The Ones We Leave Behind

By emmapatterson32

742 66 31

It has now it been almost 4 years since my last treatment. Four years of remission and thinking I'll be fine... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 Part 1

Chapter 5

27 4 1
By emmapatterson32

           The movie ends, and the credits start rolling through when I look over at Wes and see that he has fallen asleep. Because he's sleeping, I can really look at him now, and I drink him in. What is it that makes him so attractive? I mean, besides his killer personality. He has those perfect eyes, but what is it that makes them so gorgeous? He has an adorable smile, nicely placed nose, and perfectly messy hair. I start to take in his strong and sexy neck, broad shoulders, and marvelously formed arm muscles, when he begins to stir. Quickly, I pretend that I am asleep so he doesn't know I was studying him. He shifts his head, and I can feel him looking at me. I try not to blush and give away the fact that I'm not actually sleeping.

          I want so badly just to open my eyes and see how he is looking at me. What is he feeling right now? Does he have that same look he got earlier when he gave me the flowers? Suddenly I feel him reach over towards me and brush aside the hair on my face and tuck it behind my ear.

Oh my gosh! His touch feels like electricity down my spine. He doesn't remove his hand right away which I'm glad about, and he doesn't try to wake me. His hand just rests on my neck as he strokes his thumb slowly around on my cheek. Wow.. This is seriously the best feeling in the world. Without me realizing it, my eyes flicker, and he pulls his hand back. He just lays there as still as he can be. I can't let him know I've been awake this entire time now. How embarrassing would that be? I keep my eyes glued shut, and realizing how tired I really am, I actually end up drifting off to sleep.

* * *

          I open my eyes and feel like I'm in a dream. I am lying on my side and cuddling with a warm body next to me. This warm, handsome body is awake, and he is watching me with clear blue eyes and a slight smirk. As my thoughts align, I realize that I am not in a dream and this is real. There really is a hot guy next to me, and I'm cuddling with him like he's a teddybear or something. My eyes widen, and I quickly jerk away and sit up looking around.

"What time is it? How long have I been sleeping?" I yawn and look at the TV, which is currently on the menu of Dracula. "When did the movie end?"

He sits up. "Right now it's about 3:00, and I have no idea how long you've been sleeping. You seemed to be snoozing when I woke up. Which was when the movie had ended."

I had almost forgotten about that. How peaceful and handsome he looked when he was sleeping. I immediately pull myself out of those thoughts.

I ask, "And you've been awake ever since?"

He smiles. "It's only been about a half an hour."

I sigh. "You should have woken me up."

"Naw, it's fine," he replies.

          I rub my eyes and yawn again. I can feel old slobber on my face and shirt, and I know my hair looks awful by now. I can feel the knots and rat's nests as I try to finger comb through my hair. After a bit of silence and me trying to discreetly repair my looks, he asks, "Has anyone ever told you how adorable you look when you're sleeping?"

I feel a major blush coming on as I remember that incredible feeling when he brushed the hair from my face.

I squeak out, "So you were just watching me sleep for a half an hour? Isn't that boring?"

I happen to know it couldn't possibly be boring if I was the one watching him sleep, but I say nothing.

He smiles. "No, It's not boring at all. You look so peaceful and innocent when you sleep... Adorable.. I'd say it makes you look five years younger. Not to mention your snore is priceless."

"I do not snore!"

"Actually you do, and you sound pretty darn cute doing it."

I blush even more. Turning beet red is becoming a normal thing when I'm around him. It's ridiculous! I just awkwardly smile and look away. I can't possibly look good when sleeping. I drool!

          If only he knew how amazing he looked while sleeping. Or anytime for that matter. He's seriously perfect in every way. I'm surprised he doesn't have a girlfriend... Or does he? He never said he did, but he never said he didn't either. He always had girlfriends in high school. Sometimes more than one at a time. And they didn't even know about it. I only knew about it because I always had this weird fascination with him throughout my teenage years. Seriously, what's gotten into me? He most definitely has a girlfriend. He's got to, being as funny, nice, attractive, sweet, and just darn perfect as he is. I need to stop thinking about him. Why would I even want to be attracted to him? I don't deserve him. It would just be setting him and myself up for more pain. I mean really. If he ended up liking me, which isn't possible, but if he did, that would just be a selfish thing for me to want. He would just be another person to get hurt when I die.

"A penny for your thoughts?" he asks after an awkward silence.

I jump at his voice. "I'm sorry. I was just thinking."

"Thinking?" He questions. "That's obvious. That's why I said that."

"What?" I can't think of anything else to say right now because I'm busy trying to figure out what I was just thinking a minute ago.

"I was just thinking about your girlfriend." I blurt out.

He blinks in disbelief. "My what?"

Oh crud! What on earth? What did I just say? Wow... Think next time, Leyna... Think!

"Umm, I uh.. Your, uh, girlfriend?" I stutter. "I - I mean you have one, right?"

What am I thinking? How blatantly stupid can I be? I just need to shut up now. I wait hopefully.

He looks at me. "My girlfriend?"

So he does then.. Of course he does. What was I even thinking? Why is he here with me? He's essentially cheating on her! Him and his relentless flirting. Why would I assume he doesn't have one? I shouldn't have expected anything else. Besides, who could like someone like me? What? I don't want anyone like me.

I stutter again. "I'm sorry. Um. Well... Maybe you should go. I mean, I wouldn't want to keep you from anything."

"Like I have so much to do at the hospital," he sarcastically remarks.

"Well, maybe you should visit with your mom. She would enjoy your company I'm sure. You know, she —"

"—She'll be fine, Leyna... Seriously."

I try to think of another excuse, but he adds on, "If you really want me to go, I will. You must be pretty tired." 

I scoff, "Tired? Not fifteen minutes ago I was passed out on you! I haven't slept that well in ages. I'm plenty rested."

Wait, what? What am I even saying? I want him to go, and now I'm trying to convince him that I'm fine? I should just be going along with it.

He asks, "Do you want me to go or not? If you do I'll go... Just say the word." He pauses. "And no, I do not."

I blink. "Sorry, what?"

He smiles. "No, I do not have a girlfriend."

Oh! Well that's nice.

I joke. "Really? Isn't that like impossible or something?"

He laughs. "You mean because besides having a great personality, I'm funny, strong, and good-looking?"

I scoff. "Not to mention, humble!"

He smiles. "That too."

I roll my eyes and continue. "What I really meant was, you always had at least one girlfriend throughout high school. A new one every month."

He stares at me. "Back then I was stupid, and not to mention a selfish fool. I've changed, Leyna. I'm different now. That's what I've been trying to prove to you. If you really think I'm the same, then why am I here now? Why did you even allow me to spend time with you?"

I cringe at my insensitivity. "Oh god. I'm really sorry. I don't know what I was say—."

He interrupts me, "—No, it's fine. What you said was true, and I hate myself for it."

I ramble on as if he said nothing, "I guess I just figured you had to have a girl in your life. I mean you're near perfection, and I didn't want you to be spending time with me when you could be spending your free time with some gorgeous, funny, smart, young woman."

"But I am spending my free time with a gorgeous, funny, smart, young woman."

"You are?" I ask disappointedly. Really? He is so confusing!

I sigh and ask, "What's her name?"

He laughs in disbelief. "Her name? Really, Leyna?"

I look at him confused.

He grabs my hand, looks deep into my eyes, and says, "Her name is Aleyna Rae Baldwin, but I just call her Leyna. And not only is she gorgeous, funny, and smart... She is also incredibly talented, sweet, and the bravest young woman I have ever known. I am proud to call her my friend."

As soon as he finishes, he lifts my hand to his lips as his eyes close, and he gives it a soft, sweet, heavenly kiss that makes me long for his lips to travel elsewhere. I just sit there looking like a fool, but I don't even care.

          When someone who looks like a Greek god showers you with compliments and kisses your hand with his exquisite, strong lips, it doesn't matter who you are - you will be in stunned silence and look just as much like a fool as I do now.

"So you really don't have a girlfriend?" I ask jokingly.

He softly laughs and pulls me closer. He reaches his hand to my cheek, and I melt at his touch. How I craved this even in high school. Even though he was a jerk, I still had a huge crush on him back then that seems to have now resurfaced even through all of the hate and hurt. His thumb rubs my nose, then my lips, and I can't help but close my eyes. I must be dreaming.

When I open them again and look at him, his eyes darken, and it's that same look that he gave me earlier that I couldn't figure out. My eyes widen as I realize what it is. Oh my! He's going to kiss me. He is totally going to kiss me!

Right then, my IV beeps, and we both jerk back at the sudden noise.

Darn! Just like that, the moment is over. I look over at "Ivan", as my dad calls it, and I'm out of my fluids. I push the nurse call button, and Wes gets up.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

He smiles. "I should probably leave you to be attended to."

"You don't have to go. It's only going to be a nurse coming to change my IV fluids."

He nods. "I know. I'll get back to my mom, and you should get all the rest you can get. Your dad will probably be back soon anyway."

I want to stop him from leaving, but think better of it and instead say, "Thank you for today. I really had a great time."

I glance over at the orchid and movie case. "Thank you for everything. You have no idea how much it means to me."

He smiles. "Thank you for blessing me with your time and generous heart. I'll see you around."

I watch him as he leaves through the door and passes the nurse coming in. I don't want him to leave, but I know he has plenty of other more important things to do besides spend time with me.

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