Thrown into the Dark

By Nishiki24601

2.5K 133 25

When Soramaru is abducted by Kabuto and brought into a different dimension by force, he is thrown into darkne... More

In a Hydro Tank
Escape Attempt
In the Hidden Leaf
In the Sunshine
In Need of a Plan

Life Story

148 7 1
By Nishiki24601

Time was hard to track. Between getting experimented on and being stuck in a tank, Soramaru made little to no effort to keep a record. Some days he was taken in to have his cells examined or he was injected with different solutions, other days he was left with Suigetsu.

"Hey!" Suigetsu said one day. "What's your life story?" Soramaru was caught off guard by the question, Suigetsu did most of the talking. "Why would you want to know my life story?" He replied, sounding bored.

"I'm kinda tired of hearing my own voice. I also have a sore throat today so... Yeah." He told an abridged version of his life story to Suigetsu, leaving out the details on Tenka's death, his parents' deaths, and his issues with his neck being touched . "And then I passed out and that's the last I saw of Shiga." He finished. It felt both good and strange to tell Suigetsu all of that. "So, I'm just wondering about the ninja girl you took in, what was her name? Nikki?"

"Nishiki." Soramaru corrected. "What are you wondering about with her?"

"Is she your girlfriend?" Soramaru reacted with stammering and blushing. He had only really known Nishiki for a week, and even then he never got that close with her. Then again, he did like her, a lot. After all, she was the one who helped him smile after Tenka died. "No, why would you think that she's my girlfriend?"

"Don't know, you just smiled a bit when you talked about her. But anyway, if she's not taken, could you set me up with her?" That caught Soramaru even more off guard.


"Why not? You said you're not dating her, and she sounds interesting. I mean, you said that half her hair is white, and her eyes are two different colors. I kinda really want to meet her."

"I have more than one reason for why I could not set you two up... A) Based on the stories you told me, I really wouldn't trust you near my hometown. B) I'm not sure how well it would work out, she doesn't have much experience with people. C) I highly doubt someone will just let us out of this place just so you can find a girlfriend!" Suigetsu sighed, " I guess you have a point there, but be honest, I can tell that you have a crush on her."

Soramaru responded with more blushing and stammering. When he really thought about it, he did have a thing for Nishiki. He still denied it. Suigetsu continued to pry, "I mean, we don't know if she likes you at all, but I can tell that there's something in her that you're really attracted to." I don't think I like her that way, not yet, at least. When Soramaru came to terms with reality, he remembered that he might not ever see her again. That thought made him sad, he would have liked to get to know her more.

"If you were never really interested in her then why did you take her in?" Suigetsu questioned. There was a question that Soramaru could answer steadily. "Because, she needed help, and I could help her. I would never be able to forgive myself if I just left her dying at the side of the road. Besides, that was how we got Shirasu in our family. Tenka would have helped her." Suigetsu considered Soramaru's words and decided to ask a serious question. Gone was the teasing tone of voice when he said,"Your brother, Tenka, seemed like a really great guy. I know you won't want to talk about this, but I'm curious, what were his last words." Soramaru bit his lip at the memory of the day that Tenka had died and left an order for him and Chuutarou. Then he finally spoke his answer. "He told us to laugh."

Hello! So, that was one of my more lighthearted chapters! I hoped you liked it! Please, I am begging at this point, comment and vote on my story! I crave comments!!! Anyway, please tell me your thoughts on how I'm doing with this story! KEEP LAUGHING!

-She who Laughs in the Rain

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