Deception - A family Affair...

By MicheleValle6

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It all began a long time ago when Wilfredo Ortiz helped a young girl named Valencia flee to the US from Mexic... More

Pitch - Part 1
Chapter One - Part 2
Chapter Two - Part 3
Chapter Three - Part 4
Chapter Four Part 5
Chapter Six - Part 7
Chapter Seven - Part 8
Chapter Eight - Part 9
Chapter Nine - Part 10
Chapter Ten - Part 11
Chapter Eleven - Part 12
Chapter Twelve - Part 13
Chapter Thirteen - Part 14
Chapter Fourteen - Part 15
Chapter Fifteen -Part 16
Chapter Sixteen - Part 17
Chapter Seventeen - Part 18
Chapter Eighteen - Part 19
Chapter Nineteen - Part 20
Epilogue - Part 21

Chapter Five - Part 6

65 4 0
By MicheleValle6

"Marisol can you hear me?" The soothing voice and the feel of a hand gliding through her hair on the side of her head felt so dreamy that a moan escaped her lips and she slowly opened her eyes trying to figure out where she was as those turquoise eyes met her yet again. Why was she being tormented?

"Welcome back." He whispered with his dimpled smile. She then remembered the service and sitting next to him and oh God she must have fainted. Looking around taking in her surroundings lying on a sofa in what appeared to be some one's office. She quickly jumped up as if a bucket of cold water was dumped on her. In doing so she bumped her head with Marco's chin causing him to fall back from his kneeling position.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry." She went to assist him but he kindly declined and was on his feet within seconds. "What happened? Where is Nate?" she quickly asked as she rubbed her temples trying to gain composure.

"One minute you were fine and when we all stood for the choir you passed out falling right into my arms." He explained as he stared into her eyes and walked over to where she stood taking one too many steps into her personal space. "Nate went to find juice hoping it will help. He thought maybe you didn't find time to eat today and exhaustion being the cause." She felt his breathe across her face when he spoke leaving her quite vulnerable thinking about the kiss they shared the night before instead of the memories of their baby's funeral that had seized her just minutes before.

"You had me worried. Are you okay to go back in or would you prefer to be taken home?" His gaze went straight to her bottom lip and she quivered slightly as he took hold of her by the waist to help steady her at the same time bringing their bodies even closer. The heat of his body penetrating through her clothes left her captivated. She was speechless and taking in the moment. He leaned his face in closer and whispered. "Your lips are just how I remember them so exquisite so luscious." He then glided his finger over her bottom lip then gently outlined it. She closed her eyes spellbound by his actions springing her insides to life making her yearn for more. The sound of voices followed by the rattling of the door caused him to set her free. Color rose to her face and she began to smooth her black skirt trying to gain self-control.

Nate stepped in with Mr. Johnson tailgating behind him. "How is my girl doing? I was able to get you some orange juice. I know you had nothing to eat but the coffee we had this morning." He announced as he walked right over to her. Marco not appreciative of Nate's affectionate display or the revelation of the two of them sharing coffee in the morning. It sounded too intimate; triggering him to wonder if he stayed the night with her. He knew he had no right to be infuriated; at this point he needed to get some air to calm his sudden rage. He didn't like losing control and having all these crazy emotions. Mr. Johnson expressing his concern was Marcos's opportunity to escape. He went to Nate to excuse himself. "Hey I need to find Alex and take him home. Let's continue our earlier discussion real soon." Patting his shoulder he then looked over at her one last time and barked a command to Nate. "Make sure you get her home safely." Then he was gone like the wind. Totally loss in what Mr. Johnson was saying she just drank her juice and apologized profusely. She tried to figure out what caused Marco's mood to change he went from compassionate to angry and she hadn't a clue as to why. Just moments ago the look in his eyes revealed an undeniable heat that radiated right through her. She wondered if he also felt the electricity between them that she felt. Maybe she imagined it all?


The next morning Marisol woke up to a thunderstorm producing a whiney Mace who feared thunder. The weather put a damper on her plans to jog around town and afterwards a visit to the cemetery. The guilt for not showing up at the cemetery in the past two weeks to check in on Marissa and her mother's plots engulfed her weighing down her shoulders. She had to motivate to at least visit her father after church. "Come on Mace, you need to face your fears boy." Following her path with his clumsiness he went out and ran right back in. She laughed at the sight of him her overgrown baby. "Are you going to be okay today?" He knew how to manipulate her. The morning moved along without delay, the priest's sermon today gave her a sense of hope for all things possible. What those things may consist of she has yet to figure out. She picked up fresh bread from the local bakery and headed over to the nursing home where her father resided. Walking in seeing all the familiar faces brought pleasure to know her father was in a warm friendly environment although the scent of the facility reminded her of hospitals.

"Hi Lucy, how is the chief doing?" She asked the head nurse while she signed herself in within the guest registry.

"Hi doll, the chief is doing ok. He doesn't seem to like when it rains but then who does. Do I see fresh bread?" Peeking into the bag she inhaled the delicious aromas from the bread. "Garlic and herbs with parmesan, oh goodness that smells heavenly."

"Yes it is, I bought all your favorites and I even picked up some honey butter."

"Oh Marisol, you are definitely a blessing. Come with me to the kitchen area plus I want to discuss something in private." Nurse Lucy put her arm around Marisol. Lucy cared about her patients but she took a special liking to Marisol and her father who they call the "chief". She was petite frame but stern and when she spoke her tone demanded respect. Her salt and pepper hair wound up in a tight bun shouted the words all work and no play attitude. Entering the sterile white kitchen, she took the bread from Marisol and started to set them up on plastic serving trays that were stored in the cabinet. Turning her head she looked up at Marisol. "Well, I just wanted to update you about your dad before you visit. He has been quite confused this week more than ever before, slipping in and out of the past and some of the details he has shared recently may be a bit hurtful for you. I just want you to go in there with an open mind."

"Lucy, you are so sweet and I love you for it. I know my father could be a cruel man but I also know he has some good in him. I have to believe that. All my life I have defended him to others but good or bad he is all I have left." Looking down at the counter where her hands were curled up together.

"I know there is good in him otherwise how would a beautiful person like you exist. Your father is just a misunderstood man and from what I gather lacked compassion from his own father. I just wanted you to be prepared that's all. If you need me afterwards make sure you find me."

Smiling like a child who just received recognition for a job well done she replied. "I can't thank you enough for always being there for me." Marisol walked over and gave Lucy a tight hug - a kind of hug she would have given her mother if she was still alive.

"Oh girl, now you move along out of here before you ruin my reputation. I can't have folks thinking I am a softy." Pushing Marisol along towards the door she couldn't help the fondness she carried for her. Marisol ignited Lucy's motherly instinct to protect her and she also knew there are more layers to the old chief than Marisol realizes which could be quite detrimental to the poor girl. The man was extremely ruthless.

Strolling into her father's room with caution she spotted him in his wheel chair staring out the window. "Hello daddy, anything interesting out there?"

Turning the wheel chair around he stared at Marisol trying to decipher who she was. "Valencia?"

"No, it's me Marisol."

"Valencia, where have you been? I have been all over looking for you."

She was the image of her mother, unsure how to handle the situation she decided to role-play hoping to unleash some hidden secrets.

"I've been right here Will. Why were you looking for me?"

"Don't you lie to me; I know you went to see Freddie again after I have forbidden you. How could you continue to deceive me? Telling me you love him enrages me and I will kill him one way or another."

Marisol drew a deep breath shocked to hear his accusation and needing to erase his hurt out of guilt. "Please don't say such things; you know mom loved only you."

"Valencia, I wish you meant those words for me. I already know the truth about you. My father was right all along about you but I can't stop loving you." Will showed defeat for the first time in Marisol's presence and he began to weep. She froze at first and when the realization of the matter kicked in at full force she lunged to his side and gathering him into her arms and caressed his back until he was calm again. "Shush now, you are very much loved. I love you daddy." Marisol stood by his side until it was time for his afternoon nap. Watching him sleep drew unexpected sympathy; he looked pathetic compared to the brawny man she once knew. How could her mom be so deceitful to them and poor Mona who was a wonderful wife to Freddie? This shadow clouted her vision of her mom. Unbearable and disgusted she wanted to just lash out at anyone - no not just anyone – one person Marco.

Leaving the nursing home she now knew the sensible thing to do was to seek her closure like Nate said. Determined more than ever she will not only get it but she'll have her revenge as well. Father and son both hurt her and her father and Marco will pay the price. He will know what it feels to hurt the way she did. Everything she had to bear and face alone he will now know what it felt like if it's the last thing she does.


Monday mornings were always tough and waking up with black circles under her eyes from lack of sleep made her feel even worse. Her bad dreams started up again the third one this week since Savannah died. Longing for an easy day at work she parked her jeep in the school parking lot and slowly trotted herself inside.

"Good morning Miss Braxton." Sally greeted her every morning. Sally was always the first one in and usually the last to leave; she knew all the school gossip among the staff. She was harmless nevertheless very informative. She was a transplant from New York moved to start a new life once she became a widow after 22 years of marriage. Her husband was a firefighter and died on the line of duty leaving her to raise two children on her own. She relocated about eight years ago to join her brother who was living out here and convinced to make the move. From an Irish decent she had the deepest red hair Marisol ever seen.

"Good morning Sally." Marisol used all the energy she could muster.

"Looks like you need some coffee; the pot is fresh so make sure you help yourself. By the way how are you feeling? I heard about you fainting at the wake and being rescued by that handsome fellow with those eyes. I've never seen that color eyes on anyone. He is quite let's see here - McDreamy and McSteamy are already taken so let's go with McCreamy." She said with a seductive tone that brought laughter to her own self caving Marisol's resistance to join in the laughter. "Sally you never seem to amaze me. I'm fine just exhausted even though I didn't sleep well last night."

"Great to hear you are feeling a little better. Now fess up, what's the scoop on McCreamy?"

"What about him? He was kind enough to stop my fall and well...that was pretty much it. No major story there." With that said she managed a quick escape to her office without another interrogation. Sally is sweet but never knows her boundaries.

To stay alert, she was already on her second cup of coffee and decided to call Alex down to her office. Alex entered her office looking a bit shy. "Hi Miss Braxton, you called for me?"

"Hi Alex please come in and have a seat." Walking over he closed the door and sat across from her. "I called you down to see how you are holding up?"

"I'm okay."

"Just okay? Is there anything you want to talk about? I know your Grandpa is sick in the hospital; your Mom is having a baby. I realize you have a lot happening in your life."

Looking uncomfortable and shifting in his seat a few times already. "Yeah, so? I'm good not a big deal. Can I go back to class now?" Alex asked.

Taken back by his response Marisol continued her query. "Why do you seem on edge? You do know what is said in my office is just between you and I. I want you to know that I am here for you always."

"I know but I have nothing to say. My friend died, my grandfather is still in intensive care and big deal my mom is having a baby. What more do you want me to say?"

"Okay if that is all you feel the need to say for now. I do have a question for you. I noticed at the wake two boys gave you a sort of look that seemed to carry a message. What was that about?"

"I don't know what you are talking about." He responded agitated.

"Alright Alex, I won't press the issue with you for now. Please understand I do want to help you any way I can."

"Thank you, can I go now?"

"Yes you can, here is your pass to go back to class and I hope you can come to trust me." Watching him rush out of her office she knew something was up but couldn't quite put her finger on it. Seeing her phone buzz it was Nate calling. "Hello Nate."

"What's up beautiful?"

"Hey, just another busy day working on my presentation on the topic of bullying. I have a conference coming up and I will be presenting to mostly teachers and staff. We are hoping to start some workshops for the parents on the subject as well. How about you, how's your day going? Sell a million dollars' worth of real estate yet?"

"I'm working on a couple of projects; I found some land that could be great for commercial property. Working with a new land developer to see if there is interest there and he seems really interested."

"That's really great; sounds like it could be really lucrative for you. How did you find this guy?"

"It's our dear friend Marco. It seems he has done quite well for himself; it appears he is part owner of a development company. It is family owned from what I understand but he owns a portion of it. Don't have the whole story yet. Although one of the projects he is considering to do will be just him. He said he's been waiting for an opportunity like this all his life. He has great ideas and seems to have the funds to back it. As for the other project right now we are testing the land site and if it all works out he will have his partner come down from Texas and we'll take it from there so to speak. It seems like our buddy will be hanging around here for a while."

"Hurray for him!" she answered with sarcasm and wanted to avoid discussing Marco further she moved on to another topic. "How is Lucas? You haven't spoken much about him."

"Marisol, have you thought about what we discussed the other day?" Nate sounded annoyed with her sarcasm.

"Look Nate, I am going to get my closure trust me on that one. You know you are so worried about me fixing my life, what about you? When are you going to stand up for what you believe in and be happy instead of continuing to live a lie? You have poor Lucas hiding in the shadows you leave behind. How fair is that?" She plunged in full force hitting him right where the truth hurts.

"Wow, we are really going there? You know my situation is different; don't compare the two. I have a lot to lose whereas you on the other hand already lost everything. I just want you to get YOU back so you can move on and finally be happy."

"Don't worry about my happiness you need to worry about yours and poor Lucas'. The person you love should never have to be a secret. He won't wait forever you know."

"Right, um I have to go. I'll catch up with you later."

"Fine, avoid-avoid-avoid – talk to you later." She jammed her finger into the phone to end the call and sat in silence while the guilt plagued its way in. She knew she hurt him by her bluntness aiming to evade the spotlight on her own flaws. The timing may have been wrong but it had to be said otherwise he'll never take a step forward. He deserved his happily ever after just as much as she did. Her conscious stopped her from telling him of her plan for revenge. She knew him well enough to know he would disapprove and a lecture would have followed. The possibility of Marco's visit being extended excited her for it will allow the time she needed for her plan to work but something was gnawing the back of her mind deep down there was more to her excitement than she was willing to admit.

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