Daddy's Little "Girl"

By niamzouisshippers13

145K 2.8K 518

Niall Horan's parents were hoping for a baby girl, but instead they got Niall. Rick, Niall's father, was furi... More

We Never Wanted You
He Still Hates Me, Doesn't He?
You Don't Know What It's Like
Nice To Meet You
I'm Going To War
Falling For Him
Anything For You
I Screwed Up
If You Break Him, I Break You
More Than You Could Ever Imagine
Number One
Back to School
It's Not Your Fault
I Don't Want You To Get Hurt
I Want To Go Home
You Can't Hide Me Away Forever
You'll Be My Daughter
Going Crazy
This is What Heartbreak Feels Like
I Don't Know Who You Are
Author's Note: Help!
My Name is Austin
Loved Again
You're A Guy?
Sleeping Beauty
Just You And Me?
Snuggles, Kisses and Plastic Forks
Daddy's Little "Girl"

I Miss Him

2.9K 82 11
By niamzouisshippers13


Niall's POV

I scraped the pounds of makeup off my face as I got ready for bed. I stared at my face in the mirror. It was red and blotchy from the thick makeup and my eyes had dark circles under them from all the black eyeliner and eyeshadow and mascara. I peeled off the tight fitting clothes and changed into some loose athletic shorts. I climbed into bed feeling gross and dirty, so I threw the covers off and stomped into the bathroom. There, I took a shower and washed my face multiple times, not helping the red blotches.

Once again I jumped into bed and wrapped up in a cocoon. I closed my eyes and sighed. I felt a pit of loneliness inside me. I missed him. I missed his arms around me. But I couldn't go back to him now. I ended it and he probably doesn't even care anymore. He's probably over me and dating some chick. He probably wasn't even gay. He just had to have somebody with him so he didn't look like some kind of loser. I wish I could just forget about Zayn. That just isn't going to happen. He meant too much to me. He made me happy. He made me smile.

I decided to close my eyes for the night and just try and forget the past couple hours. My eyes closed softly and before I fell asleep that night, one single slipped down my cheek. I miss him.

The Next Day

Zayn's POV

I finished drinking my beer and asked for another.

"You feelin' okay kid?" The bartender asked me, handing me another beer.

"...Yeah. Sure." I took a sip from the the next beer, trying to forget about Niall.

"You sure?"


He pats me on the shoulder. "Feel better bud." He leaves and goes to help some other guys that just walked in.

About ten minutes later, a girl walks in. She's looking at the floor and concentrating on the way shes walking. She's probably some slu- Niall. She's Niall.

Niall's POV

I walk into the bar after Dad drops me off. He wants me to hang out at the "club" and meet some guys. I concentrate on walking so I don't fall on my ass and make a fool out of myself.

I sit down at the bar next to a guy hunched over his beer, staring down at it.

"Hello young lady what can I get you?" The bartender asks me.

"Um, just a water for now I guess." I didn't want to get drunk.

"Okay babe."

"Please don't call me that."

"You're a bit feisty aren't ya?"

"Leave me alone."

"Do you wanna go out for dinner sometime?" God this guy was a creep.

"Leave her the hell alone! God, don't you have any self control?" The man next to me yelled. That was a familiar voice. Too familiar. Zayn.

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