
By sweetskitz

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Read on and find out ha! Sorry, not sorry. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 2 Ethan's point of view
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 - part 1
Chapter 26 - part 2
Chapter 26 - Part 3 Ethans point of view
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 - ethans point of view
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Final chapter

Chapter 7

288 13 0
By sweetskitz

The kiss was intense

He pulls away and rests his forehead against mine. ending something I didn't want to end as the shame starts to show itself within me.

Who he is. And what he's done.

He has his eyes closed slightly frowning. Releasing his hold around me he steps back and looks down to me.

I feel my expression has betrayed me. I'm so confused.

He opens his mouth before closing it as if he was going to say something. I stand there feeling confused and cold as I want his arms back around me where I felt safe and secure. Yet I don't want any part of him, my thoughts fighting against my needs.

He turns and walks back around to his desk and sits down.

I stand there just staring at him feeling stupid. Did he not feel what I felt, I've never been kissed with so much passion, I think back to Jason the feeling I had with Ethan doesn't even compare, I'm brought out of my thoughts as he speaks

"Take a seat Mia I need to finalise this before I'm done" he says with no emotion not even looking at me

I slowly turn around with an empty feeling and head to the back corner where the black leather couch is and sit down

What the fuck just happened

I went from feeling the happiest as I ever have been to have it ripped from me and dropped into a pool of crap. Not only from my inner battle but his reaction too. Was it not good for him as it was for me?

The bad vibe racing through my heart begins to dull to nothing.

Talk about giving me whiplash I'm confused as I ever have been. How can someone switch on and off so quickly. I feel myself beginning to feel angry as the pressure of what I'm feeling builds.

I look up to him as his head is down looking over some things on his desk, I see the cracks that remain all over the surface of the table as my mind is going crazy with confusion. What is his deal a part of me wants to ask what the hell is wrong with him and the other side is telling me to just be patient or better yet just leave.

"Can I have my phone back" I blurt out slicing through the tension in the room

"No" he answers coldly

I glare back at him not even having the decency to look up as he speaks considering he just kissed me only moments ago. I feel my emotions growing angrier as my body tenses with frustration and annoyance.

I feel like a god dam child that's had there toy taken away as I feel my self about to explode.

"You need to calm down Mia" he says calmly still not looking up from his desk

Calm down!?! he is the most infuriating person I've ever met

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I just about scream at him as I stand from the couch the anger taking over me.

His eyes snap to mine as I see them flicker from there dark brown to black as the mood of the room shifts into a deathly dark feel.


"What's wrong with me?! What the hell were you thinking running out in the Woods! Do you have any idea what we do to wolves that cross our territory that are not a member of my pack!?!" He shouts even louder back at me with his hands in fists as his eyes grow even darker.

I flinch back but keeping my eyes on him as I'm all too familiar with his dark aura swirling around him. For some reason it's not affecting me as much as before or maybe its because I'm reaching breaking point.

But he's right I shouldn't have gone on my own that was pretty stupid move on my part. But it doesn't excuse his split personality behaviour either.

I look to the ground as I feel my anger retracting making room for his power of the darkness closing in on me, I'm just no match for him.

"I'm sorry" I force the words out meaning it but not wanting to say it as I sit back down on the couch behind me.

The room is turning back to normal as I feel we both are calming down

Time ticks on as I look around the room trying to occupy myself , I look up to him, his head is back down fiddling with a pen in his hands.

"What are you working on thats so important?" I ask trying to distract myself from the current tension still floating around the room.

He drops the pen to the side and leans back on his chair looking up at me with his now dark brown eyes.

"I need to find a replacement beta." he reply's  looking slightly frustrated as though he's not directing it at me.

I'm momentarily stunned by his honesty but I've never been one to hold onto bad feelings, though still slightly annoyed at the way he's behaving.

"Why? did you scare your beta away?" I jokingly ask with no emotion as my annoyance with him is not completely forgotten.

He takes a deep breath as he glares back at me but his eyes remain brown.

"No, your friend killed him." he bluntly reveals

My eyes go wide as I hear his words.

Jason killed his beta.. Jason is a warrior he's strong but just falls slightly short of the power of a beta. I feel myself drain of all energy as I realise my mate intended for Jason to die.

"You threw a beta at Jason knowing it would not have been a fair fight" I say slowly as I feel my anger re surfacing.

"So that's who Jason is.. it all makes sense now." he speaks darkly as if he's just realised something.

I squirm in my spot at his intense stare, his face is blank but his eyes are full of fury but I keep my ground.

"Nathan has never lost a fight, not to another wolf or beta." he states in a deadly yet soft tone.

I take a deep breath thinking that he would have won again if by what He is saying is true but i intervened on there fight I gave Jason the upper hand.

Ethan raises an eyebrow as if he can hear my thoughts, I look to the ground wanting this conversation to be over.

"What are you not telling me Mia?" He asks  coldly.

I shake my head slowly "nothing." my anger retreating.

"Is Jason the reason you want to leave?"

Want to leave? To go back to Jason? it feels like I can't leave I feel myself having the need to stay here not sure if it's the pull of the mate bond or the feeling of how can I go home knowing that I'm suppose to be here now..

Fuck I miss him though. He was my bestfriend. 

"No.. But If Jason had died a part of me would have died along with him." I reply honestly as my words hit me like I just heard it for the first time too.

I pause as I think through what Jason really means too me.. I do love him but just not in a romantic way as I once had. he's my best friend I consider him family and I know James does too, But the thought of losing him pulls at my heart...

"You would have done that...you made the call, sending in your beta all because he held my hand." I say with anger creeping back into my voice.

I look up as he takes a deep breath and walks around his desk stopping just before me and crouching down. I move back in my chair needing to keep the distance, needing to keep my mind clear.

Looking into my eyes, making me want him closer. I hate him for that.

"Mia.. Jason was testing me." he says frowning.

I look back at him confused as how could Jason possible test him.

He watches my face as he continues.

"He wanted to see if I was protective of you.. If I had feelings, as I know they see me as a heartless monster." he sighs.

I stare back at him feeling stiff that he's so close again.

"Than why?" I ask.

He stands as he steps back not taking his eyes off me and I take that as a chance to breathe again.

"Jason's wolf is strong Mia, I don't think he even realises it himself." he says with a slight smile taking me off guard.

I look at him not knowing what to say to that as he than walks back to his desk opens the draw taking something out.

He looks as though he's thinking something through and all I can do is admire him from my chair.

"Were you and Jason together?" He asks with no emotion in his voice without looking back at me.

I watch him closely as I think about his question and how to answer it.

There's a long pause between us as he than faces me though I can't tell what he's thinking, I wish I knew what he was thinking.

"Not for a long time." I answer honestly staring back at him.

He turns his head and looks out the window as now I notice his body is stiff.

"How long?" he demands and I can tell he's frowning by the sound of his voice.

"How long what?" I ask feeling confused by his question.

He takes a deep breath and turns as his dark brown eyes seem to go straight through me, his intense gaze has me locked in.

"How long has it been since you and Jason were in a romantic relationship Mia...how long?!? He asks  with his tone turning irritated and angry as if he's talking to a child.

Jesus this guy needs anger management! I sit back in the couch and bring my legs up crossing them over and putting my hands in my lap as I push away the feelings of him making me feel stupid .. Again. Its weird talking to him about this.

"It's been 2 years." I reply starting to feel fed up with his mood swings. Unlike him I wasn't screwing anyone. Maybe that's why the kiss had more of an effect on me than him.

He visibly relaxes as he than turns and walks back over to me and holds my phone out in front of me.

I stare at the phone before I reach up and take it as he than bends down and gently kisses me on my cheek before turning and heads back to his desk.

Unbelievable ..

I sit there waiting looking through my phone as I wait patiently for him to finish what ever it is he's doing now.

I go into my photos, as I only have one picture. as I never actually used my phone much before.

I smile as I look at the picture of Jason, James and myself taking a deep breath as I feel sad I haven't been able to be with them as they were really my only friends. I wonder what the girls are like here? god I hope there isn't any sheep, there's only enough room in my life for one and even that was forced onto me.

I feel eyes on me as I glance up to see Him watching me, he turns his attention back to his computer with a hint of a smile on his lips.

I look back to my phone as I change my plain screen saver to the one photo I have.

I check the time as it's now 7.46pm and I'm beginning to feel really hungry. But the looks of him he's still going hard typing away on the computer now.

I scroll through my contacts and stop as soon as I see Ethan's name. A small smile appears on my lips as he has put his number in my phone. I glance back to him having an idea.

I open my messages.

Mia- are you going to feed me or should I fend for myself?

I hit send.

I watch from behind my phone as I hear a msg tone coming from next to him.

He picks up his phone and looks down to it in his hand, I see a smirk appear on his face as I watch his fingers move across the screen. He puts it back down but doesn't look over to me as he focuses back on his computer.

My phone vibrates making me realise it's on silent.

I open the message.

Ethan- depends on what you're hungry for...

I feel my cheeks flush as I instantly think what it would feel like to have his body on mine.. I quickly shake the thoughts.

I hear a quiet laugh come from Ethan but i don't dare to look up. He enjoys watching me squirm that much I have worked out.

Mia- well what's my choices?

I hit send as i feel my heart beat slowly increasing

I hear the beeping of his phone letting me know he's received it but I stay staring at my phone.

I sit in anticipation..

Ethan- Are you ready?

I look at my phone feeling a little confused.

I look over my phone and jump in my seat as he's standing right in front of me. He gives me a small smile and puts his hand out for me to take.

"Do you always like sneaking up on me?" I ask as I take his hand.

He gently pulls me up and holds me close to him. I feel my body heat up as I look up into his eyes.

He smirks as he then steps to the side as he pulls on my hand gently leading me out of the office.

The walk was short as neither of us say a word.  I was just enjoying the feel of my hand in his as he hasn't let it go.

We approach a cafe as I see some people seated through the window.

our hands let go as he pushes open the door and steps aside for me to walk through.

I walk in looking around as he than leads me to a booth on the other side of the room. I pass some tables with people throwing curious glances my way as they bow there head to Ethan as he gives them a short nod in return.

The familiar feel of it of the way we are.. use to be how i saw alpha Haynes.

I sit down opposite of Ethan with my back against the curious eyes behind me thankful that I no longer have to see them staring at me.

I pick up a menu as I feel Ethan's heated stare on me. I ignore it as I flip through the menu not knowing what I even feel like..

"Alpha west good evening."

I look up to an older lady dressed in a white button down dress and a blue apron, holding a pen in her hand smiling at Ethan

Ethan nods his head to her.

"Would you like your usual steak?" she ask still smiling.

He gives her a small smile as he nods his head again and looks to me.

What, does he not speak now?

I huff out thinking I've semi worked him out but I don't even think I'm close.

I realise there both looking at me as I stare back at him

"And what is your name dear" She asks sounding curious.

I look up to her as her smile has gotten smaller but still visible through the creases around her eyes.

"Mia." is all I say as I watch her staring at me as her smile fades away getting an off feeling from her.

"I'll just have the same." I say softly pushing the menu to the side trying to avoid the awkward feel she's giving off.

"And Chloe will she be joining you tonight?" she asks with the smile back on her face directing her question back to Ethan.

I close my eyes for a brief second to calm my wolf from making a scene.

"No." Ethan replies coldly as he turns to look at Her.

Okay so there's something going on here that I'm missing

She purses her lips together as she holds back what ever it is she wants to say than turns and leaves.

I look back at Ethan as he's already watching me

"What was that all about" I ask raising an eyebrow

He just stares at me with his eyes guarded as he than leans back in his chair


"Yeah seemed like nothing" I mumble as I pick up the salt shaker as if it's interesting

"So your a fighter?" Ethan breaks the silence first this time as he watches me from back in his chair.

I smile as I nod my head

This is the first time he's taken an interest in me other than my past relationship

"Your brother is beta cole?"he asks lightly like he's trying to start a conversation but he doesn't know how

I chuckle as I nod my head again wondering what question he's going to ask next

"I'm glad that I amuse you" the sound of sarcasm evident as it sounds so weird from him, he's usually so serious.

I laugh softly as just than the old lady comes back placing 2 plates down on the table with a large jug of iced water.

"Enjoy" she says looking between us as she then turns and walks back out of sight

He takes a deep breath than looks back at me

"Are you really going to eat all that?" He asks raising an eyebrow

I look down to my plate to find a massive piece of meat with salad and mash potato on the side.. Yum!

I look back up to him with a smile

"Yep" i say popping the P

He chuckles softly as we both begin to eat.

I'm only half way through my meal as Ethan pushes his plate to the side with the food completely gone,

this guy can eat

But what's with the plate pushing when he's done

"Tomorrow we are holding a small ceremony for Nathan, I would like it if you come with me" he says resting back in his chair

My smile falters

Nathan the fallen wolf that was killed on my land by my pack, by my best friend.

I put down my fork and grab my glass of water watching it sway in my hand

Should I really go? It was midnight blue that caused this ceremony to even happen the very pack I grew up in. How would the members of fallen moon react to me being there..

"Is that really appropriate considering My pack is responsible for his death? I ask not taking my eyes off the glass

"It was not their fault" he says with a hint of anger

I frown as I than lower my glass back to the table and look up to him, he's now leaned forwards with his hands in his lap

"I take full responsibility for my fighters, death being one of them"

Okay so I'm headed back in the anger zone I don't have the energy to fight with him again

"His mate? I don't think she would like me to be there" I say staring back at him

He frowns as he than leans back in his chair looking slightly relaxed again I mentally take a breath as I thank the gods it was avoided.

"Nathan was a great beta.. Buts that's about all he was good at" he says reaching over and grabbing his drink, if I didn't know any better that little movement.. he doesn't want to talk about it. But I don't give up that easily.

I watch him take a sip of his drink as he than places it back on the table as I think through his words

"What does that mean?" I say feeling confused by what he said, pushing against his walls

His eyes snap to mine as I feel I'm entering the dark zone within him

"It does not concern you" he says with his anger making a small appearance again

I blow out a breath as I then look to the side and stare at the empty table across from us taking my eyes of mr moody pants thinking I guess I'll be going to the ceremony as it seems I have no way out

I look back to Ethan as he watches me from his seat

"Won't everyone wonder who I am and why I'm there?" I ask still feeling like I shouldn't be going

A smile appears on his face as he takes a deep breath

"The closest ones to Nathan know who you are as they were present when we found you" he says carefully but I feel like there's more to it

"After the ceremony I'll be bringing you forward to meet all the members of fallen moon and presenting you as their Luna" he says slowly as if he's assessing my reaction

I look down to my plate suddenly losing my appetite I push the plate aside with my half eaten meal and place my hands on the table as I begin to twirl my ring

I knew this would be coming I knew I was now the Luna of fallen moon but I refused to think about it hoping it would just go away. I don't feel ready to be Luna I'm barely getting along with my mate let alone a whole pack that I seem to know nothing about.

"There's no getting out of this is there?" The words come out before I can stop them

He growls lowly as I feel the anger within him growing

"I'll come with you" I say quickly trying to avoid the darkness to come

He relaxes immediately and I mentally roll my eyes as just than the stupid old lady appears again, her timing is irritating.

"May I clear your plates" she says looking towards Ethan

He looks to me with his eyebrow raised

"Have you finished" he asks with a smirk

I have the urge to slap that smirk right off his face

"No" i say pulling my plate back in front of me feeling determined to finish my meal

He looks back to Old woman and shakes his head with a chuckle

She reaches down and grabs Ethan's empty plate as she pauses

"Chloe will be here shortly maybe she can join the two of you for some dessert?" She asks smiling at Ethan

I choke on my piece of steak I had in my mouth as I try to quickly regain myself, Ethan then hands me my glass of water As I down the cold liquid clearing my throat.


I see her leave from the corner of my eye as I look up to him re catching my breath

"Are you ok"

"Are you going to tell me what's going on with that lady?" I ask annoyed

He stares back at me as I take another sip of my drink

"That's Chloe's mother" he says flatly

I choke on my water spitting it out onto the table in front of us

Immediately feeling embarrassed and angry not sure on which one I feel more. Why the hell would he bring me to where his ex girlfriends mother works? is he fucken crazy!

He hands me a napkin as I watch him holding back a laugh which makes my anger become the more dominant feeling.

I snatch the napkin from his hand as I wipe my face than the table in front of me pushing my plate aside again as it's covered with water.

He's just sitting there watching me like I'm the most amusing thing he's ever seen as I glare back at him.

"Why would you bring me to your girlfriends mothers place of work" i ask flatly

His face drops as his eyes glare back at me

"She is not my girlfriend.. She never was"

he's annoyed.


"So what was she than?" I spit straight back at him

He raises an eyebrow and looks at me as if I can't really be that stupid

The Realisation crosses my face as I now know they were only friends with benefits, He must have seen me put two and two together

"Her mother always pushed us to be more.. She wanted Chloe to become Luna" he says looking down as though he's remembering something

I get the feeling there's something big he's not telling me as I look at him nodding my head with an expression edging him to tell me more

He looks up and sighs

"Chloe was never after power.. She just wants to find her mate" he says softly as he watches me

"And" I say feeling that there's more, with a feeling of uneasiness lingering within me

He breathes out as his shoulders slouch just slightly pausing as he watches me but again I stand my ground.

"You're not going to stop are you"


"If she was still mate less by the time she turned 30 I was going to mark her as my Luna"  slightly hesitating almost as if he forced the words out

Wow I didn't realise I was on a time limit to find my mate before I lost him to another woman. I start to feel angry at the fact, what about him did he not want to find his mate did he not even make any effort to look for me before he made this decision!

"So you really didn't want me? You promised yourself to someone else without even trying to find me first!" I say my voice slowly rising as I spoke

I stare at him trying to control the hurt and anger I feel as I feel a slight pain in my heart appearing

As if knowing what I was feeling he reaches over and grabs my hand in his as he looks into my eyes. I feel the pain in my heart start to fade back away

I mentally roll my eyes at the affect he already has on me. Great.

"Mia I told you.. I didn't think I had a mate" his voice slightly pained

I keep my eyes on his large hand just loving the feel of his hand on mine.

"She kept telling me I have a mate out there and I need to be patient.. But  I never believed her" he says softly

I look up into his intense dark brown eyes slightly taken back by his honesty again, another side of him I'm seeing for the first time.

"Why" I ask feeling confused.. Again

Why wouldn't he believe her? Every werewolf has a mate it makes no sense

He lets go of my hand as he leans back in his chair leaving my hand feeling cold and lonely

"This isn't the place to discuss this further" he says as I feel him shutting himself down again

I sigh as I look down to my hands and play with my ring. Why is he so difficult to talk to. I wonder if this is just alphas in general or just a Ethan thing.

"Wait here"

I watch him leave the table and walk over to where the bathrooms are and vanishes into the men's room

I turn back and take a sip of my water and place the glass back down

"Are you finished with your plate" I look over to see Old bag standing there with pursed lips

Clearly I get the point that this woman doesn't like me yet to be honest I really don't care right now.

"Yes thank you" I say remembering my manners as I pick the plate up and hand it to her

She eyes the plate as she takes it from my hands and looks back at me

"Chloe usually finishes her whole meal" she says with a slight glare in her eyes

I bet she does I think to myself not in the mood for another disagreement but my annoyance with her is increasing

"Well I'm not Chloe" I say in a firm voice staring back at her

"Mum what are you doing"

I hear a gentle voice approaching us

I turn my head more, to see Chloe walking towards us, Her mother steps back as she smiles at her daughter coming to a stop just meters from us.

Im not sure what to expect.

Chloe smiles down to me as she then looks at her mum. It was a genuine one as I watch them curiously.

"I was just clearing this young lady's table Chloe.. What brings you hear" she questions sweetly with a smile

That smile isn't sweet I know fake when I see it.

Chloe sighs as she looks from her mother to me before her eyes snap back to her. She must notice fake too

I'm starting to like Chloe.

"You said you were flat out so I came to help yet you only have 3 tables occupied in this whole place" she says sounding extremely annoyed

I stand up as I excuse myself and head straight for the woman's bathrooms. Trying to get away from the awkward situation she has created.

Old bag is a great piece of work. I'm not totally unfamiliar with mothers being like the way she is as I remember Jason's mother pushing for us to stay together. for him to have a girlfriend that was of beta blood would surely give him strong pups and making his blood line stronger. I shake my thoughts about that woman as I use the bathroom and come out to the sink and wash my hands.

"I apologise for my mothers behaviour"

I jump in my skin at the sudden sound of her voice 

I turn to see Chloe standing there leaning against the wall with a slight guilty look on her face

"Sorry" she says softly at the fact she just scared the hell out of me

Why am I so jumpy? how did I not sense she was there.. I think Ethan is making a mess of not only my emotions but my senses too

"Thanks" I say turning away and drying my hands not sure on what I should actually be saying to her. I look back at her as I feel a sense of calmness when I'm around her that I can't work out. It confuses the hell out of me but that seems to be the theme tonight.

"For what it's worth Mia I'm really happy for the both of you.. I'm glad he finally found you" she says softly

I watch her as she gives me a gentle smile as I feel the genuine tone in her words. She's the total opposite to Ethan she's like the sun in the bright sky and I feel drawn to her, maybe it just me trying to grab at the light to keep from falling for the darkness that Ethan seems to hold.

She goes to turn and leave probably at the fact I haven't said anything as I feel my self calling to her suddenly not wanting her to leave.

"Chloe" I almost shout as she spins back around being startled herself

"I um .. I don't know anyone here besides Ethan.. And Sean" I say looking down

Not sure how to get the words out that I want to spend time with her feeling like i want to know her better. I look up to speak as she cuts me off.

"You don't hate me?" She asks with disbelief

Do I hate her? No if I feel anything towards her it's envy as she's been with my mate and still carries this bright light around her. Confused yes but hate no.

"No.. What ever it was it's over now?" I say coming out more like a question.

Just the thought of him with another woman I feel my anger rise in me before I push it back down. It's stupid of me but my emotions are all over the joint as I struggle to place them.

"Of course.. I'm sorry I came to his room that morning but he didn't tell me he found you" she says hesitating taking a step back

I'm confused at her body movement as I frown looking back at her

"Sorry I guess it's only natural Ethan rubs off on you since you both are mates" she say looking back at me carefully

Okay I'm more confused than ever

She shakes her head and gives me a small smile

"Do you have a phone" she says stepping back towards me


We exchanged numbers and I smile at the thought that I hope I've made the right decision as I feel nothing malicious about her what so ever.

I put my phone In my pocket as we both exit the bathroom

Ethan is standing against the table we were sitting, with his arms crossed looking annoyed as ever

He watches me as I come out of the bathroom only seeing his eyes flicker to Chloe for a second before they were back on me

I approach him slowly ignoring the voice in my head telling me not to go near him the constant echo that I continue to ignore.

"Ready to go"

He stares at me as if he's trying to read my mind before taking a deep breath and nodding his head he steps forward and grabbing my hand a little firmer than what I'm use too

We walk towards the exit as she steps forward appearing in front of us again. Just give it a rest.

"Alpha west are you sure you don't want to stay for dessert now that Chloe is here" she says smiling

Ethan growls lowly as if he is warning her as he tightens his grip on my hand

I feel like my hand is going to break as I stand there not wanting to say a word as I feel his anger flowing off him. What happen while I was in the bathroom to get him so worked up? I than realise I'm talking about Ethan and how he bounces in and out of his moods.

"Mum that's enough"

I hear Chloe's voice before I see her as she than takes a step back

"I'm sorry alpha west.. Please excuse my mothers rudeness" Chloe speaks as I see them both lower there heads as his anger and darkness make themselves known

"Consider this your last warning" Ethan growls to The old bag in a deathly dark tone

She nods her head as Chloe looks up to Ethan and goes still, she takes a deep breath

"Alpha Luna enjoy your night" she says looking from Ethan to me with a small smile lowering her head again

Ethan pulls me without another word as we head back walking in the direction we came. I can't handle his grip on my hand as I feel sparks and pain all at the same time, i try to let go but he doesn't budge, looking up to his face his eyes are distant like he's forgotten I'm here as I unwillingly trail beside him.

I brace myself as I speak

"You're hurting me" I whisper

He goes stiff as he instantly lets go of my hand and turns to me, I flinch back as his black empty eyes look down on me with no expression

He takes a deep breath as though he doesn't make a move just stays looking at me as he clenches his fists again and I'm thankful my hand isn't in it. I secretly try and move my hand around trying to shake the pain away.

He's looking down at me watching me with his black soulless eyes as my eyes go wide at the glimpse of pain I saw in them. It is the first time I've seen an emotion other than anger come from those black evil feeling eyes.

He's still standing stiff with his face blank not moving a muscle. As the overwhelming familiar feeling is circling us. I feel my self lifting my hand and resting it on his arm.

"It's ok" I say gently staring into his empty eyes

He was clearly going through something that I don't understand but he didn't intentionally hurt me or so I tell myself.

He frowns at my words but still he doesn't move. I'm beginning to panic as he's just standing there staring at me yet I don't feel threatened by those black deathly eyes

Without thinking it through I step closer to him reach up on my toes and lightly kiss him on his lips, my body guarded and cautious as I'm not sure what to expect but I still made the decision ..not convinced it was the right one.

I pull away as he made no move to kiss me back

just before I step away his arms lift up and wrap around my waist as he leans down and kisses me hard on my lips, biting my lip for me to open my mouth to let him Deepen the kiss like his life depended on it, and I let him.

It was aggressive and hard like a want not a need but I embrace it all the same.

I pull away as I take a breath looking up into his now dark brown eyes that I feel like I'm falling hard and fast for

I close my eyes as I feel the love inside of me, the love that I can no longer ignore as I feel Ethan taking pieces of my heart one by one.

What the fuck is wrong with me? I barely know him.

"I'm so sorry Mia" he takes my hand and lightly kisses the top of it

I smile back at him as he then gestures for us to continue walking this time he doesn't take my hand.

We arrive back at the small house as I walk through down the hallway and come to the white door. I push it open and head for the bed. I throw my phone on it and lay down looking out the window. I hear Ethan enter as I look over to him as he smiles at me and opens the door to what I found earlier as his wardrobe. A few seconds later he comes out of the room with some clothes in his hands as he sends me a wink and enters the bathroom closing the door.

I sigh as I think about what this man is doing to me and I'm scared at how fast I'm falling for him.

I look back over to the window and watch the night sky as I feel my eye lids get heavy as my body relaxes to the sound of the shower. I'm exhausted my minds a wreck.

Listening to the shower I fall into darkness.

In more ways than one.

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