Utapri x Reader ||REQUEST CLO...

By Yuki-tan_16

98.3K 2.3K 580

This is an UtaPri x Reader stories~ You can request Characters from HEAVENS, QUARTET NIGHT OR STARISH I'll tr... More

I hope (Ai x reader)
I'm sorry Part 1 (Syo x Reader)
I'm sorry Part 2 (Syo x Reader)
Brand New Melody (Otoya x Reader)
That's what best friends are for (Aoi Shouta x Reader)
Author's note
Secret (Ai x Reader)
Happy Anniversary (Reiji x Reader)
I like you (Tokiya x OC tsuntsun)
Oath to Sirius (Natsuki x Reader)
Author's note
Just playing with your ears (Tokiya x Neko!OC)
I couldn't see (Ringo x Blind!Reader)
Winning (Ranmaru x Tomboy!Reader)
Warmth (Ai x Reader)
Sleeping (Ranmaru x Reader)
Fireworks (Tokiya x Reader)
What is he doing? (Camus x Oblivious!Reader)
Special Schedule (Ai x reader)
Cat Costume (Ranmaru x Reader)
Stubborn Husband (Reiji x reader)
Stuck in the closet (Syo x reader)
Love Triangle (Tokiya x Reader x Otoya)
Share (Ren x Reader x Masato)
Puppy (Jealous!Ai x Reader)

Winter and Dance and Gift (Syo x OC)

3K 46 10
By Yuki-tan_16

Snow starting to fall from above as Natsuko looks at the sky. Watching the little snow flakes falling on her head. Christmas is coming and she starting to think what should she give to her long time crush, Syo Kurusu. Natsuki thought of giving him a hat but she thinks that he has too many hats in his room. So she thought giving him an action figure but it's too childish.

As she walk down the sidewalk, she saw many couples holding hand and laughing with each other. She planted a smile on her face and soon turns into a frown. Oh how she wanted to do that her long time crush. Her mind starts to wander off somewhere while walking until she bumped someone accidentally.

"A-ah, I'm so sorry sir!" She stood up and bowed immediately. The guy chuckled and spoke.

"It's alright Natsuko, I was the one who didn't pay attention." The sound was all too familiar to her, she lifted her head and saw the blonde hair guy with red pins and blue ocean eyes. It was none other than Syo Kurusu. Her heart began to pound hard and loud enough for Syo to hear her heart pound. Her face began to heat and looked away, leaving Syo chuckling.

"So, what are you doing out here this evening? You know it's not safe for a girl like you to be alone in the night, something might happen to you." Syo said worryingly.

"Well, I wanted to take a walk. Also, I wanted to look for a gift for my... Uhm... Friend." Natsuko looked away slightly. Syo smiled and grabbed her hand "Same goes for me! Wanna go and look together?" Syo said with a hint of pink on his cheek and Natsuko nodded. Natsuko blushed as she felt the warmth on his hand and his smile on his face, this made her heart pound faster. She feels like her heart is gonna explode.

As the two search and search, Syo stopped for a moment in front of the shop. Natsuko turned around and blinked at the blonde "What's wrong Syo-kun?" You look at what he was looking, it was the latest hat that was displayed in the window. A hat that you saw in the TV. Syo stared at the hat in awe and pulls out his wallet to see if there's enough money to buy the hat. She began to hear Syo cursed and shoves his wallet back in his pocket then sighs.

"Is everything okay Syo-kun?" Syo nodded and flashes a smile at her. Natsuko looked at the hat and the price. The price is so big that it made her walk away and never see that price again. Syo laughed slightly and grabs her hand again.

"Well we better go home, it's getting late. Let's walk back to the academy." he started walking and Natsuko followed. The walk is awkward and silent. Natsuko tried to think of a topic and start a convo but none came.

"You heard that there will be an upcoming Christmas dance in the academy," Syo started a topic "I was thinking that if you still don't have a partner, would you to uhm..." Syo gulped ".... Go to the dance with me?" Syo blushed, he's thankful that Natsuko didn't saw his blush and Natsuko is only behind him. Natsuko blinked at him and looks down.

"O-okay," Syo stopped in his track and Natsuko bumped on his back. Syo turned to her and grabbed her shoulders "R-Really?!" Natsuko looked at him in the eyes and nodded.

Syo couldn't help but grinning widely and jumped in joy "Yosh!" He jumps and jumps until he realized that Natsuko is still there, he cleared his throat and stood straightly "I mean, that's great!" Natsuki couldn't believe what happened today is. Her long time crush, Syo Kurusu, asking to go out to the dance with her. Her face began to heat up that she could fry an egg on her forehead.

Their walk and conversation continued until they reach the academy "Well, I'll see you at the dance?" Syo asked and she nodded. She wave a goodbye at him as she walks to the girls dormitory. Syo did the same.

Three days passed, Natsuko pulled out a blue knee-length drees and a two inch heel shoes. Meanwhile, Syo is having a hard time on tying his tie. It seem may look easy when you watch it but it's hard when you tried it. He seeks help from the tall blonde boy with glasses to tie his tie.

"Syo-chan! You look cute as ever!" Syo puffed his cheek and turned to Natsuki.

"Don't call me cute! I am not cute at all!" He growled and Natsuki suddenly give him a death hug "Natsuki..! Natsuki!! Air! Air! Cant.... Breath.....!" Natsuki let go of him and let him fall onto the floor

"Oops, sorry Syo-chan." Syo stood up and fix his self and tie.

"Well, I better go... Natsuko might be waiting for me," he walks to the door and opened it "wish me good luck..." He said before closing the door behind him. Natsuko wore her blue dress and heels then stood in front of the mirror. A knock on the door made Natsuko turn around. She opened the door and saw Syo standing in the door way. All dressed up formally. He flashed a smile on his face and flushed.

"Shall we get going?" Asked Syo, Natsuko nodded and grabbed her Christmas present. They went to the ball room and Syo started looking at his other friends. When he saw his friends sitting on the table, he grabbed Natsuko's hand and dragged her to them.

"Wow Ochibi-chan, you've got a lovely lady there~" said the flirt boy winking at him. Syo glared at him and Ren chuckled. Syo sets his present down on the table and Natsuko did the same.

The lights suddenly turned off which made everyone surprised and muttering about the lights except for Syo and his group. A spotlight pointed to someone who is very familiar to everybody. The president. He announced the people in the ball room to enjoy their Christmas they can exchange gift anytime they want and made his grand exit.

"Well, shall we dance?" Syo bows slightly and stretch out his hand towards her. Natsuko looked at him and smiled as she gladly accepted his offer. They walk to the dance floor. Natsuki placed her hands on his shoulders that it looks like she's hugged his neck while Syo placed his hand on her waist. This dancing position made them awkward but they shrugged it off, they don't want to ruin the fun and moment.

They started swaying side to side slightly until they didn't know they reach the center of the dance floor. Natsuko began to notice that the people dancing around them began to move aside while dancing and the music began to change. Syo noticed this also and leaned on Natsuko's ear "follow my lead,"

Natsuki didn't get what Syo says until she look into his blue ocean eyes and nodded. Syo backed away for a moment and bows again "Care to take a dance with me?" Syo asked as he puts on his soft smile and stretched out his hand toward her.

Natsuko giggled and puts her hand on his "I would love to~" she said. Syo began to hold Natsuko's hand and placing his other hand on her waist while Natsuko placing her hand on her shoulder.

The conductor started conducting the musicians to start playing and Natsuko and Syo started dancing. They stared deeply into each other's eyes and smiles. Syo's face began to turn red when he saw her smile. The dance went on and Syo began to back up again, bowing "Thank you for having a dance with me," he said formally. Natsuko flashed a smile on her face "it is my pleasure to dance with you" Syo smiled and went back to the table with his group and so does Natsuko.

The started bursting into laughter but not loud enough, enjoying at what they did a while ago in the dance floor. "That was fun don't you think Natsuko?" Syo said and Natsuko nodded wiping her tears from laughter.

"Do you wanna go to the balcony, I wanted to get some fresh air" Natsuko nodded and stood up following Syo from behind with the present in her hand. Natsuko looked at the present she bought for Syo. She was about to call him but she's too shy and thought that Syo wouldn't like his present. So, she hid it behind her back as well.

"This night is the most enjoyable night I ever had," Syo started talking "I had fun with you Natsuko, I hope this would happen again." Natsuko nodded and looked down.

"Syo-kun..." Syo turned around and saw that Natsuko's face was red. He began to worry and approaches her.

"A-are you okay Natsuko? Do you have a fever?! Should I get something for you to drink?!" Natsuko shook her head and started giggling. Syo rose and eyebrow and looked at her.

"I can't believe this is the best night I ever had Syo-kun..." Syo still looking at her and smiles.

"Also, I wanted to give you this." She pulled the present out and gives it to him. Syo smiled and pats her head "Thank you Natsuko..." Syo immediately opened the present that she gave and stopped for a moment.

"N-Natsuko..." He pulled out the expensive hat that he saw the other day. Natsuko smiled at him "I know you how wanted the hat so much... I wanted to give you that as a Christmas present." Syo didn't talk for a moment and it made Natsuko think that he's angry about it. Syo started approaching her again and stood in front of her.

"Natsuko..." He called her name in a low tone, Natsuko flinched at the tone and then Syo suddenly pulled her into a tight but not too tight embrace. Natsuko's eyes widened and looked up at him "Thank you Natsuko... I love it..." Natsuko smiled and hugs him back. Syo pulled away and smiled at her "I have a Christmas present for you also," Natsuko blinked.

Syo leaned in and pressed his soft lip against hers, Natsuko's eyes widened by the sudden action that Syo did. Was she dreaming? She felt his was lips against hers. Syo Kurusu, kissing Natsuko Mikaru. She soon melted into the kiss and found herself kissing back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and Syo pulling her closer to him.

Syo pulled away and cups her cheek then caresses it with his thumb "I love you Natsuko," Natsuko smiled at the three words and hugs him "I love you too Syo-kun..." Syo gave her a peck on the forehead and chuckles.

Indeed this is the most memorable night that Natsuko Mikaru enjoyed.

Yey~ another request!

requested by Himenekochan

I hope you guys enjoy this fanfic especially to Himenekochan~

Well that is all for now~

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