Aflame - (Heated's Sequel)...

By ForrestIvy

185K 6.9K 1.6K

"How can I see tomorrow, if you're not there?..." They've gone through so much in such a short time of knowin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81

Chapter 16

3K 110 39
By ForrestIvy

"Give me ten of your seconds, two of your hands, and all of your love and maybe I can surivive the lonely coming hours without you."

- Michael D. Prihoda

This might not be the best, but please, just hang in there <3

Aflame - Chapter 16

Today is my birthday and I've spent the day with my friends, but Harry said that he would like to have the evening for just the two of us.

I don't know what he has in store for us, but just spending every day with him right now is what I want to do. Since it is literally only eight more days until he leaves me here all alone, by myself.

The thought makes me sad, but then I feel how Harry squeezes onto my hand like he unconsciously knows that my heart is yearning for his presence even though he is right here with me, walking the streets.

His green eyes catches mine as his smile accompanies those pink lips of his as it calms down my heart beat and simultaneously makes it beat a bit faster as well.

"Remember the first time, I found you sneaking into the theatre?"

He speaks up as we slowly walk to our destination as I look up at Harry and he keeps his eyes on the sidewalk.

"Yeah," That was the first time I ever told him how he makes me feel and probably one of the most scariest moments not knowing how he would react to it all. But I don't regret it at all, because look at where we are now. "What about it?"

I was curious as to where he was getting at with all of this as he had his other hand in his coat pocket and a little smile twitches onto his lips as I watch him.

"I still remember how I saw you walking in there, and catching you watching the play from behind the doors," His smile grows. "The way your eyes lit up and the way that smile curled onto your lips. I didn't know what it was at first when I saw you that way; so filled with passion and light. But I knew that I wanted to see it again, that's why I got you this..." His eyes are now on mine as he stops and he faces me this time as I watch him attentively and I don't know where he is going with all of this.


"Turn around."

I furrow my brow at him in curiosity as his eyes danced with excitement and I slowly turn around as I was faced by a theatre in front of me.

I then read the word's that were lied across the building on a banner.

"Titanic the play?" I question as it then hits me and I don't even know if this is real or not. But I turn around to Harry as I notice he was holding up two tickets in his hand and I was literally speechless at the sight as my smile showed everything that I was feeling inside and he looked even more happy by my reaction to it. "You got us tickets for the show? Harry, I always wanted to see this play, I- This is... Thank you so much!" I lunge myself onto him as he chuckles at me before holding me tightly to his body and I quickly let go as I jump in happiness. "I can't believe that you actually remember, that you actually took note of that... I had no idea- This is the best gift ever!"

"So I'm guessing you love it?" Harry jokes as he holds onto my hand and we cross the street and I clutch onto his arm as we make our way inside. It was so beautiful and vintage looking inside. "I'll let you in on a little secret," He bends down to my height as we enter the theatre. "Titanic is one of my favorite movies, so this is for the both of us, really." I look up at him in surprise to his words as I lift my brows his way and he puts his long, slender finger onto his lips as it curls into a pouted position. "Shh, it's our little secret."

I giggle up at him as I was glad that Harry could enjoy movies like the Titanic, maybe one night we could stay in and watch it together now that I know it's one of his favorites. And we now both get to enjoy it together, which makes it all the more better.

Harry and I sat in the middle of the seats as the lights began to dim and we got in just in time. The lights on stage started to go on as the smoke creeped its' way across the floor and the background music filled up the air and set the mood. The characters then made their way onto stage as I watched on in excitement.

During some romantic scenes, I would feel how Harry held onto my hand. I look over at him as he was staring at me more than the scene in front of him. His smile grew and I couldn't hide my shy smile either. I felt so happy in this moment, knowing that he is still here with me and I get to enjoy every second spent together before this is all ... gone.

Near the end of the scene, Harry then got a phone call and he excused himself as I nodded at him in understanding as he made his way through the aisle and then out of the door.

It has been nearly more than five minutes since Harry has been gone and I was beginning to get worried.

Who called him?

I then get up off from my seat and uncomfortably made my way past the bodies that sat in the same row as me. They obviously got annoyed with me for walking past them and blocking their view for that few seconds.

I finally got out of the area as I walk through the hallway, but he wasn't there. I then walk to the front entrance and someone accidentally bumps into me and almost makes me fall with their big frame.

"I'm so sorry, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

I then look up at the person as I realize that it's Niall.

"Paige? What are you doing here?"

He questions me as his eyes grows brighter and they stay on me the entire time and I don't know how to feel.

"Uhm... I'm here with my boyfriend."

I knew I had to tell him because I didn't want him to think anything else of this and what it could become.

His mouth goes slightly agape at the word 'boyfriend' and he looked a bit disappointed.


Was all that he could get out and I awkwardly nodded back at him.

"Yeah, it's my birthday and he decided to take me to watch a play."

I smile up at him and he puts his hands into his jeans as he nods his head at me with a tight smile.

"That's nice. Happy birthday, by the way."

"Thanks. Uhm, who are you here with?"

I didn't know how to make this comfortable as the awkward tension is just flooding around the area that Niall and I was stood in.

"Just a few friends, we're here to watch a movie."

"Oh." Okay, I should just go on and look for Harry instead of being apart of this weird vibe right here. "Uhm, I'm just gonna-"

Right when I was about to excuse myself, I hear how someone calls out for me.


I turn around as I notice Harry stood there with his phone in his hand and he had a serious look on his face as he look to Niall behind me.

"I'll be right there!"

I call out at him as he stood on his spot and his eyes were hooded as he put his phone into his coat pocket and looked impatient for some reason.

I turn back to Niall as his eyes were still set on Harry before looking down onto me.

He was wearing a black beanie that made his eyes pop out all the more and his blond hairs' stuck out a bit on his forehead.

"I should go, but it was nice seeing you again."

I smile at him as I was about to walk to where Harry was, but then I feel how Niall pulls me back by the arm and I quickly set my gaze onto him.

"Come with me this Saturday."

"Where to?"

I question him in confusion as Harry then calls out for me more impatiently and sternly this time as I see his frown deepening.


"The amusement park," Niall doesn't care for Harry's calls as he continues to speak to me. "You can bring your boyfriend..." He looks over at Harry once more before his blue eyes stares into mine. "And your friends, if you want."

It was almost like a plea for me to come and his eyes looked hopeful.

Doesn't he get that I am already taken?

"Niall, I don't think that's such a good idea-"

"Get away from her."

I see how Harry is now stood between Niall and myself as he takes Niall's hand off from my arm and gives him a dirty glare.


"It's alright, Paige." Niall looks Harry straight in the eye as Harry looks as though he was getting frustrated each passing second. "I'll see you on Saturday, enjoy your birthday."

(Start song now)

He gives me a tight smile as his gaze once more sets onto Harry and then he makes his way through the hallway and I watch as he leaves.

"What does he mean by 'I'll see you on Saturday'?"

Harry looks down on me and his face was still as hard as it was just a few seconds ago.

"He invited me to an amusement park," Harry looks disgusted by the news. "He said that I should invite a few friends, you as well."

I say softly as he looks at me and I can't tell what lies behind those green eyes of his as his brow still had that line between them.

"You're not going. I don't trust him."

He walks past me as he grabs my hand and leads me back to the play.

"What do you mean?"

"Just that." He looks back at me and he doesn't look happy at all and I was taken aback by his behavior towards me. "How do you even know this guy?"

"He's the guy who saved me from that attacker the other day-"

"Oh, so he's the 'hero' that you chose not to tell me about?"

Harry lifts his hands in a mocking way as he chuckles emotionlessly at me.

"Harry, what's wrong with you? You're acting strange."

I ask him in all seriousness because I don't even know why he is this way with me right now.

"What's wrong with you?" His voice rises and it makes me jump at how is he acting right now. "You're not seriously going to go with him to the amusement park on Saturday, are you? Because then you really are stupid to think that he only wants to be 'friends' with you. Did you not learn from Daniel? Or are you just that naive?"

His words hit me hard and I felt the lump forming in my throat as anger build up at me as he was acting very out of character right now.

"I'm stupid and naive? Really? I told him that I can't go and you're blowing up on me like this out of nowhere. You're just being ridiculous right now!"

Some people walks past us and gave us looks as I try to lower my voice but the anger was just building inside of me and I was even more confused as to why Harry is making such a big deal out of it.

"If you told him that you weren't going, then why would he even mention anything like 'I'll see you on Saturday'? And you call me ridiculous?" He laughs once again and I look at him in fury. "At least I was considerate of how you felt when Madison tried to-"

"You don't think I'm considerate? Harry, I pushed that guy away because that's all I ever considered - your feelings! And don't you even dare bring her up into this convesation."

"Why not?" He steps closer as he is now hovering over me, his voice even more intimidating this time. "Maybe I should have just screwed her that night instead of running after you."

I look at him in disbelief as I could see he regretted it as soon as he said it.

That was it.

That was the final straw.

The tears began to fall and I couldn't fight the losing battle anymore. My heart broke every single second that I stood here with Harry and I was tired of being the wrong one here.

"Thanks, that's good to know."

His eyes then soften as he noticed how much that hurt me.

I swiftly turn around as the tears just wouldn't stop falling and I ran out of there as fast as I could as I hear Harry calling out for me.

"Paige, wait!" My voice broke with every word that I spoke as I call out for a taxi and he finally catches up with me. "Paige, don't go. I'm an idiot for saying that and I'm so sorry."

He is now stood in front of me as I am about to get into the taxi and I watch his eyes for a second before speaking up.

"It's too late, Harry." I think on everything that has happened recently. "Maybe you moving away is a sign. Maybe this isn't for us anymore.... Maybe..." I sigh as the words that breaks my heart slips out out of my mouth. "Maybe we both just need a break."

I sniff as I try to put on a brave face and his sad eyes looks down on me with unshed tears.

"Paige... Don't say that, I'm sorry-"

"I'm sorry too." I then get into the car, not wanting to hear another word coming out of his mouth as I knew that it would only hurt me all the more. "Can you please drive?"

I ask the taxi driver as Harry called out my name, but I didn't want to even look at him right now.

The tears instantly began to fall as I cover my mouth to try to stop it, but it just wouldn't stop.

Those words that I had just said isn't what I mean. It wasn't what I wanted to say, but it was the anger and sadness that he provoked out of me that got to me.

Why would he act that way towards me?

Did Niall really fuel him up so much that he had to put it all onto me?

No, there must be something more to this.

There has to be.

But I was too sad to even think on it as all I could remember was the words that he had just said to me: "Maybe I should have just screwed her that night instead of running after you."

The tears kept on falling as my heart broke with everything that he had said to me back there.

How could he be so heartless?

What made him talk to me like that all of a sudden?

What is it that he's not telling me?

It's ironic how we went to watch the Titanic's play because, now, it feels like our ship is sinking as well...

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