hungry." she looked up at me.

"Humour me." I walked towards the restaurant door and held it open for her, as she walked past me she sighed, giving up. As i walked towards the waitress closest to me she looked up and smiled, "Table for two?" i asked her. She led us to a table that was right in the middle of a crowded room, Bella went to sit down but i shook my head, "Perhaps something more private?" i asked the waitress.

"Sure...How's this she asked as she led us into a room with small booths, all empty.

"Perfect." I smiled at her.

"Um, your server will be right out."

"You really should't do that to people. It's hardly fair." Bella said, what was she talking about? I still wasnt used to not being able to read her mind, i don't think i ever will.

"Do what?"

"Dazzle them like that-she's probably hyperventilating in the kitchen right now." She explained. I was still confused and she noticed. "Oh, come on. You have to know the affect you have on people."

"I dazzle people?" i tilted my head to one side and looked into her eyes.

"You havn't noticed? Do you think everybody gets their way so easily?"

"Do i dazzle you?"

"Frequently" she blushed.

Our server arrived so we stopped talking and we both looked in her direction, "Hello, My name is Amber and i'll be your server tonight. What can i get you to drink?"

I looked at Bella, "I'll have a coke."

"Two cokes please." I smiled at the waitress, i at least had to get a drink, no human goes to a restaurant and orders nothing.

"I'll be right back with that." i was looking at Bella but she was still looking at the waitress. When she turned to look at me she noticed i was staring.

"What?" she asked me smiling.

"How are you feeling?" it was still bugging me not knowing what she was thinking or how she was feeling.

"I'm fine."

"You don't feel dizzy, sick, cold...?" she seemed perfectly fine, after everything she had been through tonight, she didn't even seem like anything had happened.

"Should I?"

I chuckled, "Well I'm actually waiting for you to go into shock."

"I don't think that will happen. I've always been very good at repressing un-pleasant things."

"Just the same, I'll feel better when you have some sugar and food in you." Right when i finished talking the waitress appeared with our drinks and a basket of bread sticks.

"Are you ready to order?" she asked.


"Um... I'll have the mushroom ravioli." She must have picked the first thing she saw because she hadn't looked in the menu while we were talking.

"And you?"

"Nothing for me."

"Let me know if you change your mind." She left, I chose to ignore her thoughts, she seemed jealous.

"Drink." I told Bella, the fact that she wasn't shaken by what happened still shocked me. She obviously didn't realise how thirsty she actually was, she finished it quickly so I pushed mine towards her, I wasn't going to drink it.

"Thanks" she shivered.

"Are you cold?"

"It's just the coke" she smiled reassuring me.

"Don't you have a coat?" even I carried a coat!

"Yes" she looked down at the bench next to her, "Oh-I left it in Jessica's car." I shrugged out of my jacket and passed it to her over the table, she took it from me, "Thanks" she smiled. She put it on and seemed to shiver, I forgot how could it would be. She seemed to inhale deeply, as if she was smelling it. It was so big she had to role the sleeves up.

"That colour blue looks lovely on your skin." I said, she looked down and blushed, she looked amazing and she never seemed to realise. I pushed the basket of bread towards her, I was still waiting for her to go into shock or something.

"Really, I'm not going into shock or anything."

"You should be-a normal person would be. You don't even look shaken." I looked into we eyes and she looked back at me.

"I feel very safe with you." No, she shouldn't. My brow furrowed and I shook my head, the more she felt safe the more danger I was putting her in.

"This is more complicated than i'd planned." I mumbled.

She picked up a breadstick and started nibbling on it, finally she was eating atleast. "Usually you're in a better mood when your eyes are so light."

I looked up at her, shocked. "What?"

"You're always crabbier when your eyes are black-I expect it then. I have a theory about that." More theories?

"More theories?"

"Mm-hm." she said chewing on more breadstick.

"I hope you were more creative this time... or are you still stealing from comic books?" I jocked, even though I was worried about how much she was noticing.

"Well, no, I didn't get it from a comic book, but I didn't come up with it on my own, either" Had she been talking about it with someone?

"And?" But then the waitress came in, I didn't realise how close we were together until we both straightened up. She set the dish of food down infront of Bella and then quickly turned to me.

"Did you change your mind? Isn't there anything I can get you?"

"No, thank you, but some more soda would be nice."

"Sure." she took the empty glasses and walked away.

"You were saying?"

"I'll tell you in the car. If..."

"There are conditions?" now I was confused.

"Of course." the waitress was back with more cokes but this time she just sat them down.

"Well, go ahead."

"Why are you in Port Angeles?"

How was I supposed to answer that? I was following you?  "Next."

"But that's the easiest one."


She looked down clearly frustrated, unravelled her silverware and started eating. Was she not going to continue because I didn't answer one question? Before I could say anything she started talking again. "Okay, than. Let's say, hypothetically of course, that... some... could know what people were thinking, read minds, you know-with a few exceptions."

"Just one exception, hypothetically." I corrected.

"All right, with one exception, then. How does that work? How would... that someone... find someone else at exactly the right time? How would he know she was in trouble?"



"Well, if... that someone..."

"Let's call him 'Joe'."

I smiled, "Joe then. If Joe had been paying attention, the rinsing wouldn't have needed to be quite so exact. Only you could get in trouble in a town this small. You would have devastated their crime rate statistics for a decade, you know." I rolled my eyes.

"We were speaking of a hypothetical case." she reminded me.

I laughed, "Yes, we were. Shall we call you 'Jane'?"

"How did you know?" how could I answer this, I didn't want to lie to her but I couldn't tell her too much at the same time!

"You can trust me, you know." she reached out to touch my hands but I pulled them back slightly.

"I don't know if I have a choice anymore. I was wrong-you're much more observant than I gave you credit for."

"I thought you were always right."

"I used to be. I was wrong about wrong about you on one other thing, as well. You're a magnet for accidents-that's not broad enough classification. You're a magnet for trouble. If there is anything dangerous within a ten-mile radius, it will invariably find you."

"And you put yourself into that category?"


She stretched her hand out again but ignored me when I moved them back and touched the back of my hand. I froze. "Thank you. That's twice now."

She ignored how could my skin was, that was comforting, maybe I could trust her. "Lets not try for three, agreed?" She nodded, I moved my hand out from under hers and placed them under the table. "I followed you to Port Angeles. I've never tried to keep a specific person alive before, and it's more troublesome than I would of believed. But that's probably just because it's you. Ordinary people seem to make it through the day without so many catastrophes." I stared, waiting for the utter discust, but no, she...smiled?

"Did you ever think that maybe my number was up the first time, with the van, and that you've been interfering with fate?"

I looked down. "That wasn't the first time. Your number was up the first time I met you." When I looked up she didn't even seem scared. "You remember?"


"And yet here you sit."

"Yes, here I sit... because of you. Because somehow you knew how to find me today...?" she prompted me, still trying to find out information.

I pressed my lips together and looked at her through narrowed eyes, I noticed her plate was still full, because of all the talking she'd stopped eating. "You eat, i'll talk." she started eating so I started talking again. " It's harder than it should be-keeping track of you. Usually I can find someone very easily, once i've heard their mind before. I was keeping tags on Jessica, not carefully-like I said, only you could find trouble in Port Angeles-and at first I didn't notice when you took off on your own. Then, when I realised that you weren't with her anymore, I went looking for you at the bookstore I saw in her head. I could tell that you hadn't gone in, and you'd gone south... and I knew you would have to turn around soon. So I was just waiting for you, randomly searching through the thoughts of people on the street-to see if anyone had noticed you so I would know where you were. I had no reason to be worried... but I was strangely anxious... I started to drive in circles, still... listening. The sun was finally setting, and I was about to get out and follow you on foot. And then..." I had too calm down, even think about it made me angry again. I put my hand over my eyes, maybe a bit too quickly.

"Then what?" she pushed.

I took my hand from my eyes and through gritted teeth started again. "I heard what they were thinking. I saw you face in his mind. It was very... hard-you can't imagine how hard-for me to simply take you away, and leave them...alive. I could have let you go with Jessica and Angela, but I was affraid if you left me alone, I would go looking for them." she didn't say anything. I looked up at her and looked into her eyes. "Are you ready to go home?"

"I'm ready to leave."

The waitess appeared from no where. "How are we doing?"

"We're ready for the check, thank you."

"S-sure. Here you go."

I already had a bill in my hand. I handed it too her, "No change." I smiled.

"You have a nice evening."

"Thank you." We got up and walked out I followed her close behind. She sighed, I looked down at her too see if I could tell what was wrong, still nothing. When we got to the car I opened the door for her, she got in and I closed it. Once I got in and started the engine and turned the heat on, I guesses it would be cold again after all that time. She still had my jacket, i didn't mind, I liked it on her, she kept inhaling the scent if it when I wasn't looking but I could hear her. I pulled out through the traffic. "Now, it's your turn." I smiled.

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