Past or Present

By stephieboat

83 3 0

"Don't say that!" I shouted as I forcefully covered my ears , from the echoes. "It's the truth" he said with... More

Ch.1; No Way
Chp 3; Old Habits
Authors Note

Chp 2; It Goes Both Ways

21 1 0
By stephieboat

Nathan up there but with much stronger features

Pacing back and forth in my room what am I going to do? "Melly!" my mom calls from down the stairs. Oh great.
I can not leave my room especially knowing that he's here. Searching for something to say I blurt out "Coming!" My eyes widen after realizing what I just said. Groaning I slap a pillow in my face and scream into it. That's better.

I take my sweet time walking down the stairs. I think I hear something behind me, but just ignore it. I think I'm really losing it. Once I'm down, to my relief he's not down here. 'Wipes fake sweat off forehead.'

Nathan's POV

I throw my head back in silent laughter, as she doesn't know I've been following her every move since she came out of her room. She's about to turn around when her mother calls again. "Melanie Ann Cooper, Get in here NOW!" her mother shouted.
Well someone's heads up their ass. Once she walks into the kitchen I head towards the living room.


She's so beautiful in her own way. I haven't forgotten about her since that night at that one party. She was so amazing, outgoing, and sassy. To be honest I had no idea Rick was her older brother, isn't that an extra score for me.

This place is amazing. Better than my family's old place. I hope Melanie won't think of me any less of it. Jesus, why am I putting her in every scenario.

I'm knocked out of my day dream when I hear someone calling my name.

"Nathan, dude snap out of it."

I jerk me head up, with my eyes meeting Rick's hearing a small laugh come from him.

"You better not be dreaming about my little sister." He warned pointing a finger at me. You have no idea man, no idea.

"Come on bruh, we gotta go eat lunch with my family." Rick says.

I get up and am about to follow him, when I see a bulge in my pants. My eyes going wide.

"Uh I gotta head to bathroom real quick, you go ahead I know my way." I say to him.

"You sure, man?"

"Yeah." I say hovering my hands over my crouch area.

Once I get to the bathroom, I lock the door and look down to calm my partner down. Why does she have this affect on me? if I'm just thinking of her what will happen if we're in the same room? Flashbacks of that night coming into my head making me grin a little. Well we both know what happened the last time that happened. I smirked to myself.

Once I was 'calmed down' I went into the kitchen. When I entered everyone was all seated at the table staring at me. Except for.... guess who


I really find amusement in how she can't stand my presence. She won't even glance my way not even once. That stung a little..... wait, WHAT! I cannot fall for this girl, again. It took me months to get over her. By the way she acts now I can tell it took her the same.

I've been taking glances at her the whole time, how has she not noticed.

Melanie's POV

Don't think I haven't noticed him staring at me the whole entire time. He's burning freaking acne into my face with every little glance he takes.

I am so happy for this meal to be over. I haven't said one word the whole time. Not wanting to give him any information about me, that he could hold against me.

Especially if it's about the past.

That's a sensitive moment we can't get into right now because, guess what....... I don't wanna.

As I'm washing the dishes someone pinches my butt. And I know exactly who the culprit is.

The one and only introducing.....

Nathan... whatever his last name is.

I hit him in the groin really hard just so he can learn his lesson from the first mistake. I'm simply helping the dude out. So I just turn around and get back to the dishes.

Oh! look who doesn't get the picture. Once again. He's leaning into my neck nuzzling his nose into it. I don't do anything not even react or flinch not even a little bit. When he puts his arms around me waist and pulls me into his chest with his dick bulging on my ass is my last and final straw.

I stomp on his foot, elbow him in the ribs, and head butt him. I turn around and cover his mouth quickly so he won't be so loud. I then grab his shirt and pull him upstairs to my room. We're going over this NOW.

Once we're in my room I push him on the bed, shut the door, and lock it. I turn around to see him trying to unwrinkle his shirt. I take daring steps to face him and give the most hardest glare I can muster.

"Let's get one thing straight here okay...? Nathan." I say looking into those hazel eyes. Seeing him nod I continue.
"You will not touch me unless it's wanted, k?" His posture straightens after that.

"Do you want it now?" He asks. He's so stupid.

"Are you serious? Did you not just get the picture? You do not touch me, I don't touch you it goes both ways. Whatever happened between us is gone there's nothing left of it." I see him slump in his seat after I say those words. I have to admit that it made it real when I said it out loud. So I start to talk again. "Whatever you expect to happen won't! Unless I want it." I whisper the last part, mostly to myself.
I'm guessing he heard me because, his eyes seem to light up at the sound of that.

I start walking to him slowly with seductive eyes, and his eyes seem to light up even more if that's possible.

I straddle his lap and put my arms around his neck and start licking his jaw. I'm such a tease. I feel him shiver and I smirk to myself.
I go behind him and start to feeling up and down his chest slowly yet radically. His heart beating fast.
I'm feeling on his lower stomach and start creeping lower... and lower... and I slap my hand on his erection and, tilt my head to whisper in his ear.

"Get out." I say in the softest tone.
And that seems to snap him out of it. Well done Mel. Let's have a round of applause for you 'thank you, thank you'.

I get up and walk him to the door while holding onto his arm and say "Are you safe to go to your room on your own?"
He looks at me then looks away a pained expression on his face. He starts to say something but I've already shut the door on his face.

That was pretty good Melly you need an oscar for that. I smirk to myself " Your not the only one who can play games Nathan."

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